Phil from NodeDeploy has fired in a LEB Special @ 6.95/Month 1024MB OpenVZ with a bandwidth option of metered or unmetered:
LEB/LET Special
- 1024MB Dedicated Ram
- 1512MB Burst Ram
- 60GB Diskspace
- 1TB @ 1Gbit Metered, or 100mbit Unmetered Bandwidth
- 1Gbit or 100Mbps
- 1x IPv4 Address
- 10x IPv6 Addresses
- SolusVM/OpenVZ
- $6.95/Month, Direct Signup
NodeDeploy is a new company having registered their domain in April 2012 making them less than 3 months old, their servers are located with Hetzner. Current nodes are Intel i7-920, 24GB Ram with 4x 1.5TB raided drives. You are offered the option of either 1TB on a 1Gbit port, or you can elect to have your VPS unmetered and throttled to 100mbit. When Phil sent the offer in system uptime so far was an incredible “System uptime : 14:52.” ;)
Test IP:
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Are you going to deadpool like your old company ?
Sorry, I have no idea what you are going on about. I have only recently got into the hosting buisness.
You don’t know ‘Ben Love’ or ‘Bradley Hession’ ?
Well, you should ask Ben about it if you don’t know nixhost.
Yes, I know them, this is not their company though. They help me out with support tickets and management of the servers as I am new to this. I have just asked them about Nixhost and apparently it was shutdown due to the amount of illegal content that was hosted with them and “Police Investigations” as they put it?
I assure you that this will not happen to NodeDeploy, I am not prepared to take that sort of risk and I want my company to be a big success in offering low cost VPS’s.
My final question, are you and Ben:
1.) Brothers?
3.) Neighbours?
3.) One and the same person?
None of the above. I actually met him on a forum and he offered me management.
Sorry about the short reply, but I am on my phone
If you can think of a way for me to prove this to you. Feel free to suggest. I do not want sales to be effected due to this misunderstanding.
If the traffic from OpenVPN, will get unmetered?
Public Proxies / VPN’s are not allowed.
Hello Phil. If you claim not to be Bradley Hession then why is the nodedeploy paypal in that guys name?
Best Regards
Troll Arch
Hello, I’ve just bought it and it’s too slow, could you refund me my money ?
How unmetered?
If you wan’t unmetered just submit a ticket after purchase
No, I mean just how unmetered is it? Typically when providers say unmetered, they still have a soft limit.
If it is legitimate traffic then we have no limit, if the traffic is caused by outgoing DDoS from the server then we will suspend, all incoming traffic is not even counted.
Anyone tried this? How many cores does it have?
The LET plan has 4 cores allocated.
Very cheap, are they legit? Is there any review from anyone that have tried their service?
Umm, I am not actually sure if we have any reviews, we have already had some buyers from here so I am sure they will leave a review.
Shoutcast/IceCast allowed?
It is indeed, things we do not allow are
Nulled Scripts
Malware or Viruses
CPU or bandwidth intensive scripts
DoS/DDoS Scripts
Mailbombers or SPAM scripts
Images/Video of minors
Public Proxies
Illegal torrents
Warez or Warez Linking
If you can think of 1 or 2 things I have missed, please feel free to say and I will update our TOS.
I have recently bought one from them, and tried to setup a simple PPTP server, which failed first and then worked perfectly after the support enabled the missing modules.
Awesome server.
Thanks for the that, sorry the modules were not enabled as default, I totally forgot about PPTP modules.
This is run by Bradley aka NixHost aka OptimalGaming..
Please refer to the top comment, they do not own this company, they merely provide my customers with support and help with management of my servers.
NodeDeploy are now helping an open source project known as Raspbmc, we are providing SYN and UDP filtering for them, aswell as providing a mirror for all their files.
I paid for a month of that plan, and in my first 6 hours with this server has been frozen for no reason a couple of times, it seems, is a general problem, I can not enter the domain and http:// . I can not access the web management console to generate a ticket.
When attempting to ping to verify connectivity with the server responds very slow.
Hi, I believe the issue is resolved now, if it is not can you please submit a ticket, if that fails email
It appears we are currently victim to a SYN Flood in excess of 70k PPS rendering the server unreachable at times, I believe this stopped about 4 hours ago but I may be wrong.
If you submit a ticket I will be happy to add another day onto your service to compensate for this, if it continues we will be purchasing a hardware firewall.
Seriously, your are selling VPS’s and you dont have a hardware firewall??? If your cheap at least setup a m0n0wall. How long have you been doing this?
