William, now represents EDIS in Austria, emailed in with some new offers! The same “VPS Smart” as last time, but now available in 3 different locations. Same price at €2.99/month (~USD$4.34) + 20% VAT if you are in EU, and it has
- 256MB guaranteed memory
- 2GB storage on RAID5 (use coupon code BESMART to upgrade to 5GB)
- 40GB/month data transfer on 1Gbps
- Linux-VServer/Custom web-interface
You can also use coupon code YEARLY to get €30/year. Services available in either Austria (test IP:, Switzerland (test IP: or United Kingdom ( They run their own data center in Graz, Austria, and own their own hardware in the other two locations. They have been in business since 1999. They are currently using Linux-vserver to power these VPS, which can be a bit different from your average OpenVZ/SolusVM combo. They are however in the phase of expanding — not just into other nearby countries but also KVM hosting.
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Any of the locations has native ipv6?
We have native IPv6 in UK and in Switzerland, we do however not provide it with VPS currently.
This is maybe planned to be done with KVM then, i try to push that a bit since i am myself also IPv6 “fanatic” ;)
I’ll await the VPSes with ipv6 then (Switzerland or Austria, not UK as I already have 3 VPSes with ipv6 in the UK).
Hopefully it will be at similar sharp prices that you will be able to offer them….
If the datacenter in Austria is owned by EDIS, how comes they don’t have ipv6 in it yet?
Also the IP address in Austria, seems to be one of UPC, a broadband provider. That has several ipv6 peers already.
Can you explain?
we do Not have an ASN (we have RIPE PI Space though), UPC (inode Austria)
is our upstream Provider – they are Not only a Resident provider but also One of the largest IP Transit carriers in Austria/Europe.
We dont have an ASN, so we cannot run BGP currently (but we do have IPv4 and IPv6 PI Space), Inode/UPC does not give customers currently PA IPv6 (neither IPv6 BGP, so that would be pointless too – they also dont announce customers PI IPv6 space).
UPC/Inode is our (sole) Upstream currently (we are in the process of changing to a BGP mix though, ETA 1Y+), they are not only a broadband provider but also one of the biggest Carriers for Datacenters and other ISPs in Austria (even Europe) since they can sell massive amounts of outgoing BW for cheap prices (due to most residential users having 10x more Downstream than upstream and more Down usage than up)
Hope that answers your questions
JFYI: UPC is by far the worst provider here in Austria (just check the forums), that’s why UPC is so cheap. (As always: You get what you pay for!) You can not compare a “data-center” with a single UPC upstream to one which is multihomed with several Tier-1 providers.
what are the pros & cons of linux-vserver?
In my experience with Dreamhost VPS, it has a better memory management and I’m not sure but probably is possible to enable swap (Dreamhost had swap some time ago). Also, is possible to adjust memory at fly without reboots.
And cons? I guess the kernel modules cannot be enabled in an easy way (tun/tap and so), but I am not sure, maybe William can help :P
The pro compared to OpenVZ is the better memory/cpu management as said already, it also runs slightly more stable.
The cons are the Kernel Modules, IP routing (a bit more complicated) and that it requires patches for various things like IPv6.
We would love to enable Tun/tap but on linux-vserver it poses a security risk (since it requires sourcecode patching it also prevents upgrades until a new patch comes out).
Nice said n_n
OpenVZ memory management sucks
No swap/bustable memory?
There’s a bit of a learning curve with vserver (I’ve had one from Alvotech since March) but it’s worth it (IMO) as the memory management and overall performance are almost certainly superior to OpenVZ. One of the very arguable downsides to it is that there’s no /proc/user_beancounters file visible to the end user (vserver uses completely different configuration files, regardless) so you can’t as easily tell if you’re running into or approaching some of the limits which may have been set for you (i.e. inodes, tcp sockets…) as you can on OpenVZ.
