Roel from QuickWeb wrote to me today on their special promotion with their SUPA VPS Plans. They are currently giving away Plesk 10 Control Panel (10 domain license) when you pay annually for their SUPA plans. That’s a saving of $12/month from regular Plesk price. However the freebie is not available when you pay monthly, which is $6.95/month for Supa VZ1.
- 512MB guaranteed/768MB burstable memory
- 25GB storage
- 250GB/month data transfer on 1Gbps
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Two locations are available — Phoenix AZ (order here) or Germany (order here). To get free Plesk, you have to annually which is $69/year, otherwise it would be $1/month extra option. Then again who needs Plesk when you are already armed with SSH? :)
QuickWeb is currently having most votes for this quarter’s top ranked provider. Another disclaimer — is currently hosted on a Xen VPS at QuickWeb.
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nic offer, but i need more BW, 800GB is OK :(
at VZ3 we can give you 800GB b/w otherwise Softlayer VPS they are minimum 1TB traffic, email us at sales(at) so we can discuss your requirement further.
Still no native ipv6?
I think you have to ask for the ipv6. I seem to recall that. Depends on datacenter I believe. (Going off memory so I may be wrong.)
+1 again for these folks. I will mention though that I sent them an email to their sales address about a week ago. The reply missed most of what I asked. Hoping to get an emailed reply as I need a new VPS this weekend. *hint* *hint* (To their defense, I typed it from my ipod. We all know my typing is hard enough when I’m on the laptop.)
They also have a DE50 coupon listed on some of their pages which will give you the first month or the first year at 50% off.
If Jow and crew sees this, which datacenter supports IRC and/or MUDs, if any?
Free WHM/CPanel instead of plesk on annual payment will be great
cPanel Lover!!
For a lowendbox you should never use cPanel, even DirectAdmin (although it’s not that bad as it requires alot of SSH work)
Really don’t see a need to use any panel but that’s just me. Just a waste of memory and processor that could be used for something better.
Hahaha yeah that’s the ideal scenario but you have no idea how many tickets we are dealing on daily basis helping people get on their feet with linux basics, this cheap but very powerful control panel will get these people going running their own server without bothering with the command lines ;) they can host up to 10 different domains without dealing with the intricacies of virtual hosts file, actually this plesk has a nice built-in reseller and billing system features out of the box!
I haven’t explore the panel that much yet myself but i was very impressed how neatly everything is tucked inside and the panel itself use minimal resources.
Agreed. We use Direct Admin on our boxes. Normally when I use a LEB, it;s for personal user, not for reselling. You need some sort of cpanel for your endusers if you;re reselling.
Thanks LEB,
Just to make it clear that plesk is only available at Phoenix DC not in Germany as it is a DC special offer to us, VZ2 & VZ3 plans can get free plesk even at month to month, Plesk is like cPanel+WHM but better interface IMO.
IPv6 will be initially available at Softlayer DCs as other DCs are still not rolling out their IPv6 nor given us any ETA yet, we support IRC at San Jose and Germany.
Have a good weekend guys.
And that “initially” when is that?
We are still doing some testing we intend give away free IPv6 on January, sorry if it is taking quite a delay.
I’ve had the Supa package with 512MB guaranteed RAM since they had a deal on here, my VPS is located in their German location, I haven’t had a single bit of downtime, control panel works nice and reinstall the OS takes like 30 seconds.
Just letting anyone know if they’re wondering about getting this.
Thank you for your feedback about our service and glad your are enjoying your QW server :)
I was waiting for a great quickweb Germany deal. That is one. I think I will go for it.
Gotta admit that I’m kind of as well. Want to have the ability to host a MUD which looks like I have to get a German box. The San Jose one I was looking at is Out of Stock currently.
About the Plesk offer……………..
This is from the Quickweb site:
Plesk Control panel – 10 Domains license special offer $1/mo! – Pay annually and get it FREE! (promo till end of the year) ($1.00USD Monthly)
Does this mean until the end of 2010? What happens at the end of the promo? Am I then responsible for $$ per month?
I’ve learned how to use webmin with an old copy of virtualmin with debian and probably won’t want plesk, but I may want to try it later in another setup….
Hello, Plesk license during the promo period will last till life of your account and this offer is valid till end of the year when ordered and mentioned you found this promo in LEB.
Thanks!! I just purchased a little while ago, and so far so good!! I love using SolusVM, its so nice and user friendly.
ouch… i hope this offer appear early… :(
I already took SUPA plan in Phoenix.
So far two thumbs up!!
We now have Los Angeles (LA) location for Supa VZ plans! test IP: if interested can be ordered here: SUPA VZ1 LA
UK is next!
Thanks :)
Hmm nice. WebNX. On one of their humongous box with heaps of RAM and arrays of disks?
hey mate, i thought you were on holiday? ^^, yeah we got a good deal from them for a RAID10 machines so this end up at Supa “buget” plans.
By the way free plesk license promo above now applies to DE and LA as well if ordered within 2010!
Lastly, enjoy your holiday LEA you deserved it!
Well. Not quite. Still got a few things to fix and some meetings to go to. Leaving in about 18 hours :P
It has indeed been quite a busy year…
Am zero with linux … but have worked with cpanel / whm … though cpanel will hog resources I will be very comfortable with it … also transferring websites from my current server will be easy … can you offer cpanel? … I can pay for 1 year 512mb or 1gb … what will be your offer … Thanks
Hello, unfortunately we do not offer internal cPanel license at these plans due to the fact that we are not getting cheaper internal license that what you can get directly from cpanel resellers like licensepal which is $15/mo. We do offer cPanel on our Softlayer based VPS plans.
For a WHM/Cpanel license, maybe you could try
They are giving normal price / the first time payment for $15, but if you are using a coupon, you can get the license for $13 recurring.
I would really love to see cheaper backup options from quickweb, $5/month for 1 slot is a bit too high I think.
Is it possible to offer 1/2 backup slots instead of the plesk licence?
yup backup slot in exchange of plesk is ok :)
Just keeping an eye here and in LEB genral, should you guys decide to throw a special on your VZ plans. That Softlayer DC in Dallas is insane, btw. I live couple thousand miles from it and I get a consistent < 10ms ping and test file download north of 4Mb/s to my home machine.
> I live couple thousand miles from it and I get a consistent < 10ms ping
That is just physically impossible.
Hello, Plesk license during the promo period will last till life of your account and this offer is valid till end of the year when ordered and mentioned you found this promo in LEB.
now the price is $9.95
to: QuickWeb staff
Whether you plan to repeat this action?
Would like to order VPS.