LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

EaseVPS – $3.99/Month, 512MB OpenVZ VPS in Manchester, Jacksonville & Kansas City


From Jacob via LowEndTalk, the previous 512MB OpenVZ is back in a new location Manchester, UK. Their coupon code FEBRUARY (should have been March or April) brings down their “Starter” vps plan to $3.99$4.00/mo (because thats what you get on WHMCS as ‘recurring charges’). Direct signup link here

  • 512MB memory / 1024MB burst
  • 30GB storage
  • 1500GB/month data transfer
  • CPU: 4 Core
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM
  • 1 x IPv4

Some interesting comments the last time it was posted so its worth having a look. Unlike last time, Jacob cleared that the ToS are correct and updated which clears all doubts that the following are not allowed

  • Spamming
  • Torrents/SeedBoxes
  • DDoS attacks
  • Runescape Bots
  • Child pornography
Test IPs and files
Manchester, UK
Test IP:
Test File:
Jacksonville, USA
Test IP:
Test File:
Kansas City, USA
Test IP:
Test File:


  1. meow:

    Their terms of service is.. worrying. Looks like he wrote it himself? :D

    April 7, 2012 @ 3:19 pm | Reply
    • We are familar with it, Unlike the most majority of the Web Hosting Industry who have copied and pasted it.

      Chief, This is not the offer we submitted unfortunately, We also included IPv6 Test IPs and other Information which has not been included. This is a exact copy of our previous offer which I purposely avoided trying to duplicate.

      April 7, 2012 @ 4:14 pm | Reply
      • tommy:

        then, post on lowendtalk?

        April 7, 2012 @ 4:35 pm | Reply
      • Humza:

        I think “meow” is hinting that there are spelling mistakes which shows a bit of unprofessionalism for not checking it. Either way it’s not a real big deal, at least effort was put in to the ToS. :)

        April 7, 2012 @ 4:37 pm | Reply
        • meow:

          I’m saying that there are things missing that really should be in there, both to follow laws and to protect the company/owner.

          April 7, 2012 @ 4:47 pm | Reply
      • Joe Merit:

        Welcome to the new LEB!

        April 7, 2012 @ 10:41 pm | Reply
    • tinyray:


      And hopefully he did not write it for himself. :)

      April 7, 2012 @ 4:45 pm | Reply
  2. The Jacksonville and Kansas City tests its not working.

    April 7, 2012 @ 5:13 pm | Reply
  3. I’ll answer all questions in a hour or two as I am doing Live Chat, Answering ticlrts and emails on a 5 Inch screen, I will be home shortly to sort everything out.

    April 7, 2012 @ 5:48 pm | Reply
  4. Bimbo:

    If only it actually were 1500GB/month data transfer. :D

    April 7, 2012 @ 7:16 pm | Reply
  5. I have fixed all the Issues with the Test IPs & Files.

    I spoke to asim about him posting this, It appears he grabbed our WHT Post which was Incorrect as I accidently pressed enter while creating the WHT Thread and had around 15 Minutes to create it from scratch.

    KS1 had a small network issue, I let adam know at the datacenter and he fixed this within 15 Minutes of notification.

    ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
    We just had a small network issue, it has been resolved. I’m sorry about that but the server is now back online.


    Round trip time to 13 ms
    Round trip time to 14 ms
    Round trip time to 13 ms
    Round trip time to 13 ms
    Round trip time to 13 ms
    Round trip time to 12 ms
    Round trip time to 12 ms
    Round trip time to 13 ms
    Round trip time to 13 ms
    Round trip time to 13 ms

    Average time over 10 pings: 12.9 ms

    Adam Pettet

    ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====

    April 7, 2012 @ 10:55 pm | Reply
    • t:

      Kansas City still seems to not work.

      April 7, 2012 @ 11:21 pm | Reply
  6. Nginx was turned off on the Kansas Test Server, I have just enabled it on boot so this should not happen again..

