Adam from NordicVPS has sent me a very nice exclusive offer for LowEndBox readers. For $15/year you can get the following VPS (OVZ128-LEB order link):
- 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 15GB storage
- 600GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
For $35/year it upgrades you to OVZ256-LEB (order link) with 256MB/512MB memory, 30GB storage and 1000GB/month data transfer.
No prize for guessing where they copied their plans from. I guess not much competition at this point as BuyVM has already sold out all the stock. BuyVM servers are also located in Fremont (good for Asia), but NordicVPS has its servers in Germany with Hetzner.
Now on annual plans — I understand that it makes sense for the providers. PayPal and credit card merchant accounts take a big chunk out for processing fee, and having fund available up front also helps to build and extend the business. Just that after the RackVM incident — make sure you do your due diligence and backup often :)
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We’ll have more stock today, don’t worry about that ;)
OK, I’m lost. Francisco, who do you work for? Seems like you’re following up on a lot of these. :)
Direct Order link:
what is the different with buyvm ?
For the same $15/year plan:
+ More data transfer (600 GB, not 500)
– No IPv6 here ( does provide 16 native IPv6 addresses)
* And the obvious difference in location (USA vs Germany)
Personally I care little about the extra 100 GB (who goes near their transfer limit anyway), whereas IPv6 is a very important feature for me in a VPS offer.
@rm We provide this generous offer to the LEB community.
We provide the same offer in US. Order link for OVZ128-US:
We will release IPv6 to all our customers (current and new) once we are ready to provide this feature. We consider releasing a server with IPv6 support in Germany very soon.
and what is the different between softlayer and openvz ?
@Francisco — ha that’s good to hear. Your staffs must be shifting boxes to racks like crazy for the past few days :)
@Beny — Adam @ NordicVPS is Danish, but Francisco @ BuyVM is Canadian — whichever you prefer :) Two different server locations as well.
any info on test ip or hardware spec?
Intel i7 720/i7 975 Extreme CPUs with RAID10 protected storage
Speed Test:
Wow.. there are so many low end VPS offers recently!
I’m going to get one too..
Btw, what location are they offering?
BuyVM has IPv6 (16 addresses) included from the get go, do NordicVPS have IPv6 too?
Germany with Hetzner. Adam said that they should also have offers for San Jose in US soon.
Thanks Admin for featuring our offer.
Yes, We been inspired by the offers by Blaze and BuyVM :) We awaited delivery of new servers before we could announce this exclusive LEB offer.
We provide “Quick Backup” feature, and we also provide “Central Backup”, you can purchase backup slots on our dedicated backup server for a small amount pr year.
Speed Test:
TUN/TAP will be enabled on request. (Just open a ticket)
It’s been several weeks and the stock has not been renewed for Germany/128. Will you be restocking this offer?
New nodes has been added and stocks updated. Thanks
I just signed up for one. I was just thinking the other day that I could really use a new backup vps in Europe since RackVM is no more. So this is just what I needed. It looks like a good deal.
@LowEndAdmin, when the server in US will be ready ?
Seem like they are not automate the setup. I’m still waiting my VPS to be deployed..
Their website says;
All VPS accounts are setup immediately and delivered within 5 mins upon payment confirmation.
If it’s not automated, something wrong, remember rackvm?
@chakara Please don’t scaring me :(
@NordicVPS: do you offer native ipv6 addresses with these VPSes?
Nice to see NordicVPS here, again. I have been an active customer with NordicVPS since many months now, Rock solid support and great uptime.
Don’t you worry guys, I have a box there for some time.
They give best value for the money!
But anyway, just make a backups.
@Sei Kan, I’m waiting for mine to be setup, too. While it’s odd that their website says all VPS accounts are setup immediately, and that didn’t seem to happen for me; I’m not concerned. They’ve built up a good reputation, so I think they’ll deliver.
@David Thanks for your update. Let’s see how they doing..
Might have to consider this to replace my RackVM system in Europe too!
I also have to say few good words for NordicVPS here. I’ve got a xen VPS with them, I got it when it was announced here few months ago.
Decent uptime, decent and steady bandwidth. I guess I am on a quiet hardware node :)
Thanks everyone for the kind comments :)
@Sei Kan Sorry for the delay. Your VPS has been activated now. All VPS are set up instantly now.
@NordicVPS I’m still not getting email for my VPS information. Is everything alright?
Really “instant” setup? I’m waiting 1 hour for solusvm information… it say service is active, but no details even in whmcs.
Finally details came in!
@NordicVPS, May I know when is this offer ready for San Jose? Thank you.
@Wing Loon By end of this month we should have new servers ready maybe even within this week.
We will put a notice on twitter once its available.
Thanks for the great offer! I have my VPS online now.
Yes, thanks. I received my VPS also. I notice the bandwidth quota listed in SolusVM is 500GB instead of 600GB, though (opened a ticket already).
David, guess that’s a type, as it should have bean the same as BuyVM, that’s why it’s at 500GB.
“ is a brand of Active Media – a service provider located in Copenhagen, Denmark.”
But I can’t find anything about that service provider (link/info) online.
Maybe I have become a little bit paranoid after my rackvm debacle, so could you please alleviate my fears?
@Tom, I’m not sure, but the OVZ128 plan on their website also says 600GB bandwidth. Anyway, it looks like they’ve updated it to 600GB in SolusVM now, so that’s good.
@bart, from the test IP, active media should be
there is no repos, no yum possible.
sent a ticket, no answer.
@Bart We are a reg. Business in Denmark. We have a phone line you can contact us on but not for support!
@David Yes we provide 600GB and the plan has been updated inside SolusVM now.
@John We will get back to shortly.
@Nordic, thanks!
@John, I did a reinstall of CentOS 5.5 (32 bit) after receiving the vps, and I was able to do a “yum clean all” and “yum update” without any problems, for what it’s worth.
I reinstalled 3-4 times, and no repos.
their template is corrupt.
I didn’t know checking takes this long.
If they can’t fix it, they should just refund, and forget about it.
@John highly unlikely that an OpenVZ template has an issue. Most providers use the default ones from openvz. What error do you get? What do you mean exectly when youn say “template is corrupt” and “no repos”
it says, no repos, so I can’t do anything.
I/) error.
cannot find a valid baseurl for repos: addons
temp. failure in name resolution.
Do you mind if I take a look into this?
My email address is asim [at] techbytes d0t pk
sure, you can, I will email you soon.
annoying thing is that Nordic doesn’t do anything or know what to do.
No email, no support, nothing.
@ Asim message sent
No it was not me, it was nordic, they said they fixed it. so we will see.
Check now.
The problem was that yum instance was running and idle. I just killed it. Now it works fine
thanks asim,but Nordic sent me a ticket that they fixed it.
ha ha, so funny..
Ok, thanks nice.
I dont know about you but for me, they always replied timely. I am still their customer.
probably they don’t like me.
@asim, I sent email.
@john It was an error in the template, we created the missing file (/etc/resolv.conf) and problem solved.
We do our best to help everyone out as fast as possible. Thanks.
Jeeze, 1000TB/month?
LowEndBox – OVZ256 – LEB
256 MB Guaranteed RAM
512 MB Burstable RAM
30 GB Disk Space
1000 TB Bandwidth
1 IP Address
Choice of Linux distributions
OpenVZ Environment
Location: Falkenstein, Germany
Typo (1000 TB) in following link:
If this had IPV6 I would be all over it. Please consider
trying to add IPV6. Hetzner offers native ipv6 on request and
it should be fairly easy to add to the nodes.
