Via this WHT offer. This is getting crazy. Recently I found having this blog is a bit pointless — it’s not really about running a low end box anymore as more and more deals like this one is promoting fully functional VPS with lots of memory at bargain basement price. HostLatch, a 6 month old company, is offering the following VPS for $4.46/month (after 25% recurring discount with coupon code 25offrecurring and use the special ordering link in the WHT offer).
- 512MB guaranteed/768MB burstable memory
- 50GB storage
- 350GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/HyperVM
From the About page they have servers in Texas, Chicago & Florida.
Update: Just found that HostLatch has a pretty “interesting DNS setting”. From WHOIS, has and registered with the registrar.
$ host has address $ host has address
Oops. Same IP address. Moreover,
$ host -t ns name server name server
The two providers (HostLatch & GrandiosHost) don’t seem to be related.
Update 2: Got an email from Jacob Wall of GrandiosHost indicating that HostLatch was a client of theirs and is merely hosting their corporate website on their servers and they are two completely different providers.
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There are numerous warning threads about Hostlatch on WHT and digitalpoint.
Including one thread where it was revealed that Adam was offering 3 weeks free
on a VPS to a customer if he would post a positive review on WHT.
For the $5 via Paypal I decided to give it a try – instant signup and box seems to be working well. I’ll be interested to see how it performs as others hear about it.
I was with them for a month, a couple months ago. Their support is good, my ticket get answer in a few minutes. But the server looks like too heavy, my node always get down every day. I don’t know now, hope their server will be good as the offer :)
one man company?
too good to be true?
This is a legit of my client has a vps with them since 3 months..its pretty good..
I just created an account with them and can say that and have direct ties but most likely are different parts of the same company. My activation email was sent via I’ll give them a try for a little while and see how they work out.
Got an email from GrandiosHost that HostLatch is just hosting their corporate site on their servers and they are two completely different providers. Hopefully that clears up any confusion.
I get worried when a company that offers web hosting doesn’t host their own website. It just says something about their hosting.
It’s actually more common than you would think. There are numerous company’s that host their corporate websites on hostgator for example. Also, it’s best to do so, just in case the unfortunate happens.
Anyone’s iptables working properly with their VPS?
@terii — nope. Many important iptables modules missing, but at least I can do DENY on the ports that I know I don’t want other people to touch. That will do for me for now…
We enable ANY iptables modules you want upon your request. (via support ticket)
I just got one of their “Advanced” packages, and it seems to perform really well. The bandwidth is good, great pings, and it doesn’t “freeze” every now and then like my old one from FsckVPS did.
They also have a 65% off coupon, if you prepay for 1year, that comes out to $1.90/month(($65*.35)/12)….so please, if anyone has a VPS with them could you let me know what you think? Thank you.
@cling[y] — I had one lying around using that method (65% first invoice, prepay for 1 year). Haven’t put it into full test yet but not bad so far. It’s with GNAX in Atlanta GA. 2x Xeon E5520 core limited at 1.6GHz. Certainly feel faster than my BoxVPS VPS at around the same price (prepay for 1 year).
No, it’s not limited to 1.6 GHz, it’s just because we’re using Intel’s SpeedStep technology. For example, when the CPU isn’t in full use, it gets set to 1.6 GHz, and when a CPU starts to become more busy, it goes to full speed (2.27 GHz each)
For more information about Intel SpeedStep, please check out:
@cling[y] — HostLatch seems to be a winner to me. The prices are great, and they run better than similarly priced VPS’ that I’ve had before. My first VPS took a while to get set up, but it did within ~8 hours (it was set up by the time I woke up the next morning). I just got another about 45 minutes ago, and it was set up instantly. I’d like a way to choose the location, but I can understand why that may not be feasible.
The performance seems great, and the bandwidth is actually there (I’ve had several VPS’ which topped out at 500kb/s up and down).
Is there anyone who has got their vps in Chicago or Florida? If so, please share your experice. I want some network diversity for vps, and already have a vps in Texas. I might use the 65% off promo code if Hostlatch is good.
I signed up – the 65% off 1-year deal was hard to resist.
Setup was virtually instant after my paypal payment (my vps is apparently in Dallas).
I’ll be using it primarily as additional rsync/backup location.
So far rsyncing is working fine and there were no issues setting it up (rsync was already installed
on the Centos distribution my vps was set up with).
My VPS is in Dallas, only just checked it. Makes no difference to me really as I’m not even in USA.
Hey guys, what has been your experience with HostLatch? Waiting your updates…
@alea they have been great. They seem a lot faster than my other VPS’s (some of which cost a lot more).
Customer service has been good, I used their live support a few times and got fast answers and good help.
I tried to find out how much extra bandwidth will cost me though and they wouldn’t tell me a price. They said they will work it out at the time according to my budget. I want a fixed price though (or at least an estimate). When I said my old host charged $0.04/GB they said they will charge $0.05/GB and asked if that is ok.
