Brandon from eNetSouth Cloud emailed me that they have more slots available on their VMWare-based VPS in Chicago. Same exclusive offer for LowEndBox readers like last time, but not available in San Jose at the moment. $6.95/month using this ordering link.
- 400MB memory
- 20GB storage
- 2000GB/month data transfer
- VMWare/vSphere
Yes you will get vSphere access to set up your VPS. Probably a bit overwhelm than clicking a few buttons to have VPS deployed on SolusVM, but it does give you a lot of configuration options. eNS Cloud has also released their new DNS management application for their customers.
I think eNS Cloud has suffered from fraud orders in the past so there might be issues if you are ordering from “black listed” regions (by Maxmind I guess). Server provisioning is also relatively slow due to the platform. Brandon also noted that this offer does not apply to Windows orders, and all Windows requests will be refunded. You might still be able to run xBSD or Solaris though.
(Disclaimer: runs on a sponsored VMWare VPS from eNS Cloud)
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maybe they need to purchase ssl for their order page. uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.
(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)
Which browser are you using? They seem to be signed by Starfield.
firefox 3.6.1 on fedora 14.
fixed. :)
Works fine here (opera)
Brandon, please keep me posted RE San Jose location :).
I will let you know as soon as there is availability. There might be a surprise later this week or weekend.
I said I would do this so..
We have room in our new Los Angeles DC and San Jose. New servers at both locations.
Can’t ship your current over there but we can spin you one up there while you move data then bring the current down after you are moved and settled in.
Available for new customer?
Using the ordering link provided only the following options are available:
eNS Linux Cloud VPS – 400MB RAM – 20GB Storage – 1500GB Monthly Transfer $6.95 /mo
eNS Linux Cloud VPS – 512MB RAM – 20GB Storage – 1500GB Monthly Transfer (3 Months Prepay) $20.00 /3 mos
All ok except the transfer is only 1500GB instead of 2000GB.
Sorry for the comment spam also – but can anyone provide a speed test file on the Chiacgo VPS?
[root@ ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=4k conv=fdatasync
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 6.11971 seconds, 43.9 MB/s
//2 seconds later:
[root@ ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=4k conv=fdatasync
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 5.47873 seconds, 49.0 MB/s
//1 min. later:
[root@~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=4k conv=fdatasync
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 4.35292 seconds, 61.7 MB/s
I have bought a VPS from the previous offer two days ago, and I would like to say it is really worth having it even though the provisioning can take up 24 hours..
I carried out stress test to compare linode and eNScloud, and I found that having two eNScloud VPSs will give me same performance of one linode VPS, but I will save ~$7 and get 2800GB BW more..
Sorry I forget to add: i will also have 512MB ram more..
No more 10Mbps unmetered offer?
vmware but where is the 10mbps unmetered? but this is cheap.
the io test not bad. why this vmware too cheap? i seen on wht most of vmware price is not relly cheap
I’m happy with my VPS, I hope they will manage to keep it up for long time.
That is not a good attempt to promote your own site that is rather not for the LEB atmosphere.
I have two of these with 10Mbps unmetered. Great little boxes that you have full control on the machine including mounting your own ISO and full remote console access.
It is not that cheap already when you can get $2 VPS from many providers.
Apart from occasional slow I/O the server is ideal for running small windows programs (assuming you spend half a day to a whole day to install windows yourself)
A couple of items I want to let people know is that a PayPal subscription is no longer required at signup. PayPal checkout is OK. Then we will invoice you 5 days before the due date via email and again it can be paid using PayPal. That was a issue I know a lot will be glad is resolved.
The other is we now allow up to 5 DNS Zones to be managed from within the panel. It is included free with a account. So you do not have to worry about managing your own DNS or paying another company to do it. It’s database driven and is replicated across Chicago, IL, Dallas,TX and London, UK. We have a lot of customers using this feature now simply because it’s #1 free, #2 it works and #3 easy to use. Takes away a lot of headache from the user and there are no single point of failures.
I just got my new server setup, and so far I am very pleased.
Brandon answered all my questions, and there were quite a few after some rough rides with other providers.
I am hoping this is the beginning of a long partnership.
I’ve been with eNS Cloud for around 2 months now, and I’m more than happy with my VPS! I highly recommend them. Though, I’ve been waiting over a week for a reply to my support ticket, which at the moment is a minor issue.
Sent another email, and my problem was quickly resolved. :)
OK – A deal sweetener :)
Several have asked in the post and I have had over 10 requests today to add 10Mbps unmetered. Ask and you will receive!
All of these plans now are by default 10Mbps unmetered! If you want metered instead just open a ticket.
I have added a 384MB – 20GB – 10mbps unmetered for $12.00 every three months. ($4.00 USD / month)
The base plan 400MB has been upgraded to 448MB RAM. <- Nice
Brandon, do you have any offer with a bigger drive, say something like 384M, 40GB drive.
Or do you allow combining resources of 2 or more of these LEB specials into same instance?
Two of my openvz box expire next month and eNS Cloud is surely the provider to go!
Arthur, I will allow you (or anyone) to combine two (or more) of the deals in to one instance. The overhead (RAM consumed by the VZ layer to house the instance) is less on one 640MB vs two 320MB.. Not by much but they all add up. It will benefit us both.
If you or anyone want to do this let me know or open a ticket letting us know before we build it.
Does the bandwidth stack, too?
Hello, just ordered one.
I like your control panel!
The only issue to note: I signed up, I’m waiting for the vps provisioning and the billing is incorrect, because it says:
131 Linux Cloud VPS 384MB RAM 20GB Storage 10mbps Unmetered Transfer (3 Month) 12.00 2-27-2011 3-27-2011
Just that. I hope to stick with eNS Cloud for years.
Does that mean theoretically someone can get 3GB-ish memory, 200GB space, 100mbps unmetered, 10 ips for $120/3 months? If that is true you are competing with dedicated servers :)
Maybe not so much at our current load on our infrastructure. However, 1GB servers @ 40GB – 60GB I can do those all day. The plan (by end of 1st QTR) is to be able to offer customers hybrid servers 2GB+ with a very small concentration on a host (node). It will be dedicated level performance with all the extra benefits.
How much CPU come with these plans? How many cores?
In my vCenter I see “Processors 2 X 3.895 GHz”, but I don’t know what type of CPU allocation method they are using..
I see…also, for your stress test, did you mean 2 eNS VPS working at the same time equaled to one Linode working? So is it really 2 eNS = 1 Linode?
Yes, almost.
I usually do this to have what i call “my relative rating”, where i try to calculate how much throughput I can get for each dollar I have paid. I do install typical image on every VPS I get, then I try to push each VPS to its limit:
For Linode Maximum: 50 throughput, Cost $20.
For eNScloud Max. : 25 throughput, Cost ~$7.
So if I get 2 eNScould VPSs I can have 50 throughput, Cost ~$14. which will save me ~$6 and give me 2800GB more BW, and 512 MB more RAM
Also note please, I used the recurring price, and this can vary depends on the offer you have, e.g. I got this linode with $100 balance, so this can make a great difference, however, regardless of the price, the performance alone is valid comparison..
ordered one. lets play to vmware jungle
I cannot find the AUP on the eNS website. I’d like to read this before I sign up.
Love the offer. But a few questions, is there a speed test? (im from europe and it may speeds to us may be bad on some routes)
I can load any .iso i want right? i want to try to run RouterOS (Simple vpn), i suppose that will need some tun/tap or something like that. can i get that?
to hell with it. i did an order. now lets se how smooth it works =)
Can you load your .iso?
Haven’t gotten access to the vCenter yet.
But from my ticket to support:
“You can use your own ISO. It is better for speed purposes to provide it to us. We will mount it and and you can finish it using the console.”
Ordered ~ 20 hours ago. Patiently waiting :)
Got it now. Just had a quick peak, looks very good.
Well, after working with it today I’d like to upgrade my initial assessment from “very good” to “damn good” :)
For those still waiting on deployment, be patient — it’s worth the wait.
still waiting for my VPS to be provisioned. My current provider has a less than ideal network that has gone down quite frequently in my time with them. Additionally I will be able to have 2x as much memory for the same cost with ENS Cloud.
It has actually been 23.5hrs and I’m not provisioned yet (perhaps it takes longer to provision a 1GB vps?) but I’m looking forward to it!
Lucky you. I have ordered mine 56 hours ago, still nothing…
got from them, custum vps all went fine, good guys :)
Still waiting to be invoiced with x5 resources.
