Another tip from William, and this time EDIS from his home country of Austria. They run their own data center in Graz, Austria, and call their brand of OpenVZ servers “Virtual Root Server”, which starts from €2.99/month (~USD$4.15) for VRS Smart. Here is the spec:
- 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 1GB storage on RAID1
- 40GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/Custom web-interface
Servers in Austria, and I think you can use their website’s IP address to do your ping/traceroute tests. Price does not include VAT so add 20% if you are from UK/EU. 1GB storage seems to be the deal breaker here — what can you fit in just 1GB? A single purpose DNS server perhaps. At least it was a bit more spacious than when it was first announced — just 300MB of SSD space! Even my first Linux box, circa 1995 running Slackware, has more storage than that.
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I personally use it as reverse proxy (with nginx) for my blog, which works fine – the disk space is really limited, but the minimal debian image just uses around 100mb – so it can be still used.
VPS are hard to get here (there are just2 or 3 Providers in Austria with actual Server in Austria) and edis is the cheapest of them – for that price they are not so bad.
Just a note: the linked page does not say 300MB of SSD space, but 300MB per second read speed SSD space ;)
Here are some screenshots of the interface (in German):
Is it 1GB SSD?
No, does not seem so.
IO is fine, though.
dbat:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 5.79562 s, 185 MB/s
Will, if you haven;t yet, we have a thread over on LET for I/O results if you care to add to it:
With this I/O (and you used the proper conv=) it does seem to be SSD, tbh.
May I just ask as a noob – why would you want to have a reverse proxy for your site if they’re not located under the same datacenter? Won’t that just make your page slower to load?
Law Issues in the Actual Hosting country – but Powerful enough VPS are more expensive in Austria, so it is a cost saving solution.
Ping is 15ms between the datecenters, so not an issue.
I’m assuming you’re talking about pirated material? Are the laws in Austria more relaxed on that point?
1GB is a bit… under. Isn’t the cost of a GB $0.10 now-a-days
is this a private home pc ?
No, they run a normal Datacenter.
is it now year 2000 yet ?
c’mon…. e2.99 is more than $3, what a very low specs!
They are 1 of 3 providers in Austria, so they can virtually charge anything they want lol
Also, 1Mbit BW costs 60-100euro here, instead of 1-5euro in Germany – Hardware is more expensive etc.
Their ordering system is a bit mistery for non german language speaking user. No standard whmcs, etc..
@will, due i can’t do a “reply” anymore on “our” comments
so i will reply here lol.
i thought austria were in e.u.r.o.p.e (spongebob style) , haha…
jk will ^_^
I smell a big troll here in the blog ¬_¬
Not Pirated material only, but that too.
Austria has more relaxed laws on that, i meant more Privacy reasons – Austria needs no impress, no valid Whois, no Names, No Email etc. – Completely Anonymous.
Which is rare (if not only) in Europe.
Any links about this privacy things?
Anyway, I feel like it’s the company which matters in this case..
Do you know if edis will protect your personnal data?
i.e won’t say anything about you without a valid court order?
If so, can be an interesting offer for some people I guess…
Nothing in English, sorry
But no one will give your Data to anyone, even the Police, without a Court order.
If they do you can fine them for a MASSIVE amount of money.
Your Payment Data is also specially protected (Bank Account/Credit Card), and not even a court can get it, they can only order the provider to destroy it – but never view it.
Austrian Media usualy does not report without a valid Court Order against you (because they get heavily fined if they do, 20000euro for the State Broadcaster in a case against some website accussed of sharing warez)
Also most Government officials are quite racist, so hate sites and hate speech tends to get ignored massively.
There is no law if warez and filesharing of copyrighted material are legal or illegal now – so they get ignored too.
We just ignore everything that saves us from working.
Pretty much the complete opposite of Germany – only Nazi stuff makes MASSIVE problems.
Good info, thanks.
Wow, sounds like a good place for privacy oriented people though..
But with ACTA going on & european laws… hum.. won’t last long I guess…
Is there any good and not too expensive company you’d recommend for a dedi?
Thanks anyway for all this precious information!
(Non english links welcome though :)
wew, nice info will!
I would be interested at this privacy thing in German language too if you had a link(or more).