I downloaded a test file from somewhere onto my HostLatch VPS and I use it for testing the connection speed. I do this by logging into my VPS and a web hosting account I have with another host, both by SSH. Then I use wget to download the test file from one server to the other, then back the other way.
I usually get around 7-9MB/sec each way.
I signed up with HostLatch yesterday, and informed them specifically that I didn’t want to be located in Texas. It took them just a few hours to send me the login detail after I had made the payment. My vps is located in GNAX in Atlanta GA, according to WHOIS.
My vps was CentOS when I logged in for the first time, but I soon rebuilt it to Debian 5.0. The time zone after rebuild is MSK. I can change the time zone within HyperVM after I issued “apt-get update” & “apt-get upgrade.”
Usually I expect a newly built vps to have no daemon except sshd running, but HostLatch’s OS template has four more daemons. They were sendmail, apache2, bind, and xinetd, which I didn’t need. It took me some time to get rid of them.
I can’t say anything about its reliability, as I just got it yesterday. But so far my vps is responsive, and network speed is good, too.
The nameservers of hostlatch seem to point the same ip address. sounds fishy and their offers are too good to be true.. ( master reseller with unlimited for 35/year ) i take that as a warning b4 i see vps offers
I’m going to give these folks a try and see how things go.
Hello drmike,
Your VPS has been automatically provisioned.
Yup, giving it a try now. I never could understand why HyperVM gives links to Kloso without it being installed. Building that now.
Clean IP address within network. Gotta admit that this concerns me a bit though. And yes, I realize that is probably not connected with hostlatch. Just comes up with a quick google.
I don’t think that the owner of Lowendbox would appreciate you using the comment section as a tool for support. Please use the support ticket system on our website. ;-)
– You can open up a support ticket to request your IP to be changed for the reason you mentioned.
– Kloxo should work – make sure you’re accessing it via VPSIP:7778
Do not confuse the VPS host node IP as your VPS IP.
Thank you.
Um, I wasn’t using the forums here as a support device. You may note that at no time a question was asked in my comment, to you or anyone else. I was reporting an issue about a host. I believe feedback about hosts, both positive and negative, is what these comments are for.
And, yes, I’m familiar with how to login to my VPS.
I’m going to go ahead and cancel my account with you. Between your response here and to the support ticket I raised last night, it’s pretty clear your company is not what I need.
I took the $4.46 25% off offer at HostLatch. It works like a charm, and I’ve gotten over 9 MB/s when wget’ing a speed test file.
I use Kloxo atm, and it works good. I wish that HostLatch offered cPanel though.
Unlike my VPS at FSCKVPS, SSH replys super quickly without any lag. This is the best budget VPS I’ve ever experienced.
My support tickets have been answered in minutes.
How were we rude? Nevertheless, I’ve refunded your payment. You’re not the kind of clients we’re looking for, especially with a suspicion that you’re fraud due to your IP changing many times.
1) Adam, I change my IP address because I use a number of the local coffee shops (ie Bruegger’s and Caribou Coffee) and libraries for internet access. I live in a 60 year old apartment complex that doesn’t have modern copper telephone lines nor cable. If you had taken the time to check on those IP addresses or even bothered to ask, you would have noted that all of them resolved to Charlotte, NC which is where I live.
2) You have been very rude towards me. Did you even bother to read what you wrote? You have shown a very clear lack of the basic ability to understand what folks have asked you on a number of occasions. A single search of DP shows this along with many many clients complaining about you and your companies extreme lack of even basic politeness.
Just to clarify, the support ticket I mentioned asked about his company’s policy to host my Video download sites. An example of this is located here: I had asked because of their policy of no warez hosting which I can understand. The response I got back said that their clients were unable to host any videos, only embed, which had nothing to do with the question I had asked. I has even provided a link to the example site. I seriously doubt Adam had even taken the time to look at the site example that I had included.
Clearly this is a host to stay away from.
I’m sorry I do not see how I was rude, I was only saying that the owner of Lowendbox might not appreciate it since I wouldn’t want him to ban us from here.
We already refunded you, so please officially part ways and find a new provider, you’re no longer welcome here, drmike.
@Adam “you’re no longer welcome here, drmike”, “I’m sorry I do not see how I was rude”.
Hmm… I wonder how you were rude…
Since when do you have the ability to say when someone is not welcome here? is that not for the admin of this website alone? I actually say drmike is very welcome here. His comments have been helpful, unlike you Adam. Every comment you post here makes me rethink hosting with you. To me, HostLatch is a good host. Mostly good speeds, I haven’t had too many issues. Sure you wont let me get some quick support on the live chat, but thats fine.
Are you going to tell me I’m not welcome to use your server anymore now for taking drmike’s side?
I meant that he’s no longer welcome at our company *HostLatch* not the lowendbox site.
Thank you, and have a wonderful Wednesday night! :)
Hey guys. LowEndBox is not a support nor a shout out channel. I am closing the thread and please move on :)