Hate to post yet another RackVM deal as they have completely blew our mind from their previous offers, but who can go pass this OpenVZ VPS with 1GB guaranteed memory in UK that costs just £4/month (~USD$6.28) as featured on WHT. Order link here, and don’t forget to use promo code LIMITED.
- 1024MB guaranteed/2048MB burstable memory
- 40GB storage
- 400Gb/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Ben has also recently imported all the x86 OpenVZ templates (previously only x86_64 were available), which means this 1GB VPS can go a very long way — hey might even be able to run one or two “Java” servers if you incline to do so :) UK servers in Kent Science Park.
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Just signed up for one as I’ve been looking for a backup VPS. Instant setup on UK02.
All I can say is so far i’m extremely happy with RackVM for my backup servers & testing boxes. You’d be crazy to pass their offers up.
that’s definitely oversell…….
I’ve had this plan for the past week and a half, and it has been very good.
I just needed a testing environment, and this works fantastically for casual use.
I also had some issues with getting some stuff to work and the support was quick and helpful.
I didn’t get a UK one though, I got one in France because I figured fewer people will want to head there so there will likely be fewer users.
Tell me please what processors on these VPS and number of cores available?
Just set it up, so far so good, was a bit worried about it being in the UK, but here’s a ping from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
And wgetting 100MB of zeroes (also from Waterloo, ON):
so far so good!
Ping from BC, Canada on your VPS :)
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=172ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=169ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=170ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=171ms TTL=57
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 169ms, Maximum = 172ms, Average = 170ms
That’s great and all… but my node (UK02) has been down for a few hours, they’re saying that it’ll be fixed ASAP.
I’ll be able to say when it’s back up. Interestingly, when I was using apt-get, there was a time where it would take 5+ seconds to “unpack” a package, but after a minute it sped up nicely and didn’t slow down afterwards.
Apologises for this, there was an abusing user that has now been removed from the system taking up a considerable amount of CPU.
> there was an abusing user that has now been removed from the
> system taking up a considerable amount of CPU
Isn’t http://wiki.openvz.org/CPU_Fair_scheduler supposed to deal with that?
@Ben – Are you over selling on these? How are you offering such low prices?
Jack xD
I think there is no point to ask whether a particular provider is “over-selling” on this blog. Let’s just assume that they are ALL over-selling. It makes good economic sense to oversell. It’s just whether they can continue to maintain server performance and stability despite over-selling.
Ordered one a few hours ago. :)
Didn’t instantly get set up though, but I don’t mind waiting.
Ordered one this morning, bout 15 minutes ago, let’s see how we get on ;)
My comment was deleted?
They’ve run out of stock according to their site.
@Ben can you give me server specs for this offer?
Got a VPS yesterday. But can’t do anything.
I’ve submited a ticket but haven’t got reply from them since 18 hr ago.
@Sam – Akismet is running and bins some of my comments sometimes.
Jack xD
Hi All
Orders have been suspended as we’re slightly stuck on IP Allocation at the moment and rather than making people wait we thought it was best to suspend it for the time being. Ordering will be resume once we’ve ironed out this issue.
I got my RackVM vps a couple of days ago (a 512MB Ubuntu x64 on rack01). It was paid for via Paypal and was set up almost instantly.
It has been easy to configure and running well so far with no issues with a pretty typical low end LAMP setup. Not moved my DNS over from shared webhosting (Dreamhost) yet, but if it stays stable for a few more days I’ll be happy to cancel my DH account. Pings from Zen UK look good at about 17ms.
Please let me know when the promo will be available again. I like the offer very much.
@Jackk – Cheers
Happy to report that Ben answered my tickets this morning very promptly and service went live shortly after on UK02. Started configuration this afternoon, so far so good. Very Happy :)
Sorry, the promo has end !!
We are currently out of stock on this item so orders for it have been suspended until more stock is available. For furthur information, please contact us.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=60
From London.