The most strange vps ordering system I ever experienced. Real challenge…
@will do you have idea how to pay it with paypal?
Click Order, then “Neukunden”.
I made some pictures throughout the process:
(you maybe need to click “order” again, and then “einloggen” and login with your ID/Password to get here)
Thanks for your effort, very nice from you but… I went through this process today (actually yesterday for me), vps is enabled but no invoice recieved. This what you show us (and thanks again) is ordering process not payment process. I recieved my vps “somehow” but it’s not paid yet. Strange…
oh, yea – you recieve your Invoice on the First of the next month – for this month, and the next month.
Quite common in AT/DE.
Add.: The Invoice you recieve on 01.04.2011 will contain a normal paypal link then.
Ah, I understand. Thank you for your explanation.
If I go through this again I will most likely order another vps instead paying this one.
Hi there, this is EDIS!
Thank you very much for all your comments. We know that the ordering system is crappy and we are working on a better one.
For the beginning we will quickly offer an English signup-process in parallel to the German one.
As Will already told you (Will, thanks for that), Invoices are not generated when services are provisioned.
This means, that customers receive their invoices most likely around 10 days after the actual order. On the invoice you will find the date when services have been set-up. We also put our paypal address on the invoice ( .
If you have any questions or troubles signing up, please send us an email to – we’d be pleased to help you out!
best regards,
Gerhard Kleewein
Oh, what I almost forgot – our VPS services (the models with SSD drives) are also available in Switzerland. ;-)
cheers, Gerhard
Please what I should do to order location Switzerland?
what you did was absolutely correct – just write a note which datacenter want your vps to be hosted in.
best regards,
I was waiting for an Austrian Lowendbox provider a long time ago. It’s a pity that it is only 1 GB disk space, but with one GB you can still run smaller websites, DNS, etc :)
Hi Christian,
did you see the other offers? VRS Starter for example comes with 5 gig already.
cheers, Gerhard
So the reason you are offering VPS’s with so low Hard Drive is beacuse you are using SSD cards on your servers?
Hi Bernardo,
there are a couple of reasons, why we offer small hdd partitions:
Most of our customers did not need more than 1 GB on the smallest product. As we got to know today that this is a deal-breaker for some of the people here, we upgraded the product from 1 GB to 2 GB.
We use redundant premium components with RAID infrastructure and industry HP servers. These things are not cheap.
Additionally we backup all VPS daily and store incremental backups for our clients for at least 30 days.
On the bigger products we also offer SSD volumes. As SSD is a new technology and even more expensive, these products are more expensive than the entry level plans. Please check out our website, there is more information about all the products.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us any time at
Gerhard from EDIS
Great :) I really like you’re services.
Hi there,
we decided to upgrade all your VRS SMART from 1 GB to 2 GB HDD space.
We just changed the product and sell VRS SMART with 2 GB from now on.
Gerhard from EDIS
great news :)
I’m curious about your privacy policy: in which cases do you give away personnal information about a customer?
Thanks & have a nice day!
Hi Bob,
We do not share customer data to anyone.
If a court order is in force, we must of course provide information to police or courts.
Ok, thanks.
Oh, and another question, would it be possible to have a test IP for the Switzerland VPS & for Austria as well?
Hi again,
absolutely ,-)
Test-IP Switzerland:
Test-IP Austria:
Best regards,
If only it was XEN based :)
We will maybe offer a Xen/KVM based solution in future, stay tuned!
Then you’ll have a new customer for sure!
We’d be glad to serve you ;-)
cheers, Gerhard
Any ETA?
I think this system of provisioning the VPS before payment is very dangerours – spammers and such will try to abuse the system sooner or later. I.e. they will just register, instantly get a VPS, do their crap for a day or two, then register a new one. You have to reconsider this system.
P.S. I haven’t tried the system myself, just came to this conclusion from the comments above. If i am in error and this is not how the system works i apologize for the comment.
We did not have this problem yet, but this is for sure a point.
cheers, Gerhard
Yes, i am worried about that too – Dont want to lose you as provider :(
Most people want to pay Instant anyway, so you maybe better want to add that before setting up ;)
BTW: Any way to get Reverse DNS Set up? Just email Support or is it not done for the cheaper plans?
for reverse pointer settings, please send us an email to
@payment: we’ll absolutely consider changing the orderflow ;-)
@all: Thank you very much!
