Via this WHT offer. Dynaceron is a “privately-owned, independent company headquartered in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada. Founded in 1999…“, although the domain was registered only in 2007 and servers are in Frankfurt in Germany. They do have some cheap VPS offering though. For $5/month you get:
- 64MB guaranteed memory
- 7.5GB storage
- 75GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
A new home page is in construction, and I am getting PHP error in the old site. Alright. I actually tried to do some digging, and found it quite difficult to believe that Dynaceron, as a hosting company, was founded in 1999, when its CTO just started university/college last year (as well as having “finishing high school” as part of day job in his blog.
Not saying high school/college students cannot run a hosting company — just beware the risk behind it (you might not get any support when the term gets tough). However it also reduces the credibility when the CTO tried to claim “over a decade of experience”…
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