@Steve — stop showing off! :)
Hehe :)
Wow Steve that’s really good, sounds like they have things running really well. Any idea what network they use as I would love to see if anyone does game servers on there if the pings are that good.
I’ve ran gameservers on their UK and France servers.
The france servers have a ping of around 50, with the UK servers having a ping of around 20, but I live in East Sussex in England, and around 20 miles from their UK datacenter. so not a surprise.
ok, I think they are dropping the fasade of being “nice guys”, I am waiting over two days already for them to fix one small issue
Whats your issue? I think they may be quite busy..
This afternoon I started experiencing connectivity issues.. I can ping the VPS IP, but all connections are refused, from the VPS console I cannot ping addresses outside the VPS IP range or resolve domains.. I have had no reply to my tickets as yet, but it’s only been a few hours, so am assuming no-one is available or everyone is hard at work trying to resolve whatever issues we have :)
I’ve had connectivity issues too, 2 days ago. Exactly the same symptoms; pingable but nothing more. Ben said it was due to some abusive user using all cpu power. Shouldn’t be possible in the first place actually…
Thank you very much for the heads up.. I’ve been able to make 2 successful connection attempts in the past 4 hours but both have been reset within a few seconds.. Shame because I was just about ready to point the domain to the VPS :) I am on UK02, I emailed Alexei above and he has no problems, how about you? :/
I have 3 VPS in RackVM (France), everything was fine, but recently performance began to fall. I tested VPS by unixbeanch-5.1.2, a week ago values were approximately – 1200 (one process), now – 830 (one process). For the rest, this is an excellent company
Thought it right I should post an update. I broke my support ticket replying to myself and closing it and replying again. I sent a new in a desperate cry for help and Ben got back to me very promptly, investigated my issue and I am very happy to report that it has been resolved perfectly and with the utmost importance. I am very impressed, definitely a nice guy.
I’m on UK02 too. Having no issues.
Hi All
We are still awaiting IP Allocation for the UK location however we have opened up this offer for France.
The order link is https://secure.rackvm.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=70 and the coupon is LIMITED.
Thank you for all your kind words apologiges if there has been some delays the last two days.
FYI: (From RackVM)
Recently, RackVM have incurred numerous problems with one of our payment gateways (PayPal).
While we discuss the above issues with PayPal, We ask existing clients to move to another one of our payment gateways. We have now enabled Google Checkout as a payment method which should enable the vast majority of our clients to make their payments with minimal fuss. Furthermore, clients who pay via MoneyBookers need not worry as we will continue to offer this option.
We are continuing to work closely with PayPal to resolve our current issues and hope to have this rectified as soon as we can.
We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
@Ben stop overselling dudes. You can’t get income with these plans.
what you say?
Is there anyone on this blog that isnt overselling, Overselling isnt necessarliy a bad thing either.
Silly comment.
We’re on LowEndBox, which is blog for cheap virtual servers. Without overselling these cheap servers wouldn’t be possible, because no one wants to make loss with their business.
Overselling however can be bad thing, if you dont manage well your nodes, but with RackVM I haven’t noticed any problems now, could be of course because that i dont run anything important there. And who does run important services on 5$ VPS?
@Daniel yes.
There are probably a lot of one-man outfits who are *trying* to oversell, but somehow managing to fail to do so, through sheer incompetence or awful business acumen or just bad luck or the vagaries of the really oversaturated low-end VPS market. That would explain a lot of the here-today, gone-next-week hosts…
You cannot imagine the level of overselling that we see. Its terrifying to see a company heavily advertise no-overselling then you look at the server and find 50 VPS’s piled on one box.
Dont forget it matters on the actual spec’s of the server. in some cases 50 VPS’s on 1 node would be fine.