    Speedtest from Kansas City,USA:
    100%[=======================================>] 104,857,600 18.3M/s in 7.2s

    Speedtest from Jacksonville, USA:
    100%[=======================================>] 104,857,600 10.6M/s in 9.4s

    Speedtest from Manchester, UK:
    100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 11.2M/s in 8.9s

    April 7, 2012 @ 11:27 pm | Reply
  7. Jack:

    I love EaseVPS , Only monthly VPS I have :)!

    It’s nice to have a VPS in the same country for just $3.99!

    April 8, 2012 @ 2:33 am | Reply
    • tinyray:

      have you recently experienced any downtime?

      April 8, 2012 @ 6:06 am | Reply
      • Jack:

        No, I ordered on 16th Feb then a few days ago I moved to Manchester from Kanas city.

        April 8, 2012 @ 6:08 am | Reply
        • Thankyou for the comments Jack, If your VPS is ever down I recommend checking http://easestatus.com as that is accurate and Pings the IP in a 5 Minute Period and notifications are sent out to us.

          April 8, 2012 @ 8:07 am | Reply
        • Jack:

          It’s okay Jacob R.

          April 8, 2012 @ 8:08 am | Reply
  8. Jack:
    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 13.2264 seconds, 81.2 MB/s
    16384+0 records in
    16384+0 records out


    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 9.81841 seconds, 109 MB/s
    16384+0 records in
    16384+0 records out


    [root@vpn ~]# wget -O /dev/null cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
    --07:04:39--  http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
    Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net...
    Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: `/dev/null'
    100%[=====================================================================================================>] 104,857,600 11.2M/s   in 8.9s   ,
    07:04:48 (11.2 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [104857600/104857600]
    [root@vpn ~]#

    Manchester location..

    April 8, 2012 @ 3:07 am | Reply
  9. I apologise for the recent network issues, Causing the network to either drop(It has happened once today, For about half a minute).

    I have been moaning at the datacenter to take a look at the other servers that we share the port with and It looks like their was a abusing server or two. Earlier it was at 900KB/s, Which is terrible but now it is back to a acceptable speed.

    2012-04-10 00:06:45 (11.1 MB/s) – `/dev/null’ saved [104857600/104857600]

    April 9, 2012 @ 11:10 pm | Reply
  10. Gavin:
    root@****:~# wget -O /dev/null cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
    --2012-04-10 09:25:12--  http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
    Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net...
    Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: `/dev/null'
    100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 25.1M/s   in 3.8s
    2012-04-10 09:25:16 (26.1 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [104857600/104857600]

    On KS1 node. Not bad :D

    April 10, 2012 @ 5:27 am | Reply
    • long:
      ***@***:~$ wget http://download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip
      --2012-04-10 11:46:58--  http://download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip
      Resolving download.thinkbroadband.com..., 2a02:68:1:7::1
      Connecting to download.thinkbroadband.com||:80... connected.
      HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
      Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/zip]
      Saving to: “100MB.zip”
      100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 1.24M/s   in 87s     
      2012-04-10 11:48:25 (1.15 MB/s) - “100MB.zip” saved [104857600/104857600]

      why is my speed slow?

      April 10, 2012 @ 7:51 am | Reply
      • That speed is awfully low, Submit a ticket and I will have a look into it for you.

        ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
        [root@UK1 ~]# wget -O /dev/null http://download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip
        –2012-04-10 08:54:41– http://download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip
        Resolving download.thinkbroadband.com…, 2a02:68:1:7::1
        Connecting to download.thinkbroadband.com||:80… connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
        Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/zip]
        Saving to: `/dev/null’

        100%[===================================================================================================================>] 104,857,600 10.8M/s in 9.2s

        2012-04-10 08:54:51 (10.8 MB/s) – `/dev/null’ saved [104857600/104857600]
        ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====

        April 10, 2012 @ 7:57 am | Reply
      • Gavin:

        It really depends on the server you are downloading from.

        wget -O /dev/null cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test

        See if you get similar results.