Also, the uptime in the first post was a test VPS
Test Results:
CPU model : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Number of cores : 8
CPU frequency : 2667.000 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 2046 MB
System uptime : 14:52,
Download speed from CacheFly: 90.8MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Atlanta GA: 2.46MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Dallas, TX: 3.91MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 4.46MB/s
Download speed from Linode, London, UK: 32.6MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 80.4MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 7.80MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 7.28MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 12.0MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 11.1MB/s
I/O speed : 198.2 MB/s
Notice it only has 2GB ram.
Also, we take full VPS backups every Monday, we keep 3 of each VPS in case of data loss, and that backups are available to be restored at $2 or a download link can be provided for free.
Interesting numbers… the swap space is discounted from those 60Gb included in the package ?
2Gb ram ? you mean swap right?
Yes, sorry, it was a VPS with 1GB ram and 2GB swap.
The LEB plan has 1GB Guaranteed ram and 1.5GB Burst, this is not taken from your HDD allocation, you still get your full 60GB
Hmm seems good, ill take a look.
Do you accept google checkout? I don’t have have any other means to pay.
We will add support for it ASAP
Please do! I am very impressed by your offering and want to do a review here but I cannot until I can actually pay for it hah
Phil, any idea when you will make it available…?
Its been added, sorry about the long wait.
I has but it ,And I want use 1TB @ 1Gbit Metered port .
I has send Ticket to Tech Support for change it .
All VPS’s have 1Gbit metered as default
I’d be interested to hear if any users of the 1gbps metered port get higher transfer speeds than users of the 100mbps unmetered. I’d also like to know if either of these speeds is anywhere near 100 mbps for actual meaningful internet transit rather than cachefly.
Download speed from CacheFly: 90.8MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Atlanta GA: 2.46MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Dallas, TX: 3.91MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 4.46MB/s
Download speed from Linode, London, UK: 32.6MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 80.4MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 7.80MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 7.28MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 12.0MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 11.1MB/s
It depends on where they are downloading from, remember, 100Mbit ~= 12MB/s
Some locations such as London are getting 30MB/s etc. and obviously cachefly gets ~90MB/s
I buy it .
WGET FDC Standard Network(Chicago) MAX 1.1M/S
FDC Standard Network(Denver) MAX 6.6M/S
FDC Standard Network(Zlin) MAX 1M/S
you can tyr it
And WGET china ONLY 65K/S MAX
Are you talking about the Zlin location that FDC has? Thats is Czech
Speeds from Zlin are
1% [ ] 13,524,320 1.25M/s eta 14m 36s
No idea why it was only 64Kb/s, the speeds to them locations are slow, I am assuming it is their networks, can anyone verify this? If its not I will look into it
I wget China File ONLY 64K/S
But when I wget 20+M/S
Thanks, those are impressive numbers. I think European networks these days are generally better than what we have here in the USA. It kind of makes me wonder if I should have bought into the Linode birthday sale too.
Hi, Phil,
Is there any limit of running Java (precisely Tomcat) on your VPS offer? I’ve had ordered some cheap VPSes, but they didn’t allow me to run Tomcat nor Java. Does it happen with your VPS?
No, there is no limits to running any java based application.
better not to use OpenVZ for Java. Go Xen or KVM
Typically the only problem OVZ users face is that the Java VM sees burst memory as regular available memory. As long as you limit the memory available to the Java application (through the command line) to your regular memory (1gb in this case, so limit it to ~850mb), there shouldn’t be any problem running Java apps.
@Pill can you run on your offer this:
1) openssl speed rsa
2) openssl speed rsa -multi 8
and show us the result for both cases. The 8 number is because i saw a “Number of cores : 8” on previous post
can you explain us what is:
1)CPU or bandwidth intensive scripts
2)Public Proxies
3)Illegal torrents
I mean:
1) LEB can be used for a continuous integration system like Jenkins? or for nigthly building of Android ROMS ?
2) Squid3, ZipProxy, Varnish can not be installed on this LEB ?
3) What are illegal torrents ? who decide it is illegal? are you “whatching/monitoring” data transfer/storage ?
1) It can be used for Jenkins etc. I am unnsure how long building anrdoid roms takes nor how much cpu it uses. If it is only single threaded and is not maxing out that core for extended periods of time then I do not see any issue.
2) A few of our users use Varnish, I believe squid is basically the same so I do not see any issues. By bandwidth intensive scripts we mean scripts that are utilzing full connection speed and effecting other users.
3) Illegal torrents means torrenting Software / Movies you would normally have to pay for. Torrenting freeware software for example is perfectly legal.
Obviously you can use multi threaded software, providing it is not maxing out all the cores.
