It took them a while, but Brandon from eNetSouth Cloud emailed me that their racks in San Jose California is finally live. Here is a special offer for the LowEndBox readers — $6.95/month for following VMWare ESX-based VPS.
- 256MB memory
- 20GB storage
- 2500GB/month data transfer
- VMWare vSphere
Use this link to order the above product. Co-lo in San Jose is quite a bit more expensive than Chicago thus it is more expensive than their previous exclusive offer in Chicago. Servers are with 8×8/CentralHost with Level3, Global Crossing and Cogent bandwidth and good connectivity to Asia. Test IP:
Brandon also showed me a sample VPS he has got. It was a different spec CentOS 5 build with access to one single Xeon X3430 core and pretty decent IO performance. I suspect it would be similar with the one above.
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My machine from their last offer at Chicago DC has had reliable up time. The server is very responsive.
I had trouble with their old CP, but the new vSpere works well for controlling my instance.
Just ordered one, still waiting IP provision. Seems there’s nothing about west coast VPS service in their website. I’ve never tried VMware-based VPS, hope they are good.
Good to hear from Brandon on this offer. Would like to know how many host per cluster? Does eNetSouth Cloud use vCenter with HA/DRS for both Chicago and San Jose? Thank you.
from Manila, Philippines.
Also from the Philippines (north of Manila), I haven’t noticed packet loss so far.
It’s getting routed through Cogent.
@Everyone — Provisions are incoming. I just finished the first round.
@Jackskin — Thank you! We appreciate your business as much you appreciate being online.. (Just a little insight Jackskin was one of my first customers from the very first time LEB picked up one of my offers from WHT. I must admit he gave me a run for my money for the first two weeks and I think one night he wanted to fly out the monitor and fight me but I finally won him over. :) :) )
@fallred — Let me know what you think. You should be ready to roll.
@Wing Loon — Nice to hear from you as well. Number of hosts of course is a minimum of two. As customer demand grows so will pair density. Yes, both clusters at each DC is managed by vCenter.
@Flyah — I would tend to believe that loss might be coming from the service provider where that machine is located. I don’t have a way to test from Asia but I have been monitoring since last Friday from our testbox in Chicago @ ColoCrossing and I have yet to miss a packet. Not even 1 in almost 4 days.
@David — Thats more like it. Do you want to change locations tomorrow?
Is payment by PayPal still subscription type, or one time checkout this time? so I don’t have to link it to credit card.
It is still with PayPal subscription. I wish there was a way around it or either I need to get a canned off the shelf software that invoices PayPal automatically but right now it is either PayPal or a card through our merchant account.
@Brandon, a move to the San Jose server would be great, whenever you’ve got time. No rush since the VPS in Chicago is working great, too.
@David — Just letting you know its here for you when you want it. Anytime is ok with me.
And I have always been impressed with our servers out of Chicago. ColoCrossing is a super great group of people .. They are adding even more connectivity on Friday AM so looks like it will continue to get even better.
Second round of provisions just went out about 5 minutes ago. Now back to work. :)
San Jose DC unix benchmark results, BEST score for single cpu I have ever seen, even higher than most multi-cpu lowendboxes.
Keep it up, Brandon :)
@Brandon, tomorrow is good.
@fallred – Thank you for posting your performance results.
@David – You got it!
Sent you an email and haven’t heard back. :(
Brandon, do you allow shoutcast?
I replied.
I thought.
It helps when I hit send. The reply was still open on the taskbar. Too many windows open.
@Flyah: Sure, as long as it is legal you are free to use your server as intended. Just make sure you stay in your BW limits.
I’ve done that many times before Brandon. You’re forgiven. :)
@Jamie — Thank you.
Is it a real traffic flatrate? So is it only limited by the physical interface provided?
was planning to use it as a relay server. btw, is it on 10mbps or 100mbps?
@Moo – Correct. These particular plans are not capped except by what your port speed is on the instance.
@flyah – 100Mbps.
3rd month using enscloud VPS.
Uptime is very good. They always send email about their planned downtime.
I hope they keep their quality
I have been using it since I got the great earlier offer from enscloud. I am also doing radio blogging. Enscloud is pretty good. I have been moving my files to from 2host to Enscloud.
I just signed up for this with the idea that I will upgrade to a 512 or 768 in the near future depending on the first month. I am also going to be moving away from 2host since their uptime and network quality has been on a downward trajectory for the last 2-3 months.
Got the details, and the server seems to be flying along.
[root@ens ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k; sync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 6.85898 seconds, 157 MB/s
Support is fast and friendly. Hopefully it stays something similar to this. :)
@bekanosky, innya, Greg, Jamie: Thank you for the comments/reviews.
We will be here and everything will stay the same. If it is not then please me know or contact I can also be reached personally by emailing
#1 is keeping the customer happy and #2 is not ticking off the LowEndBox community :) .. I would say that more than 75% of my business has originated from here and I’m very grateful. So thank you all and we will keep making improvements and growing into the future.
Stupid question, how do you apply when you already have an account?
And how much are the upgrades like ram and hdd?
@Arthur: If a upgrade to ram/hdd is needed you can do go up to the next plan size. We can also mix and match something custom for a customer if they need it. Just have to open a ticket and let us know what you want.
Is TUN/TAP enabled by default on VMVare VPS? Else do they enable on request?
eNSCLOUD is response slowly indeed…
I ordered a LEB special 3month package,
and 22 hour has gone, havn’t receive the notice email,
and the support ticket is not answering…
You do see in the email that is sent to everyone that provisioning can take up to 24 hours correct? If you do not agree to the terms then why wait and then complain publicly? I am refunding your PayPal and removing your account. I can already see where this is going. Thank you.
As stated above I have refunded your PayPal. I’m sorry this did not work out for you but I refuse to do business with a customer who will not allow me to service them in a timely matter. It will be your task to cancel your subscription with PayPal. Good luck with your project in the future.