        April 11, 2012 @ 5:07 am | Reply
  11. Gavin:
    root@***:~# wget http://download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip
    --2012-04-11 09:08:33--  http://download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip
    Resolving download.thinkbroadband.com..., 2a02:68:1:7::1
    Connecting to download.thinkbroadband.com||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/zip]
    Saving to: `100MB.zip'
    100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 1.45M/s   in 71s
    2012-04-11 09:09:44 (1.42 MB/s) - `100MB.zip' saved [104857600/104857600]

    It is definitely the server.

    April 11, 2012 @ 5:10 am | Reply
    • Jack:

      Which Node?

      April 11, 2012 @ 5:13 am | Reply
    • Jack:
      --09:54:00--  http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
      Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net...
      Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net||:80... connected.
      HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
      Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
      Saving to: `/dev/null'
      100%[=======================================>] 104,857,600 11.2M/s   in 9.2s
      09:54:10 (10.8 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [104857600
      April 11, 2012 @ 5:55 am | Reply
  12. I’ll drop datashack a message, Im ill guys so sumesh will be taking over for the next couple of days.

    April 11, 2012 @ 6:55 am | Reply
    • Jack:

      Who’s Sumesh

      April 11, 2012 @ 6:55 am | Reply
      • He is a tech, Some of you would of seen him answer your tickets he works when I sleep.

        I am feeling a lil’ better now so I’m going to answer the last bunch of tickets and proccess all the pending orders now.

        April 11, 2012 @ 10:33 am | Reply
  13. Dan:

    I notice that the checkout says 500GB, not 1500.. which is it?

    April 11, 2012 @ 8:02 pm | Reply
    • Jack:


      I was told by Jacob via Skype , it’s 500GB.

      April 12, 2012 @ 5:51 am | Reply
    • The LEB Poster, Posted a incorrect offer. 1.5TB data to a $4 VPS in UK would bankrupt me literly.

      April 12, 2012 @ 7:15 am | Reply
  14. Routing Issues on UK1, Either the /26 block has been partially nullrouted because the first 2 usable IP Addresses work and are responsive on both In/Out bound Connections.

    Dropped a ticket at Burst, I’ll try phoning the office now but I doubt they will answer or even have staff in the office at this time.

    April 11, 2012 @ 10:15 pm | Reply
  15. I am going to be closing stock for a few weeks, Or atleast untill I can fnd reasonablely priced rack rails for the DL320 G6.

    April 12, 2012 @ 7:07 pm | Reply
  16. Taylor:

    The VPS seems rock solid however the bandwidth is a little disappointing compared 1.5TB from their last offer as well as no option to upgrade it but thats a little problem. This is surely a keeper!

    Hear are some stats from the vps.