I am sending you a email to let you know about a issue that is preventing moving forward with your account.
Will you please email and let me know who you are? So we can get this resolved.
No mail yet.
Don’t know if its du to heavy load, or you work weekends.
Anyway im cool with that.
But if you have sent the mail try resending it, due to the fact that its not in my inbox and/or spambox
I updated your ticket. Fix that for me and we are good to go.
Does this version of VSphere allow you to install any operating system you like? I use this technology at work and we usually mount our own ISOs remotely which is handy.
Yes, it does.
Hi Brandon,
Please swap the 10MBPS unmetered to the metered 100MBPS option whenever you get the chance on my account.
Username is ‘bk’
Adam, how hard is to open support ticket instead public request of something what we don’t care about?
I submitted a ticket aswell, it’s actually not as hard as you would think.
Perhaps find another hobby rather than trolling other people’s comments that you don’t care about?
I posted it here for verification so that if any other user had the same question, it could be easily answered.
Adam, got your ticket. Your request is going to be taken care of. We are running behind a little due to support demand and we digging out of the support trenches this evening. Everyone has been loving some eNetSouth this weekend and I appreciate it!
Verification? Nonsense! It’s not comment, it’s plain support ticket request at wrong place.
Not a problem, thanks for the confirmation, Brandon!
Why we can’t install Windows on it if we have our own licence?
I signed up yesterday at the night. Still waiting the deploy and waiting a long ticket response (a lot of questions xD ). Is a little different to other providers.
However, the status says on, and then I am a little bit confused. My vps is on but without ip? Then I can use vSphere? And that Java SSH stuff? I tried with the same login and password with no positive results.
I will wait…
Yomero, looks like 2 accounts were before you and one of those just finished. (Thanks Brian) .. Should be up and running in around 30 minutes.
Thank you brandon! At this moment my server is running. Just waiting to my ticket response, and now I will submit another because I have more questions now :P
Think the guys at eNS are quite busy processing all these orders. I too am still waiting but I’m sure they’re doing the best they can. Just be patient :)
*You* are that other one. :)
Can’t help but feel like I’m causing trouble? :P
Looking forward to getting it up and running :)
Well, my experience at this moment is:
Support: The support is slow. I think this is caused for a lot of orders and people like me hammering with tickets. The people is nice =) anyway.
Performance: At this moment the VPS is ok, for people looking for high I/O I think this isn’t the place, but the performance is good overall.
Network: Well, is good, AFAIK my VPS was provided with metered bandwidth as I have 100 mb/s. My latencies are decent form Chicago to Mexico, like 80-110 ms.
Now, I am waiting some response :P cuz I can’t access to vSphere panel yet, and other issues. I hope the support will be normal soon.
I can’t access vsphere either and I already requested a refund due to this. I didn’t expect the setup to be instant but I also don’t feel like waiting a week to get access to vsphere to install my image.
Yep, no vshpere yet, no ticket response (2 tickets already)
At this moment isn’t a problem for me because I requested a Debian (but isn’t a good slipstreamed debian… is, a little bit fat) and after no response, I decided to start configuring with that debian.
I hope they will answer today, and maybe I will try an Squeeze iso… xD
@Yomero: This was resolved for you prior to you posting this. How long has it been since you tried? Also, I will respond to the short novel on the 1st ticket today. You flagged it all low priority. :)
LOL, but my novel isn’t answered yet. I can access to vSphere now, thanks :D
About that ssh link, is broken yet :S
About the priority, well, everyone has a different concept of low, medium, high. I will put all my tickets in uber high priority xD
Now I must discover how to reinstall the SO :D
Good deal. I will be sure to modify the code as to when you open a ticket it will instantly set it to low. :) :)
Speaking of code I know why it thinks you are not logged in and sends you to the login page. Should be a easy fix. I will edit the offending statements once I get everyone taken care of.
Yes, that issue isn’t important for me. The panel is important :D (and the questions that I have about your service).
About the priority, well, that’s not fair :( LOL
SSH link is fixed! It was not checking to see if you were logged in and getting a IP/Session match. So it defaulted to a logout. Which is what it was supposed to do if it cant verify your there but in this case it was a bug.
Hello Brandon,
Can you look into my test server situation. Look forward to it. I need it asap, as I need to do some load testing. If you need the money upfront. I will paypal it.
Thanks a bunch.
Still waiting to be provisioned. Paid on 23th.
Also the request was something very custom and I think Brian told you there would be a little delay getting that one ready.
Had my blog up and running over at eNScloud for a few weeks now. Network is great, server was provisioned pretty quick, however still no vSphere access for me…
Matt, I’ve been trying to email you and they keep getting returned. Even when you open a ticket it bounces back right after I get the notification. If you have another account email me [ ] and I will make sure your taken care of.
Hi Brandon,
I e-mailed you yesterday. Do you usually have problems with Gmail? Would it be better if I e-mail you from Yahoo?
I did receive it. I never had a problem getting a email from you it was getting on to deliver using the accounts at the domains you setup. I will write you later today.
Just figured I’d throw in the rest of my experience.
Got the vSphere issue resolved pretty quick via email with Brandon. Since then things have been running smooth except for one time where my VM got stuck during a reboot.
I will note, however, that my support tickets are still all unanswered, even the ones where I added a comment to please close the ticket since the issue was resolved.
Performance is great, especially for the price.
Still waiting for reload OS …
I ordered an 3 month / unmetered package and I am still waiting. Almost 48 hours now, despite the fact that their eMail claims that it will be set up in at most 24 hours.
My server is now up and running for 2 days. Everything as advertised, no complaints so far. Support is much (!) more responsive and helpful after provisioning.
We try to work tickets/requests as they come in but you have to imagine current support load then all of a sudden this huge rush of new customers…. I’m not complaining by no means but we do fall behind. Working on becoming more efficent and not having so much manual intervention to get a customer online is a top priority. In my honest oppinion we have to decrese the time to provisioning in a big way.
I’m glad your happy and thank for the words.
Signed up with eNetSouth to play with a VMware based VPS. It took almost 2 days for provisioning, but I still can’t log in to vCenter. Submitted a ticket about this over 12 hours ago but have yet to hear back. Not off to a great start… wish I hadn’t paid for 3 months upfront. :(
I experienced a longer than 24hr setup time as well and slow support. However, the vps is fast and stable
and well priced so I think that makes up for it.
:( I want my test server… come on I want to feel some of this excellent vps service everyone tells me is awesome :) Brandon lets go buddy! :)
Brian never emailed me an ETA btw. If I have to pay I will pay.
There .. there already.. my god you win points for persistance. :)
LOL thats what my wife says :)
Tell her I said she is right. :)
Hey Brandon. I still need VCenter access. I thought Debian x64 would be a good idea for my needs but I was wrong and need a new OS.
Done! And if you need me to roll you a new one let me know.
I really do need that. My last 2 tickets I’ve put in have been completely ignored so I guess I need to get support here. That’s not sitting right with me to be honest.
The last two was #1 vCenter… #2 was a thanks for the vCenter but you need a OS change. If you need it done now.. it can be done tonight. We did not want to kill the instance not knowing what state you have it in.
Oh well then just ask. :-) Yea so far all I’ve been able to do with it was set up some testing which didn’t go as hoped so the machine is worthless to me until I get a smoother running OS on it I guess. The second request was for a new OS and I’ve just been waiting for that. It’s pretty useless to me sitting at over 500mb mem useage idle. I had no idea x64 Debian would do that.
In my testing I have found i386 (32bit) to be way less expensive in terms of RAM cost in a any mem environment. I assume the kernel and additional supporting services have to use more RAM as a whole to address the larger memory address space if its present. Unless you have the need to be able to address to the larger addresses I would stay with i386 always. I guess a exemption to that rule would be when you have a 64bit only application then you really do not have a choice.
Do you support Ipv6 natively?
why it takes 24 hrs before they can provision my account?still waiting though
How much for additional IPs?
I’m still waiting for my remaining IPs to be provisioned to my mega instance
There seems to be some issue with Chicago at the moment. My instance is almost frozen, took 2 minutes to shutdown and currently unable to boot into OS. Guess it has something to do with the maintenance notice.
My other instances in San Jose and Los Angeles are running great.
The guy has stopped communicating completely, tickets sent more than a week ago. Is he a Chinese? Lots of Chinese students left universities with Internet connection for home, that would explain his silence.
We are not Chinese. Not that it matters either way.. If you don’t mind will you email me [ brandonc@ ]and I will see that your matters are handled. Thanks!
