You know someone is extremely desperate when over the span of 2 days they sent you 3 emails to ask for their yet-to-be released VPS hosting provider site to be featured on a small fry site such as :) Okay. This post is for you, LinuxManaged, whose website is still 67% done and 4+ days away at the time I am posting this blog post. They are currently running grand opening special (as per this WHT offer). So with coupon code GRANDOPENING, you can get their “VPS-1” package for $4.48/month.
- 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 10GB storage
- 750GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Servers are in Chicago. The base price for VPS-1 before discount is $7.95. However I am pretty sure that the WHMCS was not configured properly as a minimum of 1 extra IP address (at $1/month) is required. So over all it is ($7.95 + $1) x 50% discount.
Interestingly the same user (JinxHost) tried to sell that very domain a week earlier boasting 500 uniques. Well that just sounds fishy to me. Not only that, one of the “System Administrator” who emailed me about featuring their site has also posted on that same WHT thread pretending to be a customer & “recommend this to everyone”. Well. That’s sockpuppeting to me and is just out right dodgy.
Not to mention other disputes over ripped off content. Looks like these guys and another controversial provider were partners in before. JinxHost was putting up offers at end of December last year, and by March the domain is already not resolving!
Now. Will you pass your hard earned moolah to this provider in exchange for a low end VPS? I won’t :) Best of luck to those who wish to give it a try.
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haha, well done with this.
I actually had same thought about their stuff. All i’ve seen their owner posting to all “problem threads” to customers change their current provider to new one in WHT :P
If moving is their first action for everything, their services cant be taken seriously.
Sorry, but pass!
Their setup time and everything is so amazing! You have to buy and try their service! :)
I see all those comments on WHT, all is suggests.
I decided bought their vps without listen to other comments about (JinxHost)’s action and way of talk on WHT.
Setup time was 12 mins! Amazing!
I want to let you customer know, content ripped, was accused! I have the rights since old partner “took” all right after content typed.
I guess someone is so desperate and so fired up, and did not even read the post before posting their sock puppeting comment. Yes I am talking to you @strickenkid.
Even they are still developing the website, the services are amazing. The speed of the VPS is marvelous! I recommend you all to try this.
See?! Another one! You guys are making a joke of yourselves if you continue to push your service in this underhanded way. I am going to remove all the comments that are suspicious from this point onwards.
I’m not just looking for a VPS provider to give my money to and not get any advertised product in return. I’m looking for a full fledged cult to join, and some koolaid to drink too. These guys seem to fit the bill. How long will it take me to become a zealous customer offering nothing but positive conjecture on every website I visit?
Their English seems to be a tad bit off….is this an American “company”?
@LowEndAdmin, thanks for the homework on these guys.
@Aaron.. you’re almost there. Please send 1 Trillion dollars to gotcha.comb and I’ll send you the “amazing” service manual on zealotry and koolaid immersion. It’s “awesome” and “amazing”. (did I mention how “amazing” it was?)
Sorry if i helped push this thread south. Interestingly enough, I seem to be one of the few people who had any luck with their former counterpart,(the current breezehost deal). So far it’s good, but I don’t know that I will ever be comfortable counting on them either.
Got me curious. Same IP addresses or different ones? Proxies?
just delist this provider asap.
oh, what a shame! but on the other hand this kind of people makes us legit host shines lol.
This is just wrong. Very entertaining and all, but I’ll be staying away from this as far as possible.
Actually folks like this is what make legit hosts suffer. Now we have to deal with a client who has been made to suffer at the hands of a poor host, doesn’t trust any host now and is expecting the worse. These are the one who don’t trust the smaller hosts and now are going to go off to a large scale overseller like hostgator or godaddy, get kicked off of there due to usage violations, and will now think that we’re the used car salesmen of the 21st century.
It’s 6th of April and the website still says 2 days away. WTF?
their site says done 100% and just that nothin shown XD
how can they sell VPS but their site is not online :P
thru email???sorry but why you would buy something you dont know
even the spec, seller info, contact etc
Not only their website was never completed, their domain is now NOT RESOLVING! Their old IP address at Softlayer is now pointing to another hosting company, RoyaleHost. Not sure whether they are related…