    wget cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test -O /dev/null
    --2012-04-13 01:54:00--  http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
    Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net...
    Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: `/dev/null'
    100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 6.38M/s 
    cat /proc/cpuinfo
    processor       : 0
    vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
    cpu family      : 6
    model           : 23
    model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L5420  @ 2.50GHz
    stepping        : 10
    cpu MHz         : 2493.751
    cache size      : 6144 KB
    physical id     : 0
    siblings        : 4
    core id         : 0
    cpu cores       : 4
    apicid          : 0
    fpu             : yes
    fpu_exception   : yes
    cpuid level     : 13
    wp              : yes
    flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm constant_tsc pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 lahf_lm
    bogomips        : 4987.50
    clflush size    : 64
    cache_alignment : 64
    address sizes   : 38 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
    power management:
    processor       : 1
    vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
    cpu family      : 6
    model           : 23
    model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L5420  @ 2.50GHz
    stepping        : 10
    cpu MHz         : 2493.751
    cache size      : 6144 KB
    physical id     : 0
    siblings        : 4
    core id         : 1
    cpu cores       : 4
    apicid          : 1
    fpu             : yes
    fpu_exception   : yes
    cpuid level     : 13
    wp              : yes
    flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm constant_tsc pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 lahf_lm
    bogomips        : 4987.50
    clflush size    : 64
    cache_alignment : 64
    address sizes   : 38 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
    power management:
    processor       : 2
    vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
    cpu family      : 6
    model           : 23
    model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L5420  @ 2.50GHz
    stepping        : 10
    cpu MHz         : 2493.751
    cache size      : 6144 KB
    physical id     : 0
    siblings        : 4
    core id         : 2
    cpu cores       : 4
    apicid          : 2
    fpu             : yes
    fpu_exception   : yes
    cpuid level     : 13
    wp              : yes
    flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm constant_tsc pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 lahf_lm
    bogomips        : 4987.50
    clflush size    : 64
    cache_alignment : 64
    address sizes   : 38 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
    power management:
    processor       : 3
    vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
    cpu family      : 6
    model           : 23
    model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L5420  @ 2.50GHz
    stepping        : 10
    cpu MHz         : 2493.751
    cache size      : 6144 KB
    physical id     : 0
    siblings        : 4
    core id         : 3
    cpu cores       : 4
    apicid          : 3
    fpu             : yes
    fpu_exception   : yes
    cpuid level     : 13
    wp              : yes
    flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm constant_tsc pni monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 lahf_lm
    bogomips        : 4987.51
    clflush size    : 64
    cache_alignment : 64
    address sizes   : 38 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
    power management:
    dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
    16384+0 records in
    16384+0 records out
    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 11.8506 s, 90.6 MB/s
    April 12, 2012 @ 9:58 pm | Reply
    • Thanks for the review/comments, 1.5TB Bandwidth is impossible for a $3.99($2.99 when paid yearly) VPS.

      I hope for upgrades higher then starter plans on promotions like this as a Full node full of $3.99 Starter plans just about cuts out the Colo / Hardware costs.

      April 12, 2012 @ 10:56 pm | Reply
  17. Rob:

    Touch disappointed the hardware on this appears to be a good few years old. I thought when they opened their Manchester facility they’d be using newer hardware but I admit that I’m asking a lot from such a cheap deal!

    April 13, 2012 @ 12:23 pm | Reply
    • Jack:

      I think these nodes for UK are just why he makes money for upgrades , I’m sure by next year he’ll be throwing E3’s out with RAID10 ect.

      April 13, 2012 @ 12:45 pm | Reply
    • The L5420’s cost us £400 / Server and it pays off rather quickly. On a price:performance ratio it is decent and what you recieve in the UK we are a reasonable provider.

      We operate on a low capital, Without any debt or hardware leasing contracts so all profits are put back in the company to buy new hardware.

      April 13, 2012 @ 4:57 pm | Reply
  18. ElliotJ:

    Thought I’d comment on my experience so far with EaseVPS.

    I ordered a VPS in Kansas, and after a small provisioning problem, was set-up within a couple hours, DirectAdmin licence included.

    I am aware that I was literally squeezed onto a nearly-full node, however that hasn’t been a problem.
    Server speed has been completely fine; stable and reliable. The DirectAdmin install was quick, where it can take ages.

    The support is quick, responses generally within the hour, which is better than expected with Low-End Providers.

    So far, so good. Let’s hope it stays this way :)

    April 13, 2012 @ 6:16 pm | Reply
    • I appreciate the comments Elliot, So far so Good! :-)

      Should have stock in a couple of weeks, Enough to not run out I hope.

      April 14, 2012 @ 11:12 am | Reply
  19. Patrick Min:

    For a small startup I ordered the $3.99 VPS from easevps.
    I’m the tech guy, my collegue is the business guy, so the credit card I used was in his name.

    Neither of us received any confirmation of the order.

    After inquiring, I get a curt reply “Hello, View the email log on the client/billing account.”

    Nevermind that neither I nor my colleague can log in to their system.

    After replying we can’t log in, Jacob replies:
    “I cannot reveal any account information, Tell the account owner to login and submit a ticket. Otherwise this stays closed.”

