Caric, from ExpertVM, informs us that they have recently restocked their KVM packages. Two of these KVM plans, one yearly and one monthly, are priced within the LEB price limits.
| KVM2
ExpertVM featured the same two plans back in September 2012. Prior to that, they had listed a few OpenVZ deals in both 2011 and 2012. Whilst Caric didn’t send in any OpenVZ deals, a quick look on their website shows that the KVM2 specs are available on their OpenVZ platform for the same price. Offers from Singapore, and asia in general, are pretty rare. We have only listed one other company providing servers on the small island nation of Singapore. Looking back at previous threads, ExpertVM have attracted nothing but good reviews.
We reported on our last offer that they were “resolving some technical issues with their upstream regarding IPv6”. Unfortunately, it looks as though IPv6 is no longer seems offered. ExpertVM have already posted these offers on LowEndTalk. Users on that thread noted the network performed better than other asian providers but felt the bandwidth was too low. This reflects the cost of bandwidth in Asia compared with America and Europe. How much bandwidth will you really use anyway?
Company Information:
ExpertVM were founded in 2011 by SecureAX Internet, Singapore, who have been in business since 2007. They have a page on their website detailing the comparisons between ExpertVM and SercureAX.
Payment Information:
ExpertVM only accept payments via Verified Paypal accounts.
Terms & Conditions
Private VPN/Proxy is allowed but you will need to submit a Basic Support ticket if you want to enable TUN/TAP. No spam, public VPN/proxy, torrent, adult content, IRC, copyrighted material/illegal file sharing and storage is allowed. For more information, have a look at their terms of Service.
Network Information:
Whilst bandwidth is quite low, they directly peer with: Level3, NTT, Equinix Singapore, Equinix Australia, Equinix Hong Kong, Starhub, SingTel, M1 and TATA.
Test IPv4:
Test File:
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qi pa IDC, hehe,kan de dong de ding
i ding you
qi pa,ding you
Dong ding wong
really tempting, but not for cpu core :(
– -Just this ? 80G bandwidth? oh My God
BW in Singapore isnt cheap.
I agree with you sir, but we all looking for the best offer and i just can said that another have upper hand than what you offer…..
yes not cheap..but compare to oneasiahost yours are not enough…I’d to say.
:) yeah….. thats why i didnt say it directly like that, the best offer still from other, so sad
for a vpn 80gb is ok, if you don’t plan on constant video streaming or torrenting, also for a nameserver or a small website 80gb/month is also ok, many people look for the ‘large’ bandwidth offers, but many do not even use it… i can’t remember the last time i got capped, i think it was on vpslink or something many years ago
now I use about 90-100GB/month :) from few provider. 150 GB reasonable :)
@tommy Drop me a line if you are interested in our product :)
I just buy a 256M VPS and want to have about 300GB out traffic permonth.
This is my order infomation:
kvm2 – (31/10/2013 – 30/11/2013)
Operating System: CentOS 6 64-bit $6.99 USD
Please adjust it for me, thanks!
@florin Yup, most of our customer does not even hit more than 50% of the allocated bandwidth. Some of our clients buy to serve their nameserver mostly.
Damn, even though my ISP’s parent company is listed in the peer list (Optus owned by SingTel), I still get pings of 400-500 ms to them on a residential line.
@sep Can you drop me an email for the trace route ? support[at]
While it is owned by them they both run fully independent global networks which are not merged, main peering point between them is LAX.
jah 80gb,,, panganan apa wkwkwkw
Hahaha, 80gb, opo ae iki ………
mesti arep ngapusi koe
After you order this VPS, you’ll know what is God!
google a bit and you’ll find another provider with way better price and specs. forgot to mention it’s Data Center is in SG.
Thank you all for the feedback. We have upgraded all our VPS bandwidth. Please check our website on the new bandwidth allocation
I’m in south China and my ping to the test address about is roughly 180-190ms. To OAH, it’s 50-60ms. 180 is what I get to my Los Angeles vps. I’ll stick with OAH.
@strife Please send us the traceroute to have a look at it.
i;m in indonesia, i have enough local internet speed (IIX) but lack of international speed. i wanna use VPS as SSH server to get tunnelling so i can get enough international speed (IX). is it allowed?
Hello, we have already responded to your email yesterday. Thank you
just 80gb bandwith?, I thought that wouldnt be enough.