Hello everyone! Erik over at Enoctus has sent us another great offer which includes their high performing, SSD powered KVM line! Enoctus was last featured two months ago and we received great feedback about their services/offer! They’re a registered company in the UK (10478363), their WHOIS is public, and you can find their legal docs/ToS here. They accept Credit Cards, PayPal, BitCoin and UK Bank Transfers as methods of payment.
In their own words:
“We are a UK based web hosting provider with the main purpose to provide a simple, easy to use and premium website hosting experience. With a 100% UK based management and team, we have been able to achieve tandem in the workflow with our customers. With years of experience in the industry, our dedicated team can assist with your new business venture to help make it happen.”
What makes this offer special: The unbeatable pricing to features ratio. Our service should also be judged as a premium, high class solution due to the unique for it’s price locations, partnerships with suppliers that allow us to provide free Comodo SSLs to our customers, latest Intel Xeon E5 processors, DDR4 memory and of course the blazing fast SSD storage. All this powered up with our dedicated uplinks promising speeds of up to 1000 MBPS per VM. We also pride ourselves in our heavily secured networks which feature DDoS protection for each cloud server sold by us.
Free with purchase: Comodo Positive SSL, DDoS Protection, licensed Windows and free weekly backups.
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May I upgrade disk space **only**?
Thank you for your message. Certainly, please submit your requirements to sales@enoctus.co.uk and we will issue a fair quote for you.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Just acquired a Package 3, *fingers crossed*
Looking forward to seeing some feedback on how it goes for our readers :)
We are happy to see you on board Lucian :). We hope it exceeds your expectations.
I went with package 1. After creating an account during checkout I was emailed my (just generated) password in clear text. This is not a good sign, is my password stored in clear text as well?
Thank you for your message. Your password is not stored after it’s despatched to you. We do, however, use industry grade encryption when sending those emails so you can rest assured none of this information will be transmitted to any third parties.
> We do, however, use industry grade encryption when sending those emails
Only if the receiving email server supports encryption. Most servers will drop down to unencrypted comms if the client does not support this. The sender has no control over this.
I bought #1 too and was shocked to see my password emailed to me.
Signed up and everything worked great. They also answered a ticket very quickly.
I ordered from Enoctus, very fast and stable for the pricing and excellent support so far.
I must say, this is one of the best prices for a Windows VPS! Disk space is really slim, though: I don’t know how much would be left usable after the os. Would it be possible to have Windows 2012 instead of Windows 2008? Is there the possibility to install FreeBSD? Is a /64 IPv6 subnet allocated? I recommend adding that to the specification as it is a nice feature.
The listed IPv6 address and IPv6 looking glass functions for UK do not seem to be working.
Another question: is the Comodo free SSL certificate for one domain only? Or is it a Wildcard? Standard one-year duration? Any limitations on its use?
Erik S. just told me that waiting 7+ hours for a ticket response is normal for their unmanaged plans, and I presume that all these LEB deals are unmanaged plans. This is a much longer wait time than any of my other unmanaged VPS hosts. Normally my others respond within a few minutes or at the most an hour, so I have come to expect much faster response times than 7+ hours. I’m not suggesting that a long wait time like this is good or bad, but had I known about this in advance I probably would not have bought a VPS from this company. This is not a complaint, just a head’s up for those of you who may be used to getting faster responses to your tickets.
Also their “Virtualizor” platform supposedly offers automated installs of a bunch of control panels: cPanel, Plesk, Webuzo, Webmin, Interworx, ISPConfig3, VestaCP and CentOS Web Panel … but when I tried installing Webmin via this system if failed silently. I do not know if any of the others install successfully.
And their “Virtualizor” platform has a known bug that displays the wrong date and time in their “client area”. I’m new to this host and to this Virtualizor platform so I don’t know if these incorrect dates and times also appear in the logs and in other parts of the system … but if they do it might be difficult to track down an issue by date or time.
For the amount of money being paid I think 7 hours is quite reasonable so long s the service is reliable.
