JyLee, from StarryDNS, is back with an offer for the LowEndBox community. This is their second time to be featured here. Their first post included the South Korea location. This time around, they are offering services from three Asian locations – now that’s a treat! We hope that this offer will bring smiles to our readers from the East.
StarryDNS is registered as “Shenzhen Tinmok Network Information Co, Ltd” with registration number 440301111879849 in Shenzhen China. They have been in business since 2012, offering VPS and dedicated servers in Asia. Their WHOIS information is public. There are no negative reviews from their first offer, but we would appreciate if customers will share their experiences using the comments section below.
Japan VPS
| Hong Kong VPS
| South Korea VPS
Payments can be made using PayPal, 2Checkout, Bitcoin and Alipay. There’s a 3-day money back guarantee in place so it’s safe to give these guys a shot. Kindly read their Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy carefully before making a purchase.
Network information
Equinix – Tokyo, Japan
Test IPv4:
Sunnyvision – Hong Kong
Test IPv4:
Korea Telecom – Seoul, South Korea
Test IPv4:
Test files are available via ticket.
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Big up for Bitcoins! What about promo price for China (not Hong Kong) VPS? :)
Currently we do not have promotion for China VPS.
Do KVM and be fine ;)
We have KVM VPS, but not within LEB range :)
Please note that the price for South Korea is $7, not $6.
What’s the delay to create the VPS?
I bought one on monday in OVH and they’re having “issues with capacity”…
Instant setup once the payment is confirmed.
This is one of the cheaper offers I’ve seen for Asian bandwidth, however isn’t bandwidth in Asian countries suppost to be dirt cheap? I know you can get 1 Gbps for around 10 bucks a month in South Korea, while in the US it would cost about $100.
That’s ‘Romania’ not ‘South Korea’ and ‘European’, not ‘Asian’, Romanians have 1Gbps for 15 euros a month. Residential Gigabit Internet in Korea would cost at least $35 a month including VAT unless you were referring this discounts (basically ‘you pay shittons of money for Mobile then I’ll let you pay little for the Internet!’). not to mention there’s daily bandwidth limit which is around 100GB/day then 100Mbps.
WTF does Romania have to do with this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_South_Korea
“South Korea is the world leader in Internet connectivity, having the world’s fastest average internet connection speed. […] 100 Mbit/s services are the average standard in urban South Korean homes and the country is rapidly rolling out 1Gbit/s connections or 1,000 Mbit/s, at $20 per month”.
However all of that is residential b/w, which tells you nothing about the datacenter market.
Yes, shouldn’t that mean in the datacenter market, it should be cheaper?
No, 1Gbps costs over 7k usd / month in datacenter.
aahh, Cheapest one I’ve ever seen was 1+Gbps National/20Mbps International for $4505/month.
sorry about that… :s
Tun/tap enabled in SK?
Tun/TAP can be enabled in the control panel.
How I wish this had come before I wasted ¥40 on HK@Server……
How much for add ram to 1024mb on korea vps?
Standard plans can be found here: http://www.starrydns.net/korea-vps
If you need custom plan, please send an email to service@starrydns.com
Here is a benchmark from mine in South Korea
[root@starrydns ~]# wget freevps.us/downloads/bench.sh -O – -o /dev/null|bash
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520 @ 2.27GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 2266.786 MHz
Total amount of ram : 512 MB
Total amount of swap : 512 MB
System uptime : 16 min,
Download speed from CacheFly: 29.9MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 6.05MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 6.08MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 5.30MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, Rotterdam, NL: 6.00MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 635KB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 6.06MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 6.10MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 6.10MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 6.14MB/s
I/O speed : 826 MB/s
Coupon for HK has expired? Can you guys fix it?
Coupon: LEBHK
Our promotion ended, thanks.
Though the Japan VPS peers chinatelecom CN2,which has a perfect ping performance,network speed from mainland China is always only about 200K/s,no matter ChinaTelecom or ChinaMobile.
Quick ticket response,perfect warm service,fast local(japan)network……These are really good anyway.
More importantly,I think the user’s agreement(incluing refund policy) is really fair!
Best wishes
(Poor English)
(F*** CCP and Chinese ISPs.)
I read a review on WHT said that you will delete your client’s data if they don’t access their account in 2 months. Is it true?