Hey, I sent tickets in a standard way to your support (at) enscloud. Why do I need to send them again to your brandonc? What is the difference?
There is not a difference. But obviously something is not right or it would be resolved and your upset enough to say that I have quit talking — Just wanted to get this worked out right here and now. So email me..
I am not upset, just need a response because I pay for your service. Please take a look at any unanswered messages in your support queue. A friend of mine also mentioned to me his tickets are left there without any action/response, so obviously I am not the only one.
Can you at least provide me with the ticket ID?
Hello Brandon,
I am joining this discussion as we also sent at least four tickets to your support account without any answer at all. Eventually we asked for a full refund, but it was like a talking to the wall so I will trigger a PayPal dispute today (not happy to do that, but left with no other option).
Brandon can I have my 4 remainig IPs out of my 5x instances? I’ve asked in the support queue and to your email but you haven’t get back to me on it. Thank you.
Done.. Check your email.
Thanks. Got it running. I might get another same instance in the future :)
Awesome performance. <256MB files get 1.2GB/s read/write (I guess cached RAID10). Large file I/O consistently exceed 100MB/s :)
It’s RAID 1E (LSI).. 8 drives 15K each. 256MB cache on the controller. Before that server in Los Angeles was was put in to production for use I loaded CentOS on it to do some testing and it was sustaining 600MB/s+ way outside any way it could be cached. It was built for a purpose.
My vps is down for a few days now. eNS stopped replying to e-mails and tickets. I asked for a refund 3 days ago, sent them 2 or 3 e-mails, opened one ticket – no response.
I wonder what happened to automatic failover…
Brandon is not going to be available today so I am answering these. Failover happens when the host heartbeat is not present. Not when a customer destroys their instance.
I think I know who you are. If I’m incorrect please let me know. When you first mangled your ubuntu box I know that Brandon looked at it. So did I on a occasion. I could tell within the first 30 minutes a reload would be what you needed and it was offered multiple times. Yet you keep insisting that we figure out how to fix what you have broken. This is not fully managed service. We will help but we cant devote everything to someone that botched a desktop install.
@Henry Fong
What you fail to mention is that from the beginning on this offer it was stated CHICAGO ONLY. You go right ahead and pick San Jose. How many emails was exchanged from the very beginning. Explaining to you this was Chicago only and it would be a while before we would have service for you in San Jose? So thats issue #1 I have with this. There was plenty of contact. Then you will not allow any time to get a IP off of a blacklist and you cancel. At that point what else can we do for you. Then you post this AFTER you have been refunded and sent a email? I’m puzzled on how we can handle you any differently. I mean what is your goal in posting something after the fact? Without any regard to the situation.
The real kicker is when you make your post. 4:32 AM. Which would have been 10:32PM local time to us.
My comment was written before I sent any email to you. It was not visible for several hours awaiting LEB admin approval since it was my first comment here. I mentioned that even in the email (please take a look). You probably overlooked that and made a wrong conclusion.
I was about to write you an email regarding a future business co-operation however I am little bit confused now.
Could you check tickets 1863 and 1871 ? BTW – 1863 is opened from 02/06/2011 19:18:55 without any response so far. And 1871 is about the full refund that I want – my vps is down for 6 days now…
First of all this was another Chicago only disregard. You went ahead and picked it and still complained about the provision time. Again, once we had new servers to setup customers on your server was provisioned and was ready. Then the OS change game went in to full effect. Do you want to tell everyone how many times I asked “Tell me exactly what you want” and we would load the OS for you or do you want me to link the emails? Yet you would never answer that question clearly. You responded (copy paste from support email sent to you on 2/4/11 where you responded on 2/4/11 @ 5:22 AM CST)
“I need CentOS 5.5, Debian5, Ubuntu 10.4 and 10.10 and FreeBSD”
OK but which one of those do you want?
So obviously you did not want what you were setup with which is what you requested at signup. We wiped the virtual HD and set it to allow you to mount a .ISO in the virtual CD-ROM and install it yourself. Just like you wanted to do. Your instance is UP — it does not have a OS because you wanted to be able to load them yourself. We provide you the ability to do so and that is not enough.
Honestly my TOS states that we will provide a refund if there is a issue that we can’t resolve. Not that the customer will not allow us to help him/follow directions.
Tell me this is not exactly what happened because I will be happy to post the emails and show the logs where it shows that is exactly the case. I’m sure LEB readers do not want to read this but when we supported you and tried to do everything you ask then you still come on here to make it look like we are a fail provider who downed your VPS and will not refund your money… I take offense to that.
Frustration will not win you customers. If you have some dilemma, you need to talk to them, answer their tickets on time, not in days or even weeks. Not to hide behind dummy accounts and then write “my TOS”, not to instruct customers to write to different accounts pretending your support account is not working. If you are not patient enough, do not run this business. This is all wrong approach that will return back to you like a bumerang.
I’m not frustrated at all. Frustrations and taking offense to a comment where all of the facts are not stated are two different topics. There was not a dilemma except when ground rules are laid out and they are not followed from the first interaction with a customer.
About my TOS comment. A customer and/or prospective customer will hold our feet to the fire over a TOS. That document works both ways. We will do the same. Dummy accounts? I think you need to clarify on that. Are you insinuating something here?
We have been in business since 2009. We have had our trials and tribulations. If we were a fly by night company out to make a quick buck.. Scam a few customers and then say we were bought out then wash, rinse and then repeat all over again just to sell a service that that is half baked to begin with and force customers to fight for resources and rebooting nodes daily. — Sure call us out on it. Otherwise, rest assured that the patience is there and has been tested.
Off topic: About bumerangs.. I got one of those when I was a little kid. I never was good at dealing with them. :)
Hi eNetSouth, I would like to ask, by default can your user mount their own iso and install by them self? or do you provide a few iso for user to install by them self?
When a customer creates a account and creates the instance we load a image from a stock off the shelf .ISO from what they requested. After that if they want a change they can request it via support OR you can do so using vCenter. Although it is not as straight forward as some of the other more common VPS panels out there. We have customers who request us to load custom .ISO for them quite often. They provide it and we mount it and they finish the install. I will be up front with you .. If you like to change your OS very often we might not be the best choice.
This reason is why we are bringing out a Xen HVM solution with a well known panel within the next upcoming week.
You can mount you own iso and install by yourself in vSphere client. I just installed debian 6 myself. Of course, it will be more convenient if eNetSouth can provide popular ISOs in the server datastore and allow users to mount from the server datastore.
Many thanks to eNetSouth for providing such a wonderful offer. I prefer VMWare.
First of all, I complained about the provision time, because it’s been almost 48 hours and my VPS was not activated – “Even though most servers are provisioned within the hour
of purchase provisioning times could take up to 24 hours”. Maybe I should wait forever for my vps to be setup and not sent a support ticket (that was not answered) and e-mail ?
“Then the OS change game went in to full effect”
Yes, I might want to change my OS. With the statement “I need CentOS 5.5, Debian5, Ubuntu 10.4 and 10.10 and FreeBSD” I asked for images of these OSs, so I can easly reload the OS if I want to.
Also you had 6 days to reply to my ticket and e-mails, but you just ignored them, isn’t it ?
From the offer text posted at the top of the page:
“Brandon from eNetSouth Cloud emailed me that they have more slots available on their VMWare-based VPS in Chicago. Same exclusive offer for LowEndBox readers like last time, but not available in San Jose at the moment. ”
End of discusssion time: What location did you pick?
Do you know what it takes to get a colo/dedicated server provider to build custom spec servers in 48 hours? Not to mention in the LA, SJ areas? It does not happen quickly. But we pulled it off to support you and the others who chose SJC. Even though we had plenty of communication and I did exactly what you wanted .. It was not enough was it?
I knew I should have treated the SJC requests like the Windows requests and tossed the orders/instant refund. I’m certain even though that was stated it would be a problem as well.
I suggest you disable SJC choice in your ordering system if this option is not available. It gives customers a false impression SJC is available now because the option in the menu is enabled. If there are no slots in SJC, you should notify customers immediately.
“but not available in San Jose at the moment”
Yes, I picked San Jose, because it was available as an option while I made the purchase. You could’ve sent me an e-mail that explains that, and ask me if I want to have my vps provisioned on a server in Chicago.
#1866 please check my ticket number it was 5days left unanswered,,and how can i purchase 1 more vps without signing up again?
Hey, you need to wait more then a week to join the club!
@jeffrey .. I checked on that and it should be working now.
