Just got this email from Thrust::VPS.
KVM Released!
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of our new KVM platform. We are offering to our existing (and new) clients.
You can get the following VPS for £3.95/month — only if you choose to use GBP as your currency. If you use USD it is $7.95, although 3.95 pound is only USD$6.43 on the market today. Here is the ordering link, and the plan detail:
- 1GB memory
- 30GB storage
- 1TB/month data transfer
UK based (RapidSwitch) but Dallas is coming soon. It’s the 3rd KVM offer over the last couple of days. Daniel asked whether there’s plan for a $7/month 512MB KVM plan, and I think he might get more than he asked for! As of Thrust::VPS — I guess there is no need of introduction here. It’s going to be limited supply — only 100 of them according to the email.
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Very good price, lets see what the performance is like on this offering from them (I/O mainly).
Tried to signup to test it but i get this:
MaxMind has deemed your order to be potentially high risk and therefore it has been held for manual review.
If you feel you have received this message in error, then please accept our apologies and submit a support ticket to our Customer Service Team. Thank you.
At least they tell you want the holdup is. We’ve had providers here who don’t notify when their order is held for review.
Did you get that as part of the signup or via an email?
I get it for £3.31, I feel special.
Oh and thats including 20% VAT.
Hi, please share us some test performance :)
Thats if the VPS boots, when it boots ill put it extremes, see how much Minecraft it will run before it crashes, perfect stability test.
I got the VPS, it won’t boot, it won’t connect to VNC, its broke.
I actually ordered another VPS from them this morning (Xen PV) and thats having the same issues but its a different DC.
Did you tell them about issues? Submit ticket and see what happended
You tried reimaging it?
It works like HVM, it uses ISOs and you mount them in Solus then install via VNC.
Ahh my bad. yeh forgot it was like vmware.
I gotta admit, the template feature of OpenVZ and Xen PV is so much simpler. Also some of Thrust’s ISOs are… quite broken.
You can have KVM templates. No reason they shouldn’t use them.
They use ISOs
Always OK to use ISOs, but should at least offer templates.
A) Gets clients online faster
B) Less issues from clients unable to setup their network because they are not familiar with static IPs
That’s just my opinion though.
Same here and yes I reimaged it to win 2008 R2.
Looks like they already sold 20
Maxmind doesn’t like me today for some reason it wont let me order :(
£4.74 for me including the 20% vat, this is also my preferred location rather than OVH with CPS.
Well, I guess we just have to wait, looks like an awesome offer though.
Just wanted to post it on LET, but it was already on LEB :D
It’s online, installing OS atm.
Just grabbed one, lets see how it goes :)
cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/meminfo
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
We are very interested to hear people feedback on performance and issues on this. We are releasing this to test that its viable and mature enough. As such we are most definitely considering this beta. As such please take appropriate caution and use it for testing. I wouldn’t recommend it for production yet
What are the node spec?
Windows won’t install :(
Why are you even trying to install it :P
It takes to long to install VNC+GNOME on linux and thats why realy. Plus i dont know the commands from scratch.
You need my VNC Autoinstaller. Pulls all the files needed from my web server, and configured and install it, you can even check the commands if you want.
What a great Script! thanks
p.s now we need one for kde :)
Mah, I don’t see the reason in KDE. Gnome 3 looks so pretty anyway.
It feels slower than a Pentium 1.
Also, there’s a lot of random reboots and the VNC keeps dropping out and then reconnects to it fail for some number of minutes afterwards.
Wow, that’s a pretty interesting offer!
Isn’t that the company known to have “stolen” a website hosted by them?
no, why would you think taht?
Well, I did read something few weeks ago while gathering information about VPS companies, but I was not sure if it was that company or not; If nobody heard that / had this problem, sounds like it’s not this one :)
Ah.. I hate VAT. The only thing that is putting me off buying this lol.
That and if there is no possibility to upgrade the space at a later date.
is VAT putting you off buying your internet?
No, the price that I would be given for my internet includes VAT. I do not get to the last stage of the checkout to find it out which is why its off-putting.
I do however like the company, I already have a VPS with them but that was before they got taken over so no VAT.
KVM Beta (-3 Available)
That probaly means 4 people ordered at once when there was 1 available.
Not fair for North American guys, I just turned on my PC and it is already out of stock, LOL :)
Had my first bluescreen, some hardware error.
I guess they will fix this out of themself, doesn’t say beta for nothing.
I had that error tooo
Is it same error msg as http://img.evservers.co.uk/res/8ef66eb6.png
I got it about an hr ago. Installed Server 2003, DHCP seems to be not have worked. Manually configured IP/DNS and its golden.
Also link back to AU seems to time warp. More testing tomorrow.
