Okay. Enough n00b-provider-postings from the last 2 days and let’s get into some real deals. James from QualityServers informed me about their new offer on WHT. The Eliminator™ is available in both US (Tampa FL) or UK (Manchester), and in either OpenVZ or Xen flavor. £4/month (~USD$6.50) will get you this:
- 600MB memory
- 40GB storage
- 1TB/month data transfer on 1Gbps port
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Servers in either Tampa FL (Hivelocity, test IP:, sign up link) or Manchester UK (Burst, test IP:, sign up link). IPv6 available only in the UK plans. The plans are also fully managed.
QualityServers have been around for a while (used to be known as QuickVPS.co.uk), a proper UK business with phone number + an office. James mentioned that there are ~50 on each Eliminator plan so the stock would soon be “eliminated”.
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Signing up now. will give some benchmarks (if my order passes fraud checks etc)
Really cheap prices so I couldn’t resist and grabbed a “eliminator” package with cPanel.
Huge thanks to this blog! :D
Not bad at all http://pastie.org/1917304
I don’t understand unixbench….
That score is very good for a VPS, and even reasonable for a dedicated server.
Speed is quite good too :)
Remember, speedtest is done in bits not bytes. Wget is done in bytes not bits.
a lot of people get confused :p, not saying you are but just for people reading.
Yeh i know
For example my internet connection is 100Mbps which means i would get a max of 11-12MB/S if am correct :)
Around there, yes. If your connection was on a 100 megabit connection, it would be around 10 – 12 megabytes connection.
How man cores and what CPU do you get?
You get 4 cores of a dual quad core Xeon 5335 system @ 16GHz.
How you execute unixbench? I mean, what flags? or just as is?
Just extracted it and run it.
Pff, that unixbench sucks, REALLY sucks. Stressing a node for about one hour just to bench? I will not do it again… Geekbench ftw, period.
My “fastest” vps http://pastie.org/1917969
The score Daniel got on our VPS is very good for a £4 VPS. I’m not saying it’s the best in the world, but for the money you’ll be hard pushed to find performance like that.
Well, please don’t misunderstand…
I am just sharing one result, not trying to complain with your performance. As I said, I don’t understand unixbench because I don’t know any point of comparison, and for that I did a test.
Also, I am talking about how much I think Unixbench sucks…
Finally, after doing a test myself, I agree with you, is a good score.
Sorry Yomero, I thought you meant our offers sucks!
Personally I don’t think Unixbench is bad at all, but what it does do is slow the node down while it runs.
LOL sorry, I read again my comment and, can be interpreted like that….
And yes, that is the reason because sucks, it loaded my VPS like hell, >10.0 loads I felt afraid to be suspended during this hour :| xD
OS: GNU/Linux — 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.028stab089.1 — #1 SMP Thu Apr 14 14:06:01 MSD 2011
Machine: i686 (i386)
Language: en_US.utf8 (charmap=”UTF-8″, collate=”UTF-8″)
CPU 0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5335 @ 2.00GHz (3990.0 bogomips)
Hyper-Threading, x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET, Intel virtualization
CPU 1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5335 @ 2.00GHz (3990.0 bogomips)
Hyper-Threading, x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET, Intel virtualization
CPU 2: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5335 @ 2.00GHz (3990.0 bogomips)
Hyper-Threading, x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET, Intel virtualization
CPU 3: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5335 @ 2.00GHz (3990.1 bogomips)
Hyper-Threading, x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET, Intel virtualization
18:20:38 up 2 min, 1 user, load average: 0.54, 0.24, 0.09; runlevel 3
There was a mistake on the ad which I’ve just noticed. New orders are getting the correct disk space – 40GB, not 60GB. Sorry for the inconvenience.
PFFFFT, I was about to buy for 60GB space =/
How much dedicated CPU can we get from this offer (used 24/7 without complains)?
Sorry about that, the mistake’s my fault.
You won’t get complaints about your CPU as your allowance is based on what everyone else is using. If the node is mostly idle, you can use a full 4 cores. If the node is jam packed (which our nodes never are), you’ll get 16GHz/average 40 VPSs. Of course there is a sliding scale in between which is the most likely scenario.
Either way, we’re offering a 14 day MBG on this plan, so if you’re not happy, just ask for a refund.
I got my XEN PV (UK) vps last evening. Setup was instant. Their servers are pretty decent and fast; ipv6-ready (in the UK). Nothing to complain about (for now..)
Thanks. If you do have any issues, just let us know.
The WHT post says
60GB RAID5 or RAID10 Disk
Corrections needed!
40GB is correct, not 60GB. I’ve already asked WHT to make the correction.
Oh, thanks. That explains
Did QualityServers accept order from french people ?
Yes we do :)
Interesting. I think I might pick myself up a couple of these…
Ordered, delivered very quickly. USA Xen boxes are currently out of stock, but they let me know immediately and fixed me up with OpenVZ instead. Thumbs up for customer service so far.
I bought the USA OpenVZ almost an hour ago, and so far so good. Setup was pretty much instant. Server seems fast and stable. No complaints so far!
USA Xen is full. USA OpenVZ, and UK Xen and OpenVZ left. These will likely be sold out by tomorrow!
Is torrenting allowed?
I actually asked them this the other day, they said yes as long as it’s legal.
Small, private legal use is fine (e.g. downloading a CentOS DVD by torrent). Other torrent use is not allowed.
What about irc (internet relay chat)? I can’t find anything against in TOS however I wondering because Burst usually don’t like it on their network…
IRC is fine for small, private, legal use.
1 left!
All gone!
Too late :(
And I guess no chance US Xen will come back soon?
