Patrick from GarmanOnline emailed me about the changes to the services he is providing. Gone would be the dedicated server offer and annual payment options. Instead, we are getting KVM-based VPS. Here is what you can get for $7/month:
- 256MB memory/512MB swap
- 16GB storage
- 160GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps
- KVM/Virtualizor
To order, you have to either email or submit a request at, as they are still finalising their new website. Also expect 12-24 hours of setup time. Two other packages are also available:
- 80MB memory/192MB swap/4GB stoage/40GB monthly data — $3/month
- 128MB memory/256MB swap/8GB storagfe/80GB monthly data — $5/month
Chicago based servers. Now, GarmanOnline did have quite a few “incidents” before (see this and this on LowEndTalk). I wasn’t directly involved nor do I have any GarmanOnline service but I hope most issues have been resolved. However no doubt these might have already created a dent on their reputation. Anyway. I just want to make sure people know what they are getting into.
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I love KVM, but memory is just a little too low.
@ALL – The two links are the same incident, which is nothing I’m going to hide. Very unfortunate but have been doing and have done everything possible to make it right. All clients who had VPS on down servers are going to be moved over to the new platform, dedicated servers have had the option to keep servers with the provider, and long term payments are receiving refunds.
@ZTEC – Well you can only get so much for <$7/mo … other options are available just shoot an email if interested.
I can get how much for $7/mo?
Just two posts down before this one:
And from a provider who doesn’t try to recruit new clients having not even sorted out the website properly or solved all the issues with old ones.
And it’s real-thing-Xen, not the KVM oddity…
OK that link was non-recurring, so here are more examples:
I’m sorry you feel that way – but just an FYI KVM is not an “oddity” and is actually REPLACING Xen. SingleHop’s Cascade servers are built on KVM, but I’m sure they are just and “oddity” too..
All businesses opperate with issues whether they be large or small. We have never stopped working towards resolving these, but we were not actively marketing or working towards bringing in new clients with the size of the mess we were dealing with. Since this is finally nearing an end it’s perfectly fine for us to move on. No one is forcing you to order from us.
As for the links you posted – go for it and buy those VPS. Keep in mind there are also plans like 128MB for $7/mo… on OpenVZ even. Price is not just based on RAM — there are other factors involved.
Who cares about other companies. Every company have own system, own pricing, etc, etc… Why don’t you go to WHT and open lets say some wiredtree offer thread and quote them futurehosting pricing model? It would be completely same as you doing here and completely same irrelevant.
imho. such irrelevant spamming with other companies offers at LEB going on moments too far. Not only here, but in more and more threads. I don’t mind some comparisation here and there, but such insisting in pointless deal breaking just because compnaies dont c/p pricing model of their competition have no use. It’s ordinary spam.
Each company shoul have own pricing model (which is actually good – do you need me to explain why?). Take it or leave it. No need to play pointless spam deal breaker role.
it was implied that for $7 you can not obtain more than offered here, hence the links.
@Spirit — You’re about as awesome as this video.
(to me that’s a good thing)
@rm, I think you should compare it with another kvm offers :)
@rm – yes, but when companies start to share (or even make agreement about) SAME pricing model this can be 5$.. or 50$… and only one who’s in disadvantage here is end customer. Beside that there’s more than just those numeric values from posted offer. As example (only one!) I am not GarmanOnline customer but if I would be… I would atleast know with whom I deal instead annonymous XY guys which represent so many other vps companies here and when we can’t be ever sure if this and that.. person really exist or it will vanish in dust with our money in month or two. I hope that you understand what I mean. So yes.. as you asked “I can get how much for $7/mo?” – are those few numeric values really everythinng what ordinary LEB vps “taster” see before buy vps? How pitty…
@patrick, I hope that you don’t compare me with gorilla in this video. I am big, but not THAT big :-)
@Spirit – Not calling you BIG just awesome :)
Thats why I threw in the it’s a good thing ha because I didn’t want you to take offense me saying you’re like a gorilla
Nothing personal against Patrick, who I’m sure is a great guy, but … I’m confused, at a time when the admin has been worried about the number of offers getting posted here, and finding this site taking up more time than he is happy with, how is it that posts are still being made about a company which has had such substantial issues very recently?
If you are referring to this post, then
1). GarmanOnline’s previous offer was posted on 30 Nov — well over 30 days ago.
2). This does not require annual payment.
I certainly don’t want to waste time posting deals from the same provider week after week.
