LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Enterprise VPS Solutions - $7/Month 1GB KVM VPS in Tampa, Florida

Tomislav, from Enterprise VPS Solutions, has got a new offer for LowEndBox readers on their “completely Unmanaged Cloud Environment” that you control. You are able to control your VPS through the Hostbill billing platform.

Enterprise Virtual Cloud

  • 1024MB RAM
  • 1 CPU Core
  • 40GB RAID10 SAN Diskspace
  • Unmetered 10Mbit Bandwdith
  • 1 IPv4 Address
  • 1 IPv6 Address
  • KVM/HostBill
  • $7.00/Month | Order Link

Enterprise VPS Solutions have been featured on LowEndBox once before. Compared with that offer, this plan now comes with more ram and diskspace. Many different addons and configurations can be added via their order form. You can upgrade to Unmetered 100Mbit bandwidth for an additional $6 monthly. I think they are also the only VPS provider to charge for additional IPv6 addresses.. They have been in business for 2 years and are based in Florida. Unfortunately no reviews were left on their last offer. If you sign up, please leave us one below.

Enterprise accept payments via Paypal & Authorize.net. They offer a 30 Days money back guarantee and provide a 99% Uptime Guarantee. Unacceptable uses include but are not limited to: drug dealing, pirating, gambling, violating copyright law, stalking or violating other state or federal law and attempting without authorization to access a computer system. For more information, you can take a look at their Acceptable Usage Policy.

Network Information:

These servers are in the Hivelocity datacenter. No ips/test files were provided.


  1. I search it on wikipedia however I gain nothing.

    what is “SAN Diskspace”? Can you explain it to me? (*^__^*)…

    September 26, 2013 @ 9:18 am | Reply
  2. dano:

    SAN Diskspace means that your virtual machines hard drive isn’t living on a the server itself(DASD), or direct attached storage device, like your laptop or desktop. A SAN is usually* built from high end disk arrays attached via a medium like 10gb ethernet to a SAN switch – host machines are also attached to this SAN switch via a similar connection. A virtual machine host will mount the SAN storage from the arrays mentioned above – on this mounted storage is where your particular VM will live.

    DASD, or storage that is directly attached to a server usually* has better disk performance compared to SAN, as it has less distance and mediums to go through to process a request. SAN benefits from flexibility — if your virtual machines host were to crash, it should be semi-trivial to remount that storage on another host machine to get these VM’s going again.

    September 26, 2013 @ 9:57 am | Reply
  3. seriesn:

    No offense to you “John” but get the fuck out.

    September 26, 2013 @ 11:51 am | Reply
  4. Depending on how big the raid is and what disk & controllers you use sometimes you can see faster speeds on a san then local storage with the benefits mentioned above. A quick test of disk speeds from a vm on one of the nodes.

    dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
    16384+0 records in
    16384+0 records out
    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 6.6849 s, 161 MB/s

    and running a speedtest from a vm you can see,this script is 3rd party recieved from http://vpsboard.com/topic/2052-test-your-servers-upload-and-download-speed/

    wget dl.getipaddr.net/speedtest.sh 2>/dev/null -O- | bash

    Testing US locations
    Speedtest from Houston, TX, USA on a shared 1 Gbps port
    Download Speed: 5.33 MB/sec
    Upload speed: 12.83 MB/sec
    Speedtest from Los Angeles, CA, USA [ generously donated by http://maximumvps.net ] on a shared 1 Gbps port
    Download Speed: 6.41 MB/sec
    Upload speed: .91 MB/sec
    Speedtest from South Bend, Indiana, USA [ generously donated by NodeBytes ] on a shared 100 Mbps port
    Download Speed: 4.24 MB/sec
    Upload speed: 10.94 MB/sec
    Speedtest from Dallas, TX, USA on a shared 4×1 Gbps port
    Download Speed: 5.62 MB/sec
    Upload speed: 15.79 MB/sec

    Testing EU locations
    Speedtest from Tallinn, Estonia on a shared 1 Gbps port
    Download Speed: 1.39 MB/sec
    Upload speed: .13 MB/sec

    September 26, 2013 @ 2:44 pm | Reply
  5. Lucas:

    Home User VPS solutions – sounds better ;)

    September 26, 2013 @ 6:51 pm | Reply
  6. Nice offer, but not very cheap.

    September 29, 2013 @ 2:55 pm | Reply
  7. Bob's Silver Hammer:

    One whole IPv6 address! How generous of you!

    October 9, 2013 @ 9:46 am | Reply
    • The ipv6 address is free as most client do not even use them yet we don’t see the point of assigning /27 out.

      October 10, 2013 @ 3:20 pm | Reply
  8. aglodek:

    How much for extra /29 IPv4 (with justification, of course)?

    November 9, 2013 @ 6:57 am | Reply
  9. Happy Holidays to all we at Enterprise Vps Solutions wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Were open 24/7/365 no break for us today this promo code H@ppyHol!days is good for 50% off any packages for today only.

    December 25, 2013 @ 12:05 pm | Reply

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