Maybe you haven’t had problems with it before, because I guess your customer basis most likely came from Germany, Austria and Switzerland where it’s the common way of doing business online. But it’s not the proper way to do business like this in the USA or UK or other countries followed by theese market trends. The German language area was always special in thinks like business for outsiders. So I really recommand you to change your billing policy to avoid theese situations and have a good international growth to your company.
Viel Glück! :)
Do you really think a few bucks paid in advance using PayPal can stop scammers and spammers from ordering cheap VPS?
BTW there are several cloud providers providing huge resources — not 2GB disk / 40GB bw — yet sending invoices at end of the period.
The most of the abusers are looking for options not to use their credt card/paypal, so this kind of billing would be ideal for them.
Nine times out of ten, for us, those Paypal accounts being used by scammers are stolen accounts. At least that’s what Paypal tells us when we follow up on charge backs.
First impression is very positive. Support is responsive, server damn fast. Even with 1GB storage (well 2GB now – as I saw here) their lowend plan seems completely acceptable as this isn’t some Hetzner or limestone which every 3rd lowendbox company use now. Beside that their a bit higher plans with more storage aren’t that expensive either.
>> The most strange vps ordering system I ever experienced. Real challenge…
btw: the signup process will be available in English language in some hours.
You were absolutely right. Had to kick into some peoples’ *** to speed this a bit up ;
@ExPl0Rer, I won this challenge and now I am happy user ;-)
@for others:
–2011-03-14 14:17:50–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `100mb.test’
100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 23.4M/s in 4.3s
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 0.272957 s, 123 MB/s
Nice, a?
Is there a control panel to stop/start/reboot/reinstall the VPS?
Yes, of course – also to add firewall rules.
Thanks Will!
ExPl0Rer, could you please tell us if it’s possible to have more than 1 IP address?
If so how much would that cost?
Concerning ipv6, is it working, if not, do you have an ETA?
Thanks :)
Hi Bob,
yes, it is possible to get more than 1 IP. We charge EUR 1,– per month per IP.
regarding IPv6: as soon as our upstream carriers provide IPv6 we will also roll-out ip-adresses.
We are expecting this to happen closer to the end of 2011 or Q1 2012.
cheers, Gerhard
Here are some testfiles from mine:
Austria (could be under load, so dont take the result as 100% of the possible speed):
Out of curiosity, are you the same Zhang from WHT?
Yes Indeed.
Fiuuh.. Just ordered, waiting for details.
Me too :)
BTW it was the first time I receive e-mail from a provider and it is sent to Gmail’s spam box.
I just received the credentials to ssh and the VPS is working fine (CentOS) but I’m having a hard time trying to find where / how to reinstall a different OS.
Hi Francisco,
Login with your “Kunden-Nummer” (client-id) and your password (the one you used for the shop)
I’m trying to follow the instructions but the panel doesn’t list the options:
Im Kunden-Bereich unter
können Sie unter “Virtuelle Root-Server” >> “Verwaltung”
Ihren “Virtuellen Root-Server” restarten, oder mit dem zur Verfügung
stehenden Linux-Images neu installieren.
control panel screenshot
it seems, that there is a problem in the admin-tool retrieving servers from the Switzerland pool.
We will fix this problem within a couple of hours. If you tell us what OS you would like to have installed, we will do that for you.
I would like to install Debian 5 64-bit (or 32-bit) Minimal but I’m not in a hurry and I can wait for the fix.
Thanks. I really appreciate.
your server is now running with Debian 5, 64bit. Within the next couple of hours, your server will be displayed in the admin-interface.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused!
Thank you very much!
I would like to ask you a couple questions:
1. What is the virtualization technology you are using (CH)?
2. What city are the data centers (CH,AT) located in?
Thanks !
The virtualization technology we use is “linux vserver” and the Datacenters are in Graz (Austria) and Zurich (Switzerland).
Soon we will be providing VPS and hosting in London, Paris, Washington DC, Germany … Webhosting in Germany is already up and running – In Germany we host our equipment in a level3 datacenter.
best regards, Gerhard
Discount when ordering for few months/year ?