    After explaining again we can’t login, we get this reply:
    “Like I said previously tell the account owner to contact us with the first/last name on the account and the registration date.”

    Alright, different instructions. My colleague sends them an e-mail,
    including that reply, asking to cancel the order. We never receive
    any confirmation.

    The next day, I ask for a confirmation of the cancellation.
    One day later, a reply: “I cannot disclose information, Ask the account holder to contact us.”

    To which finally, my reply:
    “He did, he sent you an e-mail asking you to cancel the order?
    Can you send him a confirmation to cancel the order?
    Why is this so difficult?

    I’m not happy with your customer service: it must happen more often that someone
    orders a VPS for a collegue. We are a small startup, I’m the tech guy, he’s the business guy,
    so I’m ordering something on his card.

    I’m also running an IT consulting company, and have VPS’s with a least 4 other companies.
    I regularly need to advise people where to host.

    You’re now coming across as a one-man operation who’s too busy to be polite,
    and to work with his customers.”

    It’s highly annoying when you’re a professional and you come across this type of behaviour.

    Yes, we ordered a small cheap VPS, but we’re planning on growing substantially very soon
    (we just received a large government grant).

    Other VPS providers I can recommend:
    – ChicagoVPS
    – BHost (UK)
    – PCExtreme (Netherlands)
    – Hetzner (Germany)


    Patrick Min

    April 16, 2012 @ 9:36 am | Reply
    • I think EaseVPS did the right thing. Imagine the lawsuits they’d open themselves up to if they answered any of your questions. We had a client who asked us to deal with his tech directly for everything but that’s just not possible. A company should only deal with clients directly and not a 3rd party without lawyers and contracts involved on both sides.

      April 16, 2012 @ 11:00 am | Reply
      • Patrick Min:

        Sure, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

        But my point is that they didn’t even deal with our business guy as well
        (no e-mail, no confirmation, nothing, even though he e-mailed them cc’ing me (!))

        April 16, 2012 @ 3:52 pm | Reply
        • I have not recieved any emails from the name stated in your ticket, Also what I did was the correct way to handle this and untill the account owner contacts me then I will not do anything.

          I take account owners privacy and personal information seriously, I cannot just be searching through our database for the names you stated and changing / disclosing order information. Not going to happen Buddy.

          April 16, 2012 @ 5:52 pm | Reply
  20. Patrick Min:

    Well, I guess it didn’t work out for some reason.

    He did send e-mail, but I suppose it didn’t arrive.

    I’ll ask him to send it again.

    April 16, 2012 @ 5:56 pm | Reply
  21. root:

    1 GB ?

    April 21, 2012 @ 3:51 pm | Reply
    • Sure, I assume you mean 1GB RAM? I am going to be opening stock shortly.

      We are also having some email problems, I am working on it.
      UK1 also was down at 6:36 PM Yesterday, And today for a short while but I quickly resolved this I am not sure on the issue yet, But from what I can see it is a DOS/DDOS Attack after seeing that their is packet loss of 90% when it is going sluggish.

      The easy fix would be to put a Firewall behind it but there is no guarentee that it would even help in mitigating off these attacks.

      April 21, 2012 @ 4:52 pm | Reply
  22. Di Wu:

    Just tried a disk test for kansas city
    dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
    16384+0 records in
    16384+0 records out
    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 40.0424 s, 26.8 MB/s

    April 23, 2012 @ 4:44 am | Reply
    • Yeah, It’s not the best on KS2, Even though it is a RAID 10 Setup.

      I will see what I can do about this, Since the I/O is below what other nodes usually maintain.

      April 23, 2012 @ 6:26 am | Reply
  23. Taylor:

    Still happy with my service, just renewed it for another month.

    May 1, 2012 @ 6:05 pm | Reply
  24. tinyray:

    This offer is so cool, I just wish they go for West Coast.

    May 1, 2012 @ 11:41 pm | Reply
    • I doubt we will be Introducing new locations within the next 3 Months, I am still slowly restocking hardware in the UK.