DHCP seems to be not have worked. Manually configured IP/DNS and its golden.
~ I second this, but I passed it onto support to fix since I figured it would help them, It’s taking them along time..
Missed out. :(
Upload is okay must be a congested PIPE
Glad my script worked for you.
Is it available in US any test ip or further discounts?
Is this offer coming back anytime soon?
Also about the VAT, what if I have a valid VAT number, then I shouldn’t be paying any VAT on my order. How do you handle that?
Do you offer ipv6 addresses?
I am wait for dallas kvm.
I mean waiting
Still waiting for them to sort my vps out.. it’s now been nearly 12 hours :/
24 hours and I’ve got nothing..
Definitely would like to see some west coast/central US love :)
Rus said they will release some dallas kvm in a few days.
I tried thrustvps back in November by buying 1 xen and 1 openvz in LA. The OpenVZ was utterly worthless with extremely high IO wait, and Rus’ promise to move me turned from 1 day into a week. The Xen was usable, but there were 2 large connection outages which caused me to cancel both.
I decided to try them again, this time in New Jersey. Unfortunately, it is still riddled with problems. First they assigned me to 7.xn.nj.damnvps.com, which had double the latency to some places in the US. All their other servers didn’t have this problem, so again I had to wait for a couple days to be reassigned to a node with proper routing. When that finally happened, my node went down several times which they blamed on a router failure.
All these reoccuring problems seem too frequent to just be bad luck. Your results may vary.
oh….sold out
Pure overselling.
Don’t think you can oversell KVM maybe LEA can verify this
You can still oversell disk I/O, network bandwidth, and CPU easily with KVM.
etc etc
A good example why I will always love Openvz for it’s lowest overhead, everything can be oversold and in the case with Thrust they have always been known for shity I/O.
Strangely I can’t see anyone posting any results yet.
You can oversell with all virtualization
“Do not overcommit memory or CPUs in a production environment without extensive testing. Applications which use 100% of memory or processing resources may become unstable in overcommitted environments. Test before deploying.”
@dejan, after reading that article seems like you can easily overcommit as far as 2x. But it could crash the host node, makes sense why the price is 4pounds for 1GB, Rus is just looking for some gini pigs to test the overselling of his nodes.
It will crash only if you don’t have enough SWAP, plus most VPS do not use 100% of the available RAM all the time.
(0.5 * RAM) + (overcommit ratio * RAM) = Recommended swap size
On KVM your VM is just a userland process that can be easily swapped out. So yeah overselling the memory is quite possible.
So overselling like OpenVZ Overselling? You can actually make 12 1GB VPSs with only 8GB of Memory?
How else can they sell 1GB VPS for £3.95/month
Overcommitting with KVM
They can sell these for so cheap because they put massive amounts of RAM in one server, and then co-locate.
I dont think they colo, the company owns DC’s
The company only owns 1 datacentre in the UK.
out of stock.
We’ve just released another 40 of these VM’s
Except that they seem to be in USD (more expensive) instead GBP.
Also you to order without VAT (has I have a VAT number)
If you have a VAT number, you can just claim money back from the government of the VAT you paid.
As a EU company buying within the EU but outside your own country you do not have to pay VAT.
Claiming it back is indeed possible but not what is the normal way to handle for intra-EU purchases
Go into the shopping cart and change your currency to GBP and click save
and then go back to the offer and it’ll say 3.95 gbp .
Missed out AGAIN. :( :(
Just got mine, they were in stock at about 2 but are now out, seting up windows server 2003 {:
I asked them on the live chat if they oversell and they logged-off.
PRETTY funny stuff.!!
I have a VPS with Thrust but it’s NOT kvm.
Is this offer available in Dallas yet? I really want to try out a KVM VPS, I am in the US and I’m steering away from UK VPS.
Damn VPS! I missed out on the exclusive KVM offer.
Ya i got in on this, really tempting to be able to run windows/freebsd etc.. Will report back on my experiences :)
Trying windows 2008r2 now, but probably will end up in debian6 or FreeBSD.
how are you installing 2008? I didn’t see the option for that iso
nevermind, missed the option. Wish the ISO’s were in order.
Anyone got Centos 32Bit autoinstall to install?
All we need is paravirtaulized KVM, and that will be the VPS industry reborn :)
How are people finding the performance on this? I tried windows 2008r2 and it didnt seem to be stable, so I tried 2003 and it was stable but too slow to effectively use. (Not that I’d expect windows to run fast and good for this price)
Feedback so far:
win 2008 bluescreens, win2003 setup doesnt complete fully. Lots of glitches. Connectivity and operation extremely slow. A windows reboot takes like 10 minutes. More of an alpha than a beta. If you’re looking for a windows box this most definately isn’t the place, pretty awful really.