@Rob – These issues are almost all resolved, we’ve actively worked to make everything right as best as possible, changed almost every piece of the business to ensure it won’t happen again.
Are you saying we shouldn’t be aloud to be posted anymore or something? :(
So sad My VPS from garmanOnline down until now almost 1 moonth, now GarmanOnline site look different, i can’t accees support area area, but Garman still sendme Invoice that My VPS Down ? What its mean ?? Must i pay VPS that down ? There no confirmation , no support access…
As has been previously sent out (at least twice in the past two days alone) — our support center has moved to The link is even in the post you are commenting on. You could even just reply to the email’s you are receiving or the invoice you received and a ticket would have been created.
Disregard the invoice you received, it was an automatically generated one. – as soon as your service is back online you will not have to pay anything for at least one month.
hope at now there is not much trouble as before
Nope — as was stated in the post we are making some major changes to ensure we avoid this. Two of the biggest ones…
– Not pushing dedicated servers
– No long term payments
Patrick, please respond to emails.
Just so everyone knows, I was one of the people who paid for a whole year of service with Patrick. Though it was unfortunate the way things went down, Patrick ensured myself and others that he would be providing a refund.
I only got to use the server for about a week, so Patrick decided that he would give me a full refund, and that he would do that as soon as possible. While it did take a while, I am happy to report that the refund has gone through, and paypal has sent the money to my credit card.
What I have learned through this experience, and many emails going back and forth between myself and Patrick, is that he is an honest guy who is trying to make a name for himself.
I am personally convinced he is a good man since he has done the right thing with me, and through talking to him I would entrust him with your services simply because he will not try to swindle you like some other companies.
Just give him another chance, and I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
I’m pretty unfamiliar with KVM other than to know it is another type of visualization. For some reason I seem to believe it does nto allow for cpu core sharing, is that true? What are the major points of the platform?
Here’s a link that has some basic differences.
– More Mature
– Can run on CPU’s with AND WITHOUT hardware virtualization support
– Used by a LOT of MAJOR companies
– Requires a Xen Kernel
– Windows/BSD support only with HVM
– Requires full hardware virtualization (think Xen HVM)
– Low memory Footprint
– Always Windows/BSD support
– Newer than Xen
– RHEL Support
– Kernel Module included in most recent Linux kernels.
There are pros and cons – in my oppinion is that KVM is the rising star.
We are also looking into KVM since Redhat will stop supporting XEN in future releases, there are also other new coming technology from IBM that in future may replace OpenVZ for container based hosting.
I am sure we will see more KVM based VPS offers in near future :)
RH6 has been released, and it already stop Xen Support
Future sure shows KVM replacing XEN; Redhat Drops XEN from RHEL .. Old news but related :
@LEA – In your blog header under “Virtualization/OS” you should add in the “KVM” tag… :)
Just sayin’
I’ll do that if I am getting KVM offers every other week, and I am hoping to see that in 2011 :)
I honestly don’t expect to see very many. While KVM is the future I think too many people are stuck up on Xen and there are always going to be a LOT of OpenVZ
Hi Patrick,
Good to see you back again. The hard work preparing things up especially KVM pays, ain’t it?
Wishing you all the best with the new offer, Bro.
Thanks! It’s be a LOT of work to get things ready for this but it will be worth it.
I only used KVM hosting once — 2 years ago, $20/month from a currently defunct provider, and it is good. Similar to VMWare I guess, and certainly does not have the same limitation as Xen paravirtualization. I do hope to see it gaining momentum soon, and hopefully commercial panel providers will release something to capture the market.
I have a vps with hetzner, they use KVM. Nothing wrong I can say about KVM, performance is the same as a XEN-HVM vps, maybe even slightly better (ram allocation is better). But this is offtopic, so please go through discussing GarmanOnline.
let’s hope he dont forget to pay his bill :) lol
@patrick : nice to see you back on your business.. :) i’m really interesting about KVM. my question is does KVM ready for production box?
the main different KVM vs Xen HVM is KVM consist of loadable kernel CMIIW. we can say KVM is around the center of Xen PV and Xen HVM. more powerful but with low memory footprint.. maybe i should try this one later.. :)
I believe KVM is ready for production.
I think I said it before but SingleHop’s Cascade Cloud systems are built on KVM — not sure about other big names at the moment.
NASA uses it –
What OS are supported ?