@John .. Everyone loves a comedian. Too bad I don’t hide behind a “John” .. I’m not afraid for everyone to know who I am. So at this point I’m done with you.
I made several suggestions here, you did not address any of them. It is always too bad when people have to use public forums to get attention to their tickets sent days ago…
And everything you suggested … incorrect. I don’t mind a public forum. I recomend it actually. We have nothing to hide and I’ve never been one to be secrative about business … It’s a known ground for me. However we are crossing that line of exceeding the scope of what this is for. Your always welcome to email us. But no – If you had a actual good agenda of wanting to offer some advice you would do that. Instead you want to throw a wrench or two here. Thats OK with me. Or you could always grow a pair and lets talk. I’m not that hard to find.
If you think that answering tickets on time so that customers do not need to wait for a week or been totally ignored is an “incorrect” suggestion then… If you think that cleaning up your ordering system to be less confused for customers is an “incorrect” idea… If you think that talking to the customers instead of shouting or blaming them like Evo or Fong (did you apologize to them? I haven’t noticed.) is an “incorrect” idea… If you think that not asking customers to write you to hundreds of different emails while your standard ticketing system is in use is an “incorrect” suggestion, then…
Bought the smallest package on offer (384 MB RAM) about two weeks ago. It’s been up consistently and performance is excellent. It’s so vastly better than the run-of-the-mill, low-budget OpenVZ offerings. Thanks eNetSouth.
Sorry to post here about this, but, can you take a look at #1748? Open since the start of my service =(
Thank you
Just ordered… can’t wait :)
@Jerome — thanks!
Also, I got curious about Debian 6 when you wrote this today. I tested one of my test boxes tonight (On VMware in San Jose) doing a in place upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze. I was shocked at just how old Lenny had gotten. I actually like Debian again. I had wrote Debian and Ubuntu off because I’m a CentOS/RHEL fan but I think I can look at this more.
As always since you do not have have to use a upstream patched kernel or template with our service our customers can do a in place upgrade from 5.05 to 6. Here is how I did it.
!! Make a backup of your data. Everything was ok with me but things can happen. Don’t be mad at me if it does not work perfectly for you as it did for me !!
Edit your sources.list — Change anything that says Lenny to Squeeze and make sure you are at Stable (as it should be already)
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list
Upgrade to Squeeze:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt dpkg apt-get
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
When it completes. Your done!
Sorry to comment on my own post — I forgot to add that Debian 6.0 (Squeeze) is now a selectable option for OS Choice at signup now for new customers.
cant wait for my 2nd instance..
eNS looks like it would be a fantastic service but the support team just seem so overwhelmed they can’t follow through on any of my tickets.
I had a previous post I made deleted as I felt it was unfair but in heinsight, I’m starting to wonder if I was bang on the money.
It’s literally been ten+ days since I ordered the service and I still hadn’t been able to use it. Tickets seem to go unanswered for days. I’ve even made a point of telling Brandon (et al.) of various bugs I’ve spotted en-route – they were nice enough to give me a memory upgrade for free though, props for that.
Overall, it really isn’t good enough. I know it’s a “budget” offering (and a unique and interesting one) but I expect a minimum level of service. I’ve decided to call it a day with eNS, they’re incapable of providing a service at the moment. I’ll give them another go once the dust settles.
X2 mike, my tickets don’t get answer too.
Yesterday I had 1 hour downtime, and since the start of my service, I have several reboots =(
@Brandon: I want to change my passwords u_u
Lets go over the facts. You sign up and we get you a server running to the spec you requested. Then we get vCenter going for you. The first thing you do is turn around and load Windows 2008. Then you hose up the instance configuration somehow with the network and changed some other values as well. I’m not a big fan of users loading there own Windows instance because of this.
We are a unmanaged service here. If we have a problem that prevents you from using your service of any kind we will help. If you have a problem in your OS that has you stumped we will help. But — if you want to run something specific and need specialized help with it then maybe our lowendaccounts are not the best suited for you. At least with VMware anyways –If you want to run windows and run it right then why not buy one of our windows packages?
Another thorn in my ass is the fact that 90% of people who get mad at us over the service is simply because they could not get their hacked windows box on-line.. Or if its not patched to disable WGA they work us to death just to bail in 60 days once the timeout happens and they dont know how to rearm the trial. Or they request a Ubuntu server and go back behind us loading XWindows and in the process screw up SSH and their network settings so now they cant load their torrent software.
So yeah I think in regards to support load and what your needs are it would be in the best intrest to part ways with each other. I wish you well finding a windows host.
Seriously, this is your professional response?
You’re not talking to a child and you are NOT talking to someone who has no experience in this domain. I’ve worked for Microsoft (FTE) and now I work for an equally large News Corporation. Please do NOT assume I’m some kind of idiot or pirate.
“Hacked” Windows is a complete farse. You have said yourself customers are allowed to load any operating system they like. I work with ESX all bloody day, it’s a virtualisation software which you have clearly not configured correctly. I cannot simply “hose” the configuration. If you cannot manage you systems correctly, please do not provide a service.
If you had a shred of professionalism you should have responded to my ticket, explained my “mistake” and we could have cooperated to a natural end. Instead, you’ve ignored my ticket – one can only assume for money ($7, great enjoy your trip to Hawaii).
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, manners cost nothing! A one line email explaining that your product isn’t suitable for my needs would have sufficed and you’d have gained my respect.
I have offered my assistance several times to you. It seems you are far more interested in answering public forums than private emails. Consider this a lesson.
My advice, avoid this company.
Damn, that are extra circunstances :| No comments then.
I hope you can take a look at our tickets.
In my case is the #1748 again, with some questions. (Don’t be mad, my questions aren’t for managed service =( xD) :P (PS: I don’t care if the instance must be destroyed and recreated to accomplish that changes).
The good news, Brandon is here answering our posts in this offer, that speak well of their responsability
Kind regards.
Not mad at all. I’m just discussing what is normally the case. Also, I entered in on those tickets. We had responded to the “novel” :) and I did not see you had a follow up. So that was my bad.
My novel is very important, and MUST continue :D
I have answered the ticket =) thank you, I hope everything goes well.
eNS Cloud’s attitude in the comments is a big turn-off for me. It can be refreshing to see straight talk from a host but I really think eNS is doing it the wrong way. Brandon is a bit “too straight” sometimes… in this case, I find myself disliking eNS more and more with each lengthy diatribe posted in the comments.
My experience thus far: I’ve also had issues with unanswered support requests. The most annoying problem was not getting a response at all when I reported that my VPS went down and wasn’t responding to reboots initiated from vCenter. The VPS came back on its own about 3-5 days later – give or take a few days because I was just playing with the VPS and couldn’t be bothered to stay on top of eNS to make sure they fixed it (not that I should have to do that in the first place). It’s possible that eNS did something to fix it, but I wouldn’t know since I haven’t received a response to this day.
I originally signed up with these guys to play around with a VMWare based VPS. It seems pretty neat compared to the usual OpenVZ/Hypervm boredom, but eNS’s public relations and support have a lot of catching up to do before I could consider them for any kind of “serious” hosting.
@yomero: Of course. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Yeah, I wrote the new chapter just one minute ago :P
I ordered one a couple days ago. The VPS seems stable and appears to be hosted at ubiquity. IO speeds are around 30 mb/s
The control panel appears to be unfinished. There is no way to change your billing info. I also did their 3 month billing period but it showed up as 1 month. They had to fix that manually. Ticket response is slower than some, but it is faster than Virpus at least.
It seems like Ubiquity servers is having a crisis. I’ve suffered multiple instances of 95% packet loss these past couple of days.
I just sent this MTR report to enscloud support, and Brandon thinks its a traceroute to ChicagoVPS instead of from ChicagoVPS to my enscloud VPS lol. I should also note that they haven’t bothered to fix my vCenter login for over a week now.
Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
0.0% 8 3.8 1.2 0.7 3.8 1.1
0.0% 8 0.9 1.1 0.8 2.0 0.4
0.0% 8 1.0 4.9 0.7 33.1 11.4
0.0% 8 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.8 0.1
0.0% 8 1.5 2.2 1.3 7.1 2.0
0.0% 7 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.9 0.1
0.0% 7 1.8 54.8 1.8 167.9 69.7
0.0% 7 9.2 17.3 1.7 66.1 24.3
0.0% 7 2.0 5.7 1.9 13.1 4.8
0.0% 7 11.4 8.1 2.1 14.2 3.9
42.9% 7 35.7 35.5 35.4 35.7 0.1
83.3% 7 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 0.0
Ahhhh.. Thats a new low right there “bob” ..