I don’t speak for Phil but normally “public proxies” or “open proxies” means http proxies where people can browse the web while hiding their originating IP address from the browsed sites. These are widely abused by spammers and the like.
They are the commands you wanted.
Thank you very much for your answer and for commands output
Note that you will get drastically different results from that RSA test depending on whether you are running a 32 or 64 bit OS. The 64 bit version of openssl will run the test around 2x faster, maybe even more than 2x. The LET thread is worthless for that reason. Nobody said what OS they were running.
This was done on a 64bit Centos 6 box.
Thanks, those are excellent numbers. This is on an i7-920 as mentioned at the top?
Yes it is indeed. Not going to lie, I have no idea what them numbers are.
Ok, Phil or anyone who has this service…. How much are additional IP4 Addresses? and can you upload your own OpenVZ template?
$3 per ip. And yes you can.
Also, are game servers allowed? What about TOR exit nodes? And TOR bridges?
Game-servers are allowed, TOR Exit nodes are not allowed nor are TOR bridges, I will update the TOS with this in a moment.
I can’t run XAMPP on VPS – LET/LEB Special.
Can you change it to 32Bit Centos for me???
You can change using the details that were emailed to you.
My order Invoice 67 is still pending :(
i have paid yesterday
Hi, please submit a ticket. We are having issues with the Payza Gateway.
owh, my vps is activated, but i dont receive mail with vps login information.
It seems that the STMP account ran out of credits, if you submit a ticket we can resend the email if need be.
Ok, bought a VPS with them. Here are my results untill now.
Payment can only be done by month with a recurring payment (I find it usefull, but be carefull when the server dies. Cancel your recurring payment!)
Payment will be send to Bradley Hession trough Paypal (known person here)
VPS will be delivered with Debian 6. Other distro’s possible
Only got 512 vswap
After installing a desktop (sorry, i am not that unix nerd :)) it uses 140mb of memory
Installing from repositories is QUICK!
It looks good, but for how long?
Overall: 8+
Very strange. Whmcs is set to allow one off payments. I will look into this.
What happened to Bradley and Ben Just ‘managing the nodes’?
His accepting payments too?
I’ve ordered yesterday. Paid by Payza [alertpay]. The VPS was generated automatically or manually by 1 minute. :-) After day of testing I’m really happy. Support changed to 100 mbit unmetered and set revdns. Higly recomenned. I hope this company will live long.
It’s still good, but much slower. I bet the resources is oversold.
Hi David,
Can you send over a ticket with whats slow? We had a few guys that were trashing CPU running PHP loops over and over (possibly trying to wreck the servers?) We suspended them the other day.
The RAM is dedicated, as is the disk so feel free to use it.
Yeah, since yesterday it’s much faster. Thank you for reaction. The working on VPS on my Centos 6 + GNOME is very smooth and fast now. Cheers.
Today the VPS is terrible slow. :-(
where is the solusvm url?
Should have been sent to your emails. I have replyed to your ticket.
irc related processes allowed? eg znc/psybnc/eggdrop
private socks5 proxy allowed? (passworded and ip access list)
how much are extra IP’s per month? (IPV4)
do any IPV6 come with either package?
DNS manager handles all Reverse DNS entries?
thanks in advance.
Irc is alowed
Personal Socks 5 is allowed. However public is not.
Ipv4 are $3 /month with valid justification.
You get 10 IPV6 bore available at request.
DNS entrys are added manually.
thank you for the quick reply
I’d like to buy that server.
I registered anything but Paypal just wants to allow to pay via Creditcard..?
I got that money on my Paypal account and can’t pay with it?!
Is there any other way?
Problem solved myself :D
Slow as hell…
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=64k count=1k conv=fdatasync;rm -f test.file
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
67108864 bytes (67 MB) copied, 8.95372 s, 7.5 MB/s
And installing bash-completion (apt-get install bash-completion) took like 3 or 4 minutes :)
We would appreciate it if you read the ticket response before posting here.
Last night was backup night we temp lower the i/o on a vm as it’s compressed and gzipped.
If you still have issues ding a ticket and we will sort it for you.
I got one today
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=64k count=1k conv=fdatasync;rm -f test.file
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
67108864 bytes (67 MB) copied, 1.95539 s, 34.3 MB/s
i’m interested of having a responsive server , i will make several tests and i will give feedback.
Keep supporting guys
Please re-test, server was running backups majority of yesterday.