Believe me, I know what terrifying overselling looks and feels like. (I have a VPS from NYNOC, now owned by Steadfast. Seven CPU slices of 160MHz each, painfully low user_beancounters limits, and painful disk I/O speeds. “cat /etc/whatever.conf” brings the load up to 3.5, all due to iowait. It always sucked, but it was actually *better* before Steadfast did a shitty job of migrating everyone to their own hardware in Chicago. Cobalt RaQ IIs were faster…)
@ Anon,
50 Much? Have you checked how much does servers with quad core cost in todays market?
Let’s say server costs 80$, with Q8200 and 8GB ram with 2x500GB RAID1. If you dont oversell, you can place 16 512MB plans on it. And when those plans only cost 5$, you’re actually losing money without overselling. When talking about smaller plans, 50 is okay in my opinion. The ones(me) who pays couple euros per month for vps don’t expect it to perform like the premium alternatives.
Reality check would be in place, overselling is “the thing” with the providers here on lowendbox. It’s upto provider how well they manage their servers. I can quarantee you that none of the providers listed here aren’t doing this for charity.
It absolutely matters! Pile in the memory, pile in the disk but people forget the IO/Memory bus performance, couple that with the usual 2 x 1TB disks with software RAID that almost every provider I am seeing using – you have no disk performance either.
One provider, who shall remain anonymous, was piling 100 VPS’s on a dual quad Xeon 2.6Ghz, 4 x 1TB disk, 24GB RAM. Do the maths – thats 20800 Mhz across 100 VPS’s = 208Mhz per VPS assuming equal share. Thats 4 times slower than an old Pentium.
100 VPS all slamming these 4 x 1TB disks which usually are setup RAID10 – so effective throughput of 4-5GBs assuming they use multiple SATA channels. Call it 5GBs over 100 VPS’s that pretty poor, couple that with the disk thrashing needed to support so many seperate workloads, your disk performance is gone.
Memory and disk space may not have been oversold, but everything else was!
The IO performance in almost every cheapy VPS provider I have checked is really oversold.
@Mina – overselling has to be done very carefully. There is overselling and overselling. 10 years ago when Frame Relay was ‘The Thing’ most of the main PTT’s eg ATT, Sprint, etc were overselling their backbone. But they found they could only oversell 1.1-1.3x after that the contention was too bad. Along came another company called Worldcom that 3x-4x oversold their backbone and whilst they made a pile of quick cash, we all know what happened to them.
Overselling can be done, but you have to dimension your services perfectly. You cannot work on best case, you have to work on worse case otherwise you end up with the customers suffering.
“One provider, who shall remain anonymous, was piling 100 VPS’s on a dual quad Xeon 2.6Ghz, 4 x 1TB disk, 24GB RAM. Do the maths – thats 20800 Mhz across 100 VPS’s = 208Mhz per VPS assuming equal share. Thats 4 times slower than an old Pentium.”
You’re right there, but how often these 100 customers wants to use cpu time in same time? I believe when overselling done right, one always has enough of power and I/O for his tasks, taking it others on the same node doesn’t use their “slice” of resources 24/7.
What are they charging per VPS if they place 100 per server?
We do host ~70 vps under a node without any problem.
Now that is overselling!!. but it does depend on node spec. Care to share the specs :)
Do we?
Hah, That wasn’t the real Ben? One of the disadvantages of open commentating.
Well.. on the 512 plan Linode puts about 40 VPS’s and they charge $20, I’m sure they use better drives cause everyone seems to be happy with the performance. But if your charging under $7 I’m sure you have to make up for that by putting more VPS’s per server
I’ve had nothing but problems with RackVM after signing up for this offer.
First, my machine came installed with Slackware 13, rather than the Debian I requested. OK, no problem, re-image, and we’re fine.
Then I realize that Debian doesn’t meet my needs, so I go to reinstall, and their hosting panel can’t re-image it. A quick ticket filing fixed that.
Finally, I realize today that I can’t ping my server. I file a support ticket, and get a response back that “Your VPS has been suspended due to having copy right material on it.” Ah, interesting; didn’t know that the standard debian install, lighttpd, exim, and the Low End Script apparently has “copy right” material.
