Gavin from HostingSRV emailed me their launch discount coupon. Use code VPS50 and you can get 50% off recurring discount on their OpenVZ VPS plans. Their cheapest plan would be £1.25/month after the discount (~USD$2). Direct sign up link here with coupon code filled out.
- 128MB memory
- 20GB storage
- 200GB/month data transfer
- 2 IPv4 addresses
- OpenVZ/vePortal
50% off discount applies to all OpenVZ plans. Payment in either PayPal, bank transfer or SMS payments. Servers in Maidenhead UK, which I presume would be BlueSquare. Domain has only been registered for a month. Both NS are on the same physical box. AUP is also missing on the site. Address in WHOIS goes to this Japanese restaurant — at least Gavin would have some nice Sushi while setting up your servers…
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£1.25… 128MB… 2 IPv4 addresses??
One of those cases when you sit and think, just wtf. :)
I wonder do those 2 addresses come assigned by default, or require request/justfication?
And btw it is not mentioned in the ordering page that it includes 2 IPv4.
Just signed up because its only 1.50€ i can loose…
The server activation email says something like this:
The email arrived exactly like this, with the Xs. It also won’t let me login to vePortal or show an IP in whcms. Im going to open a ticket now, let’s see how long it takes them to fix it.
btw: Their Paypal address is which points to a proper address
Servers,foods and drinks cannot be mixed together.
How about :)
Gavin using servers to warm up Sushi :P
IF someone can confirm it’s 2 Adresses i will sign up straight away!
Decided to sign up. Heck its only 1.25£ exactly the same lol
Got a voicemail from HostingSRV (missed the call) basically thier plans have been very popular and they are out of ips. He anticipates he will have them in 24hours and has offered 50% of the server price for the delay in ‘compensation’!
Anyway seems professionial and I await the vps!
‘Gavin’ is a scammer
As usual Gavin is the man in front to cover up matt.
Then matt.
Then is it Cameron still, hmm.
The 3 bad boys.
We should ban LEA because advertising fake VPS provider :P
Had a google around for appears this guy runs several companies found this:
Hey Clients of HostingSRV,
We are awaiting IP Addresses from the Datacenter, we are currently undergoing the setup of the IP’s and are awaiting them to be routed. For the delay, we have credited you 50%OFF Next Month’s VPS Price.
(£0.65) has been credited to all of our LowEndBox Client’s.
Kind Regard’s,
Gavin H
Looking at google maps, looks like it’s a four story building with the top three stories being apartments or flats in the Queens English.
There’s a tuscan restaurant, Caldesi’s, across the street.
So anyone have the 2 ip addresses yet?
So was anyone successful at actually getting a running vps with these guys?
I think its time LowEndAdmin starts insisting on IPv6 for offers to be listed. Its time the market started demanding IPv6. QuickWeb said IPv6 is not planned for my VPS. I am not going to order any VPS without IPv6 from now on.
Then you look out for the ones that explicitly states IPv6. There are a lot of legacy hardware and legacy software that relies on IPv4, which won’t go away anytime soon I am afraid.
IMO IPv6 now equals low quality. Few people realise providers usually don’t use the same carriers for IPv6 traffic than that used for IPv4 nor have the same installed capacity. With IPv6 usually you have increased latency, increased packet loss, poor routes. Microsoft, Mozilla, and others already changed the default from using AAAA to A records for the same FQDN.
So is this a scam/overselling/other?
Is it worth taking a punt? (Looking at the dedi rather than VPS at the moment?)
I think it’s actually quite obvious…
A but not registered a company? Too low the price for 2x IP address? Whole website looks like a quick job with lots of info missing. Scam or not, I probably won’t bet my 1.25 EURO on it :P
Considering that this company has been linked to a number of previous scams, an edit of the original post with a warning may be in order.
A i7 dedicated server with 24GB RAM and not to mention the UK for 52.00 and 1 hour setup time :O
LMAO, clearly a scam!
Not everyone needs to get scammed any pay hundreds for a quad core; I don’t see a problem buying cheaply if it does the job…
Is this Matt Haigh back in his old tricks?
Hell yes it is, fake address.
Matt loves Guy riese, as per, so lets not use the complete same but lets make it look believable.
Now down to the nitty gritty, nom nom.
Even burstnet hate this fool lol.
He enjoys the $1 servers, then does not renew.
‘UK Hosted, Guaranteed 100Mbit Network █ Check us out today, TryAHost … Matthew Haigh owns this company doesn’t he (the former TabHosts owner)?’
That’s, cronhosts, tabhosts, so far.