Hi! sorry, but no discounts are possible. We usually had annual contracts. We offer volume rates if you are interested in more than 3 servers.
cheers, Gerhard
*** new client signup routine online ***
We’re happy to announce, that the customer signup process in now available in English language ;-)
Best regards,
Gerhard @ EDIS
@Will, this host location is rare, refreshing change. Beside that it’s pleasure to deal with REAL company with mature, responsible approach instead those individuals which rent some hetzner or limestone VPS and then act like best host on the world… till things don’t go completely wrong.
Thank you for sharing this find with us.
@ExPl0Rer what’s first impression of being featured on this blog? Most likely support tiket base increased with inquiries, a? :)
edit. hetzner or limestone dedicated server not “hetzner or limestone VPS”.
@Spirit: I’d like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for discussing our services here. You give us a deeper insight of what you as the customers really want/need and this gives us the chance to improve our services and think about the way we currently handle processes.
We are a small company (only 11 people) but we try to deliver best possible quality.
We are honored to be featured here on this blog. And YES, we encounter lots of inquiries and orders from lots of different places around the world ;-))
Gerhard @ EDIS
11 people seems to be a lot around here.
11 persons in a GmbH (~US Incorporated) is very nice size, they must be making good money :)
Well it means at least 11k euro Income per month when they pay minimum wage, so yea – cant be that bad :P
They should hire me for Promotion or something, for all that Customers i brought them by sendig in that offer to LEB :p
Well I must say Will contribution was outstanding. I did sign due his helpful comments and images posted.
@Will: just give us a ring and lets talk about a marketing or sales contract ;-)
btw: nobody is working here for less than 1500 per month on a fulltime basis. As the side costs (social insurance, …) are really high in Austria, the employer needs to spend around 45K per annum for a 1500 net employee.
*** new server management routine in English language ***
We’re happy to announce, that the VPS management routine in now available in English language ;-)
It is not directly linked in the admin-interface yet, but you can directly access it with the above URL.
Best regards,
Gerhard @ EDIS
ps: well, there is pretty much space for improvement, but this quick fix should be helpful to some of us *smile*
absolutely amazing *grrrrh*
and here comes the correct URL =>
cheerio …
See your inbox Gerhard, replied to your mail from yesterday ;)
Not only ordering process translation but also admin console – in one single day? That’s impressive.
It’s the total opposite of RockstarVPS (from 2010 and still no website) lol :D
This aint Germany, English education is good here – most people are just to lazy to translate :p
I want to migrate to Europe u_u to some peaceful country…
spam off :D
Any way to get openSUSE 11.4 64bit with this service?
Do You charge you clients with credit cards in the end of the month automatically or client need to give permission to every transaction.. I didn’t understand the way that You handle money transactions.. but I am considered if You charge without confirmation of the client, I had problem with another provider, after I stop using its services, they continued to charge me every month silently, even after I cancelled my services with them, so I am little worried about this.
It’s not a problem for me if payments are delayed, only if I still have to make them manually.
Hi Frank,
as I already told you by email, we are currently sorting out if and how fast we would be able to deploy openSUSE in our VPS system.
Regarding payments with creditcards: We generate invoices mainly 2 to 10 days after services have been created. You receive an invoice from us, and about 5 days later we will charge your credit card automatically. There is no confirmation process necessary. If you cancel your product, we are not going to charge you any further.
As the owner of the company and more than 12 years in this business I’d like to assure you, that there are no reasons to worry about ;-)
Best regards,
Gerhard Kleewein
If you really worry that much and you’re credit card owner you still have option to make paypal account and pay through paypal, don’t you?
(unless you’re from country which don’t support paypal payments of course)
Hi Frank,
just got the info from our tech-crew. We’re really sorry, but we cannot offer openSUSE in our virtualization environment.
Best regards,
Gerhard @ EDIS
Hey expl0rer.
Any hope to support FreeBSD in the future? (through Xen I guess)
Can anybody here tell me how long it takes for the VPS to be set up?
Thanks :)
Usualy 2-10Minutes after Ordering.
Thanks Will.
It took approx 12 hours, I guess I did order too late and their office was closed for manual validation of my order or something like that.