@Joe Merit: I already asked about this several hours ago, but for some reason NordicVPS didn’t answer …
@dirk — maybe they are busy connecting their terabit ethernet 1000000BASE-T cables to all their servers :)
Don’t you have to list your CVR nr. /P nr. on your website under Danish Law.
I’m a happy customer of them for several months.
I hope this super cheap plan is not a bad sign about their business.
@Gary, innya Typo has been corrected now. Thanks.
@joe, dirk IPv6 is available, but we do not offer this at this moment – we want IPv6 to be fully supported in SolusVM.
@budi We have 3 servers listed to support this offer and are not going out off business.
We are expanding in San Jose with our own hardware :) We will continue expand into US, Texas and New York are next on the list.
how about Furu’s question? (#58)
Looks good for me, nice price pretty good performance. Centos 32bit yum -y update did fine.
@NordicVPS: why? it’s possible even if you use SolusVM (that doesn’t support ipv6) to have VPSes with ipv6
@budi furu is anonymous, and She/He seems to know about the CVR system so the question was ignored.
We are reg. company in Denmark and we display our company address and phone numbers and we provide this gracious offer to the LowEndBox community as special gesture.
We see plenty of VPS providers on LEB and WHT who does not even display proper contact information but this does not seem stop people from purchasing VPS’s or question their offers/service.
Please send an email to info [@] if you have any questions, we do not want turn LEB into a support forum.
@dirk For us its a management question. We do not want assign IPs/subnets manually and keep touch of these on cancellation of service and in case of SPAM/abuse cases.
If you need IPv6, please select another provider. Thanks
We will announce on twitter once we support IPv6 on our servers.
too bad no LibertyReserve or WebMoney.
very nice offer indeed.
Just got one,activated in 4 minutes.
I’m in the United Kingdom and the cost was £10,not $15 with Paypal and over $15 in the USD balance.
Are you going to make Gentoo available?
I contacted Virk (Company Registration office) in Denmark and you must list CVR nr. on your website.
You also should mention your prices on the website are inkl/exkl moms (VAT) or not (EU Law)
They provided me with your CVR number 32181635 and a link where you could be found
Address is same as your website but your website does not complies with Danish Law unless you want to remain “Anonymous”.
@Furu Are you are current customer with us ? Its interesting that you are taking time to contact Virk and displaying information and claim we are anonymous while you stay anonymous :)
I think the law only requires you to display CVR no. if you are an ApS or A/S – again plenty of business who does not even display their contact information other than a contact form – we provide our address and phone no.
I think we can stop the discussion about CVR now.
Our price is excl. VAT. as we do not charge VAT. Again not all (EU) VPS providers display if the price is incl VAT or not.
“…We are reg. company…” from NordicVPS
Are there any reason that you are using abbreviations instead of “registered company”
Damn, just ordered.
Am I screwed now? xD
Ignore this troll Nord, most likely a kid from firstnetserv, he was crying about private whois here, so guess he got bored and decided to screw around with another host.
@Nordic VPS
Under EU Tax law you must charge Moms (VAT) from every customer who has an address withing EU.
If you do not believe me please feel free to contact Skatt (Tax Office)
I want to be a customer so I want to make sure you are who you claim you are and apparently I am in Scandinavia.
My posts are not to harm you in any manner but to make sure that you are a legitimate business and are operating under the law.
I would not bother with this if you were outside of EU.
@Furu is a little heavy man, but I think that if he does buy a vps, he can ask Nordic for a ticket including vat. And also, I guess that Nordic can sell him a vps, or not.
I have just bought 2 vps, and I got them in less than 1 minute!!!
I hope both vps work well…
Furu, You’re incorrect regarding VAT. A business can only charge VAT if it is VAT registered, and registration is only compulsory if you meet certain business criteria (e.g in the UK if annual turnover exceeds ). If a business is exempt or not VAT registered, it is illegal to charge VAT. So you can only have it one way or the other within the EU.
would you fix your template please?
none of them works.
No minimum thresholds in Scandinavia.
All business providing service must be registered for VAT.
who cares about Scandinavia?
Just fix the template please?
I’ve ordered one and have no problems with it, works perfect. Maybe some godaddy hosting or other shared host with nice colorful buttons on cpanel may be better for their pocket money, if vps is too difficult.
I’m danish. You are mistaken. There is a threshold and VAT registration is not always required.
What Mike D and NordicVPS is saying is correct.
Besides, if you look closer, you would notice that this a privately held company and not a limited liability company. In other words, the owner himself is financially responsible and can get sued personally for matters relating to his company.
As a customer, this is great. For him, as a merchant, perhaps not so great (e.g. frivolous lawsuits). But I’d say it is a very honest way of doing business.
This is, in fact, also a reason why I didn’t hesitate to do business with NordicVPS. Oh, and they’re Scandinavian.. which is, of course, totally awesome ;)
I’d rather worry about such things as quality of service (the product itself, not customer service).
Hetzner is *the* inexpensive German location used by many low-cost VPS providers. Network quality might not be up to the same standard as some Frankfurt locations. But then again, my recent experience with Hetzner is limited, so I can’t really say.
I’ve had a box with NordicVPS since 9 August and I havn’t had any complaints so far. Also, reviews on WHT seems rather positive overall.
Got one too…seems pretty decent so far, hope they will last for years ;-)
I was happy customer for last several months. But now performance is very pure.
Seems they begin to oversell.
the vps looks like pretty good value. maybe next week i will try.
@Ivan I’m sorry to hear you experience poor performance.
All servers has 24GB RAM and RAID10 protected storage (4x Hard Drives) to ensure performance and reliability.
We have dedicated 3 servers to handle this exclusive offer. All servers are purposely Undersold!
Look at disk latency:
I tested nordic’s i/o with “dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k; sync” and so far the node appears to be not oversold and is hitting 700-800MB/s read/write. That’s super for a 128mb plan, but I’m sure it will be down, questions is by how much.
Just ordered and got set up right away. Never used SolusVM, but it works nice. Pointed a leftover domains dns to the ip for the ease of use. I must say the standard debian install comes with a lot enabled, apache2, samba and the regular…
Server seems to be good, its responsive from the netherlands…
Some info:
and a benchmark:
too bad…. payment only via 2CheckOut & PayPal – i would have signed up.
narf. cc also, *via* 2checkout, … might be a good idea to replace “2checkout” with something people actually know at first sight. anyways, sorry for the noise.
Has anybody gotten a reply to their tickets? I opened a ticket 5 days ago with basic new setup stuff like having the TUN adapter enabled and setting Reverse DNS, and still haven’t gotten a reply. If you have gotten a reply, how many days did it take? Thanks.
maybe he’s talking this weekend off, I hope.
They answered my ticket regarding some payment issues in 1 minute…
been using it for a week or so, the $30 a year plan…
seems good so far. reverse dns not setup correctly tho.
Not answering simple tech tickets is a hugely bad sign, though.
Makes you wonder, what if the box goes down, you’ll file a ticket, and it’ll be ignored for 5 days just like that.
> They answered my ticket regarding some payment issues in 1 minute…
So they do care about issues that could *prevent you from paying them*, but looks like not much else.