So I’m in the middle of support with you and get on here and post this?
Other than fix the issues what do you want? This is exactly why I get called out on being a total jerk on here.
You submit a ticket last night.. Answered in what 10, 20 minutes? Tonight 5 minutes? Working with you real time and its still not enough?
Tell me why I should not be pissed about this?
I am not mad that you didn’t answer fast enough. Ubiquity Servers being bad is not your fault.
What disturbs me though is that you skimmed over my MTR traceroute and acted as if I was posting a ChicagoVPS problem, and that I have not been able to login to vCenter after I asked for it to be fixed for over 10 days.
To balance these cons with some pros…I will mention that besides the packet loss due to Ubiquity, and the service ticket response about vCenter and ordering plans, the cpu, hard drive speed, and network quality have been very good.
They (Ubiquity) know there is a problem and they did admit to a issue. It’s been pretty much a zero issue for a while and the past 36 hours there has been some sporadic issues with them. I was promised this was the end of it. I expect nothing short of that.
I’ve had an eNSCloud vps for more than 6 months now, and it’s still great. Mine is at their original Chicago location. I’d be interested in seeing a test file for their new Los Angeles location with Ubiquity sometime.
I just put a ticket in for a small billing thing, and received a response and resolution in 32 minutes, at night on a weekend.
It’s been a long time since I needed to contact support. Aside from a few scheduled maintenances, it’s been rock solid.
I’ve been testing an eNSCloud VPS at their Los Angeles location for the last few days, and it looks pretty nice so far.
Sun Feb 20 02:38:34 PST 2011
Timing buffered disk reads: 100 MB in 1.08 seconds = 92.20 MB/sec
Mon Feb 21 16:19:33 PST 2011
Timing buffered disk reads: 100 MB in 0.84 seconds = 119.15 MB/sec
Here are 100MB download test results from my home dsl line in the Philippines:
Nice graph, what did you use to make it? It is a pity their Chicago nodes are around 30 mb/s, but that is still usable.
What scares me though is their response times. I asked them to fix my vSphere login 3 days ago, and so far I haven’t heard any response. I also contacted them about ordering another plan 3 days ago, and also no response. So I just got another account from another provider.
It’s a bandwidth graph from my router that’s running Tomato firmware.
I find that disk speed varies, but it’s usually fine for my purposes. Here’s the disk speed on my eNSCloud Chicago vps right now:
Timing buffered disk reads: 100 MB in 1.76 seconds = 56.93 MB/sec
I guess I’ve had good luck with their support.
i’m still waiting for my VPS to be provisioned since 2-22-2011 22:5:11
i was sent ticket but not respond yet :(
my VPS was provisioned but i can’t use vCenter and change the login password :(
thanks Brandon,
now i can access my vCenter
Dediced to signup today, I’ll let you know how it goes folks. :)
@bob .. I digress..
In the amount of time it took me to perform my own testing. The problem did not exist.
I reply saying in a nutshell.. That from the 5 different geographical diverse locations I could test from I did not see any loss to your IP.. Yes I suggested maybe it was something from your other VPS. I’ve seen it before.
You reply.. “Dear Brandon, The packet loss disappeared. The incident lasted for about 10 minutes.”
OK — but at the same time you come over here and post this. Just uncalled for IMHO..
Whats the point?
Well, I’m still waiting an answer for #1748 again
Got the VPS yesterday and it’s working pretty well, ! :)
These guys just rock !
Ordered the vps more than 24 hours ago, and yet to get it.
And the support is not answering, meh.
No support fot me yet… Honestly, this is getting pretty bad.
Just posted that in WHT as well.
No support
I will tell here and in WHT my big novel/ticket if this continues =(
(Not a threat, but I think everybody must know the good and bad cases)
I like their service, but their support…I really dont like. I’ve asked them to enable snapshots so I can get a backup of my vps.
Miguel – When you signed up you opened a ticket in less than 1 minute! NOT EVEN A FULL MINUTE and your posting a ticket. OK. You have sent six emails in first 24 hours of having a account. Oh and one ticket update. We repsonded to every one.
The only thing outstanding is upping your permission so that you can take a snap. Which is a whole different conversation.
Do you want a 24/7 dedicated support just for you and your account only? It seems that way.. I’m sorry but 4.00/mo is not going to get that.
Isnt that completely normal?
Did I ask you for anything that is beyond an unmanaged provider?
I did not.
Check my post in WHT and kuddos for getting out a client, this was entirely your fault, you’re being rude to client of yours.
Should I mention that the vps creation took more than 24 hours? Yes, you’re completely slow.
It’s not what your asking. It’s just that your making it out like we will not talk to you. Everything you have asked for on the first onslaught of requests were handled. Were they not? Really Miguel tell me right now that I’m lying.. Am I lying to you Miguel? I will be happy to show the proof that I’m not.
I will deal with your WHT post when I have time. A little to busy to have keyboard wars with you at the moment.
Take care.
You still haven’t replied to my last emails and to the ticket.
I have been a loyal client from several companies and I CANT ACCEPT any company treating me like this.
All the tickets were opened for normal circunstances, you’re not wasting entirely your time with this.
I posted this to WHT, discuss there if you want, and you should investigate me as well to find if I’m that annoying guy you make me look.
Ticket is still open.
And this is not a war, I wish you the best luck to your company, and I hope you don’t treat any client of yours like you did to me.
Have a nice day/night, I will not disturb you once again
I’m trying to reply to it now.. Or was in the process. Then you make two posts on here stating that I’m just a evil human being who needs to take a walk off a cliff.. Not in those words but thats how people read it. Then from what I read it looks to me like your canceling. I’m thinking ok now whats the bother.
In regards to treating you: How have I treated you badly? Other than one issue that was in the process of being resolved your just going off the handle and making it look like I’ve ignored you since second 1.
oh, and for the record, I sent you 3 emails only and 2 tickets.
Like I said earlier — I can’t sit here and keyboard war with you.
But do you care to go through your sent items and tell me how many times you emailed between 3:11 PM CST and
3:56PM CST on the 28th? Thats 4 times right there. Two were less than 1 minute apart? You did not
even give us time to answer before calling me dishonest.
I can’t win with you on this situation regardless – So instead of blowing up and making a epic post
with all the emails.. our response times and everything here and at WHT… It’s just not worth it for me or you.
I will be in touch with you soon.
Me and you both forgot something. You also sent a couple of PM’s at WHT! :) One of them within a few minutes of signing up. :) I don’t know if you like beer or not but I would buy you one friend.
There is no need to reply me and I won’t reply you to.
Experiences and experiences, I’ve dealt with many companies.
I wish you the best luck, I do not want a refund as I still need to backup my things, and I do not want the money back (just dont want you to expect me to ask for it)
To me, loyalty and good treatment is everything.
Thank you Brandon
You can rest assure your money will be refunded. We don’t run a scam job over here.
And take your time getting your data off. What do you think we would do? Just cut you off and hold it hostage? Really Miguel, you have the wrong ideas about me. We do not do business like that.
I do need a beear.
I dont want the money back, I decided to stay. I liked you attitude.
Do not move the billing date. ;)
I apologise my attitude.
No need for apologies.. And if I ever find my way in PT.. They are on me. :)
I hope you do, Brandon :-)
As a coincidence… I got an answer to my issues some hours ago, after almost 20 days since my request :S Now, my ‘old’ server is down…and I am waiting.
And I’m sitting here about fall out of my chair because I almost made a post before I started moving you to California along the lines of “So your not going to get on here and say your server is down are you?” ..
I should have now. Jeez man. :)
LOL, well, your mail said this will be ready in a few minutes :P Sorry :D
Now I MUST update:
Everything is working fine in my new instance.
Thanks Brandon, I hope it will be fine.
No worries.. And of course it will be fine. So it takes us a while sometimes but you can count on your instance always being there. I swear sometimes you all show more love to host that is down or has issues a few times a week more than you do someone that’s always there.
Take care!
Brandon Crawford
Hehe surely, good luck with your new instante
I do have some suggestions to for you, Brandon :)
Thats ok.. I am open to suggestions. Shoot me a email or if you want to do it here thats ok too. We are only going to be a better company by doing (within reason) what everyone wants. So if you see a problem call it out.
Right now, there are no problems Brandon, :), I’ll email you right now
Am I the only one to whom is not reachable?