As this is KVM – we’re pretty open :)
*nix, *bsd, *dows… ?? windows felt left out of the star club…
Heck, if you’ve got your own Windows (legal) license I’ll get some Windows 7/Server ISO’s put up there for use. Right now we won’t be licensing any MS stuff ourselves but won’t stop you from running it.
As long as it is all LEGAL…
BSD :)
Can we load that from the interface?
Load as in Reinstall your own OS via control panel?
Guess that would work. Thanks :)
That was more of a question as to what you were asking more than a statement ha. But glad I answered it for you!
Kidding, but where’s the my previous VPS? I paid the last month but only get less than 3 working days. I submitted two tickets but no one replied after a month.
Hello – I’m sorry for the issues you’ve had. We’re moving all VPS that were lost onto new servers ASAP. As soon as you are online again we will send you your new VPS info.
I am sorry for any issues this has caused you. For support please go to
Great to see a KVM offer! Hope more will follow in Europe too.
I haven’t gotten any refund back from Patrick yet. My profile is no longer exist on his newly created client support system (Database should have moved or migrated).
I haven’t done any charged back because he is still sorting out on his mass.
All accounts have been migrated over, but email via Google Apps apparently has now been CAPPED to 60 emails per hour… which obviously doesn’t work very well when sending mass emails.
Please email with any issues you have.
Please STAY AWAY from GarmanOffline, this kid won’t refund any money and he’ll keep on saying: -Some day you’ll have your VPS up-
Like innya, I haven’t gotten any refund back for a whole year of service yet and the client support system is just for new unwary people.
If you have any problems then open a support ticket or send an email. HostBill is a mess once you get multiple servers and a lot of VPS so it is hard to keep track of them all which is why a custom system is being developed.
I’m sorry your VPS was missed but as soon as I have the information you’ll be back online.
And the new support system is because HostBill continually fails and is simply a mess AND being hosted by a third party is something that we cannot be accused of tampering with logs or anything of that sort. Supposed to give more peace of mind … not “for new unwary people”
I sure do hope that everything gets sorted out, because right now everything seems to be a mess.
Purchased the smallest offering and so far I’m impressed with the quality of service. Moved my blog to it today – Hello KVM!.
Glad you’re happy with the service! :)
Not sure what all will run smoothly on 80MB, but maybe someday if you want a test-bed playground you can play with some of the custom ISO’s available.
To start with there are plenty of Turnkey Linux appliances ready to go, along with ArchLinux, soon Debian 6 and others. This is on top of the standard CentOS, Debian (5.5), Ubuntu, and Suse… if anyone has any requests for Custom ISO under normal circumstances no reason why we can’t add it. Soon there will be Windows 7/Server ISO’s available for those with their own licenses.
Any *BSD?
Not immediately but working on a few *BSD ISO’s… any requests for specific ones?
@Patrick, I could use OpenBSD to play around ^_^
I’ll get an OpenBSD ISO added tonight :)
VPS will be built with a standard VPS image, but after that you can boot into an ISO and use the built in VNC viewer to setup the server.
I’ve got to be honest, this VNC viewer that is built into the VPS panel is pretty awesome.
Been porting my webcam site to Bash to run on my lowend GarmanOnline VPS… almost done :)
Need testers!
Current Apache/PHP/MySQL site:
New site powered by Bash, thttpd and GarmanOnline:
Leave a comment there if you like :)
The webcam loads slower than the current
Very impressive!
Is pretty good Doug :D
Do you mean the camera image loads slower, or the page overall is slower? If the camera image, then it’s just chance — in one instance you may have been pulling a new image over my DSL, while in the other you may have gotten an image cached on the webserver for a few minutes.
The page at loads faster than
The camera at loads faster than
After I turned on the Opera Booster, both sites loads at same speed. So I guess it is my ISP.
Here’s the traceroute result from Jakarta:
Thanks vRozenSch00n for that.
The new site went live this morning at
Now to see how the little 80MB GarmanOnline VPS hold up serving that CGI :)
Thanks Patrick for the suggestions. Actually everything is running quite smoothly in 11-12 MB RAM on Debian 5 32-bit :)
What is your node specs? How about IPv6?
No IPv6 right now while DC does not support it yet, no ETA as of yet. Feel free to tunnel your own though with Hurricane Electric or others.
Nodes right now are going up with Core i3’s & 8GB RAM, less RAM = less clients per server = higher performance from shared CPU/Disks.
2x 500GB @ RAID1
How can I get the 80 MB slice? Because the site says you can get one, but in the order form doesn’t exist :P