Alan from Simple Host UK emailed me their current 25% off recurring discount. Use promo code VPS25 and their UK-based OpenVZ VPS starts at £2.99/month (~USD$4.89) for “UK Broze VPS”. Direct sign up link.
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 10GB storage
- 50GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Servers in Synergy House in Manchester, UK. That’s another 50GB/month data provider posted today — and very likely there’s no overselling there. Business started in mid 2010 according to their about page, although the domain wasn’t registered until Jan 2011. Traded as a sole trader and not registered for VAT.
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For £1 extra pr month, you can get 100GB/monthly data transfer :)
I swear I’ve seen that template some where else.
HostingFuze was using this before they got their new one :)
That is correct Francisco, it is from ThemeForest
I can vouch for Alan – great guy :)
He wouldn’t by any chance using you for his colocation/dedicated servers? :)
You are both referring to Synergy House/BurstNET UK DC
LOL, quite possibly
You are correct about the template, it is from Themeforest. However we currently have a designer working on a new unique website which should be ready very soon. Although we didn’t register the domain until january 2011 we had been providing local companies with website hosting before that just through shared hosting providers. We are also currently in the process of registering the company and looking into the implications of VAT registration!