We are upgrading our datacenter in Alabama (where we started) and the IP’s have changed. The NS records were updated over 24 hours ago so it’s had time to get out there. Maybe your client is caching a old record? should resolve to:
That was the point! Thank you.
Hey Brandon,
could u also check out my ticket (no access to vSphere / Username: davidonline).
Sure thing..
— Brandon
WOW, it works, a 5 minute thing ;) ThankYou!
waiting for 7 days and i still do not get reply for my ticket.
id:2018, please help me have a check.
I will find out what is going on with the ticket.
5 days as well. please have a look at emails from name or ticket id 2022.
I just signed up for enscloud VPS offer, but i’m still waiting for deployment.
Can’t wait to get my hands on my sweet little VPS!
I’m hoping to stay with enscloud for some years :)
Now it’s working! Thanks Enscloud!
But…i must say…support ir rather slow. Maybe there’s too much people asking for help (like me)
Don’t get too excited.
I had 45 days of excellent service when I first purchased, but for the past two or three weeks it’s been shaky. Network downtime, hardware downtine, reboot every few days. Down again now, 86 minutes & counting.
He is not with the DC where you are and that we are currently having a ongoing issue with. He is at our San Jose (CentralHost) location. Which has never had 1 second of downtime.
We chose to try a 2nd DC in Chicago, IL. Turns out that DC has a lot of problems and it has not been a great experience.
We are working with them to get this latest issue resolved and as soon as Jon @ ColoCrossing gets our latest order in place we will be moving customers and this will no longer be a issue.
Thanks Brandon for that info. I hope you can sort this Chicago situation out fairly soon. Good to hear that your other locations are solid.
Do you have an ETA? You offered to move me last week and I haven’t heard any reply nor has my vCenter login been fixed for over a month.
Yesterday: 4.4 hours down.
Today: 2.2 hours down.
Tomorrow: migrate.
When it’s up it’s a great service. But what’s a guy to do?
I have added a 384MB – 20GB – 10mbps unmetered for $12.00 every three months. ($4.00 USD / month)
i don’t see this one in their plan ..
pls someone show me dd and cachefly dl speed :)
im going to get a vps :)
This is for the San Jose DC, disk i/o is above average for the vpses I have used, and download is outstanding (I have seen it as high as 59M/s).
thank Richard Luther
btw what’s ur plan ? it’s 10mbps unmetered ?
I didn’t go with unmetered, that wasn’t even available yet when I signed up. I think I have a 1.5TB/mth cap with my plan.
i see. thank for your info . but i don’t see the plan as they said above
i only see tem
Linux Cloud VPS 200 200 MB 15 GB 1500 GB $ 6.99 /mo *Promo*
Linux Cloud VPS 256 256 MB 20 GB 1500 GB $ 7.99/mo *Promo*
Linux Cloud VPS 384 384 MB 30 GB 1500 GB $ 8.99 /mo *Promo*
It’s not on their website.
@Sleddog — Before you do that, talk to me first.
We have had a really unfortuante experience with the new DC. Why on earth I ever thought we could expect the same reliability at other locations that we do with ColoCrossing is beyond me.
However, I accept full task of resolving the issue regardless of where the fault it is. On the flip side of that I will make sure everyone is taken care of and moved to our new servers at ColoCrossing when they are available.
Support Request#: ID 2105, just submitted.
I know the situation is frustrating for you, hope you can feel my pain too :)
Your right but you pay me for it to be my problem. Not yours! When you have time tonight please contact me so that this can be resolved.
How am I supposed to contact you, other than by submitting a support ticket? Sorry if I’m missing something obvious here!
Are there issues with the Ubiquity Los Angeles location, too? I lost all network connectivity yesterday for 5h 11m, and again today for 2h 16m.
Yes its all related – Same provider – Thankfully a phone call to Mr. Lopez today at 8×8 is making sure we have hardware in place next week to take care of it.
@Sleddog – Brian already sent it to me. I will comment on it. :)
I am on colocrossing chicago and it was not affected by it.
Brandon any news on ticket 2045, sorry for asking on this blog, since its not an official medium.
My VPS at enscloud is down again. This puts the VPS uptime this month at about 97%.
I was offered to be moved to colocrossing for over a week now but every time I send them an email about it, they give me a response like this:
Enscloud support is a joke. I have opened tickets as old as 30!!! days and nobody seems to care. Hopefully my termination of service ticket will have more success in being serviced.
I gave up on these guys long ago. Several emails to support@ have gone unanswered. I also forgot my password to the client area, and there’s no way to reset the password without emailing support… and we’ve seen how emailing support has worked out.
I feel like a big idiot for paying for 3 months up-front with them. Worst 12 bucks I’ve ever spent.
My request to have my vCenter login have gone ignored for over a month.
The only time they seem to respond was when Ubiquity was having those outages. However Ubiquity seems to have fixed that now, and now my VPS is randomly locking up or being shutdown.
When I email them about it, it gets rebooted a day later and I get no communication from them. Right now my VPS locked up and I cannot login to vCenter to reboot it.
I wonder how lowendtalk can have such good uptime compared to my vps at enscloud…
Can you please tell me who you are? If you do not want to in public email me [ brandonc at ] so I have a clue. I see your posts in here but I do not know who ADSF is. We have a lot of customers and I can’t remember nick names.
It seems that lowendtalk moved to quickweb ( see here ). Wonder why is at QuickWeb is with enetSouth
I would take the time to comment on this but it looks like Sled has already corrected you.
Sorry. I was a bit rushed there being negative. I apologize.
No problem – Thank you.
still waiting for refund, he tell me refund will send 1-2 days, but 1 week passed.
I would love to post the full support history involving you. Do I have your permission? Two DC changes .. Two OS changes.. You did not know what you wanted. Honestly we take a loss even trying to do business with situations that you put us in.
We put in almost three hours of support for you doing what you think you wanted just to have you cancel? For what? Windows XP so you can leach? Then get on here and bad mouth?
The question is why you answer to my complaint here? but ignoring my ticket ?
“No client account was found with the email address you entered”
Again, with your permission I will post the entire log to show that you were supported. By the time you made your mind up after changing it every few hours we threw our hands up and we will refund you. Even though we should bill you for the time we put in trying to do what you wanted.
hello again, yes you can show my log ticket here (but, please remove my name), I dont even can login to my vps, since you dont send me my vps login/password and ip,
I order 3/11/2011 until 3/15/2011 my vps not yet ready, and I request refund, until today I still dont get refund/VPS details.
1 days not enough to add windows XP ? I dont ask you to install Windows XP, just load on cd-rom and I’ll do the rest myself.
Brandon has stated that new hardware is being setup at ColoCrossing Chicago and that accounts will be migrated from the troublesome second datacentre in Chicago.
I’m expecting some kind of notification from enetSouth regarding migration any day now. Right Brandon?
Yesterday: down 8 hours, 20 minutes.
Today: down 4 hours, 40 minutes and counting (currently down).
This is correct.
Sad to see you guys having so much problems. My VPS has been nothing but solid with them. 103 days uptime.
You are hosted out of ColoCrossing. The customers that are mad and going out of their way to mad-bash are with another DC. Provisions are being made to get everyone back at ColoCrossing ASAP.
Some of us aren’t mad, just disappointed and waiting patiently for resolution :)
But a lot are. And rightly so. I’m mad at the situation as well but my anger has to go the other direction. It takes a few days to get new hardware up and in place.
I have also emailed eNSCloud and I didn’t receive an answer, but I do see lots of replies here.
I already left the instance, they may delete it, I didn’t get any answer regarding the snapshot as well, problems and problems and due date doesnt move :P
Regards and best luck for your company
I have no problem since I got on to ENSCLOUD at colocrossing chicago.
Yes, ENSCLOUD support ticket system need some attention other than that Brandon gave in on most of my request.
The problem might have been with oak brook Illinois location data center for sure.
Hi Innya. ColoCrossing in Illinois is at Dupont Fabros (DFT). The city that DFT is in is called Elk Grove Vilage. Which is just a suburb of Chicago. I’m not certain where the other DC we chose to do business with is located. I assumed they were in the city limits of Chicago since they state “Chicago” as the DC location.
Other than one issue with nLayer there has never been any DC downtime with ColoCrossing and our services!
Our west coast operations are with Central Host. Which was bought by 8×8. They as well have never had any downtime since my company has been using them.
It is our policy from this point on that we will only do business with those DC’s. We learned our lesson.
Yes I know where is DFT data center located. It is not far from Chicago O’hare airport. Rackspace use that data center. I don’t know that microsoft is still using it or not.