A very big upside that hasn’t been mentioned is that vserver requires considerable technical competence to setup and administer, which is (IMO) one of the reasons so few hosts provide it. The typical fourteen-year-old wannabe kiddie host is going to RTFM for vserver, cry like you stole his favorite porno mag, and run straight to OpenVZ. :)
LOLOLOL snape hahaha!!!
Yep, vserver is good if you don’t want to do complex things n_n
– You can not reboot the VPS via SSH, you need to do it from the control panel.
Well at least some script wont reboot the VPS unexpected then :P
Joke aside, i wrote it down and try to get it fixed.
“8.1. The runtime of web hosting products is one year, and, if notice of cancellation is not made six weeks before service expires, it is automatically extended for another year.”
Are VPS considered as web hosting products? So, monthly payment but annual contract duration?
(What type of CPU do you use?)
No, this does not apply to VPS – only to (some) of our webhosting products.
We use Dual Intel Xeon E5620 (Quadcores with HT) HP rackservers (Dual PSUs, SAS discs) in all Locations.
Just ordered. Kinda difficult as the site is not completely traslated.
I’ve read that you need a 30 day cancellation notice, so i’ve sent my cancellation notice as a note to my order :) Just want to try for a month.
I think I read on their site in the past that you need to send in the cancellation notice by fax?
I’ve sent the cancellation notify as a note to the order and they told me it was ok.
That’s funny, i’ve never submitted a cancellation request with an order :)
Anyway the service looks exceptional right now.
Seth: We do not require a fax cancellation at VPS services, only at Webhosting and ocasionally on Servers rented by foreigners.
It also does not need to be faxed, but can be signed, scanned and send by email.
Can you tell us more about the Edis owned datacentre?
I’m tempted on one of your plans but in austria.
Well, Sure, what do you want to know?
Does the datacentre have a website?
What are the specs (UPS? Backup generators? Connectivity)?
1.: No, since it is not carrier neutral but our private (so only EDIS) Datacenter.
2.: UPS available (never needed till now though, we have multiple power providers) Generators available, Connectivity by 2 fiber strands over diverse local loop providers/entrys.
I’ve been with EDIS (Austria DC) for the almost 3 months and everything has been nice and smooth. I/O over 100mb constantly, download speeds awesome. My only complaint is that I didn’t find a used/available BW indicator in their control panel, maybe it’s hidden somewhere?
Anyway, highly recommended if you have no problems with vserver limitations (like, no raw network sockets)
We currently have none, but it does not matter really – we do not charge for overusage, if it is too much we will contact the customer (but again do not charge him for what he used already) and ask him to either use less BW or buy an extra traffic package.
I have one with them for a month now, the server is stable and fast.
Payment a little bit confusing at first, as they let me use the server for a month and then bill me later (seems that they have a very strong sense of trust to customers, typical European business that looks for a long time relationship). Fortunately their support is very friendly and they are willing to guide me step-by-step.
They also use unconventional control panel (probably in-house), but things work well, and I am a happy customer :)
Danke für den freundlichen Service.
Thanks! :)
Yes, the control panel is completely made inhouse with the linux-vserver API/Interface control, it’s not perfect but works :P
Hello from EDIS,
we thought that this information might be of interest to you:
EDIS doubled the included bandwidth on all VPS plans today (Austria, Switzerland and UK)
SMART hosting has been upgraded from 40 GB/moth to 100 GB/month.
=> http://en.edis.at/virtual-root-server_82.htm
UPC is not bad, they offer the fastest speeds for residential customers in Austria (up to 100/100Mbit over EURODOCSIS) – It does not matter anyway, as the business routing we (and other ISPs with UPC upstream) use is better finetuned anyway than residential service.
>You can not compare a “data-center” with a single UPC upstream to one which is multihomed with several Tier-1 >providers.
We are actually multihomed, as we have multiple circuits with UPC (which is then not anymore considered “singlehomed”) and UPC also has multiple Tier1 Upstreams.