‘Layout Sold Just purchased this design for TryAHost . Lol… Lets watch this host fail like your others have ^^ (GatMan is Matthew Haigh btw)’
Oh wait, that is now three hosts.
Oh no, four! FibreSolutions, wait, it is five, jesus. SRVWIRE
There is a lot more, and I only know all this because I was brought into it at one point!
However, that layout is the easy pick for this moron, he uses it for every company he sets up!
Make your own decisions people.
@LEA Why are you listing noobs lol
Everyone is a n00b at one stage or another. Didn’t I list your service as well last year? :P
I wasn’t a noob last year, nor this one.
Besides, this guy packs up shop every other week.
It is a word of warning.
Maybe he has sorted himself out, who knows.
Considering no one has received a working VPS, I dunno about that >_>
People get their VPS, but it’s lacking an IP of either format.
Doesn’t really sound like a noob if he’s known in the community already.
And I was never a noob. :)
Maybe noob was not the word, just a moron in the past.
People like to call those people “scammers”. Scamming entrepreneur it seems, and nothing n00b about it.
Either way this host is a joke, you can just tell lol.
Their address even goes to as LEA said.
So I won’t bother posting the full research, just laugh for yourself lol.
You don’t need any research if their office was a restaurant :P
As for
Probably will get UK ip(s) on them.
The i5 is £43 odd direct the i7 is 53 or more.
Hmm, undercutting themself also, nice job.
So is this provider already in the deadpool or what? :)
Yeah, since the start hahaha
After __5__ days my VPS is still not set up. I just got an email from them:
Looks like until now noone has recieved a VPS by them.
Actually i my my server set up now.
128mbit RAM (no burst), 1 IP, SolusVM
Speeds look ok so far but i might be the only customer on the box lol (my SolusVM name is vmuser01)
Their support answered pretty quick and set up my server after i opened a ticket, however he asked what kind of VPS i had ordered (although i selected my server at "Related Service" when i opened the ticket)
VPS is pretty good as im vmuser12
I get around the same benchmarks as you and support is excellent
Fast network as well though im like a few miles from the DC :)
Signed up hoping for quick setup without reading the comments first. My bad. PayPal Dispute to come.
Nah, no refund for you. Learn your lesson. :)
Don’t look like it’s happening. Matt Haigh has had me over before.
He sent me a message saying we were setting your vps up but has not within 7 days.. Sent a final ticket email thing to them
“email thing” ?
Yeah you email them it creates a ticket and hopefully they then reply.
He willingly processed my refund.
Oh noo’s, I was right :P
Another URL of theirs appeared on my PayPal Invoice –
The guys involved in a half dozen brands, all having SRV in the name. He was called out as a scam on WJunction of all places (pretty much scam haven).
Anybody know what their SolusVM URL is? My VPS does not seem to have SSH installed and I cannot log in.
I believe they are using vePortal. My VPS was setup with this info, despite the login information not working.
Any URL for VePortal?
Nope sorry – I mean to say that blank info was sent for this.
SolusVM –
vePortal was removed some time ago as issues with it using the vps so SolusVM is as above
Anyone here having issues with yum on default centos5 32bit
Seems to be hanging when running transaction:
yum works fine here :)
Node had the outage, lost tun/tap. Several days after asking to re-enable tun/tap i had to find another alternative hoster.
With a few emails not being delivered(mail servers down?), i left it sit a few days, tried again with success.
Request for refund and enabling tun/tap has gone unheard for week and half.
Just sent off another one explaining i will have to dispute with paypal, as they are non responsive.
Hopefully the staff read here and rectify this.
Their site isn’t loading either it seems.
:/ To top it off I just got an invoice lol…
To all who have had issues with HostingSRV…
I am the real Gavin, I do not work for HostingSRV anymore as I quit as soon as Matthew the founder started messing around. once the services stopped working and we hit problems, I left and I would not recommend using them as he does not know how to run a business.
I am sorry for Matthew’s actions and the loss of all who bought into it.
I told everyone this would happen Matthew does it all the time and has had a good 10 chances, when will get give up scamming people.
You seen this lol
Another project :S and hostingsrv is suspended
This isn’t Matthew – this company has been around for years.
Well he is back at it again with OVH servers, saying they are UK servers LOL
It’s back online as far as I can see.
HostingSRV is scam.. i paid for Uk dedicated server and they don’t delivered .. support is not replying..
… opening a paypal dispute….
Matthew is such a c*nt
Got f*cked over even working for them
I said this, he is your usual fly by nighter.
He has had about 20 companies in 2 years, shame to see him still doing it.