Your other location is in Oakbrook Illinois. Not in chicago but it is still in Chicago land area as DFT. But it is a lot smaller DFT data center.
Just a update for everyone.
We have our new servers at ColoCrossing as of a few moments ago. We will be sending out a email reflecting this as well. In addition to moving clients to the new servers in Chicago as a bonus we have added new VMware servers in Dallas, TX where we only previously had HyperV.
If Dallas, TX would have been a better choice for you anyways we will move you there other wise you can stay in Chicago.
This is the IP for Texas:
This is the IP for Chicago:
Your choice. Obviously due to the issues out of the other DC this is a mandatory move that will be required by April 1.
We will be working around the clock as well as bringing on extra support tonight to assist with these moves as this is a top priority for us.
All that we ask of customers affected by this is to email support [ support at ] telling us when we can kick off the move of your instance.
We appreciate everyones patience while we work toward resolving this issue once and for all.
Brandon Crawford
Emailed now :P
It’s too bad the new data centers didn’t work out. Good luck with the transition. I hope everything goes smoothly. I’m sure things will be back to normal soon.
I just moved to Colocrossing yesterday. Since then my VPS has gone down twice, and I can’t reboot it myself because they haven’t fixed my vCenter login for over a month.
Not to mention we are in the middle of moving people over, severs are a bit loaded. You have two VPS with us now as you asked — doing everything you are asking for.
It blows my mind that when we are in the middle of communication with you that you post something this negative.
At least I know who you are now and I’m thankful that we can reserve the right to choose whom we do business with. On second thought I think I will excersise that option.
Brandon, you have not done everything I asked for.
I asked to have my vCenter login fixed multiple times since FEBRUARY 14th. That is 45 days. Do you not think this is highly unusual? Do you really want me to publish my email records of how many times I’ve patiently asked you to fix it? I think this is more of me tolerating your hosting company than it is the other way around.
Yes I have that “extra” VPS from you at Ubiquity which has an uptime of 92% for 2 DAYS which you are canceling anyway so I can put a we’ve moved page. Since only a host as professional as you would give 2 days notice for a move. I would also like to note that some of the downtime during this month was not due to Ubiquity’s network, but due to you as evidenced by the reboots on my VM (and not just my VM since other neighboring ips were offline at the same time).
It is really offensive that you don’t want anyone to speak truthfully about your company and on top of that, you are going to cancel my account in either a fit of rage or in an effort to censor anyone that reviews your services truthfully.
@bob… I really don’t think it’s the time to be berating enetSouth. They’re working now to rectify a bad situation; let them get on with it. You and I have had horrible uptime recently. I moved anything important off my server days ago, and I assume you did the same, so the 2 days notice doesn’t really matter. So what if it goes down for a while during the migration? It probably would anyway :)
The vCenter issue is separate. I think you should have been granted access ages ago. But at this time, it’s probably very low on their list of things to do.
Give ’em a few days to sort it all out and once your VPS is running smoothly, submit a fresh request for vCenter access. If it’s ignored, then come back here and bitch :)
I don’t have any reason not to berate enetSouth. Brandon already emailed me saying he is canceling my plan by the end of the day because he can’t handle anyone talking about downtime and slow support.
When I first reported the Ubiquity outage,
he basically sneered at me saying that I was tracerouting colocrossing instead of ubiquity and that I should go complain to ChicagoVPS. This abrasive attitude is prevalent in nearly every comment here and is very unprofessional.
@bob: I don’t want to argue with you about attitudes — mine, yours or enetSouth’s. I just say, good luck in the future.
You are acting like I am being too demanding when I’ve let them drag my vCenter problem for 45 days. Let me tell you, I have tried over 20 different VPS providers here and none of them have as bad an attitude combined with poor service. Even Ken at Virpus has a better attitude than Brandon.
Plus they are not among the cheapest VM so you cannot excuse their slow support.
“At least I know who you are now and I’m thankful that we can reserve the right to choose whom we do business with. On second thought I think I will excersise that option.”
This is totally unprofessional. Using threats to shut up your customers. I’m thankful that I have the right to choose whom I do business with. I think I will exercise that caution not to choose your business in the first place.
Huh, got their email
I know things will change to better
@DD – Your right – I did fly off the handle. And I accept the fallout from my actions.
However, “Bob” if you scroll up chose to give me a rough time a few weeks earlier. He was unhappy and it was in the middle of rush — I asked several times for him to identify himself so I could direct my efforts to resolve that issue at that time. No, it would not happen. Just kept playing around the one response that could have allowed me to handle the problem 100% at that time. This went on and on in here on the forum. So lets blow something that could be handled quickly out of the water.
He also posted in here under another name using some childish tactics IMHO — He would open a ticket and we would respond. He would not like the answer the would post it on here using the oppurtunity poke a jab or two. So that made me a little upset. Sure it did. Then his last post while we are in the middle of handling a fairly severe issue came from him sending a email them before we even see the email get in the queue we are seeing a notification of a new post here.
Do you see the pattern? If you are that upset with us then disassociate and find a resolve. I’ve never understood kicking someone when they are down.
I understand wanting to state your thoughts and express your views and describe ones experience and I fully expect those to be good and bad. Yes, I fully understand that when conducting business you have to be prepared to accept the good and bad and you have to allow the customer to have their way. But that will only go so far when you are truly trying to make a effort to resolve a situation and that customer continues to berate a company while we are trying to help.
Could I have gotten on WHT or here or anywhere else and shared my views in regards to the DC that got us in a bad jam due to packet loss and uptime? Yes. Not that this matters but if you want to view price as a factor such as “bob” did stating we are not even the cheapest — his $6.66 a month would pay for a few minutes of the monthly costs to the DC for our servers. So based on that logic I should have more right to berate? — No it’s business. And we want to continue our growth, handle situations and move forward. So we refrain.
I appreciate your comments and it was not to “shut up a customer” .. Bob’s account is still active, his two servers are active and Brian has talked with him. Although, Brian explained to me “Bob” was angry at the situation I think the two of them are working something out.
With regards,
Brandon Crawford
Brandon, please stop lying about asking to identify myself multiple times when it only happened once, which was 2 days ago:
And about posting under different names, I made no effort to hide my identity from you as you figured my identity very easily. I just type something small in the box to save time as there is no need for everyone else here to know my full name.
The reason why I posted here about your company was because I was ignored multiple times. Not because I wanted to “berate” your company for every failure. I asked you guys to fix vCenter on Feb 14, Feb 17, Feb 28, Mar 18, Mar 20, Mar 24, and Mar 30 and was either ignored or told that it would be fixed. Am I being too demanding?
Also about not being the cheapest, you forget to mention that I paid in advance for 3 months, and you terminated the account with 1.5 months left and I still have not received a refund for time left. $13.33 per month is by far not the cheapest. The point of a promotion is to get people comfortable with your service. I have no problems paying $13/month (your regular price) but in this short 1.5 months I am definitely not comfortable with the service.
Always supported eNSCloud since it had good uptime, and it has just gone down for me. Hope they get it up soon. :)
Common Brandon, you’ve been ignoring the emails I sent you a few days ago, and no replies and my issues still open regarding snapshot for example.
I forgive you for the first day issues and I acted like stupid giving you a chance to prove I was wrong, you came to me telling me the money I paid didn’t even worth the given support (not these words though)
You may cancel the service, I do not want to use it anymore. You need to learn a lot about customer service.
my email is , you don’t even need to refund me, I go for values, respect and honesty and I haven’t seen that from your side. I had a terrible service and you don’t seem to bother with it :)
And indeed, for the service provided, it didn’t worth the money I spent, I’m definitely with bob.
Hi, hate to come here again to complain, but…
I’ve had a ticket open for a week now. My VPS at the Chicago location was experiencing random outages, for anywhere from 1 hour to 1 day. At first I was impressed with a quick response from Brandon, who set me up with a new VPS at another location.
HOWEVER, I do not have vSphere access to the new server. Also, I’m starting to think all of the data from my Chicago VPS is lost, and I don’t have recent backups, due to the outages interrupting my backup tasks. I’ve been sending messages every few days since the 18th, and have gotten no reply since the morning of the 19th.
Again, really sorry to have to go this way, but the service just hasn’t been up to snuff and I’m thinking I might have to cancel my service if this doesn’t improve.
i get my vps down more than 4 days. i saw on vSphere my vps got disconnected status.
i was sent ticket since April 20, every day until now, but not response yet.
i hope you fix this problem immediately!