They replied to my ticket and enabled the TUN adapter and set the Reverse DNS. I’m still working through some issues with the date & time with them.
When I ordered I added a note for rdns and tun/nat, I haven’t set up my VPN just yet, but i have checked for rdns and it’s there. So thumbs up for nordic.
Maybe they are slow on rdns for the reason that they try to set a few rdns at once as it involves going to there dc (hetzner) and setting it manually.
Hetzner got panel for Rdns entries, so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal.
is he Ben’s brother?
how come he’s not answering any ticket?
Seems like ticket response is very variable. My first ticket was answered in ~30 minutes, now I’ve been waiting ~30 hours for a response regarding a memory upgrade.
Let’s just hope if anything goes wrong we won’t be left waiting for too long…
They just replied again to my ticket and took care of my remaining issue with the date & time.
This is from some older NordicVPS German node, hosting Xen VPS:
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k; sync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 78.7273 s, 13.6 MB/s
Maybe they got abusive users on it, but still it’s damn poor i/o performance.
@dyn Are you on our nodes in Dusseldorf or Falkenstein ? We are aware of poor performance of servers in Dusseldorf and are moving away from that DC!
If you are on a node in Falkenstein, please submit a ticket so we can check it. Thanks
I am not sure, it says FRA02. I will open ticket.
Test Output from FRA02 (XEN PV)
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k; sync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 18.9097 seconds, 56.8 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k; sync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 1.29745 seconds, 828 MB/s
> dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k; sync
As mentioned elsewhere this will give an inflated result, use
> dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
or else you are benchmarking not the HDD but the boxes’ file cache in RAM.
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 11.3054 seconds, 95.0 MB/s
remy@vps:~$ dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 12.815 s, 83.8 MB/s
From Falkenstein
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 12.3105 seconds, 87.2 MB/s
On FRA02 node i can’t get more than 24 mb/s, while same test gives me 73+ mb/s on other node.
@dyn I am sorry. You on one of our older nodes.
More stocks to support this offer has been added.
By popular demand, we now provide OVZ512-LEB with 512MB/1024MB memory, 30GB storage and 1000GB/month data transfer – just $60/year
Direct order link:
Servers are in Falkenstein, Saxony, Germany
For US offers follow us on Twitter.
I am at China, would you give me some San Jose’s order link? Thanks!
@ikbear I can only provide link to a pre-order form for West Coast VPS, the servers will set up as soon as the server is online (24 – 72 hours) – would you be interested in the pre-order ?
I’m interested with West Coast VPS too. Is there any offer with the new location?
@Sei Kan We can provide same OVZ128, OVZ256 and OVZ512 plans on the new server.
@NordicVPS Is there any order link?
Please check out Twitter page (@NordicVPS) for updates and links to the US OpenVZ VPS Offers.
Wow! That’s great! I will definately get some when there are available.
So i pay same price as customers on new nodes, get less performance and all you can say is ‘i am sorry’? Very well, i will stop paying for it.
@dyn We never received a ticket from you.
We continue to build our server park for high performance and will soon introduce servers with Intel® Core™ i7-980X Hexa-Core (2x 6x cores @ 3.60+ GHz)
But we can not move all customers on older nodes to new servers nor can we just decide to remove old but active server.
XEN and XEN HVM especially does add an amount of overhead compared to OpenVZ
An OpenVZ VPS, on the same server config, will give a greater performance value compared to a XEN VPS on the same hardware.
But with XEN you get guaranteed resources and is very good for developers who want to work with JAVA etc
For the budget we offer, I think its a pretty good performance.
If you believe you can find another provider a faster server with same package deal for same price thats good.
If you want to be moved to a new node, open a ticket. Thanks
*Please ignore any spell and grammar errors as LEB does not (yet) offer an edit function :)
Will be some promotion for OpenVZ packages? I’m interested in OVZ512.
@marikh there is one for OVZ51 see the link:
Direct order link:
I want to buy this vps but i don’t have paypal or 2checkout. Can i pay via bank transfer?
@Giulio Sorry we do not accept bank tranfers. With 2Checkout you pay using major credit cards.
Thanks for explanation, i will open ticket or order new VPS when new node is ready. I didn’t know it can be moved to a new node, thanks. Yes, you are right, not many providers can match your performance/price. :)
Innya, everything could be nice, but i usually prefer monthly payment.
NordicVPS, can You do monthly payment in OVZ512 promotion?
So i can pay using a normal credit card? (of the mastercard circuit)
@Marikh It will be $5.95 pr month – Order page has been updated so you can choose between monthly and annually payment cycle.
@Giulio Yes you can use Mastercard
Buyed! Great service!
@NordicVPS May I know when the US VPS will ready?
Yes they are ready, Links can be found on our Twitter page.
Hi, @NordicVPS for US VPS, any test IP? do you provide IPv6 address? can you refund if not feel so good?
No IPv6 support yet in US. We are setting up a server in Germany with IPv6 support and will upgrade all customers with IPv6 once we are ready, but I can’t give any ETA!
Sorry, No refunds.
Is this new US server in PENNSYLVANIA?
I thought it’s going to be in San Jose.
No Pennsylvania :) Servers are on the West Coast, California.
We now provide VPS’s in US.
Direct order link for OVZ128-US:
Direct order link for OVZ256-US:
Direct order link for OVZ512-US:
NordicVPS, your OVZ512 link is not working here, and also check the location on your US order forms…still showing DE.
Fixed the typos and link now. Thanks
Buyed! usa 128.
Get mine too. Thanks for the offer :D
Do you offer directadmin licenses with this 128mb vps package?
Yes, we can delivery DA unlimited domain licenses, just open ticket. :)
Note that DA requires minimum 128MB of RAM (512MB is recommended)
Additional IP costs?
Somebody have own huge site in NordicVPS and is hosted in Hetzner, Germany?
Is that question? If i understand correctly you are asking is someone have huge site hosted bu NordicVps?
do you need test file?
I need a test site, which i can click some pages, and test speed.
I can’t edit my previous post.
VPS is connected to 100mbps port?
Don’t know really.. but i get around 50-60 Mbit/sec… tested at loadimpact, less than 200ms ad 50 clients test
Nice result, i wonder if I use about 500gb of my bandwidth, what they do? shutdown my VPS ;)? Anybody have some experience about that?
Support seems non existent :/
I ordered the vps 2 days ago and ping is still down until now :/ , support doesn’t answer.
Relax :) Average support response in my cases is about 3-4 days :)
No problem with support from me as I’ve not asked for any!
The only problem I’ve had is there’s not enough burstable memory with 128MB for Gentoo
to compile an updated version of gcc. Using a binary package from my desktop instead.
Thats true… No big need for support, because no problems occurred yet…
I have a VPS with nordic VPS in Germany and USA too. Their service is great, but their support is pretty slow. It’s a really good offer for 15$/year.
I took one in germany today, so far it’s a very good deal ! I got it in some minutes, so now i’m doing some perf test on it.
NordicVPS : Is it possible to correct the template ? For me, I had directly apache installed, should be good to have an option to select packages or a distro without anything.
+1, I don’t think I’ve seen a perfectly bare-bones image provided by any of the dozen or so providers I’ve been with.
It’s only a 2 minute job to remove apache etc and get the image shrunk down a little bit but it’d be nice to not have to do that.
Yep, everyone assumes you want to use apache… some even preinstall bind and sendmail or exim.