      May 2, 2012 @ 2:54 pm | Reply
  25. Chaudhry:

    Ordered a VPS starter from them yesterday. Got it activated today but with only 500GB monthly bandwidth. Asked them and reply is that this offer is not valid anymore. monthly bandwidth is 500GB instead of claimed 1500GB in their advertisement here.

    May 17, 2012 @ 6:14 pm | Reply
    • The correct amount is 500GB but as you stated in the ticket, This can sometimes be misleading and because of that we adjusted your amount to 1500GB as stated in the ticket.

      May 19, 2012 @ 10:58 am | Reply
      • Chaudhry:

        Thanks Jacob.
        I will also like to mention that I am very pleased with prompt and excellent support that I have received even after above ticket resolution. VPS is working great. I am glad I found you guy through lowendbox :)

        May 20, 2012 @ 2:39 pm | Reply

    Instant Automated Activation
    Start your VPS Experience with EaseVPS, Your VPS is activated and processed within 5 Minutes!
    Look what THEY WRITE THE SITE. Have written these things to attract customers, but only lies

    May 29, 2012 @ 12:50 pm | Reply
    • We cancelled and refunded your order yesterday, And then you order again? We are not going to accept your order.

      Here is a small snippet of the conversation we had on Live Chat:

      Jacob D
      I have issued the refund and cancelled your order.
      8:21 PM

      Visitor 1151448232
      i don-t received nothing
      8:21 PM
      Jacob D
      You will recieve the refund in 3 – 5 Days.
      8:24 PM
      Visitor 1151448232
      I stay with money stuck 5 days?
      8:24 PM
      Jacob D
      Anything else I may assist you with?
      8:25 PM
      Visitor 1151448232
      I stay with money stuck 5 days?
      8:25 PM
      Jacob D
      Yes, That is correct.
      8:25 PM

      Visitor 1151448232
      I’ll see YOUR ALL to post on forums and find HOSTING WORLD WHAT KIND OF COMPANY YOU YOU and ensure that NO ONE HERE to buy
      8:26 PM
      IS unacceptable. I HAVE PAID FOR A VPS VPS AND INSTEAD TO RECEIVE SUCH we had trouble
      I was registered on your site and ordered a vps. I followed the steps and I paid the invoice your system issued it. I did anything wrong
      Choose your VPS plan and start using it in 5 minutes!
      8:28 PM

      Jacob D
      I think it is better that we ended this now rather then later.
      8:28 PM
      Have a Good Day! :-)

      Visitor 1151448232
      I saved ALL logs. How do THINK LIKE A WORLD TO SEE WHEN will see what I have done? TRUST goodbye. YOU LOSE CLIENTS
      8:29 PM

      May 29, 2012 @ 5:58 pm | Reply
      • Spirit:

        This conversation started very weird. With refund. Delayed refund. Short explanation why you refunded him in first place wouldn’t do any harm for us to understand whole issue. So why refund? And why not immediate refund as you obviously didn’t provide him with any service.

        May 29, 2012 @ 6:49 pm | Reply
        • Originally the order come through with 10 IPs, Quaterly Billing term, And the total price was $11.38. This puzzled me, I asked him about this as this had never happened before that the price come through incorrect, Then shortly after he was cussing in tickets and on livechat. It is a no go, We simply do not want clients like that.

          May 29, 2012 @ 7:17 pm | Reply
        • Spirit:

          Then refund him immediately instead holding his payment next few days without service provided ;-) Who wouldn’t be upset with clear “we don’t want you as client however we also won’t return you money now but in next few days”?

          May 29, 2012 @ 8:56 pm | Reply
        • Jack:

          2checkout take 3-5 days to refund he wouldn’t be holding the funds 2co would.

          May 29, 2012 @ 9:03 pm | Reply
        • Yep, What Jack said. 2CheckOut is holding the funds.