But the VPS is pretty impressive though, I ordered a ‘smart’ but makes me thing their “big” VPS might be a good deal too…
16 cores @
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 44
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 2400.083
cache size : 12288 KB
# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 Datensätze ein
16384+0 Datensätze aus
1073741824 Bytes (1,1 GB) kopiert, 6,1872 s, 174 MB/
# wget
--2011-03-28 11:32:15--
Auflösen des Hostnamen
Verbindungsaufbau zu||:80... verbunden.
HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort... 200 OK
Länge: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
In »100mb.test.1« speichern.
100%[======================================>] 104.857.600 41,9M/s in 2,4s
2011-03-28 11:32:18 (41,9 MB/s) - »100mb.test.1« gespeichert [104857600/104857600]
Looks like your smart VPS is smarter than mine :)
ch:~# wget -O /dev/null
–2011-03-28 10:30:47–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `/dev/null’
100%[==========================================================>] 104,857,600 10.4M/s in 9.2s
2011-03-28 10:30:57 (10.8 MB/s) – `/dev/null’ saved [104857600/104857600]
vserver:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 12.8386 s, 83.6 MB/s
1 core @ Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz
Note: My VPS is located in Switzerland
Hi Antony,
we are sorry for the wait. On the weekends it takes a bit longer to provision new services.
@Francisco: I’m on the austrian node – there is maybe some configuration differences between nodes – and as I just subscribed, there may be not many people on the node yet… Will see in the future how it goes anyway :)
@ExPl0Rer: no problem, I was not in a hurry :)
Will, when you say “Ping is 15ms between the datecenters, so not an issue.” – would it be possible to know which datacenter/provider you are talking about?
This might be pretty interesting for a multi server configuration :)
Even though they are small they do like a serious company its rare to see a company like this in lowendbox nowdays, that cares about costumers.
Best Regards,
Bernardo Andrade.
look like**
(( Just woke up, sorry for the typo ))
“Austria was in the same position as Sweden back in 2007. It also had major data protection and privacy concerns. The Austrian Chambers of Commerce and Labour both opposed data retention. In the summer of 2007, the famous Vienna Ringstraße – which circles the city centre of Vienna – was partially blocked for about an hour as a 150 strong demonstration organised by the Austrian Pirate Party walked along it to protest against the planned data retention legislation.
In 2009 the European Commission began proceedings against Austria for breaching EU law, and last year, the European Court of Justice ruled against it for failing to establish an independent data protection authority. Just three days ago, the Austrian government announced that it would swallow the directive at long last. The Austrian Internet Service Provider Association estimates the overall costs to the country of the data retention directive to be somewhere between €15m and €20m.”
@Antony: Lets see what will really happen here. So far nobody really knows what needs to be done. Even spokesmen from local it security experts groups, and people from local chamber of commerce who are involved in “trying to understand the draft of this law” have no clue so far and are still discussing “what could be meant”.
Yep, we will probably know more in a few month…
This data retention thing is bullsh*t – and slowly slowly all europe is being contaminated…
Czech Constitutional Court overturns Data Retention Directive implementation
The Czech Constitutional Court has overturned the country’s implementation of the EU Data Retention Directive (DRD), on the grounds that it violates fundamental privacy rights and is a disproportionate response to threats it seeks to mitigate.
Fifty-one members of the Czech parliament appealed to the Court to have the law overturned.
The ruling comes just weeks after Sweden delayed implementing the DRD for at least another year. Four other countries – Germany, Romania, Cyprus and Hungary – have overturned their implementations, while Sweden, Greece, Ireland and Austria have so far refused to implement the Directive at all.
With a third of EU Member States now refusing to implement the Directive, it looks unlikely to achieve universal acceptance in its current form.
how to trust them when they can’t even answer my email after 2 days? :-(
What email?
I usualy look in the folder daily (i work for Edis now) and did not see any english mails for some days…
Would you kindly resend it to ?
Hey, you are Will?
Finally they gave you work there to work for support?
Do you do some sysadmin of just answering mails?
If so, that’s funny anyway – you take a LEB for a small reverse proxy & you end up working for that same company few days later after you recommended it @ LEB :)
oh, i see – you sent it to verkauf@ – that mailbox is not official (normal would be support@), i send you an answer shortly.
