After well over two years of managing LowEndBox and LowEndTalk, and having spent time before that writing tutorials, it’s time for me to give up my position to someone else.
My decision to give up my position had two major contributing factors. The first one is the difference of vision between me and ColoCrossing on where to go with these sites. The second one is the amount of time I have available, which no longer matches the amount of time the sites require.
I’ve had a great time running the websites for the past two years and I couldn’t have had that without the amazing community we have here. There are a number people in particular who have helped out a lot; Spirit, vedran, Lee, AnthonySmith, Nekki, jcaleb, mikho and jarland have all done an amazing job in helping me out and I’m extremely greatful for that. I’d also like to thank Alex and Jon from ColoCrossing, who have trusted me to run their sites and have supported me where appropriate.
It is with pleasure that I can announce my successor: jarland! Truth be told that two years ago I never thought this would ever be possible ;-) I can’t think of anyone else to better succeed me than him though, and I wish him all the best.
I will still be around in my current capacity as I transition everything to him/ColoCrossing and will remain a normal member after that. I absolutely look forward to enjoying these sites as a normal member once again!
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Wow, Jarland sucks. I can’t believe you’re leaving LET/LEB to him. What a loser! (
JK ILY JAR JAR <3 <3 <3
Sad to see Maarten go but if anyone can fulfill his spot it’s definitely Jarland. :)
Hey Jarland, you obviously have your groupies :-D
Best Of Luck!!!
“difference of vision between me and ColoCrossing” means the check did not arrive
Good luck with you boss, it’s been great working with you. More power and I wish you all the best!
I’m afraid the neutrality of LEB is in danger due the ownership change.
In b4 ColoCrossing only offers or some offers require VIP-access for ColoCrossing customers.
It’s been owned by ColoCrossing for a very long time now, so any worries on that front should either be a reality or in the past. The idea behind continuing and improving on LEB is that the site become more interesting and engaging, not less. Posting offers that only fall within a single network would be boring and terrible for the site.
It’s only been about two weeks since I signed up for his MXRoute service and suddenly he’s taking over LEB? Coincidence? I think not.
Great mail service btw, it’s working a lot better than Zoho for me thus far.
Thank you for your contribution. I bookmarked many LEB’s tutorial guides and they’re very helpful.
Thanks for all your efforts! Your new adventures await!
Congrats jarland, and thank you for your efforts Maarten.
Sad to see you go ;(
I’m happy to hear you’ll be around as a member at least.
@Jarland – congrats, and good luck.
Thanks for your efforts Maarten.
Good luck Jarland!