Ernie from Hudson Valley Host emailed me their Christmas specials — 25% off life-time discount on their VPS products (also on WHT). Use promo code december25 to get the discount. That reduces their low end “Starter VPS” to just $3/month. Direct sign up link.
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 10GB storage
- 100GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
All their servers are now in New York. They now even have their own VPS reseller program. It has been quite a bit of departure since last time I featured them on this blog, where they were Virpus resellers. Test IP: (TurnKey Internet). The company has been around since 2003/2004 though, although it has only been selling/reselling VPS recently.
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Their 512MB plan with 2 IP is 4.5 USD/m
Looks similar to
+1 for spelling out their management options right on their VPS page:
Granted though that page has a banner for their shared hosting. And there’s a couple of typos….
I got a Basic and Standard package with them a couple of days ago, performance these past few days seems to be good. I’ve moved several production sites to their site.
Unfortunately no web proxy hosting allowed. However, for normal hosting they are OK.
Can’t they make their own website instead of using a free template.
*Cough Chough* Free template easiest one to find also.
Knew it looked familiar.
The template is Same as NoVPS, featured here not too long ago
I believe they are run by kids, I’ve seen someone named Ashley advertise on forums for them (not following rules as well I think) and it was obvious he was you, I think he mentioned he was 15 or 16.
Hmm, Kids or no Kids? As what Billy The Kid said, “I’m as old as my gun”. Even if they are kids, as long as they know what they are doing and take into account the responsibility as a man, it ain’t matter. Just give ’em a break.
FYI not ran by kids Im personally 25 and Hudson Valley Host is a registered company with New York State. If you need verification you are welcome to contact me.