Roel from QuickWeb emailed me a new Christmas offer 2 (although it would have been 26th of December by now in New Zealand). He did send in 2 days ago but I just haven’t been able to juggle everything :) Anyway, same deal as their QW TestBox VZ II offer early last month. $35.88/year with the following spec
- 256MB guaranteed/384MB burstable memory
- 10GB storage
- 250GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Servers would be in either Los Angeles CA (WebNX, Ordering link), or Germany (Equinix, Ordering link).
Moreover, they are offering special gifts for LowEndBox readers. By putting in the comment section of the order form “LEB X’Mas gift“, they will (manually) apply 50% credit to your account, i.e. $17.94, which you can then use it to buy new services or pay for existing services. Sorry but you cannot redeem it for cash. Promotion is valid until the end of 2010.
Disclaimer: is currently hosted with QuickWeb in their Xen VPS in Dallas/Softlayer.
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You missed the German order link :S
That’s OK. You missed his misspelling of Year in the title. ;)
You are right. :)
I would like to order it in germany.
Fixed. Sorry about that.
+1 again for these folks. Usually quick to respond to support requests. Haven’t had any issues with my vps with them. (Have a Xen VPS in Germany for my personal sites.)
+1 too
I am asking about adding more IP to my VPS, and mr. Roel answer me less than a minute.
That is WOW !!!
No one ever answering me that fast
I htink my request was like 7 minutes but even that is pretty darn quick.
I did have one request that took a couple of hours but that was because they bumped it up to the owner for a response as it was a policy issue.
yes Admin does not operate 24×7, so anything beyond 10PM (NZT) can have some delays for admin/sales tickets.
I was happy with how that ticket was dealt with though. I was told that they had to bump it upstairs and it would take a couple of hours to get back to me. They were open about what was occurring.
how can I check the creditwich I have?
how can I check the CREDIT which I have?
Huh? Is this Christmas “too” Merry :p
Besides that the title says $35.88/Year*h*, lack of sleep clearly does its job ;)
Arrr. Way too much booze. Nah :)
Hey, no drinking and managing servers. That’s a DWA here in the US. Drinking While Admining. :)
LowEndAdmin was up all night.
I’ve used these guys before, really good service.
Only reason I stopped using their service was because of Hazenet’s offer.
Is there test i.p for L.A?
Found it in this previous post:
The only thing stopping me is the bandwidth and 10mbp connection.
Seems kinda pointless for me, as the only reason i’d purchase a VPS is because of connection/bandwidth, otherhwise i’d set up a server on my i5 and i7 computers.
Otherwise a good deal + reviews.
I just re-read the email that Roel sent to me, and he did mention a free upgrade to 100Mbps at $5 value. I have now updated the post to say 100Mbps — but the monthly data still remains the same (250GB).
i go to order link but it’s still on 10mbps so how we get 100mbps as lea writed at the spec
we will upgrade the port speed upon review of qualifying order.
quick enough…
give you some information, if anyone want to try this.
1. I pay 35.88usd and get 50% rebate, about 18usd
2. cat /proc/cpuinfo
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
3. wget cachefly 100mb.test
the download speed is about 10MB/s
3. the data center is located in LA (WEBNX network) , I like this.
dd if=/dev/zero of=file1G.tmp bs=1M count=1024
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 1.22706 s, 875 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=file1G.tmp bs=1M count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 1.22706 s, 875 MB/s
Is the “50% credit to your account” recurring?
lol, you would like that wouldn’t you? :)
I alost have the question, but I think the answer is “NO”
no it is not recurring, the rebate is our special gift to LEB readers, so you get back half of money payed in credit rebate, promo until end of the year or until sold out, few slots left!
on those special price VPS from quickVPS the disk IO is soooo low:
512MB openvz
1GB OpenVZ
I have 4 quickVPS VMs, they all have pretty low disk IO, between 25MB/s to 40MB/s (avg 33MB/s)
how can you get this information
” Kernel: 2048.00M 7.70M 2040.30M “
you get it here:
and some munin:
I think QuickVPS and QuickWeb are two different companies. Are you talking about us or them?
QuickWEB I mean, the NZ company.
I find CPU quite good, and the option to add more CPU the VPS is also really nice. support is also great there!
but disk IO is just way below average.
if you would put better or more disks to the array, it would be my perfect VPS provider!
well we have RAID10 with 3ware or adaptec, you must be on sold out node and i can tell you that is a decent speed for a budget VPS with 20 minute response 24×7 support, and at this price range under $3? now with 50% rebate! hmmm…. :)
I get this:
[root@vps ~]#dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=8k conv=fdatasync
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 3.33573 s, 161 MB/s
Using one of their German 256meg VPSes. Granted it’s a Xen box though.
yes, I totally understand.
