Hey guys, Mahmous from LetBox posted a great offer on Low End Talk recently which we wanted to highlight on Low End Box! LetBox has been posted plenty of times in the past and have enjoyed solid reviews from suers. Their WHOIS is public, the accept Credit Card & 2Checkout & PayPal & Payza as payment, and you can find their Legal Docs/ToS here.
In their own words:
“LetBox specializes in bringing secure, reliable, and friendly hosting to a new level. We pursue their high standards each day by working hard to make sure our customers are happy, Our servers are top notch, and our great friendly and smiling staff is working their hardest to satisfy their customers needs.”
The offers:
BBOx – B1
- 1 GB Dedicated RAM
- 1 x CPU core
- 20 NVMe Main Disk
- FREE 125Gb Block Storage with Yearly payment or 0.30 monthly ( UP to 2TB for $5)
- 5TB/Month @ 1 Gbps ( capped the connection speed to 10mbit when bandwidth exceeded.)
- 1x IPv4
- Private Internal IP
- $3/month Upgrades are available for small fee
- Los Angeles https://my.letbox.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=109
Local Storage – SB1
- 1 GB Dedicated RAM
- 1 x CPU core
- 256GB raid10 Disk ( UP to 2TB for $5)
- 5TB/Month @ 1 Gbps ( capped the connection speed to 10mbit when bandwidth exceeded.)
- 1x IPv4
- Private Internal IP
- $3.30/month Upgrades are available for small fee
- Los Angeles https://my.letbox.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=111
High Bandwidth packages – N2
- 2 GB Dedicated RAM
- 2 x CPU cores
- 15 NVMe Main Disk
- FREE 256G Block Storage
- 5TB/Month @ 1 Gbps Got double 10TB Total
- 1x IPv4
- Private Internal IP
- $4.51 Monthly
- $9 Quarterly
- $35/Year
- Los Angeles (https://my.letbox.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=114)
- 4 GB Dedicated RAM
- 2 x CPU cores Got double 4 CPU Total
- 20 NVMe Main Disk
- FREE 256G Block Storage
- 15TB/Month @ 1 Gbps
- 1x IPv4
- Private Internal IP
- $5.51 Monthly
- $15 Quarterly
- $50/Year
- Los Angeles (https://my.letbox.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=115)
Free Bonus :
- A + B power Feeds
- 10Gbps Uplink
- Free 5 Minutes Server Monitoring + Blacklist (Email and SMS alert) Read More
- Custom ISO Available (Windows , linux etc.. )
- Preinstalled OS
- 2Gbps DDoS-Shield Mitigation
- IPV4 rdns Management
- /64 IPV6 up on request
- Enterprise NVMe
- Triple Replicated Block Storage
Renting IPV6 RIPE Address Space
- /48 IPv6 Address Space
- $15/Year
- RIPE (https://my.letbox.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=82)
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what a good deal, all offers are out of stock now.
New offers will be issued pretty soon.
Shall I be able to upgrade storage later for this vps?
And for this one, shall I be able to add or upgrade the block storage later?
Boo missed this great sale, any dallas sales soon..
Do you have Debian 10 image in your servers?
Can I install php 7.3 with your server’s kernel?
Yes we do. And yes install what you feel you want
Can I Upgrades block storage after bought?