Personally I don’t care, I just wrote my own script that does the initial clean-up on the VPS, removing all the common installed but unneeded packages, and installing the ones I actually use. That way I don’t waste time even on VPS reinstall from template.
I am not sure if providing a totally bare-bones template is a good idea for a host, though; in reality they are almost right, maybe 60-70% of customers will indeed want apache there, and if they are used (from all the other hosts) to have it preinstalled and don’t find it to be, that may result in an increased support ticket load.
Sorry, I saw on the panel that it was possible to install a minimal debian. I agree that it’s better for them to provide apache, but a clean install is always better ;-) And in all the cases, it’s possible from their panel.
There is just a lil problem, on the template the apt.conf is not good, just remove the “2” from the mirror and it’s going to work well.
After 1 day of bench, ~7Mbits of upload to France, but no answer from them for the RDNS (support is slow…).
It was working quite well till yesterday… (about 10 hours down time) same thing today, offline form 7am
Did you get this email?
We have recently had problems with the VPS’s on OVZ02 in Germany and we had to reboot the VPS both times to bring it back online,
We first tried get the DC to get us direct connection to the server in able make recover it without a reboot but for some unknown reasons the server keeps going down on us.
We will keep investigating the problem and hope to get it solved quickly.
Migration to another server in Germany:
Those who like to migrate off to a new VPS in Germany, can contact us.
We will create a new VPS for you on other nodes but there will be a delay since we need to get more IPs since have run out. So if you migrate off to new server in Germany, you will get a new VPS with new IP.
You must transfer all data yourself.
Migration to new server in UK :
This offer is only available for customers who pay monthly for their VPS, e.g OVZ512 – OVZ1024 and larger VPS’s
If you like to be moved to UK, please contact us — We will get you a new VPS in UK with new IP!
You must transfer all data yourself
My VPS is up now. :)
My VPS is dead in now. I had sent a mail to support two days back no one has replied. I asked for new VPS is other server. Even for that no reply. However, these NO rdiculous VPS fixed the issue brought the server online. Now again it is down.
I guess they’re still swamped. I put in a ticket to see if it would be possible to switch my Germany VPS to their Fremont location. No answer yet, but it’s only been 2 days.
They have replied now. As per the support guy some badguy is abusing the server which is bringing the entire host down. Now my VPS is online.
Mine is back too, but it seem not very stable.. I’m getting timeouts from my monitor.
I’ve got a new personal Nordic record– an 8 day old ticket with no answer, breaking my previous record of 6 days.
Dude, you pay 15 dollars a year, so dont be a crybaby and just wait or go somewhere else and pay more for support…
Not crying, just posting my experience for the benefit of others. It is what it is.
For $15 a year you don’t expect bells and whistles. You don’t expect anything other than very basic support. If the box is up and working, you’re on your own.
You don’t expect tickets to be answered within minutes, or even hours. I’d expect them to be answered within a day or two though.
If NordicVPS are unable to provide basic support at this price point, they shouldn’t have priced it so low.
No matter what price something is, you expect it to work and you expect some level of support. If something breaks, you expect it to be fixed.
Sounds like NordicVPS have pretty much abandoned these customers.
Nobody has been abandoned! All customers have received reply to their tickets and a couple are put on hold while we take care of their problems!
We have replied all our customers, a few are put on hold or status: In Progress while we sort out their problems (upgrade/migration etc)
If you still have not received any response, please re-submit your ticket. Thanks
What happened to offer for migrating to another german server, was that just lip service to avoid their bad server in germany?
We are getting ready to make the move. We are working on several setups across the US and Europe. You will receive some updates soon.
After two month experience with this company, I can’t recommend them. Lately, they had a longer down time, due to “abuse by a customer”. Sometimes their server feel very slow (RTT 20ms) and it seems their servers are oversold. One of my support tickets is now waiting for an answer since 3 weeks.
I have diffrent expirience… Support is a bit slow, but problems do get fixed. I have not see any downtime (I am on OVZ03 and OVZ04)… Can’t tell if nodes are oversold, performance is same at all times, speed too…What node Are you on?
I’m selling my vps, anybody interested in?
how long’s left on it, and how much? And do they allow account transferral?
sure, I used one month, I will sell it for $14.00
I’ll give you $5 for it, assuming it’s within their T&C that you can transfer the VPS to me.
Your VPS was hit by a severe DDOS attack today.
Datacenter has blocked your IP and we have terminated your VPS!
Threshold Traffic 200 MBit/s
Sum 8,163 GByte/300s (222 MBit/s), 112.377.000 packets/300s (374.590 packets/s), 22 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 3,925 GByte/300s (107 MBit/s), 54.032.000 packets/300s (180.106 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 1,160 GByte/300s (31 MBit/s), 15.963.000 packets/300s (53.210 packets/s), 4 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,778 GByte/300s (21 MBit/s), 10.715.000 packets/300s (35.716 packets/s), 4 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,630 GByte/300s (17 MBit/s), 8.671.000 packets/300s (28.903 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,615 GByte/300s (16 MBit/s), 8.468.000 packets/300s (28.226 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,466 GByte/300s (12 MBit/s), 6.420.000 packets/300s (21.400 packets/s), 4 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,373 GByte/300s (10 MBit/s), 5.133.000 packets/300s (17.110 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,216 GByte/300s (5 MBit/s), 2.975.000 packets/300s (9.916 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
我想你的 *中文* 留言不消一會便會給刪掉了… 讓我先充當你翻譯吧
The post has been translated to English, by me, as follows:
My VPS was terminated just after 1 month of purchase. The reason (claimed by them) is pretty simple – DDoS.
DDoS isn’t really un-common on the net, however I doubt whether I was the main factor of being attracted by hackers(crackers).
The VPS bought aren’t really used for hosting websites, which I guess would not cause conflict with competitors.
Even though I was being DDoS-ed, I doubt that shouldn’t get the IP null-routed by the datacenter, rather than being terminated by them?
Reason claimed by NordicVPS:
Your VPS was hit by a severe DDOS attack today.
Datacenter has blocked your IP and we have terminated your VPS!
Threshold Traffic 200 MBit/s
Sum 8,163 GByte/300s (222 MBit/s), 112.377.000 packets/300s (374.590 packets/s), 22 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 3,925 GByte/300s (107 MBit/s), 54.032.000 packets/300s (180.106 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 1,160 GByte/300s (31 MBit/s), 15.963.000 packets/300s (53.210 packets/s), 4 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,778 GByte/300s (21 MBit/s), 10.715.000 packets/300s (35.716 packets/s), 4 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,630 GByte/300s (17 MBit/s), 8.671.000 packets/300s (28.903 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,615 GByte/300s (16 MBit/s), 8.468.000 packets/300s (28.226 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,466 GByte/300s (12 MBit/s), 6.420.000 packets/300s (21.400 packets/s), 4 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,373 GByte/300s (10 MBit/s), 5.133.000 packets/300s (17.110 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,216 GByte/300s (5 MBit/s), 2.975.000 packets/300s (9.916 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
I’d apologize for my poor English.
DISCLAIMER: Replied was not translated after checking. I bear no responsibly for any mistake, nor mis-leading information.
The DC did nullroute your IP. NordicVPS then terminated your account.
What were you doing with the VPS?