The old saying goes, “You get what you pay for.”
I truly “got” what I paid for.
I will not recommend this to anyone anymore.
@Chris If you are not happy have you requested a refund? I can’t see a cancellation nor a request for a refund. If you are not happy then these would be the first steps to do before airing laundry on a public domain.
@Chris A refund has been processed for you. We would of appreciated the opportunity to of resolved this within a sensible time frame rather than being quick off the mark to complain on a public domain.
Say Chris got a refund, can I have his seat? I mean, use its IP so you do not need to wait for the IP allocation :)
> First, my machine came installed with Slackware 13, rather than
> the Debian I requested. OK, no problem, re-image, and we’re fine.
Well, I confirm this problem. My box got Slackware 13 too despite I asked a different OS. Reimaging through control panel went fine so now I’m completely satisfied.
@Andy – same here, but I’m not complaining. Reimaging takes what… 1 minute?
Does someone have Debian running on their VPS node and if so does a REBOOT command actualy reboot the system? What I’ve seen with “their” Debian template is that a reboot does a shutdown of the VPS and I have to restart it via the control panel.
@Steve – I’m not complaining either. It’s not a complaint but a bug report.
@Dirk: i “reboot” vps and after 2-3 minutes it up, Debian 5 64 bit
@Dirk – I have Debian 32-bit, when i reboot it simply shut downs. I’m not with RackVM – It may be a bug with the OS it’s self?
Jack xD
@Ben: I sent three messages asking what specifically was copyrighted. I still havent heard back. This may be a bug with your ticket system.
@Dirk, @Jackk: same here, my reboot command doesn’t actually reboot, it shuts down the system
Hi guys! I see a sharp drop performance on my VPS in the evening (approx. from 5pm to 10pm).Very large delays in the execution of operations for the example – generate phpinfo () approximately 30c. On my VPS 1024 Mb Ram, and the server is absolutely not loaded in this moment. I am on UK03. Does someone have similar problems?
sorry for my english.
Well, it appears my account has been deleted.
Let me reinstate that I was never informed that my account was suspended, I had to find out by noticing that my vps was down.
I have tried MULTIPLE times to e-mail ‘support@rackvm.com’ with nothing in response.
I have heard nothing about my refund, though this could take time.
As far as I’m concerned, keep my $6 USD. Hire someone who deals with customers in a decent manner.
I hate to be a passive-aggressive jerk about this, but seeing as you apparently spend more time reading these comments than answering emails, perhaps this is the best way to get in touch… and as to the comment about “airing laundry,” I feel that the readers of lowendbox.com deserve to know what kind of service they are in for when they sign up for this. Also, I’m glad that you showed how professional you are by posting and emailing me the same thing, even though for all you know this could be a different customer.
FURTHERMORE, though admittedly I’m not sure what the Terms of Service permit, if there truly was an issue with “copy righted” material on my site, since nothing was in my lighttpd folder, you apparently went through my files; and again, I reinstate that nothing existed on that server that (to my knowledge) warranted a takedown.
I STILL haven’t recieved a message saying what exactly the problem with my content was.
That is all, readers. I’ve redirected my domain.
Ben: If you need to contact me about anything, you have my e-mail address.
Well that is what concerns me how do you know what i have or do not have on my VPS?
@Dalibor: Well, they can see the contents of your VPS easily. So your question should be reformulated something like this: “Why they decided to inspect my VPS and how they decided that some of my content was illegal”. I doubt any support will answer this question. But of course it’s strange that they don’t allow you to remove your illegal content. Unless you did something clearly malicious or knew for sure that it’s illegal (like putting some porn or using this box for seeding AVIs)
Ok so if i use this box for private files, like my home made porn or pics of my grandma, Who are they to check my files? I’m sure if someone would open like 300 ports and seed some files and that would trigger some investigators. But who gives the right to check my stuff on my VPS that i payed?
