Noob of the Week
It is with great joy that I can introduce to you the new position of ‘Noob of the Week’! Starting today is the first one-week period in which we will determine the biggest noob of this week. Next week, we will hold elections after which the chosen one will hold the most honorable title of ‘Noob of the Week’ for a full week. His name will be in pink, he will be awarded a trophy (GIF), and his legacy will forever remain in the Noob of the Week Hall of Fame Gallery (which we’re trying to open in London soon).
So, do you know anyone that made a very cool mistake or that deserves his or her name to be in pink for a week? Be sure to let us know on LowEndTalk!
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Terrible April fools.
Pick me! Pick me!
I want pink name.
We should had Nekki for this :p
Nikki is already ‘Nob of the week’
I nominate ChicagoVPS for the lifetime noob achievement award.
Oh I need the pink name. Definitely.
Not a very good joke for aprils fool’s.
It’s important to remember that not everybody knows that in the USA, today its April fools and its kind of OK to make jokes.
then it’s a high time to learn it…
PS. not just USA
Not sure if horrible april fools, or we let chicagovps decide what will be this years joke
Wake me up when this joke is over
April, April, der weiß nicht was er will. Mal Regen und mal Sonnenschein, Dann schneit’s auch wieder zwischendrein. April, April, der weiß nicht was er will.
Ui, jmd der deutsch spricht :p
LOL, 2 die deutsch sprechen ! ;D