Generally, competitors don’t DDOS each other’s websites, so I’m not sure why you mentioned that…
And DDOS is uncommon. It rarely happens. You have to be a big target or piss off the wrong people, or both.
useless for say all now,
i can’t check my all LOG message.
You still know what you were running on the VPS. Was it something more likely to attract DDOS like an imageboard, IRC, gameserver, warez-related, etc?
about this all ,Sean can check the server again.
thanks to KLIKLI.
Did they rebuild your VPS, and gave you new IP?
no answer.
Translation of 161#
I am a Chinese user. As my English communication skill is so poor so I don’t type it in English. Hope that some other people can help me to translate it. Thx
My VPS has been deleted after one month’s usage because of ‘DDOS’. You can have a reference near the end of this so call passage.I think that everybody know that DDOS attack is very common but what happened on me is none of my business. I have not put lots of site on this VPS, jsut a few and I absoultly sure that I won’t be the one who is being attacked easily because I don’t have any conflicts (usually $$) with others.Why can they use such unreasonable reason to say I abuse your service?
Moreover, I really don’t understand that why they need to suspend my VPS even though somebody attack me. They can try to do something on their router to stop the internet access temporary of my VPS!They even haven’t warn me in any way!!!
so call reasons for suspending my VPS by those staffs:
Your VPS was hit by a severe DDOS attack today.
Datacenter has blocked your IP and we have terminated your VPS!
Threshold Traffic 200 MBit/s
Sum 8,163 GByte/300s (222 MBit/s), 112.377.000 packets/300s (374.590 packets/s), 22 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 3,925 GByte/300s (107 MBit/s), 54.032.000 packets/300s (180.106 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 1,160 GByte/300s (31 MBit/s), 15.963.000 packets/300s (53.210 packets/s), 4 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,778 GByte/300s (21 MBit/s), 10.715.000 packets/300s (35.716 packets/s), 4 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,630 GByte/300s (17 MBit/s), 8.671.000 packets/300s (28.903 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,615 GByte/300s (16 MBit/s), 8.468.000 packets/300s (28.226 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,466 GByte/300s (12 MBit/s), 6.420.000 packets/300s (21.400 packets/s), 4 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,373 GByte/300s (10 MBit/s), 5.133.000 packets/300s (17.110 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
External, 0,216 GByte/300s (5 MBit/s), 2.975.000 packets/300s (9.916 packets/s), 2 flows/300s (0 flows/s)
DDOS attacks are *NOT* very common.
thanks to chipang/Roy Lo/NoName.
Just received an attack from ~40/50 botnets on mine attacking ssh on my german’s NordicVPS. :'(
The VPS was kinda answering fine, even with a 4 load. Problem solved by changing ssh port, I’m going to use a white list now ;-)
2 weeks ago,no one reply the ticket.
this guy won’t answer any ticket.
That’s who he is, so if you have problem with vps, forget any help.
They always answered my questions and solved my issues not within hours, but within days. But guys what do you expect for 15 bucks a year? You get a really good VPS for that amazing price.
ya, with $15, I expect the server is at least on, it’s been down 2 straight days. I saw lots of people defending Rackvm, after they went under, I wonder
what happened to those who’s so quick defending him.
Good to see I’m not the only one with this issue. I opened a ticket.
They’ve got one node down. That doesn’t mean they run away.
I am very disappointed of their service. They have problem with one of their servers (hardware) where my VPS is hosted since Nov 9th. They promised me a solution (migration) but it never occurred. Since then, this server is up and down all the time. 5 Days ago they emailed me and wrote that server hard disc is about to die and I should backup my data. 2 days ago it stopped working and my VPS is offline. Since then I haven’t heard of them and they don’t answer support tickets. I don’t understand if they knew that hard disc is going to die, why not take action on time???
For persons that need reliable server and serious service, I wouldn’t recommend NordicVPS definitely!!
My VPS is hosted on German node.
opened a ticket? this guy won’t answer any ticket.
some of them are sitting there for 3 weeks.
Third day of downtime today…. time to find something new.
another rackvm, take money and run.
If they offer a cheap price, that is not my problem. They wanted customers, and for that reason their prices were low. But at least the vps should work!!!, and at least they should answer tickets saying “I am working to fix the problem…”, but there is no answer.
My two vps are down since Saturday night, and I do not know anything, several tickets opened. No answer. I do not want to loose my data :( I promise I will make a backup if God gives me another chance.
I have seen in another vps of mine, that on Saturday night it suffered a web attack. But the vps is still alive.
Please, Nordic man, come back!! :(
That other vps which suffered a web attack and it is still alive, is from another company, not from Nordic. But I hope Christian is agree and they will not run away…
yes, pleas nordic come back so the unbelievers will leave and i can get more buyvm!!!
buyvm is good if you know what you’re doing, i like how they are always adding new stuffs that no one else has :3
What about buyvm support? exists ? :)
We have a very active community (IRC for now, forums on the way) where, not only are staff active, but also other customers so getting support/news/etc is quite fast. Tickets are pretty quick too. While we don’t have 24/7 support, we do answer in a timely manner and resolve all issues as quick as possible.
Im thinking now beetwen yardvps and buyvm. Any experience with them ?
Comparing OpenVZ packages, from usage point of view BuyVM performs better than YardVPS. While BuyVM is good in general, YardVPS is good *only* for VPN or backup (something that doesn’t require much IO or CPU power).
We’re great for VPN’s as well :)
We have tons of VPN’s supported by default: SIT/GRE/TUN & TAP/PPTP are all enabled by default.
Hey Francisco, when will 256 and 512 buyvm plan avai for order? I need asps :D
DC (Hetzner) took down a node server because of large amount of attacks originating from few VPS’s hosted on that node.
We are working with them to bring back the node server but it requires some paperwork.
And how long that be, one week downtime to fill one paper ?
We sent the documents and awaits their response now.
Be honest, there was no attack, Nordic didn’t pay bills.
that’s why DC turned the M/C off. and Nordic has no intention of paying any bills. Had to submit paper? Never heard that kind of procedure.
All the people defending Nordic, pattern is same when Rackvm went down.
@NordicVPS, I am happy to hearing from you!!!
You are still alive!!, and so it is possible to recover my data from my vps!!
My vps’s are in OVZ02 node.
Please, do not forget to tell us when vps’s work again.
I hate people that waste its time making bad things like web attacks. In my vps I have webs from my customers, and my customers give me money for my family. I am not Bill Gates… if I loose my customers I do not know what I could do :S
I’ve a VPS on the OVZ02 node which went down as well. There’s still no word from them on when my VPS will be back online. I submitted a support ticket with NordicVPS last night and still no response from them. Support on their end is really bad!
Well, first it was hard disc failure and now web attacks??
As far as I could understand, every prick that buy from you one single VPS and does stuff that DC doesnt like, can take your whole node down?? Good to know!
Actually many datacenters have that policy. I’ve had boxes turned off and/or disconnected by techs due to them being hacked in some way. Not many though as I have 24/7 monitoring, both human and automated. Anything goes wrong and usually it gets noticed. Back in my *shudder* ev1 days, it came up at least once a day in their support forums as well.
If a box is sending out DDoS attacks or the like, down it comes until it gets resolved.
Finally I have my vps’s!!!, now they are up, and everything appears normal.
Thank you nordicvps, very late but never mind, they are working!
Next time answer tickets at the beginning, not at the end… it is terrible when you do not know anything…
Now, as I promised, I will backup them….