If you have home made porn pics of your gradma, then you have bigger issues than RackVM.
We are resolving issues with UK03 but this is almost complete :)
@Francisco Dias
1 folder) home made porn
2 folder) normal grandma pics
But still nice burni’n me
“But who gives the right to check my stuff on my VPS that i payed?”
Well, they need a way to enforce their AUP. With low number of servers the cheapest way to enforce AUPs is manual inspection. If you consider your data private – then use encryption.
Still i’m not agreeing with that. I believe that nobody is guilty unless proven otherwise. So my data is private and nobody should touch, smell or event think about checking my data & system unless i destabilize, overload, or open 3000 ports on my VPS. To be clear, those 2-3 things are just dumb examples of checking for violations of AUP, TOS on system but not inspect my data, config files or entering my VPS unauthorized. If you suspect that i’m doing illegal stuff, suspend my account and ask me if you could enter my VPS. If i do not agree to inspection delete it. But in any case no one is allowed to do that without permission.
Custom also complaining about poor performance on the link below;
So this evening my sites’ performance was absolutely glacial, I couldn’t ssh, then I got a Gateway Timeout, now my UK02 VPS is offline and wouldn’t boot. I know how little I’m paying and I’m perfectly OK with overselling and generally slow performance, but I can’t have my sites go offline twice a week for several hours, this is absolutely unacceptable. I will most likely cancel and I can’t recommend this to anyone.
(Last time they said that “a user was using up a considerable amount of CPU”, I still don’t understand what the hell that means on a OpenVZ system)
For some reason they are moving around VPSes from one node to another.
I have 2 VPSes with them (both in the UK). When I purchased the 2nd VPS I requested it to be on a different node then the 1st one, which they did. A couple of days later, both are on the same node. Opened a ticket for it and they moved one of the VPSes to a different node. Today I look at the control panel and now both are again on the same node. Weird….
UPDATE: My VPS is back online and performance is good. I’ll give them another chance.
UPDATE: they move one of my VPSes to another node, I’m now on UK08 and UK02.
# The promotion code entered has already been used #
Promotion ended ??
I get the same result as Erslan,
The order link goes to a same spec plan but at £16 a month.
Official Answer from Ben – Yes, the promo is now over.
I’m having trouble grtting a refund from Ben Harper of RackVM. I ordered a VPS on the 1st August 2010, cancelled under the 14-day refund policy on 6th August 2010, so far I have not recieved a refund as promised by him on 7th August 2010.
Dont forget with most companies it can take upto 30 days to process refunds. Be patient or contact there support.
I re-opened the ticket to issue a reminder, that would have been the time to tell me of any delay. Instead RackVM responded by closing the account! Now I couldn’t contact their support if I wanted to. Very poor show all round.
@Martin – I’m sure they have a pre-sales contact.
I have raised a sales ticket after my account was abruptly closed – it was ignored.
I was also wondering why the Live Chat Link wasn’t working; then I looked at the source code from the “Contact Us” page:
Live Chat: Online
Sorry the HTML was munged by the site:
<p id=”topChat”>Live Chat: Online</p>
Although I have received great service from rackvm in the past, my VPS has been down for more than 36 hours. I haven’t had a response to my ticket in more than 24 hours. They have no announced outages on their site, yet they’ve clearly got a problem.
At this moment in time I wouldn’t recommend them; this isn’t the first time it’s gone down either but it is the only unplanned downtime and the longest (that I have experienced).
I have 3 VPSes with them (2 in the UK – on node 02 & 08 and 1 in France) and they are both perfectly up-and-running.
UK02 down for a lot of hours today….
second time…. may be this will repeat once a month.
I’ve had a VPS in UK02 mainly down too for over 24 hours, a medium and high priority ticket outstanding in the support system remain unanswered. You get what you pay for I guess – where was that 99.9% SLA?
