Corey just posted a limited time BLACK FRIDAY SALE exclusive offer. These offers are valid until December 1.
| KVM-384
The two plans I picked for the front page are listed above, feel free to read the rest of the post for more OVZ and KVM deals.
| OVZ-384
| OVZ-1024
VPS Nodes Are Supermicro XEON E5 series with RAID-10 Disk arrays utilizing LSI CacheCade to accelerate regular HDD drives to SSD speeds. I have seen the results previously and its amazing, you get both the speed and the space. You can also find some benchmarks at ServerBear, although all of them are OpenVZ as of now.
They claim to own their hardware. They also have their own ASN (AS54856). Payments are accepted via Credit Cards, Paypal, 2Checkout, and Google Wallet (previously Google Checkout). They are hosted in the Data 102 datacenter in Downtown Colorado Springs. Front Range Hosting is registered company and offers 30 days money back guarantee. Please take some time to read the Terms of Services and Acceptable Use Policy.
Test Files
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2604:2880::e191:6267
Test File [10Mb]:
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- EvoRack – $7/mo 2GB KVM VPS in USA & Canada - November 5, 2014
- LunaNode – $7/month 1GB SSD KVM in Chicago - February 26, 2014
- RamNode – $3.48/Month 256MB SSD KVM VPS in Atlanta, Seattle and Netherlands - February 24, 2014
KVM-384 link doesn’t work, links to KVM-512 plan.
Yeah I emailed a correction in, but below is a link in another comment. Sorry about the inconvenience.
I got a KVM 512 yesterday , Quite a nippy machine.
Really like it.
I just ordered the cheapest KVM, and so far I am really pleased. A dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/output.img bs=8k count=256k gave me 397MB/s speed, which is a really nice. (I hope it stays that way.)
I asked if Fontrange could offer a FreeBSD iso, and within minutes they were on it. So far this host seems very good. :)
It’s syncing to the nodes now should show up in 5 min.
Lol – did a trace to this test ip, and my packet had an interesting path:
3. <–Starting in Albuquerque
9. <–Back through Albuquerque again
I found it a bit interesting that it took this route – The trace leaves my house in Albuquerque and then passes back through to the destination in the Denver/CoSprings Metro. I guess Centurylink/Qwest and Cogents peering is the cause of this – nothing wrong with it, I had just not seen many packets take this route.
Yes that’s probably where quest backhauls a lot of traffic to peer with other carriers. No idea why they dont just backhaul you to denver as it’s closer and qwest has a big hub there.
Went ahead and got one anyways – I am using this node to test some backup software, so this will work just fine for my purposes. Node is responsive, control panel works as designed, and setup was nearly instant. So far so good.
Windows Support?
From the iso, KVM have not Windows images.
Maybe Corey could answer better :)
We are working on a SPLA agreement that would allow us to sell the licenses directly, until then it’s BYOISOAK Bring Your Own ISO And Key
Speedtest from USA 1Gbit port:
[root@ovzhost04 src]# wget
–2012-11-20 15:21:54–
Resolving…, 2604:2880::e191:6267
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 10485760 (10M) [text/plain]
Saving to: “test10m.dat”
100%[==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 10,485,760 3.07M/s in 8.2s
2012-11-20 15:22:12 (1.22 MB/s) – “test10m.dat” saved [10485760/10485760]
[root@ovzhost04 src]#
Speedtest from Germany 1Gbit port:
[root@server src]# wget
–2012-11-20 17:29:15–
Resolving…, 2604:2880::e191:6267
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 10485760 (10M) [text/plain]
Saving to: “test10m.dat”
100%[==========================================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 10,485,760 1.28M/s in 13s
2012-11-20 17:29:29 (779 KB/s) – “test10m.dat” saved [10485760/10485760]
[root@server src]#
Dude! What the hell is this?! MaxMind has deemed your order to be potentially high risk and therefore it has been held for manual review.
I can’t order because it went to Manual Review? Are you kidding me? You think I’m a thief or using someone’s else Credit Card?