Sorry for the inconvinience.
hehe, yes – okay… but verkauf@ is like sales@ and my questions were simple (hope) “sales” questions :)
Hi Dennis,
we did not receive any email from you. would you be able to ask you questions here online if you don’t mind?
Hey ExPl0Rer, could you tell me how many core we can use with the VRS PREMIUM / Which CPU is it?
If we need more bandwidth, how much would that be?
Thanks :)
Hi Antony,
We provide Shared Dual Intel E5620 (16 cores @2.4 GHz / 8 physical / 8 virtual cores through hyperthreading)
How much bandwidth would you be interested in?
why 16 cores for every vps? how many vps are hosted on one node?
how expensive is extra ssd diskspace?
you don’t have any traffic packages?
Hi ExPl0Rer!
I don’t exactly know how much ram I’d need as my project is still in dev. but I’d probably need more than 200GB.
If I use more, how much would it be for 100GB?
(I guess the prices you gave to dennis for 500GB/1TB would be the same)
Thanks :)
Hi Dennis,
we host around 200 VPS on one node. We take care that system load is not getting higher than 1.5 – so we can provide maximum power and flexibility even on the smalles vps plans. System RAM is 96GB and we do not overbook. Additional SSD space is EUR 4,- per GB.
Our traffic packages: 500 GB … EUR 29,– 1 TB … EUR 49,– per month
So, i got it right: 200 VPS on one SSD without RAID, just a back-up everyday?
No, that’s not correct. 200 VPS on one SSD you would not be able to sell ;-))
There is a RAID1 on the SSD subsystem and RAID1+0 with fast 15K SAS drives on the SCSI subsystem.
All data we backup daily, that’s correct. The RAID controllers come with 512 MB writeback-cache and battery backup.
oh okay. because i got an answer and he wrote “Es wird momentan nur eine SSD benutzt + Tägliches Backup auf einen externen Server.”
but 4eur per ssd-gb is really expensive for me as a student :(
Then why “as a student” you choose almost the most expensive provider among all featured here?
Browse this website, 4 euro ($5.7) easily gets you not 1 GB (one gigabyte) of storage, but a whole 512MB OpenVZ VPS with 50GB of storage and 1TB transfer.
Dennis, just send me an email with what you exactly need to
I’m pretty sure that we’re able to do something for you. I as well was a student some time ago and I exactly know how hard it can be.
because i want ssd-diskspace and hosted in the eu. traffic is okay, but 8gb of storage would be fine :)
You think with ___OpenVZ VPS___ on a node with 200 other people you’re gonna notice if it’s SSD or a properly configured RAID? SSD storage for OpenVZ plans is nothing more than a marketing gimmick. It could’ve made a difference if you had a dedicated server with hundreds of visitors per second (plan to serve those out of 128 MB RAM?), but no way on a low-end OpenVZ.
This might be, BUT what we are providing are high-end services.
We provide services on high-performance, cutting edge industry servers.
Try it out and you will notice the difference.
@ ExPl0Rer:
I don’t exactly know how much bandwidth I’ll need as my project is still in dev. but I’d probably need more than 200GB.
If I use more, how much would it be for 100GB?
(I guess the prices you gave to dennis for 500GB/1TB would be the same)
Thanks :)
@ William:
Are you Will?
Yes i am ;)
@Antony: exactly!
Our traffic packages:
500 GB … EUR 29,– per month
1 TB … EUR 49,– per month
Will: wow, full time job?
ExPl0Rer: Ok, and no way to buy less traffic?
(How much would that be for only 100GB?)
@Antony: around 100 GB more now and then we don’t really care ;-)
If you have higher demands on a longer timeframe you should consider upgrading, everything else is within our “fair use” policy.
@ExPl0Rer: Ok, thanks :)
@Will: Are you this Will too?
Ok, nice.
You also work as a tech there?
If you were not working for them before, sounds like you’ve been lucky man…
@Antony: we hired Will just recently – after his posting here on lowendbox.
I am very satisfied with this company
We just wanted you to know, that we removed shared memory (DYNA-RAM) from our systems and doubled RAM today.
All existing servers have already been updated. Our VRS smart now comes with 256 MB of dedicated RAM ;-))
Cool news.
All VPS are OpenVZ or is it possible to have a Xen VPS?