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=64k count=1k conv=fdatasync;rm -f test.file
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
67108864 bytes (67 MB) copied, 1.15653 s, 58.0 MB/s
root@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=64k count=1k conv=fdatasync;rm -f test.file
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
67108864 bytes (67 MB) copied, 1.13043 s, 59.4 MB/s
root@xxxxxxxxxx:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=64k count=1k conv=fdatasync;rm -f test.file
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
67108864 bytes (67 MB) copied, 15.7278 s, 4.3 MB/s
root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=64k count=1k conv=fdatasync;rm -f test.file
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
67108864 bytes (67 MB) copied, 2.32668 s, 28.8 MB/s
root@yxxxxxxxxxxx:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=64k count=1k conv=fdatasync;rm -f test.file
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
67108864 bytes (67 MB) copied, 1.40793 s, 47.7 MB/s
I just purchased it we’ll see how it goes. I’ll update once everything is setup.
It will be setup very shortly, the new node is currently being configured.
Well It took a minute but the site got setup.
Really good speed, fast account. I love it.
However, It’s been going in and out of slow connection speeds.
Other than that it seems to be great!
Very fast support! Seriously… very fast!
I will probably be upgrading in the near future and using them.
the speed is pretty fast on
but somehow it is much slower at
is there a reason for that? is on HTTPS which speeds it up and is not hosted by us, its hosted by the datacenter.
I bought a VPS but i the IP is not in Germany. I bought it because i’m in Germany and i want to use this for personal things….
Can i migrate to germany? because in the title says: VPS in Germany
Hi, yes, drop us a message, the post on LEB is out of date now, alot has changed since it was posted.
Yeah, I just dropped you guys a ticket over this as well.
Quoted Abaejo and yourself, Phil. Hope that’s all right.
You told me that the German server is full… that’s not good :/
We told you that is is full and the new order is pending at the datacenter.
We have just recieved the new Germany node
[root@zeus ~]# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 24022 1284 22738 0 20 836
And you will be placed on that as soon as it is set up properly.
Germany will be back in stock tomorrow.
US LEB Special in Pheonix is available for $5 /month.
Both new servers are 4 Drives in Raid 10.
Hello, is there a moneyback-garuntee? And whats kernel’s Version on CentOS 6
We are aware of the fact that we are currently experiencing issues, they are currently being looked into.
Yeah, the VPS and even your site is down. Any ETA?
Still down 5 hours later :(
We have posted an update on our site, we have experienced harddrive failure on Aura, Aura happens to be the server that also had NodeDeploy on it,
We are using this opportunity to add another 2 drives to our raid 10 configuration to improve disk access.
Continue to check the site for any updates.
Which site, cause is also not reachable for me
I get
It’s reachable by http, not https.
Can’t reach both of them…
How long can it take to add 2 drives and restore a server???
Hours – Days.
I guess there was a good 1TB + data on them.
Actually they have been advertising that they are using fault tolerant raid configuration?
There should be nothing that needs to be restored if they “have experienced hard drive failure” like they say?
RAID10 can fail.
and they said they are adding 2 disks into it so they would have to do some magic.
We have the data backed up, we are waiting for hetzner to install the two new drives.
Its not as simple as plugging another 2 drives in…
Adding 2 drives to a raid array is magic???
Are you also stating that raid 10 is not fault tolerant?
We never stated anywhere that it is fault tolerant… we stated that if one drive fails that all data is safe, but adding drives isn’t anywhere near as simple, Adding more drives to a raid 10 array is hard work.
I agree that you did not use the words “fault tolerant”, but you definitely have stated using raid 10.
It can be that I am ignorant, but what I have learned about raid 10 is that it provides both fault tolerance and increased performance.
Please correct me if there is some other way of configuring raid 10 that is not fault tolerant?
Unfortunately I have been working only with server hardware, so it is difficult for me to comment the hard work with adding drives to an array.
We could put it back up right now, we are waiting for two new hard drives like I stated..
I bet your customers would appreciate having an ETA for that?
If we had an ETA we would give it.
Ok, it seems that you have no SLA’s in place with the datacenter operator.
In this case it is good that you have not promised any SLA’s for you customers either…
Hetzner do not have a SLA, especially out of working hours.
My condolences Phil, it’s hard time for you. But chin up! All will go fine. :-)
jEp, in my opinion your recent line of posts aren’t doing much good. I’m not connected with NodeDeploy and I don’t use their services (I have a bunch of other LEB’s with other providers) but it looks to me like what they’re doing is reasonable in this situation.
If you can rebuild a failed RAID10 drive at 50MB/second you are doing pretty good. That is 3GB a minute or 1TB in about 4.5 hours, so that is probably the timeframe you’re looking at. SLA’s in this segment generally mean you get credit for downtime (I don’t know about this specific host). So if the service is down for a day, you get an extra day added to your account. I see in the case of one other provider, you get 2 days added. I don’t know how common that is. Since this is a ~25 cent per day service ($7/month), you’re looking at 50 cents worth of compensation even under that more generous scenario. You can probably understand, it’s not that impressive to see someone hiss and fume over an amount like that.