I would imagine most of those control panels would fail if you don’t have a sufficient amount of RAM (wouldn’t blame them for this). It may just be an OS template issue but as long s the server is running a standard install of whatever OS I wouldn’t think it is their issue. Now, in my friend’s case though their server is down for no apparent reason and cannot be started at all.
Here’s some more info regarding the Virtualizor platform used by Enoctus:
The three features in the VPS Management section of the Client Area entitled “Monitoring”, “Logs”, and “Tasks” all use the wrong date and time, so there’s no easy way to tell when something actually happened in these features. In order to know the correct date and time you would have to calculate the difference between the current time/date and the incorrect time/date used by this platform, then subtract the difference. This would be a ridiculously tedious exercise that probably no one will ever bother with.
Curiously however, the feature entitled “Status Logs” seems to use the correct date and time!?
Another discouraging thing to note here is that the “Backups” feature fails with an eventual error message “The VPS does not support backups as of now”. Since I am used to doing backups via the control panels provided by my hosts, this means I’ll have to develop and implement a different backup system for this particular VPS. This is not a good use of my time so I’m hoping they get the Backups feature working soon, but I have not asked them about this so for all I know this particular feature may never work … or maybe it works, but only on more expensive plans?
At first glance the Virtualizor platform used by Enoctus appears to be a complete and feature-rich platform. However, after you start using it and run into issues like date/time bugs (how hard could this be to fix?) and features that fail when you actually try using them (like Backups), these issues tend to make the Virtualizor platform less useful/desirable — and more time-consuming to deal with — than most of the other platforms I use.
I’ll stick with this VPS for the rest of the month I paid for while I continue to evaluate Enoctus and their service. If they fix critical issues promptly as promised, I will probably just overlook the bugs and failed features of their Virtualizor platform and continue this VPS on a longer term basis, assuming the client I bought it for is satisfied with its performance.
Best vps provider I have ever had. They use top end hardware and networking is really fast. Vps has very consistent performance unlike other second rate providers I have used. The control panel is very advanced; you can see VM statistics like CPU and networking usage etc. If you need a windows vps go with them, you will not be disappointed.
Free with purchase: Comodo Positive SSL
how to get this ?
should I add the SSL to the cart with purchase vps?
Yeah… nah. Signed up 24 hours ago, server was “pending”. Lodged a support ticket two hours later, received a reply 20 hours after that saying it would be up “shortly”. Three hours later I signed up with Love servers, and had a VPS running in 3 minutes.
My advice is don’t waste your time with Enoctus. I’m just glad I found out their service and support are so dodgy before I invested any time in setting up the server.
this is a swindler company.
we buy their VPS Hongkong. pay yearly but just running a few time. all-time stoped. and not reply all ticket.
Maybe they’ve gone out of business? A friend reports their VPS seems to have been down for a very long time (never noticed) and they cannot start it and support is not responding.
Could this company be pulling a runner like many do?
After reading the same comments from multiple people here: https://lowendbox.com/blog/enoctus-ssd-kvm-from-2-95month-new-jersey-us-coventry-uk/ I am absolutely certain they have done a runner/bankruptcy
Here the reply from them, but the VPS services is down and no progress this is DAY 16.
This is a notification to let you know that we are changing the status of your ticket #708985 to Closed as we have not received a response from you in over 72 hours.
Subject: is this still valid https://lowendbox.com/blog/enoctus-ssd-kvm-specials-from-2-95-mo-in-usa-uk/ [MERGED]
Department: Support
Priority: 中
Status: 已結案
If you have any further questions then please just reply to re-open the ticket.
Noticed VPS was down at the weekend (was definitely up on the 15th). Couldn’t restart, raised a support ticket, not heard a thing – tumbleweed…
I can still rdp into my windows server and it seems to running normally, but the website control panel says the server is offline. I tried telling them through a support ticket but they didn’t answer.
take full back ASAP.. before it disappears in the blue sky.