Also you will not find dedicated servers for 29euro or VPS for 2.99euro in InterXion Vienna, which is in reality the only really carrier neutral Datacenter in Austria (Hint: 1 Rack there = 1000euro per month, without power, BW and crossconnects).
Of course our Datacenter cannot be compared to InterXion, Evoswitch or similar – we are not that big to need this size anyway.
We have all a Datacenter needs: UPS, HVAC, Multiple Upstreams with SLAs, Security systems, Multiple Power feeds in an earth quake stable area.
any updates on the KVM plans which would be planned for any time soon?
Hello djvdorp,
I’d like to give you a quick update: we have a slight delay in the rollout of the kvm product.
The admin-interface is ready, the kvm productions system will go online in the datacenter by the beginning of next week for final testing.
We keep you updated. Alternatively you can also follow us on http://twitter.com/#edisat or http://www.facebook.com/EDIS.at
Sorry for the delay with the product, but we don’t want to go online without proper implementation.
We will be online soon! this is an EDIS promise ;-)
Will the KVM services be available at your London location too?
@Chimp: Initially we start with KVM in our datacenter at the headquarters here in Austria.
If everything goes well, KVM will become available in Zurich and Switzerland.
BTW: we are working on production systems in Milan (Italy) and on the US east-coast.
Interesting locations =) Maybe I will get one in Austria or Italy in the future :D
Bought VPS Smart and works really great, it’s very fast. Also very fast (and good) support and setup :)
As promised we do offer KVM based VPS now – Starting from 3,99EUR (excl. 20% VAT).
The BESMART code is valid on KVM SMART too (2GB -> 5GB HDD).
These can be ordered over the Online shop.
Hi! Just wanted to update you: KVM is live @EDIS ;-)
please check out our KVM product range on
=> http://en.edis.at/virtual-root-server_82.htm
Cheers, Gerhard
sorry for the double post. Did not know that William was already active here …
I have treated myself to a KVM SMART from EDIS.
Some test results:
Grabbed the micro plan.
And they uses virtio.. nice :)
@SwordfishBE, can you reboot the vps from inside the vps? because I can’t :( I have to hardreset it from their control panel.
you can restart by reboot with the -f switch to force a reboot
VPS Smart @ Switzerland
beat that ;-)
Hi Jan! TNX for posting.
please mind that systems have lots of cache.
To get more realistic results please use at least 1 GB data samples.
Gerhard @ EDIS
seems to be very fast for a vps. my local server here does 50mb/s with a seagate es.2 250gb and 273mb/s on an 8-disk raid5.
just a little side-node: we are using the same SAS drives / RAID configurations / controllers in all our production systems (Milano, Zurich, Graz, …)
Gerhard @ EDIS
No I can’t. But I had the same problem with my Hetzner KVM.
BTW forgot the last part:
@SwordfishBE, Did they bill you yet?
No, I prepayed via paypal.
Look at http://en.edis.at/kvm-smart_60_82.htm :
Important information regarding payment: Invoices are not created in real-time. You first receive account credentials for your server. The invoice will be sent to you within 10 days timeframe. If you pay using Paypal, you will find our Paypal address on the invoice. If you would like to prepay, please make you payment to paypal@edis.at (dont forget to mention your customer-number as identification).
@circus & @SwordfishBE
Do you have access to one or more cpu cores?
1 cpu for all packages.
Thanks :)
Hello from EDIS
just wanted you to know that we will launch webhosting and VPS (vserver) directly from the heart of Italy => Milano on Wednesday Sept. 7th 2011
Do you know if it will have native ipv6 and if any of the other EDIS locations already have ipv6?
@Dirk: Thank you for your inquiry! We will be launching IPv6 soon. We are RIPE member for about 1 month now and not dependent on our upstream carriers’ IP supplies any more. This means: native IPv6 will become available to our Austrian based services soon (closer to the end of Q4/2011)
We will for sure release more info about that here and on WHT
A small native range for my kvm instance would be nice!
