HK@Server contacted us to share their offer at the very unique location of Hong Kong! This is a very exciting news for our Asian readers and for those who want to cater to Asian traffic. We hope that the community take advantage of this offer!
They are also offering a VPS package located in USA. The plan includes a generous amount of RAM, disk space, and bandwith.
| US-VPS-Special
HK@Server is registered as K-LIVE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED in Hong Kong with registration number 36683711-000-04-06-6. They are in the hosting business since 2009 and has been providing domain name registration, web hosting, dedicated server rental and other services. We are told that support is available 24 hours a day. Since this offer is in a very unique location, we would really appreciate if customers will share their experiences with us in the comments section below.
Paypal and Alipay are both accepted payment methods. Here is the link of their Terms of Service. We would appreciate if our Chinese readers can share an accurate translation for importatant points on this legal page.
Network information
Hong Kong Location
Test IPv4: / /
USA Location
Test IPv4: /
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Since this offer is in a very unique location, we would really appreciate if customers will share their experiences with us in the comments section below.
Good news but hardly a great offer.
Nowadays you can buy a 521MB RAM 2Mbit unmetered KVM VPS located in Hong Kong for just US$5 (36cloud,com) and is launching cheap OpenVZ (starting US$6) and XEN (starting US$ 10 w/coupon) with a *lot* more bandwidth.
Correction: uses KVM, not XEN.
I have been using 36cloud’s VPS for a while and so far a good experience. They have good connectivity to mainland China and not that good to elsewhere.
Regarding GigsGigsCloud, it is a subsidiary of gigsgigs, a reputable and well-known company. I didn’t tried their service yet because I’m waiting IPv6.
No Ubuntu 14.04?
The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet – please check the promotion terms.
Please check it.
Is the bandwidth speed limitation due to company’s network?…. or is it because of limited bandwidth purchased from x company and then wanting to list it as ‘unlimited bandwidth’ so it looks better? 3Mbps is some bit low, ~307KB/s?…. but realistically more like 250-275…
I’d rather have a one month limitation of 200-300GB and 100Mbps, dunno if that’s possible
Asian bandwidth is different. They do “domestic” and “international” rates of bandwidth with international being the lowest
Obviously you couldn’t have everyone running 1gbit speeds, but my understanding has always been that this is usually more limited by the quantity ordered (or supplied) by the whomever the bandwidth is being acquired from, rather than the speed?
Whoops. Rephrased: In general, isn’t the quantity the limiting factor, rather than the speed?
Bandwidth is capacity. Speed is fix: in fiber, “bits” travels ~65% velocity of light. The provider buys capacity from the carriers’ packet networks. More capacity (bitrate) more packets (usually up to 1500 octets each) can be transmitted per time unit. Higher bitrates look fast because transports more data per time unit not because the payload travels faster. If a provider sets your maximum bitrate it limits the amount of the data you can transmit per time unit. When the provider limits the quantity (e.g. monthly data transfer allowance) the throughput depends on the overall usage of the installed capacity (and many other things). If the provider has lots of spare capacity to support the aggregated load during peak times you have the sensation of great speed because you are using the maximum bitrate. But in places where the capacity is expensive, small providers must control the effective bitrate — doesn’t matter if you have a 10Mbit or 10Gbit network port. It is “up to” that capacity.
Why is hosting in HK so expensive?
I thought about the same. China (ie. Shenzen) and especially Hong Kong are kings of technology, low price of electricity, low price of computers. Maybe the network isn’t advanced, don’t know.
Power is not cheap at all in HK. Shenzhen is not HK and you can’t host there.
I remember HK hass the second-fast network average speed in the world.
P.S Hongkonger.
P.S2 Please don’t mix up Shenzhen with us.
My service has been fast start, customer service response is also very fast,
thank you recommended
The actual speed is relatively fast,
In this position Hong Kong There is such a special price
There is such an international connection speeds are satisfied,
I am hoping to remain
Thanks LEB presentation
[root@hkc1 ~]# wget
–2015-06-04 04:54:11–
Resolving…,, 2001:cb0:1205::2a63:8093, …
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 113898336 (109M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `SQLEXPR_x86_CHS.exe’
31% [===========> ] 35,648,576 832K/s eta 2m 1s
Terms for VPS:
(1) VPS主机主机使用请遵守香港和美国法律。
(VPS usage must comply with US and HK Laws)
(2) 禁止存放对外公开有:色情、性、成人内容、木马、病毒、诈骗、私服、外挂、赌博、视频、同志网站、裸露图片、假冒医疗、赌博用品、枪支、非法内容(包含侵犯版权的内容,和政治类敏感话题)、对其它网站采取仿制、剽窃的采集版权内容、运行IRC、IRC bots等内容,VPS主机允许采集站、小偷站,但程序不能长期占用超CPU/内存资源,不能有外界投诉。
(Forbidden: adult content, porn, trojan, virus, scamming, private servers, bots, gambling, video streaming, (同志网站)SEO sites?, nude image, fake medical services, gambling resource, guns, illegal content(including copyright infringement, sensitive political topics), copying other website, plagiarize other website’s content, IRC, IRC bots and related activities. VPS cannot be constantly maxing CPU/RAM resource, cannot have complaints from external users.
(3) 禁止滥用系统资源,极度消耗服务器资源,硬盘I/O/带宽资源。
Can’t abuse server resource, I/O or Bandwidth
(4) 禁止发送垃圾邮件行为。
Email spams not allowed
(5) 用户被发现有在系统中进行非法行为的,包括但不限于破坏系统运行、试图改变系统配置或破坏系统安全、运行影响网站服务器的程序、进程、信用卡欺诈等
User may not perform illegal operations on operating system, including hacking OS, changing OS config or security, interfering with OS software, credit card fraud.
(6) 禁止非法占用不属于购买分配的服务器配置资源/IP/带宽等 ,如检查发现非法占用我方有权关闭用户服务3天后才可联系重新开启。
User may not utilize resource unassigned to them, if found we reserve the right to suspend the account. User will have to contact customer service to have the account reinstated
(7) 其它非法行为等。
other illegal stuff
同志网站 – GL site (GL as in GLBT)
why the free trial on 36cloud.comis not activated yet after april 2015 ..
I ticketed about that, and they said they cancelled the free trial due to abuse
Hello administrator,
First of all, thanks for your great service.
I am going to ask some questions before I purchase your service.
At first let me know following points:
1. I need to get HongKong with HongKong IP address
2. I am going to host my web site
3. I need to install VPN service on that (ex: PPTP), so PPP should be enabled.
4. Latest CentOS 7 installed
5. root access to my server and need to access via ssh client like putty.
6. Let me test net speed with trial version.
7. In the case I have some technical issues, need to get supports from your tech guys.
8. Paypal will work for the payment method?
9. Let me know the address of your company.
10. If I purchase annually, could I get any discount?
Best regards,