LowEndBox was founded with the mission to help people like you find cheap hosting with a frequently updated list of providers in various locations. As our audience grew, hosting and maintaining this resource has proven to require financial resources in order to keep the lights on, and to keep serving you free content that you can enjoy from the comfort of your desk/tablet/phone. Server hosting, bandwidth, CloudFlare / DDoS protection, article writers and technical tutorial writers do require fair compensation. To keep our ecosystem alive, it requires constant creation and creativity considering we list providers without the expectation of affiliate residual income, nor a fee for the listing.
We couldn’t be more grateful for the support of our advertisers where we, in turn, take these advertising dollars and re-invest it back onto our platform. As some of you may know, I personally acquired LowEndBox and LowEndTalk in January of 2020 with the vision to attract more people to the community and help deliver with valuable feedback from the community. I acquired the websites out of passion more than anything. At the moment and for the foreseeable future, our advertising dollars are going right back into the costs of maintaining and running these sites. We are also continuing to hire more tutorial writers to help contribute more variety to LowEndBox. If you’d like to be compensated for technical tutorials, comment with your information and I’ll personally get in touch with you.
I’d like to thank the advertisers who presently contribute to the community – to all of you, you are the reason why hundreds of thousands of people across the world are able to access this free content, and benefit from our myriad of tutorials, exclusive hosting deals, Q&A’s, and more. Thank You!
READERS: Please consider white listing Low End Box and Low End Talk from your ad blockers. Both websites are ad supported, and as you may know, we removed more than half the ads over the past two months to improve the user experience. The financial support provided by the ads that remain are critical to making sure we can stay online and produce content people are interested in.
Want to support our community? Advertise on Low End Box here.
Want to support our community? Advertise on Low End Talk here.
As always please provide our editorial team feedback, we’re interested in writing about topics that interest you. Share your ideas in the comments.
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This is awesome, Jon. You are doing a great job, let’s make LET and LEB great again :)
To help the communities and forums and make the win-win situations for both the sides. I have also started buying ads on LET & LEB starting from this month.
Kind regards,
– Mitesh
Thanks for the kind words and for your support Mitesh!
Hi Jon – we are equally thankful for you, and the community you are running.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for being part of our community Dustin. Congrats on the success of RackNerd.
I am also thankful for allowing us to advertise here.
Seeing how you have been listening to the community and continue to make improvements, to both LET and LEB, I/We are happy to contribute our fair share.
You got big shoes to fill and so far, you are on the right track. Keep up the good work sir.
Thanks for your support, I sincerely appreciate it. We are making great progress together.
I like this platform.
It is just useful when you want to host something which isn’t “primary” or too important too lose.
I have came here for shared hosting myself many times. I really like this website haha!
Thanks for using LowEndBox, Vnsugadev.