I pay $15 for that 1GB vps thou.
the concern really is not the speed much, but the availability, quality and trust.
suppose a normal RAID10 gives a full IO of 150-180MB/s
to be getting 30MB/s the disks must be really damn busy, and the latency/response goes to the sky.
also life time of the disk, I guess 1 year? :) that makes me worry
well VPS is a shared environment so there are other customers sharing same disk array, if you want better i/o a dedicated hardware must be for you or any of our standard VPS from 19-49/mo. Also if you feel something is not right you can always open a ticket and we will look into it.
Also keeping backup or your data is a **must** regardless whether you are paying the the most expensive VPS from the most reputable host or not, people will probably say many bad things about us if we cannot maintain availability, quality and trust you said, we are probably one of a very few host around that virtually no legitimate bad review ever since :)
I have a question there, a little important.
you never use any WEBNX service on your product before,
but why this time you choose WEBNX network?
I know you provide Softlayer, Take2Hosting, Phoenix NAP
but never see WEBNX before.
I’ve never owned a dedicated server. However whenever I saw an offer from WebNX on WHT it’s always some servers with crazy spec. Just take a look at their Dedicated Servers page — 20TB file servers and 32 core AMD monsters are their everyday package.
The kind of servers that are suitable as VPS hosting “mothership”.
In other word, WebNX is very cheap,
so if choose WebNX as network infrastructure
everything can cost down.
WebNX is a very good provider out of LA and we are not using their monster server as those special offers easily get taken away a few hours after being posted at WHT.
I’m not sure why people are discounting WebNX they do not have any bad review and provides quality hardware and network, we only deal with DC of sterling reputation. If people think this special is still **overpriced** i could not do anything more for you guys :)
actually, I’m very excited about you are using WebNX.
because no other VPS would like to provide LA data
center with WebNX network.really.
I don’t why.
yes, quite successful nearing sold out now.
I could not agree more with you!
Can joomla run smooth on 256 mb ram?
Can this package be enough for running joomla?
joomla work smooth.
Any ipv6 in Germany?
@QuickWeb-Roel – In other words, this Christmas promo is “Buy 2 get 3”. Is that correct?
ummm i’m not sure where you got that though :)
is there a managed vps,, :(
I am just wondering, because the text isn’t clear about it, does this credit also apply to other offers as well?
Earlier this month I was deciding between getting Amazon or QuickWeb. In the end, although I had created a QuickWeb account I ended up going to Amazon at the last minute (for mostly vanity sites and blogs, you just can’t beat free).
If this credit may be applied in the other offers I may very well swing back to get a VPS here (even if I end up using it just for VPNing in public places).
Just for kicks, I always look for a European location to serve my blogs (it’s geographically closer) and look for an US location for VPNing (to bypass some geographical restrictions). So I am looking for your Germany plans first and only then your USA plans.
Best Regards
credit can be used at any plan,
I’ve asked them.
Thanks! I will be making a new aquisition real soon then ;)
Does this 50% gift code works for all their VPS lines?
I got this when I validated the promotion code:
# The promotion code entered does not exist #
it is not promo code, as stated you need to put in the comment section and we will apply the credit so you need to pay the full amount during checkout.
OK, misreading..
Just got one :)
but i wonder On almost every VPS company (including Quickweb) they dont sync the System clock
what should i do with a MSK (Moscow) Time zone When the Vps is in LA ?
if you try to setup a Vpn a wrong time zone can get you a Hardtime due timezone differences on the cert and your local time zone
Not syncing the system clock is a very different issue than having a different time zone. You can set up whatever timezone you want for your system:
Or you can just override the “TZ” environment variable for your users. For example
Hey LEA thanks for the HInt
i used NTPdate to sync the clock but i always got an “operation Not Permitted” error
But this seems working =) Thanks
If you use Debian or Debian-based distribution, you can reconfigure tzdata package.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Erm.. my order form for either of this VPS locations doesn’t show a comment box. How can I take advantage of the 50% account credit?
The comment box is on the checkout page under the checkboxes for Payment Method. The box is labeled “Notes / Additional Information”
Just ordered a VPS and it was ready in less than 10 minutes and I don’t know how you guys do you it but I like it :) So far so good, keep up the good work!
Yup! I installed PHP5.3.3 + MySQL + Apache2 + Memcached + eAccelerator and the server is running smooth with
168.59 MB of 384 MB used. I did noticed some console delay but it’s a minor thing.
Alright, I have two questions:
– How long did it take for the credit to show up in your accounts? (Not that I am in a hurry)
– Does anyone know if the port upgrade to 100Mbit (for LEB costumers) is still in effect?
And finally something I really must say about QuickWeb. After quite a few years of dealing with many Hosting/VPS providers, some of which very renowned and completely off the QW price range, I cannot left unnoticed how fast my support ticket was solved — way faster than what I was expecting!
*That* is the reason why I am considering a second purchase, such good service deserves to be rewarded with my business.
Is this still available?
What happen if I want to host a few website in here?
Any control panel available? Not very “console” kind of guy.. :)
Any help’s appreciated.
this promo is over, you can use kloxo free control panel.
ah… i order 8 january. can i get this credit?
don’t forget other panels like froxlor :P