I’m not sure yet. If you’re in a hurry I would recommend USA OpenVZ. The performance is almost the same.
@James: Nah, not really, just want to have a taste how the “managed” services will look like…actually I am really curious why people are going crazy after Xen when, honestly, I do not see a lot better performance on Xen than OpenVZ with similar specs.
Pah, I seem to have managed to place an order in between the free month posts :(
Can I reserve a spot now and sign up when your Xen node is available?
No, sorry. I’m still not sure about USA Xen stock. At the moment I’m trying to find a more suitable USA-based dedicated server provider as HiVelocity isn’t entirely sustainable for lots of growth (IP price, custom server turnaround time). I’ll let everyone know when more stock is available and what the situation is with US Xen soon. In the mean time I would highly recommend USA OpenVZ or UK Xen/OpenVZ.
Invoice #3345, please add the credit, thanks :)
Thanks, now I need to think what I can ask for….
I mean for “managed services”
I bought from them a few days ago, and yes, I am STRONGLY recommend them, very fast support, and very cheap. Good job, and I am sad you will remove “Eliminator” as this is the best deal of all, do NOT do this please! :(
Thanks for the review :)
Do they offer reverse DNS-records for VPS’s?
Yes of course
the setup really was instant and everything looks extremely good. Allthought “15GB FREE FTP/rSync Offsite Backup Space” advertised on WHT was not included.
Also not 16 advertised .uk IPv6 addresses included. On request you get one so it seems that there’s needed to open atleast two tickets to get more. Apart from this everything seems ok.
For the backup space, you need to request it – just open a ticket.
For the IPv6s, just let us know how many. If you don’t give a number you’ll get 1.
Hello James!
By any chance this “few left” are already exhausted? I don’t know how your sale system react (e.g. if there is out of stock, you are still able to buy?) but I bought one OpenVZ in UK and the payment process went fine but the Status is still Pending. I want UK especially for the IPv6 offer as I need to test some networking solutions.
Please don’t take this as a complain or that I’m unsatisfied :), far from me this ideas, just want to ask if everything is fine or stock is exhausted.
Thanks and keep on the good job!
I processed the cancellations to make a bit more room. There is still a tiny bit of space but most packages are now on 24 hour setups while we get new nodes online.
Thanks for activation and help with IPv6! Quick and professional!
Would it be possible to move me to a Xen node now since I see you have stock? Thanks!
We don’t actually have stock yet. We’re accepting pre-orders for when we do, which should be about another 24 hours. If you open a ticket we can give you a fresh Xen VPS when we have stock.
Oh, nice, so basically when the stock arrives you can just turn off my OpenVZ box and turn on my Xen box? That’s good :)
Ticket ID: FWW-508-26322, I really hope it works out :) Thanks!
Also, do you mind just to clarify a little what exactly are the items included in “management” feature? Like what will you guys help and what you won’t? Thanks!
– Tweaking and securing your server
– Migrating cPanel-to-cPanel accounts
– Fixing thing if someone goes wrong
– Installing pretty much any software you need
@ James – Whats the main node specs?
It varies node to node but something like:
Dual quad core Xeons
16-32GB RAM
Just got one of these, looks good although the I/O does seem a little slow.
There doesn’t seem to be any VPS management interface like QuickWeb etc. How do I reboot or install new OSs, do I have raise a ticket?
There is an control panel. Your welcome email should point you to https://cp.qvps.net:5656/
Thanks! Usually look in the Service detail page for that info. Must have missed it in all the various mails.
Here’s my I/O FWIW:
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 100.208 s, 10.7 MB/s
Wow thats very bad I/O rate
Better than some here.
To balance things out:
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 47.0506 s, 22.8 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 13.2995 s, 80.7 MB/s
For my UK then my US one.
Are UK location still in stock ?
New nodes will be online today, so feel free to place an order :)
@Gary is that Xen?
Mine is UK Xen, should have said.
Both OVZ.
james: i started a ticket asking for the free 15Gb backup space, but no response since 16 hours?
Hi Sander,
You’ll get a response in a little bit – I’m at the DC at the moment deploying new hardware.
Gotten worse tonight it’s at 6 MB/s!
Is this normal for the UK Xen James?
No it’s not, we aim for 50MB/s. Could you please open a ticket with us?
Thanks, just submitted one.
James completely sorted my issue, great support.
I for one am a very happy customer!
We’re currently on order number 982. Order number 1000 gets a year’s free hosting!
any issues with the uk vps server?
my vps doesn’t boot anymore
Hi Sander,
You have a ticket with us and we’ll keep you updated on there. LowEndBox.com isn’t really for customer support.
i know, but my other ticket hasn’t been answered yet, thats why
I’ll look into your invoice problem now.
lots of troubles the last weeks, hopefully this gets solved soon, downtime has been a lot the last weeks
Hi Sander,
Please see: https://www.qualityservers.co.uk/cp/kayako/index.php?/News/NewsItem/View/1/vz2uk-17062011—rfo-action-plan-and-public-apology
+1 Nice to see a well written and detailed explanation. I wish the reports I got from my support folks were this well written.
Just got one (US – OpenVZ), fast activation. But I am a bit confused on how to access my vps.
My Virtual Server Control Status is currently Unavailable.
Sorry but not the greatest first experience.
Thank you,
Btw your forum’s “Login with facebook” is not working.
Sorry, your “New QuickVPS Information” email was flagged as spam (all the others weren’t).
Thank you,
Nothing but great support, extremely pleased so far. Just activated the offsite backup and a tun interface.
Anyone elses’ US VPS down or VERY slow atm?
Please open a ticket if you’re having issues and we’ll look into it for you. There shouldn’t be any issues at the moment.
Is Gentoo available?
Yes, on xen.