These services are all unmanaged and you are supposed to know what you’re doing before choosing to use them for anything important. That includes setting up your own redundancy and failover to deal with outages. If you want enterprise-level hosting, it’s easy to find, it just consumes a lot more of a certain ingredient (spelled m-o-n-e-y) than this LEB stuff does. This site says “low end box” at the top of the page for a reason–set your expectations accordingly. NodeDeploy seems to be taking the necessary steps to get back online, and that’s about all you can realistically hope for.
I apologize for my questions, I was only trying to figure out what is going on.
Also I am very familiar with the word LEB – meaning that there is no expectations for enterprise-level hosting.
The thing that I was missing was the official communication to customers, I think many (stupid) questions could be avoided with communication.
So, once again, apologies for my questions.
This is good to know.
Although this makes me wonder what are their working hours – as it has been _quite_ many hours from your first announcement about your problems…
We had to back up the data and move it before we could request more disks…
Not being funny, the questions are getting a bit tiresome now. As I keep saying, I will update you when I hear back from them.
I’m sorry that you feel that way.
My intention has not been to annoy you at all… and I feel also sorry for your customers if you are annoyed with the questions about your unplanned service break.
I will stop my questions here and move on. Thank you for your patience.
My intention was not to annoy you in any way – and I apologize if you feel annoyed about questions related to your unplanned service break.
I was only trying to figure out what is going on as the official communication was missing.
In my understanding even the most pessimistic estimate about the ETA is better than no ETA at all.
I wish all the best for you and NodeDeploy.
We are hoping to have it done by tomorrow morning. (Its now 10:30 PM here)
We will reimburse everyone with 4 days.
I can reach my VPS box now, but nothing is working…no SSH etc.
The service is still down.
Phill, will give some “reimbursement” for lost time?
As stated above, We will reimburse everyone with 4 days.
I just got a nasty gram from staff when I requested cancellation.
These guys can’t run servers OR provide customer service.
I wasted 6 bucks, boohoo.
My lost time, however, was far more annoying.
There is a “Cancellation Request” option within WHMCS.
All that we told you was that we can not cancel automatic payments, you have to do this yourself.
And that we keep your account on WHMCS for future reference.
I dropped the paypal dispute.
I will drop my comments here as well.
Let’s avoid each other.
All VM’s are online an data migrated, we’re upgrading everyone from 60GB -> 80GB and adding addtiona days (4) to your services.
Allthough it took ages before everything came back online, i am happy with the service atm. Keep up the work.
Germany is back in stock at this moment in time!
Too bad i want one for torrent…
Sorry about that, we had orginally stated no illegal torrents, however, this was abused and people were downloading PS3 games, movies etc. so because of a few abusers we have had to change our TOS to disallow all torrents.
paid Invoice #213
but it`s still Unpaid status ?
Please submit a ticket.
Looking good. Supportive staff. Great overall hosting in my opinion.
I wich to set up VPs with you guys .My question is that those the
promotion is valid still
LEB/LET Special
1024MB Dedicated Ram
1512MB Burst Ram
60GB Diskspace
1TB @ 1Gbit Metered, or 100mbit Unmetered Bandwidth
1Gbit or 100Mbps
1x IPv4 Address
10x IPv6 Addresses
If so please inform me because ive created the account and waiting confirmation to pay trough payza.
Thanks .
Yes it is still active, it won’t let you order if we remove it.
what is this? –> UK @ 20.00%
i thought $6.95/Month?
but why is it Total Recurring: $8.34 USD Monthly?
This is VAT, it is only relevant for customers who live in the UK
EU not only UK ;-)
UK @ 20.00%: $1.39 USD
This is an add on
instead of $6.95 its up to $8.34 / month
Invoice #881 waiting for activation.
Hey guys. I love your service so far. Unfortunately your website and at least node Aura just went down. Please tend to this ASAP.
Huge problems below. I am just prepared to go to your submit. Thank you considerably with this particular looking in advance to make contact with anyone. Would you like to make sure you fall me a postal mail?
@Liam Nulled script is a spammer
Hello! Does it still unmetered?
You can is there anyone has idea with unmetered server management?
yeah duade
180GB SSD Storage
300TB Premium Bandwidth
Fully Managed
Litespeed Powered
Our servers are of the highest quality & spec to ensure your website performance is high day and night. Sign-up today for a free upgrade to our LiteSpeed servers
I’ve been using them for years. Just got word they are closing down.
Sad to see them go.