It is nice to know that some providers do listen to there customers wishes.
We ask for more location, there are going to be more locations.
We ask for ipv6, thats the next step.
Keep up the good work!
i’ve made some traceroutes to your test ips and from germany pingwise it is a showdown between zürich and london. are all VPS running on a gigabit connection or are there differences between the locations?
Tunneled IPv6 (beta) will be available in a few days – The tunnel is done with Multiple Providers in Germany, EUrope and the USA to ensure good routing (near native).
Native IPv6 will not be available soon, but we keep an exe on it.
Kind of weird compared to what was said on Sept 4th by ExPl0Rer.
Why not native?
Local hardware not ready maybe? Just thinking aloud.
@SwordfishBE: Have you already been able to test-drive our IPv6 connections? Is your Slovenian connection still better? I’d be curious …
I’ve tried posting, however it seems that my post isn’t getting trough.
Maybe it needs to be approved?
In short, my tunnel still has a better latency and mostly shorter tracepath.
I will try to post the traceroutes again later.
I’m having time out errors when I try to comment. Either that or it takes awhile for the comment to go through and the page to reload.
@Dirk: You are absolutely right, this was my mistake. I just called it this way not knowing the exact difference. No I do – I’m sorry for that.
@SwordfishBE: Initially it will be a VPN but with great peerings in Frankfurt.
As soon as our upstreams are able to deliver IPv6 directly, we will switch to native mode
Cheers, Gerhard
I’m using SixXS Amis tunnel from Slovenia. Only 6ms latency.
So I will be sticking to them untill you go truly native.
@dirk: Gerhard meant NATIVE IPv6 will be avilable later over our Upstream, this is tunneled for now.
>Why not native?
Our Upstream does not offer it (for now).
Here is my review about EDIS: http://www.96mb.com/96mb-low-end-vps-review-part-xxxii-edis/
I have to say I am very impressed with the performance, it is definitely a solid VPS which I will give a high recommendation on.
Man, read this long thread xD
Hello from EDIS!
just wanted to let you know that we’ve just launched our KVM based vps in Zurich, Switzerland.
Check it out on http://en.edis.at/virtual-root-server_82.htm
Hi guys!!
Use coupon code “Happy Boxing Day” to pick up your presents: DOUBLE RAM on all new U.S. based VPS orders (VRS + KVM)
=> http://en.edis.at/virtual-root-server_82.htm
Happy Boxing Day!
Hi guys!
Just in case you did not notice yet … we changed our VPS billing system to whmcs … this means: realtime invoicing, online paypal billing, no more stupid cancellation times, more convenience for you and for us … and, (I almost forgot the mention that) an easy to use shopping cart for our VPS ;-) YEAH!
Thank you very much to all of you – YOU are the driving force behind these developments ;-)
Gerhard @ EDIS
Yeah, that’s great =)
So, I can order easily now :P
Hi guys!
SWEDEN is online – premium location – Pionen – White Mountain – Bahnhof Datacenter – Stockholm, Sweden
VPS and KVM available … lines are open for orders https://manage.edis.at/whmcs/
Gerhard @ EDIS
Hi guys!
I’m not sure if there are still people subscribed to this thread, but it is a ollow-up on the upper part of this thread regarding iPv6.
>> EDIS is proud to announce the general availability of IPv6 on all KVM products in all KVM enabled locations (Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, U.S.A., UK).
>> In addition to every KVM product you’ll be assigned an IPv4 equivalent /112 IPv6 network (roughly 65.000 IPv6 addresses) to be used with your VPS.
Just wanted to let you know … (oh, and this is the link to our webpage ;-) => http://en.edis.at/virtual-root-server_82.htm
All the best to you from Austria,
PS: EDIS just launched KVM in Sweden, London and will add KVM in Frankfurt next week
Hey Gerhard. We are already talking about that in LET :P