LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Hostigation - $4.99 64MB Xen/OpenVZ VPS

Hostigation Tim from Hostigation emailed me last week to tell me that they are selling low end VPS that fit into our listing criteria. $4.99/month everyday price and gives you a choice between OpenVZ or Xen servers.

  • 64MB guaranteed/128MB burstable memory (128MB swap on Xen)
  • 10GB storage
  • 1TB/month data transfer
  • OpenVZ or Xen/SolusVM

Xen nodes are in Rock Hill SC. OpenVZ nodes are in St. Louise MO, Grand Junction CO or Rock Hill SC — although I don’t see options to choose the location when you make orders. The packages feel under-spec except for the massive amount of bundled monthly data transfer. Domain has been registered for > 4 years, with both NS on the same IP address.

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  1. How is it that I run a free host and have 3 actual nameservers, each in a different location but VPS providers can’t?

    December 22, 2010 @ 5:24 am | Reply
    • Spirit:

      That’s because you’re special!

      December 22, 2010 @ 5:57 am | Reply
    • t3knique:

      Maybe they should get some LEBs for name servers.

      December 22, 2010 @ 8:14 am | Reply
    • AwfulCustomer:

      You know why? Because the bulk of VPS “providers” that advertise in LEB are not the owners of the hardware and do not want to deal with data centers. They are re-sellers looking for a quick buck and nothing else. You know how easy it is to become a reseller nowadays? It literally requires no effort. Open a reseller account with a major provider, whip out a website and let the underlying provider provision everything for your customers. You are the middle man. You sell and get a slice of the payment. Why bother with proper infrastructure and decent redundancy? They are in the sales business, not the hosting business.

      However, to be fair, there are a few VPS providers that advertise here that actually own their own infrastructure and hardware and those usually have proper NS (and overall network) redundancy.

      December 22, 2010 @ 5:10 pm | Reply
      • @Awful.

        Finally someone understands! There are so many resellers out there it makes me sick. They can not give the attention they need to give, or even know how to fix things half the time they just rely on the host company. I use all my own hardware, and have real techs, and its just disappointing sometimes to see the resellers get more sales than a REAL company working hard to give a great product.

        December 23, 2010 @ 3:46 am | Reply
        • Spirit:

          But you still fail to provide some real office address, real phone number.. so some real non virtual contact as any decent company would.
          Don’t take this personally, but your “About us” is pretty much similar meaningless and empty as “About us” of those fake “companies”. Standard.
          Atleast your domain whois contain some as it seems real datas.

          December 23, 2010 @ 5:34 am | Reply
        • @Spirit,

          We have a 1800 number, a real office address. I own 2 other companies along with the VPS branch. http://www.mohawk-host.com and http://www.gameserversnetwork.com, I am by no means a “fake” company.

          December 23, 2010 @ 5:45 am | Reply
        • Spirit:

          Sorry, but if you really have it at your http://www.chicagovps.net/ site, then it’s well hidden, because I can’t find it.

          btw. I didn’t say that you’re fake company.

          Kind Regards;

          December 23, 2010 @ 6:16 am | Reply
        • Its on our ToS page, and again in the client portal.

          We really have nothing to hide. However I will go ahead and find somewhere to add these things so it is easier to find. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.



          December 23, 2010 @ 6:25 am | Reply
  2. Interesting that if you do a WHOIS on the IP address, Hostigation actually owns the block of /23.

    And they can’t afford a pair of isolated NS?

    December 22, 2010 @ 9:42 am | Reply
    • Or maybe they are very confident that their NS will never go down? :)

      December 22, 2010 @ 10:16 am | Reply
    ns102.hostigation.com. 172800 IN A
    ns101.hostigation.com. 172800 IN A

    I know they might look the same, but if you squint they are different IP’s and one is in St Louis the other in Rock Hill SC.

    December 22, 2010 @ 12:59 pm | Reply
  4. Nice to see another Charlotte area host. :)

    You need to update your stock ticket symbol though in your footer:


    Hmmm, 8 cents a share. Takeover target? :)

    December 22, 2010 @ 4:44 pm | Reply
  5. Do you offer native ipv6 addresses in those locations?

    December 22, 2010 @ 9:03 pm | Reply
    • What do you consider native? We have an allocation in Rock Hill from the data center and the Xen offerings come provisioned with 10 IPv6 addresses.

      December 22, 2010 @ 9:28 pm | Reply
  6. pebbles:

    Anyone here who already tried their vps?

    And anyone knows the port speed of their servers?

    December 23, 2010 @ 1:37 am | Reply

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