Maybe now they know, how we feel sometimes, when we don’t get any reply…
I hope Nordic keeps up there promise, to hire more people in 2011.
Besides there support, its a very good provider.
The VPS is very stable (up 22 days), very fast speeds, but no support reply.
Still waiting for netadmin and tun/tap to be enabled and rDNS.
Al my support tickets are answered, seems that they have new help!
It was never a virus attack, nor was any disk failure.
It was billing problem, if you know what I mean.
How can you believe what this Nordic guy say?
He doesn’t care about customer, ticket system is not even a system because nobody answers,
everything he’s been saying was lie upon lie.
Don’t believe a word from Nordic.
yes, looks like they have hired new support staff. My month old tickets have been answered. It is positive sign, they are getting stable and pro. Best of luck Nordic! :)
All tickets will be answered and solved by the support team.
We had a mess with OVZ02 and I am sorry for the trouble. You can read a short statement on the OVZ02 downtime issue here:
If you need more information regarding the downtime please submit a ticket to the Information dept.
Please follow us on Twitter #NordicVPS for latest updates and status announcements.
These guys are unbelievable. They deleted my VPS just like that without warning !!!
I purchased a VPS, Paid it and now it’s gone?
I got a refund of 9.95 from 2Checkout 1 week later I had paid to nordicVPS.
But I didn’t realized until now that my VPS would be deleted.
For some reason it marked as Fraud and refunded 1 week later but nordic didnt even email me or anything. just deleted my VPS out of nothing.
I spent so many hours setting up that VPS and it’s gone. Thrown away just like that !
that is so disappointing.
I cant believe it they did that.
That is totally unbelievable….
“We do not support IPv6 for the small plans OVZ128 and OVZ256, if you upgrade to OVZ512 we will assign up to 16 IPv6 for free.”
Aren’t they pathetic?
Especially as they state in a reply to comment 2 above that ipv6 will be released to all their customers.
And they have even guts to send us:
FMT01 is scheduled for REBOOT to enable security updates and IPv6 setup.
Reboot it expected to take less than < 30 minutes.
But refuse to enable IPv6…
Yes and I specifically mentioned above that BuyVM does provide IPv6 on their “same $15/year plan”, to which Nordic replied they will too.
I wondering what will they do when IPv6 become standard and everyone will use it. Purposly cripple low end vpses to force people to upgrade to higher plans?
They can fool us now when IPv6 isn’t a must for most people yet, but later… they will look like buffoons with demand to upgrade to higher plans in order to get IPv6 address.
It’s first time that I meet such silly deman regarding IPv6 in vps hosting world. Most providers either have it available and enable it for free, either don’t have it available yet, but NordicVPS lied us with “IPv6 will be released to all our customers” and n0w they demand from us to upgrade to high end plan in order to get few IPv6 addresses.
We have decided to make IPv6 only for customers who pay monthly. We pay a monthly fee pr IPv4 that has been assigned to OVZ128 and OVZ256.
We do not unfortunately not yet have our own IP subnet range instead we lease the IPv4’s from our DC in Fremont, CA. If we owned our subnet range it will not be a problem. Our business is located in Europe and can not apply for ARIN (US) IP subnet but we must instead apply/purchase via RIPE (EU) for a European subnet and later re-assign to the different DCs but its a complex and expensive process. In Europe we experienced that DC requires a broadcasting/announcement fee pr IP, even if the subnet was owned by us.
With the expansion of IPv6, we hope old IPv4 will become obsolete so we can avoid these fees.
Everyone with OVZ128 and OVZ256 can upgrade to our special deal OVZ512 – LOWENDBOX (512GB RAM/768GB BURST, 20GB Storage, 1TB B/W) for just $4.50 pr month.
Submit a ticket and we will send a new invoice and upgrade the VPS instantly without downtime and assign you with 8 IPv6’s.
Because you pay for ipv4 address, you don’t give ipv6 addresses to the ovz128/ovz256 plans?
Yes, we make a loss everyday on the OVZ128 and OVZ256 ..
Which was part of your business plan, right?
If I may ask, where was the real plan when you copied us, BuyVM, shamelessly? Did you guys even do the math on how it worked out? There’s a reason we are **slow** on provisioning more nodes and more racks; We do constant changes to our business plan and re-calculate our costs, debts (if any, usually just lines-of-credits with newegg) and profits per rack.
At first everyone said we should take you, yard, akisoft and a few others copying us as flattery, but in the end all you’ve done is make users scared of the market pricing that we’ve been able to work into a **very** profitable margin.
There is more to how we make profit than just colocation & ARIN blocks.
You’re not going to get RIPE blocks, either. We already tried to grow into Europe, but Hetzner wouldn’t feed our IP usage and RIPE, even with our ARIN justification for a full /20, didn’t want to assign such a large block.
Please, do yourself a favor and talk to Scott to try to shed some IP cost and simply inform clients of either a price hike or that they have to go. Doing this whole ‘Oh IPV6 isnt free because we didn’t take into consideration that egihosting is charging us $100/m+ per /24’ is nothing but disrespectful to your clients.
> With the expansion of IPv6, we
> hope old IPv4 will become
> obsolete so we can avoid these
> fees.
So… you hope for the expansion of IPv6 but will not provide IPv6 addresses to your customers, even though you can and these addresses are free? That makes perfect sense.
I’ll be honest, 99% of the ISP’s out there aren’t IPv6 ready and won’t be for a few more years.
In the USA only comcast is doing IPV6 testing and there is at least a few large ISP’s in the UK that have stated ‘no IPV6 until 2020’
Sure, the move to IPv6 isn’t going to happen any time soon but that doesn’t make hoping for expansion of IPv6 and not providing IPv6 any less silly.
This is true, but that’s why now is a good time to learn and get yourself ready for V6, and be ahead of the rest. Even if your own ISP doesn’t do V6 natively, there are plenty of ways to get yourself going on V6 for free.
Also, large ISP != good ISP. ;) Generally, the large ISPs here are only large due to ignorance, and people just wanting *AN* internet connection, regardless of the quality. Talk Talk might be cheap, but you’d be paying me before I went with them. Same with BT and VM.
Bottom line is, NordicVPS have done a pretty dodgy bait and switch on customers, promising that IPV6 will be available, for free, and then trying to pull a fast one like this.
My comment is to more back the idea of how silly a paid for ‘ipv6 only’ vps is. The valueserver people were doing it for free and saw a huge amount of no one using the VPS after a couple days.
I think the problem with VS was that it WAS free. People would sign up just to get something for nothing, then realise they didn’t need it, so didn’t use it.
If you’re paying for something, you’ll find some use for it. Paid-for V6 only would probably get more use than a free one.
DO you mean the monthly price is $4.5 or the upgrade cost is $4.5?
Customers with OVZ128 and OVZ256 who does want to upgrade to a monthly plan and do not need/require IPv4 IP address can exchange their IPv4 for 16 x IPv6 IP addresses!
Customers with OVZ128 and OVZ256 who does NOT want to upgrade to a monthly plan and do not need/require IPv4 IP address can exchange their IPv4 for 16 x IPv6 IP addresses! :)
You’re awared that you make yourself looking like buffoon with those statements and that you lied to us, correct?
I don’t care how much do you pay for IPv4, it’s not my business and it’s not connected with promised IPv6 when it will be available… Involving IPv4 issue is ordinary gimmick to get some extra money from us and it’s not related to promised IPv6 in any way. This what you’re doing now is ordinary extortion!