I’ll be looking for a different VPS. I’m okay with bad performance, but regular multi-hour downtimes (24 hours, seriously?!) are ridiculous.
Their server will also down lot of time in future too. Because they provide VPS from homemade servers. Previously 1 time their VPS were down for 2-3 days and they sorry to their customers by saying that “The server is homemade, and the person looking after it is having some family related problem. We still trying to get back it soon” After that again 4 days their server was down. And generally now days their server almost down for so many times. Please read WHT for their lovely downtime story.
DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. They ignore tickets for over a week sometimes because they don’t have the staff to support their servers. My server has been down for about 48 hours now with no replies to tickets and no indication when (or if) it will come back up again.
This is a classic case of a teenager reselling from his mother’s basement. While I think there are many benefits of dealing with resellers, dealing with clueless kids hosting on home-made servers is not good for anyone. They clearly have no redundancy – hell they probably don’t even have UPS.
What do you expect for $6?
Actually I’m paying a lot more than $6. I’m using one of the more expensive plans – this just happens to be the first place I found to comment about it. If the asshole isn’t going to refund me or provide decent service then I’m going to do more than $6 worth of damage to his reputation. Being vindictive gets me nowhere I know – but it makes me feel a little better.
Has anyone got a working phone number of contact for ben at all?
@ Daniel – I wouldn’t expect much in the way of support, but if I buy a product – any product – I expect it to work.
The worst thing is that it started out pretty good so I didn’t think anything of paying my invoice 2 weeks early. Now the fucker has got 6 weeks payment and he can’t even get off his stupid ass and answer my tickets.
Also he’s allegedly kicked customers off his server because he took some criticism too personally. The criticism was most likely called for, as he seems to have the professionalism of a 13 year old.
Ben, I think you should just refund everyone and just give up. You’re obviously not smart enough to run this business. I for one will be reporting you to trading standards.
Just to let you guys know:
4 days after paying have not yet received VPS yet.
Signed up and PAID on 31 Oct, today is 3rd and haven’t heard anything from them.
I even filed a ticket on 1st but no replies yet.
To make things worse, their site is offline, I cant open the site.
anybody having issues with them?
From reading the comments I guess I just lost my money. $6.43USD
Somebody should sue this company.. jezz.
For beginners: I recommend photonVPS and TrustVPS as a low end box over this rackvm company.
They are also cheap, they have problems but they are always working on them.
Photon offered me 2 months free when thye had serious problems on my node for 2 weeks.
Not enough for me. gave up and moved to 2HOST. way better. no more headaches.
>31 Oct
2009? Oct hasn’t gotten here in 2010 yet, Unless you mean August. If so then you can ignore this :)
yes, I meant Aug 31, not Oct 31… too much in my head right now.
thanks for correct me.
@Lowendbox , @123systems, you should definitely help us out. Create an article titled: “Blacklisted Companies” and put rackVM there. please.
many people just lost money here for nothing.
@Fred — the problem is “blacklisted companies” are usually already dead in the water and won’t be resurrected to scam more people.
How to spot those companies pre-emptively would be the aim here. Although that would be a challenge.
@LowEndAdmin yes, you are right. thanks anyway for your great blog.
I did file a claim on googlecheckout, let’s see.
If everyone do the same, it might draw attention to google checkout and we might get refunds. just to try.
This is the link to file a claim on googlecheckout.
googlecheckout sux. I always had luck with paypal when it comes to scams. always got my refunds.
Just filled 2 disputes on them via Paypal (for services) but even that is refused by Paypal. Except if they can see it’s fraudulent, so I would suggest that we all file a dispute, maybe that they (PayPal) will then except it.
My 3rd VPS was paid via Google Checkout, also filled a dispute via them, not sure how they will react.
Their personal home oriented vps solution sucks actually. LEB Admin is requested to point that on the top of the page that “RACKVM is on DeadPool… You are requested to see this topic” like that…