Thanks a lot.
yes, you just might be one of those. or not. that’s why maxmind is there, to protect business owners. deal with it or move. bad news though – 99,9% hosts are using it
Yeah, next time I’ll make sure I won’t try to order ANYTHING from my Company’s network ;)
You’re not the first person to ask about it in a ticket, I can usually figure out if it’s a legit rejection or not. Maxmind knows datacenter IP’s and orders normally should not be coming from there. Plenty of people order through VPN’s and that gets them rejected.
Simply raise a support ticket. I’m sure most hosts will attend to it immediately.
Yes, most of the time my country is marked as high fraud. But after opening a ticket, some would approve my order.
Silly to take it as a personal insult Diniz :) Remember, it’s an automated fraud detection control – so doesn’t know your morals from anyone else :). I recommend getting more familiar with the industry these providers work in – fraud rates are very high (stolen credit cards etc) and yet people expect instant VPS setup 24×7 which is hard to do manually at Low End Rates without automation. Maxmind blocked me previously when I ordered from a different provider from my $DAYJOB network. Just open a ticket and all is good :)
Just ordered the KVM-512 but haven’t done anything with it yet (but so excited about the possibilities). Raised a ticket to ask about a distro not currently offered and was pleased to get a super-quick response that it’s on their list.
Did we load it for you? I cant remember we had a dozen requests yesterday, let me know if not.
Sorry for the late reply … Thanks for checking in. You added the Ubuntu 12.10 CDROM (Ticket #834642). Since I didn’t see this ISO in the list of one’s that could be installed (reinstalled via the control panel) I just did the upgrade via terminal. :)
do the kvm vps support windows ?
With your own license key, were working on our own licensing system.
Hi. What is the specs of the machine you are running on? Are ddos protected? Do you allow irc? Thanks
Dual E5-2620 CPU, 128GB Ram, SAS 6G Disks, Intel 520 SSD’s using LSI Cachecade.
Allow IRC. As for DDOS no.
They had issues with my KVM. Couldn’t ping or otherwise reach the provided IP after setup. Customer service was excellent, about 15 min turn around the first contact and 5-10 after that.
I did end up cancelling, however. They apologized and promptly refunded no questions asked. I was on the 512/10G KVM. According to the last person I was in contact with, the issue is with KVM templates.
4/5 stars. Great customer service, just a warning that setup might be an issue.
We have turned off templates as they do not seem reliable and most KVM hosts I’ve ever used has always done ISO installs. Sorry about the trouble.
I’ve just had one with them, it sounds good :) 4.5/5
@Derp, it happens to me too, gotta go into KVM and restart the network.
hello, how about regular price after my hosting account expired? is this price lock for lifetime?
Not sure if I understand the question, but yes it’s a lifetime discount.
Just bought the 512 one and speed is good, will update more once all config done.
Do you support PPTPD?
I just now purchased OVZ-128 for only 1$ per month. Setup Ubuntu 12.04, nginx with php 5.4.9
Meanwhile works fine, memory usage after reboot 28M of 128M.
I just get 2 box for myself.
Me too, just got the 2nd KVM box!
Why only “1” IPv6? Are you afraid you’ll run out? :)
I get 1 IPv6 on KVM vps and 2 IPv6 on OpenVZ vps.
We have run into some scaling issues givng tons of v6 ip’s away, plus believe it or not a few spammers sending emails.
Actually either plan should give 2 IPv6 IP’s I’ll double check them. KVM’s IPv6 are still manual configuration until SolusVM gets things done right.
@FRCorey: Glad you’re looking into that; only got one on my KVM box too. On another note, I’m trying to provision another KVM box but ran into strange billing issue. Got a ticket in.
Added Windows XP in the os image in KVM
Thanks :)
is the promotion over?
i tried TKY512 and it says expired
as stated on post.
Yeah, the promo was over; however I see they still have many stocks available, then I think they should have another promo for ending year :)
Probably, but we have 25% off for life on all OVZ and KVM Plans right now FRH25
It leaks now just an iso of recovery disk (like PartedMagic)
Do you want a recovery ISO loaded just let me know which one.
@FRCorey: Thanks for code FRH25, just ordered the third KVM, RAM 1024 MB ~ $7.25 :)
See people still finding this thread so pricing changes!
OpenVZ VPS’s
VPS-256 2.50
VPS-512 5.00
VPS-1024 8.00
New Order Link
Have had a few chats for people looking for our black friday ad’s for 2013.