“We will release IPv6 to all our customers (current and new) once we are ready to provide this feature” – posted by NordicVPS at lowendbox October 3, 2010
“We are working to expand IPv6 to all nodes and once its ready you will get 4 – 8 free IPv6 IPs” – posted by NordicVPS in support ticket to me in Nov. 2010
And now you want me to pay more for those promised “4 – 8 free IPv6 IPs” or cripple my vps with removing ipv4… What a liar…
“With the expansion of IPv6, we hope old IPv4 will become obsolete so we can avoid these fees”
Sure you do… but not with extortion but with giving them to customers as you said before.. With your aproach you don’t contribute to expansion of IPv6 but rather opposite. For something what everyone give for free if it have available you want to squeeze some extra money from us disregarding the fact that you said that IPv6 will be for free…
Let them enable TUN/TAP and netadmin, use the a little program called ‘tb-tun’ (google it, its on google code page). And get an ipv6 range with hurricane electric or so = free. I pay 35 dollar/year, if I don’t get IPv6 for free with my vps provider, I will get it by myself with SixXS or Hurricane.
A tip! do your math beforehand not afterwards.
We have been tricked to prepay for whole year!!! NordicVPS can we get prorated refund as you’re not capable to offer us IPv6 free od charge even now when it’s available?
@Spirit Can you submit a ticket please?
This guy is a crook and liar.
Germany server was down so long without any warning or explanation, or just simple sorry statement.
Most of the tickets were sitting more than two months.
I hope you are happy with your new reliable host :)
I personally, can’t complain. My VPS in Germany, has been very stable, sometimes high I/O, but not very notable.
I has been rebooted 1 time since November. Support really sucked! However, last weeks it has been approved.
We will be migrating all OpenVZ customers the new node servers once they are delivered :)
The new node servers are powered by i7-980X Extreme Edition and Hardware RAID10 for high performance.
(Current servers are either i7-975 Extreme Ed or i7 920 with RAID1 or RAID10)
VPS Migration
The migration of your VPS will be done as smooth as possible.
VPS will be shutdown and sync’ed to the new node and you will get a new IP!
New IP’s — You will get new IPv4
IPv6 — You will get new set of IPv6’s, we will assign 2 for free, more on request
Servers are still in Gernany, Same Datacenter
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Hexa-core processor Intel® Core™ i7-980X Extreme Edition:
3.33 GHz core speed
Up to 3.6 GHz with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology
6 cores and 12 processing threads with Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology
Best regards Team
This was from few days ago. Some people (as reported on wht) have vpses down 11 days already without any single reponse on their tickets. This nordicvps screw-up is every day closer to dead pool.
That is not all:
I have two VPS there. In past month i had about 40% uptime. But that is not uptime as expected, they crippled all VPSs on german nodes (they cant pay for servers so they go to few bigger). VPS’s work with one CPU Core at 800mhz because nodes are overcrowded. With that VPS u can’t do anything except for blog… Recently i moved customers to other server and wanted to use vps as seedbox (network is still good 1gbps), but when i do reinstall no vps can boot (but i can ping ip!?). Support don’t respond except for uniform messages like “we are moving VPS to other node”, “Moving failed, expect downtime”… So far they moved mu VPS THREE TIMES (ovz02, ovz03, vm03, vm09). Admin it is time for dead pool… They took our money and when bills came they are nowhere to be found… I lost 70$ with this b-e-e-p company…
Their website is still up. (Folks mention in a couple of places in that WHT thread that it was down.)
Their twitter account is an interesting read. More reboot and down twits than anything else.
Gotta admit that if I saw that, I would have been running.
and that is only reboots they planed. One one occasion i counted 67 reboots in one week…
Just curious. How are you counting reboots?
That’s only part of it. They don’t post their downtimes anymore as they are regular.
in stats u can see hole in memory graph
and i have monitoring tool that ping in 1 min intervals
That could be for a lot of different things. Network outages, routing issues, the phase of the moon, etc.
Doesn;t sound good though.
Reboot takes about 6 min on this ,as they seed, raid 10 hard drives, with ,as they seed, highend 800mhz (worst than my phone) processor…
800mhz of an i7 cpu isn’t bad for $1.25 or $1.50 a month and
i’m sure its quite a bit more powerful than your phone.
They never promised access to the full speed of all cores (and for the price
you paid you shouldn’t have expected it.)
All that I will agree with you on is that the service has been crap
lately and there has been a ton of downtime.
As far as I know they did promise fair share of the CPU’s and there was no warning/etc of the CPU caps, they simply went into place.
I don’t think it’s the 128MB people that are saying much but rather the people that bought into bigger plans and still suffer the same caps.
Fair Share is not 800Mhz. It is maybe faster than phone but try hosting 30 not static websites… I would never paid for that shit. When i did it was 2x 2.7ghz! and 35$ is not that small amount, and i had two…
You should not expect much from a budget VPS.
We had to do a hard reset on the CPU during the migrations.
As already notified, customers on VMxx nodes will be upgraded fairly soon!
Customers with VPS plans above OVZ512 should already enjoy full speed @ 3.33+ Ghz
How can you even said that… People are reading this, and who will buy bigger plan when u treat us like garbage. We didn’t make those plans, u did, so do your job, nothing more. When u are there can u fix our VPSs so that we have what we PAID for. 70$ is a lot of money for me esspecialy to trow away…
I dropped you an email. Please could I ask for an ack that you received it
If its by a couple months ago, yes I believe it was received..
If you sent one recently then no.
Mine is down for 14 days now, few days ago I was trying to rebulid my os and after that i can`t boot it. Ticket submited, of course no response
Compare the benchmark speed i7 975 Extreme with other budget VPS providers, most offer on very old and outdated “Core2 Quad” or old XEONs like L5420 @ 2.50GHz
Intel Xeon E5420 @ 2.50GHz – Points: 3,697 (Note its the E*-seris and not slower L*)
Intel Core i7 975 @ 3.33GHz – Points: 7,035
All new OVZ512 and higher VPS’s are hosted on:
Intel Core i7 980X @ 3.33GHz – Points: Intel Core i7 995X @ 3.60GHz
Still fast, compared to Dual CPU of old XEON 5420s:
[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon E5420 @ 2.50GHz 7,771
[Dual CPU] Intel Xeon L5420 @ 2.50GHz 7,727
With i7 EXTREME series we use, with 1 single core you can get up to 3.73 GHz with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology
We provide powerful servers for peanuts — If you need Premium support/services please consider our Premium VPS offers.
Benchmark results taken from:
That is nice but i am sure that even fastest node can have limited number of VPSs…
So on your site should be statment like this: We offer a lot of plans but if they are not expensive you wont get support and fair tretment, also you might have 60% of monthly downtime.
No one will respect you when u treat people like that, and if i were customer in need of VPS i will never buy one from company like that.
We sell virtual private servers cheaper than regular shared webhosting, so please, we try by best effort to provide a good service to all our customers but we can not please all, thats impossible when dealing with customers in the budget segment — there will always be someone who is unhappy with the service provided.
We offer OpenVZ, XEN, HVM and KVM servers in USA, UK and Germany and have many happy customers and we will keep up the effort and improve our services.