I concur with this. I think I will end up cancelling before the end of the month. For
anyone who “missed out” on this , they were lucky imho.
Yeah, VPS will have to improve dramatically over the next three weeks, installing is very erratic and takes ages, as does a reboot. The broken cdroms don’t help either.
Its too rough to be called Beta
I take my criticism back a bit, I found that debian 6 works acceptably well
I’ve often thought disk i/o was the culprit in Windows not working right on this provider, but it seems to be just as good as other providers I’ve used.
(Although I’ve seen it go down to 35MB/s)
I had 6MB/s on saturday, it is still eratic.
I/O wait is going up and is the worst of my VPS’s along with the dd test
from status.sh
Rus, How come you charged $12.95/month for dallas kvm? you give discount on UK and not in us?
pretty sure that Rus owns or is one of the owners of the UK Datacenter that the UK servers
are in (making it cheaper)
According to his Linkedin Page he is a brand manager for Thrust::VPS / GigeVPS at iomart ( Which Own RapidSwitch,Easyspace)
Any discount on dallas KVM?
I thought price is going to be same and I have waited for dallas KVM.
That was my bad. :(
Dallas promo is a bit more than uk kvm. It is still good deal thought.
Two questions :
– Has anyone tried / Does someone know if nesting feature is/can be enabled on the host (opening support ticket) ?
– Any date about final and ready KVM offer ?
Thank you
XZed don’t bother it’s not even vaguely usable.
REMINDER to everyone that signed up for this nonsense, It’s like a vps node running on a battered old pentium3 connected to the net by several pieces sellotape and string.
Now is the time to cancel before they get another cent for this rubbish!
Thrust should be ashamed of this offering and just refund everyone.
I have one that I’ve already cancelled. It is by far the WORST vps
I have ever purchased. My 15$/yr buyvm VPS performs better. I was compiling something
on the ThrustVPS and it took 10 minutes, on buyvm it took 30 seconds.
Yeah I cancelled a few days ago, there is overselling and taking the pi$$, thrust take the pi$$.
It is unusable. The last time I had a vps with rus was in 2003 with jvds, which was very good, standards have nosedived since then.
is this any good?
Cheap UK ones are back in stock. I just got one, installed Windows, and it seems to be performing pretty well.
Can anyone tell if this is any good now?
Anyone know if the windows offer is still on?
Thrust VPS DO NOT have their own data centre in the UK. They rent from rapid switch. I wish people would do some f****** research before they attempt express their opinions as facts.
Maybe they co-locate from Maidenhead to Scotland where there trading company is registered at (LOL) – or not. I wish data centres would stop their clients from chatting shit.
Wise up people, worlds not big enough for idiots.
iomart owns Thrust::VPS. iomart also owns RapidSwitch. So basically, it is their own datacentre.
Clearly ajay you need to do some F****** research :D
Yup. Should have done your research a bit better before mouthing off. ;)
Looks like ThrustVPS is going the way of YardVPS. Just got an emailed update on some maintenance that they’re planning. Not a customer, no legally required contact information, no way to unsubscribe, nothing.
I hope that’s just an oversight on their part and they realize that such a method of contact isn’t correct and proper.
Maybe you were a client of a company that got merged into them? I’m sure they’ll sort it if you submit a ticket.
…or they could just run a clean list and only send it to their current clients.
And include contact information, a method of unsubscribing, etc.
That way they can show that they know what they’re doing. Here in the US, that’s required by law. (Granted Thrust appears to not be a US company but still.)
Why make me jump through hoops to deal with something that I shouldn’t be getting in the first place?
I believe this is also a law in the UK.
Just got their Aquatic plan (OpenVZ).
They have an awesome CentOS 6 template that gives you virtual swap instead of burst RAM. Works extremely well!
Here is a quick disk bench:
Then it isn’t a KVM :)
Thats some pretty crappy disk performance. I tried a Thrust::VPS KVM plan some time ago and it
was the worst performing VPS I have ever purchased. I cant imagine their OpenVZ offering being
any better.
Their KVM plans are out of stock, I just thought this was a good alternative. As opposed to burstable ram, VSwap seems to be guaranteed available. The OS also uses free memory as cache, much like a real machine.
See the OpenVZ wiki for more info
Yes i’m fully aware of how vswap works, we got a few nodes running it :)
I’m just saying, you posted this in their ‘KVM offering’ thread which may throw some people off
Haha I’m sorry Francisco, I was just so happy to see how great it worked and had to tell someone. :D
Are you saying you have CentOS 6 templates over at BuyVM with with VSwap now?
Keep it to our thread, sorry to the thrustvps guys/gals, not trying to derail :)
Need of thrust vps coupon for 1GB servers.
i Need of thrust vps coupon for 1GB servers.