          What I dont understand is the first order he placed yesterday we refunded and told him we are not accepting it, Then he goes ahead and orders again?

          May 29, 2012 @ 9:10 pm | Reply
        • Spirit:

          Maybe he gave you a second chance :P
          Thank you for “refund delay -> 2CheckOut” clarification.

          May 30, 2012 @ 2:13 pm | Reply
  27. wv:

    Same here, I been waiting for my vps for more than 27hrs.

    May 29, 2012 @ 1:55 pm | Reply
    • We are waiting for the IP Block to be setup on UK2, It shouldn’t be long now(few hours).

      May 29, 2012 @ 6:09 pm | Reply

    Instant Automated Activation
    Start your VPS Experience with EaseVPS, Your VPS is activated and processed within 5 Minutes!
    that write to him on site. do not write lies. as you see Jacob knows this only to lie and fool customers. I paid, are bona fide customer. seem normal and right for him to wear it with clients and to mock those who pay for VPS? What confidence can we still have us in this company, if after payments are treated like garbage and our ships?

    the future to think 10 times before you will buy from this company ghost
    since we pay and order at the site he should get what you pay. in case you do not have VPS had to put stock 0 available on site. had to remove them from the site. but he just wanted make money and let people wait

    May 29, 2012 @ 8:12 pm | Reply
  29. tinyray:

    I vote for EaseVPS, URPad and BuyVM, the three excellent VPS providers in the world!!!

    BuyVM currently has stock.

    May 29, 2012 @ 10:20 pm | Reply
  30. Sarang butt:

    Today I bought Vps from easeVPS and i paid my cash but it shows unpaid
    i paid 2 times still it shows unpaid plz refund my cash or solve my problem, i lost my 8 dollars
    i have pics/proof of every thing

    2126 Sunday, July 29th, 2012 Sunday, July 29th, 2012 $3.99 $3.99 Unpaid

    July 29, 2012 @ 8:33 pm | Reply
  31. Michael Gibson:

    Easevps/Jacob = Soon to Be Deadpool. I currently have about 200 vps’s through about 125 providers…..(providers if you don’t see me in your client list please reply with your company info, always looking for more). I can honestly say this is the worst server stability and the worst customer service I have ever seen. To start I originally had 3 servers with Jacob, then one day one of my servers just went away??? No email, no explanation no nothing. So I have 2 now and I send a ticket in only to get Jacob claiming we don’t cancel servers? No regard to the records he can see and the previous emails with server credentials or payments that all show I should have 3 vps servers (GREAT WORK JACOB). So now I just have to accept that I have 2 servers I guess…..case closed. So one day (like 3 days later) my 2 servers are unreachable and again I send in a ticket. The response: Jacob could not see any problems….everything looks good….must be on my end I guess right. So then about a day later I get server set up details from Easevps…..like I just ordered new servers….only I didn’t. Here comes my 2 servers I complained about yesterday that looked fine according to Jacob. Both servers in the same DC and both on the same subnet (not impressed at all) about 4 tickets later instead of changing my IPs to what I needed (different subnets) I am forced to cancel the duplicate subnet server. IF YOU DON’T WANT CUSTOMERS SIMPLY TAKE DOWN YOUR SITE BECAUSE I AM GETTING VERY UPSET WITH YOUR BS AND CHILDISH TACTICS!

    P.S. FYI the reason you have soooo many DDOS attacks is because you piss off soooo many customers, providers and competition……they get a vps so they can find your newest IP range and they blast the hell out of it…….treat people right and the attacks will go away. Currently I want a refund for the last month of no service but Jacob claims no. I suggest to all that if you are having issues and he is unwilling to fix it or refund please send your complaints to his payment processing company (2co)….they do not like chargebacks and they should know how Jacob operates (chargebacks come with a $25 fee to the merchant so even if for some reason you loose Jacob does too……I am going to charge back my payment now and send a full report and copies of all correspondences now. Cheers Jacob! :-)

    November 12, 2012 @ 7:26 pm | Reply

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