Heres my eNetSouth Review.
And before you ask, no I wasn’t asked to write it, and no I don’t get free service :)
I just think they’re doing a damn fine job.
Damn, too bad I can’t spell eNetSouth :) LEA can you fix that please? Thanks :)
Fixed :)
I really hope to have the same resolution as sleddog. I feel like eNScloud means well but need more resources. Really nervous right now because I’m missing a whole bunch of blog posts since my last full backup.
One of Brandon’s friends got a message to me, and asked me to relay it. eNetSouth’s Alabama servers that handle their website, email, and support are currently down due to a multi-state power outage caused by the recent storms in the area. The generators kicked in, but were overrun.
Brandon hopes to have it back online soon, but in the meantime, their website, email, and support are unavailable.
No customers are down due to this, though.
I hope Brandon will be alright.
Mine still down since April 20 :(
Damn! No mail answer?
just got answer on April 28, that said
“We will have VPS server for you later today. We will need to discuss a
few things once we hand it over to you.”
i hope my data not lost
Take your backups man. If you were at Ubiquity in San Jose, maybe we were in the same node.
For me I dind’t get any data, and I said to Brandon don’t worry for me, I just needed my config files. But now I reinstalled in the new instance and is working perfect.
I just noticed the eNSCloud website ( is back up, and there’s a notice posted in the support control panel:
04/28/2011 – 22:51:10
*Urgent Notice* — The state of Alabama where eNetSouth business offices are located were devistated by the severe weather outbreak over the past 36 hours. The northern half of the state is expected to be without power for the next 5 to 7 days. This has affected our business operatioins because of lack of power/connectivity. We have in the process of relocating our business operations to Birmingham, AL in order to be able to perform normal business operations. We are still limited; however our management and office systems are coming back online through the night tonight and tomorrow AM. We expect to be 100% operational in that aspect no later than 5:00PM CDT on the 29th.
If you contact support via a ticket or email there will be a delay from the backlog we have. We are working now to try and resolve anything outstanding.
If you are in the USA we can also be reached 24/7/365 at 256-558-4612.
Damn that’s insane. I hope the people recover of this soon.
290+ dead in the srea. Going to take them a bit.
Hi everyone! We are alive and kicking. We relocated all of our Alabama based servicies and operations to a datacenter inside the Regions Bank tower 7th floor (1 Independence Plaza) in Homewood, AL. Homewood is a suburb of Birmingham, AL.
Alabama is a total wreck. So many lives lost and its just plain wierd having curfews and seeing the national guard patrolling.
I wanted to thank you all for getting the word out and if you have any support requests pending they are being worked now where we left off. If you sent anything in the past 48 hours please resend it. If you have a emergency that needs to be handled right now please email me personally brandonc [ at ] — I can also be reached via telephone on the number posted above if needed.
Brian and I have about 80 items on a list we are working through to get caught up by the end of the weekend on all items.
I do not know if this link will post but this is a google map of street view of the building where our new DC is. I took a lot of pictures of the DC inside that I will post later. What is ironic is that I helped the owners of the datacenter setup here back in 2001 so I know it quite well. We were planning a move there but this moved things up quite a bit. (I hope this is not a link fail:),+Homewood,+AL&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=56.768363,85.693359&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Independence+Plaza,+Homewood,+Jefferson,+Alabama+35209&ll=33.479653,-86.787132&spn=0.007401,0.010461&z=17&layer=c&cbll=33.479746,-86.787127&panoid=9itLtb_Rk3I6HRnx4br06Q&cbp=12,292.55,,0,0.46
argh. All the best with the move and wish you a peaceful weekend.
I’m glad to hear you’re ok. When this sort of thing happens, it kind of makes this VPS stuff seem unimportant by comparison. I hope life gets back to normal for you soon.
Thanks for the update Brandon. And I thought the storm was bad up here….
Yes, glad to hear that you’re ok.
Only problem I see with that datacenter is that there’s no fastfood places nearby. Just a Shell and a Chevron. I bet those places will get old real fast. Of course I should talk. I have the county jail directly across from mine.
This shows by the way the importance of having a status page or website or some other method of getting information out away from your boxes and even your datacenter.
Hi Brandon,
Please answer my tickets since April 20.
Here’s my tickets ID: 2235, 2251, 2254 , 2268, 2272, 2275, 2282
All of same issue that not fix until now!
You opened up 7 tickets on the same issue? Not cool dude, especially considering what those folks are going through. I know I would have ToS’ed you for staff abuse. Of course I wouldn’t have let a ticket go so long either.
@ drmike — No, he has a right to do so. And a right to be upset as well. We are getting his issues resolved. April was not our month.. At all. :)
PS: Down the street from a the DC (head north) is a kicking strip mall with some good places to eat. I can assure you that I do not venture to far from the table. Mainly — hot wings. :)
is this provider dead? cant seem to contact Brandon..
My server is still up.
My latest ticket was responded at 4 May. but i haven’t posted a ticket after that.
The guy posted the same thing on WHT. Interesting though, on the namespro forum he gave his location as Tehran. I thought US companies weren’t supposed to deal with Iran…
“EXPORTS TO IRAN – In general, unless licensed by OFAC, goods, technology, or services may not be exported, reexported, sold or supplied, directly or indirectly, from the United States or by a U.S. person, wherever located, to Iran or the Government of Iran.”
I could have it all wrong (I’m Canadian, eh), or perhaps this is a factor in the issue.
You are right. I guess that is why he listed his address as Dallas, TX?
So now who is the fraud?
I saw his post on WHT. I’m going to bundle up all of his payment and account history and show that when the instance was not moved it was 17 days past due — no payment since then even though I show a invoice open for it.
He knew it because he had opened a ticket stating so 17 days after it was due.
How is it scamming when we gave him 17 days more service than what he paid for?
If anyone here wants me to post this information for your review I will be happy to do so. Of course I will protect his name and anything that is not public record but we have to defend ourselves from this.
LowEndTalk is currently down:
502 Bad Gateway
I just went there. Looks up to me.
Came back up, my bad :)
OSQA is generating some bad queries that basically kills the MySQL process. I need to restart both MySQL and Django to get it back, and haven’t had time to track down all the details…
when I login at, it noticed my user and password was error,and I submit a ticket 24 hours ago, they have not reply me now!
and the cpu is:
I ordered a VPS server from eNetSouth over 3 weeks ago and have sent around 10 emails and 3 support tickets but have had no response other then the day after I joined to say it would be set up soon, over 3 weeks later I am still waiting with no response from them, I have emailed Brandon and there support email but never get a response. I don’t think this is very good service and from what I have read the only way to get a response is to post a complaint on here. Can you please respond to any of the 3 support tickets below
2534 08/30/2011 18:35:12 Open
2551 09/05/2011 18:53:39 Open
2566 09/15/2011 21:50:37 Open
eNS Cloud scammed me!!! I made one year agreement, but they only gave me a service for 5 months and now my VPS is down, they never replay to my emails neither replay to the tickets.
I have been reading this page, and have read more than three quarters of the page before being sick of reading.
I just want to say what everyone else reading can also see and will be thinking. This brandon is disgusting and his attitude to the people here, who write, and I assume also to the other customers who write to him for support in private and don’t know about this page, is disgusting and rude. I hope no person will pay to be a customer of this company after seeing the way it’s manager or staff or whoever brandon is, behaves.
You can’t speak to people like that. And judge them, and blame them for what you think they did wrong, and speak to them as if they are useless or worthless.
Brandon has some very big personality problems, and aggressive behaviour.
Funny that he began by pretending to be friendly and helpful and then after a very short time. He pretended that it was a different member of staff replying, while brandon had been away. And this member of staff was very disgusting and rude in every post, and then shortly after, he signed his name as brandon and was using both accounts, and it became clear that it is brandon who is giving the passive and the aggressive responses all along.
For anyone to treat people this way is not acceptable, its bullying and aggressive and treating them like less than you. And especially for a company to treat customers like this. I hope the company dies and that it costs him a lot of money, for this attitude. He deserves to be cost for the aggression he gave to other people.
I am sick of reading that guy anymore.
This company is dead, Dave.
I do agree with everything you said.
“Brandon has some very big personality problems, and aggressive behaviour.”
Perhaps even a personality disorder, for which he should seek treatment. I was once a client, and I received a pretty amazing array of hot and cold emails from him.
But I’m not a doctor.
I think it’s time for this whole Brandon – EnetSouth thing to be dropped. It’s history.