We dont offer Xen/KVM yet.
Internal traffic is free.
Another question: if I take more than 1 VPS, will the internal traffic be counted too?
I think you should increase the disk space to 5GB — as advertised at WHT — and extend the RAM and HD increases to the CH VPSs.
Current offer != normal offer so no need to increase here imo
@ William: ok, thanks.
When you say “Ping is 15ms between the datecenters, so not an issue.” – would it be possible to know which datacenter/provider you are talking about?
This might be pretty interesting for a multi server configuration :)
Between edis and my old hosting provider (, Dusseldorf in Germany).
@Will: Ok, thanks.
Is there memory for cache and buffer available on the host servers?
How do you manage ram?
No, we do not oversell the Ram so every client gets his 256Mb (on this offer, more on the more powerful VPS of course) and nothing more/less.
Ok, thanks. So there is no way to use the cache possibility of the linux kernel?
(As with OpenVZ it can be cached only on the host server ram)
At the same time, if RAM is not oversold & all the users don’t use 100% of their RAM, then there is probably some memory available for cache on the node.. (?)
As an amendment to below statement:
Caching in the host-system if of course used, if there is available ram. This is done by the kernel of the mainframe to optimize performance, but this has nothing to do with the vps itself. This is a general behavior of linux systems.
Excuse my wrong answer ;)
There would be, yes – but this would be again Overselling so we dont want to use it.
We strictly dont oversell, in no case – not even in this.
At the same time you probably have some RAM dedicated to the host system. (And the more you dedicate to the host system to enable caching even if everybody is using 100% of their ram, the less you oversell, for sure!).
But if you don’t oversell at all (i.e if everybody really can use 100% of their ram all the time) then as I guess not many people use all their ram, there should be plenty or ram used for cache (which would be a great thing) (
Hi there! Just in case you are only subscribed to this thread:
Dear valued customers!
We’d like to inform you about a planned downtime of our VPS hosting infrastructure in Austria due to system-upgrades. The downtime will take 60 minutes or less.
Maintenance works will be taking place on Wednesday April 28th 2011, between 11pm and midnight CET.
All VPS will automatically become available after the host-systems is back up.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding!
If you encounter any problems, please feel free to contact us either on our international freelines or directly at +43 316 827 500 300
mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
EDIS Support Team
Widmannstettergasse 3
A-8053 Graz
UID: ATU 64124511
phone: +43 316 827 500
fax: +43 316 827 500 777
Hello all!
As many wanted to have it we added Debian 6 (Squeeze) in 32Bit (English) now – it can be installed in our control panel.
Hello from EDIS,
we thought that this information might be of interest to you:
EDIS doubled the included bandwidth on all VPS plans today (Austria, Switzerland and UK)
SMART hosting has been upgraded from 40 GB/moth to 100 GB/month.
By default for all customers or only new? :)
Hi Spirit!
the product specification has been changed in general.
This affects new and existing customers.
kind regards,
Great news! I really like :)
As promised we do offer KVM based VPS now – Starting from 3,99EUR (excl. 20% VAT).
The BESMART code is valid on KVM SMART too (2GB -> 5GB HDD).
These can be ordered over the Online shop.
Did you make that network page yet with all your locations and testfiles?
Not yet.
Hello from EDIS
just wanted you to know that we will be launching webhosting and VPS (vserver) directly from the heart of Italy => Milano on Wednesday Sept. 7th 2011
Interesting news, what about pricing?
Same As in all other locations ;-)
Hi guys!
Just in case you did not read it on twitter or facebook: EDIS >>DOUBLED<< included bandwidth on all VRS and KVM plans.
This also affects already existing contracts with immediate effect. Merry pre-Christmas ;-)
details you'll find here …
Will, want to run a VirtualBox inside VPS. Is it posible ?
Merry Christmas
I’m not sure, i know it is impossible on VRS (vServer) but i see no reason (besides that you only have 1 IP) why it would not run on KVM.
Just make sure that it does not need “Intel VT” or it will not work inside KVM.
Hi guys!!
Use coupon code “Happy Boxing Day” to pick up your presents: DOUBLE RAM on all new U.S. based VPS orders (VRS + KVM)
Happy Boxing Day!