“We provide powerful servers for peanuts”
Don’t be such a hypocrite. You provide crappy service with extremely a lot of downtimes, regular IPs renumbering, regular support ticket ignorance and basicly UNRESPONSIBLE APROACH which just waste our time. Your vpses aren’t worth even 0.50$/yearly because simple fact – our desktop PCs are more stable than your crappy servers with 65% uptime.
A please DO NOT request from us again as last time when thinngs settled a bit after weeks of ignorance to open tickets. Our tickets are as you see reports everywhere and as you know for your own ticket system opened and unanswered per weeks.
Hosts like you are bring to this industry bad name.
@ NordicVPS
I would like to return to my old OVZ512 node 4 x faster than what i have now. When i yum update it takes ages to update and install of updates is slow
I see i got 3GHZ CPU it does not help to speed up. Please guys fix this or atleast demigrate me back to node OVZ512.
Can you submit a ticket with your username? I will make sure the VPS is migrated to a faster server right away.
You ignore our tickets anyway… so don’t be such hypocrite now. Your request to submit ticket after all this ignorance is nothing else than insultive. Beside that I predicted that you will appear sooner or latter after things settle down a bit..
Things will settle down, but what about downtime of 60% / month. What about our costs for having to move our customers somewhere else, what about our lost money not just directly to you but for our lost customers. Some of us acctualy care about all customers and not just for ones that pay a lot. In this buissnes 5% downtime can be fatal and ruin reputation, and your downtime excede uptime! link to same thing here:
lupetalo actually I don’t think that things will settle up soon. As you see our vpses are still mostly down or uselles… and there’s announced another migration (in our language another 2 weeks of downtime and chaos) in some month or so which means… TWO MONTHS OF DISABLED SERVICE.
This crook lured us with cheap price for year pre-payment and we can’t do nothing than waiting till our payment without service expire.
LEA, you censored my comment? Why? =(
Btw, at least NordicVPS is here to comment about the problem.
I don’t think I explicitly delete any of your comment. Caught by Akismet?
Oh lookie, a zero post poster. Anyone want to put any money on it being a sock puppet of some sort?
Gotta admit that that while I feel sorry for the clients having issues, anyone who’s hung around for 2 months while going through all this needs to step back and question why they have hung around for 2 months. I would have been gone on days 3 or 5 to be honest.
@NordicVPS, folks up above have raised issues. Are you ignoring them on purpose? Doesn’t make you or your company look that great. And as noted up above it makes the rest of us in this business also look bad. Been a lot of that lately around here.
drmike it’s our mistake partially – we got lured with this 15$/year or so.. deal, so we don’t have much choice than waiting this poor year with them to expire without using their service at all.
They ignore our tickets per weeks. Not some day or two. Per weeks. And it’s not first time.
previous time when there was one whole week of downtime they vanished completely till node didn’t come back. Then they appeared in public and requested from us to open ticket disregarding the fact that they had still all our previously unanswered tickets… and now is completely same.
It’s not like day or two of downtime. This try to reduce costs with squeezing few hundreds customers on single “super node” failed miserable and we are almost 2 weeks with service uncapable to host anything.. and unanswered tickets of course. Two weeks of downtime in this business isn’t little thing, it’s not first time with them and issue still isn’t solved. Infact our vpses aren’t available even now.
side note: this zero poster doesn’t look like one of us. He pasted “cpu MHz : 3341.637″… well, our cpu is limited to 800 mhz but we can’t even log to vps most of the time.
I think its about time to either have this fixed in the next 48hrs or start offering
full refunds to anyone that has been locked into a yearly payment.
CPU Mhz issue should have been solved now :)
Customers VM01 still miss this update, but they will follow soon.
You mean that you have 2 nodes now… one for few high end vps customers and second “high spec failure” for hundreds and hundreds low end vps customers migrated from 4 or so previous nodes to reduce costs? And that one node works while second wont before third nordivps chaos fiasco (next migration)?
How much more downtime do you need to get a new host?
How much do you need to understand that we are all already paid for this!
I personaly 70$, offcorse i will try to get what i already paid.
Whats your VPS username ? Submit a ticket and we will sort you out right now.
I did submit about 5 tickets… VPS12510
I checked, one VPS is online, second VPS seems corrupt.
Respond to the latest ticket reply from us and we will sort out server #2
Its up.
[root@srv1 ~]# uptime
13:44:45 up 21 min, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
[root@srv1 ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep name
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 975 @ 3.33GHz
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 975 @ 3.33GHz
Cpu looks good
lupetalo yes you have two cores but now try properly :)
grep ‘cpu MHz’ /proc/cpuinfo
cpu MHz : 1670.812
proc at full speed
I’m stuck down at 835mhz on 1 core still.
Please check your VPS now! All VPS’s on VMxx nodes has been updated to full speed now.
Do not expect 16 cores for a budget VPS especially one with just 128 MB RAM.
Currently this is how we set up the CPU-share:
OVZ128: 1 core
OVZ256: 2 cores
OVZ512: 2 cores
VPS’s with 1G RAM and above: 4 cores
No one expect this.
Infact we want just that nordicVPS would finally work as it should without constant long term downtimes, regular migrations, regular IPs renumbering and finally with some communication when things go wrong instead complete ignorance. With other words we want some more responsible and mature approach from you and here is completely irrelevant how much anyone paid for service.
AND READ FRIKKIN TICKETS! OR REMOVE THIS USELESS SUPPORT SYSTEM WHICH IS AVAILABLE FOR CUSTOMERS ONLY WHEN THINGS SETTLE A BIT BUT NEVER WHEN THERE ARE SOME ISSUES… You always appear later to say how sorry you’re for some downtime or so. Are you sorry also for your ignorant approach when you screw up things because this is what usually people pissed off the most..
Let me give you one advice. From this what I saw regarding nordicVPS this isn’t first neither last chaotic situation. I am pretty sure that there will be more in future, but you know what? COMMUNICATE. READ TICKET, ANSWER THEM.. GIVE US IMPRESSION THAT YOU CARE and many things will be easier for both sides. It’s not our fault that you don’t make money from your low end plan so don’t stigmatize customers because bought it. For all this, including long downtimes can be blamed only you. So remember… as you have support ticket system start to use it. Use it regulary no matter if there’s something wrong or not. We don’t use WHT and lowendbox for complains just because we’re bored. We often use them because proper channels like supoort tickets are ignored.
If any of my tickets was replied with answers (like they did in start), i would never post something here…. If i was told that there could be possibility of long downtime i would move customers somewherw else (two days is enough for nameserver ip propagation), and return them when migration or whatever was over… Offcorse there should be some compensation for downtime but so far nothing…
I can’t get rid of impression like they (or he – it’s most likely just one man host) looking on those issues with long downtimes just like little nuisance. His unresposnible approach is somehow scary… Migration? Ok… few minutes, maybe few hours… but FEW WEEKS of downtimes and still isn’t finished? What the hell is he thinking?!
I wouldn’t post around either if there would be some communication. If he would give impresison like he really care…
How much brain do you think a kid needs to order hetzner server and for 20$ ask someone to install openvz on it?
Another case of suspension because of DDoS. My VPS was suspended today because of ‘DDoS’. No detailed explanation. Just “Suspension Reason: DDOS Attack”.
Interestingly, I wasn’t hosting any websites or anything on it. I used it occasionally for testing stuff. No reason why it should be DDoSed.
It’s not DDOS, he didn’t pay the bill.