LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

TORQhost - €15/Year 128MB KVM in Estonia

Estonia? Where’s that? Well it’s a small place wedged between Latvia and Russia over the ditch from Finland. It’s also home to TORQhost whom offer KVM, Xen PV and OpenVZ Plans.

KVM Level 0 Yearly

  • 128MB Dedicated Ram
  • 10GB Raid 10 Diskspace
  • 2.0ghz Single Core
  • 100GB Bandwidth
  • 100mbit Port
  • 1x IPv4 Address
  • SolusVM/KVM
  • €15/Year, Direct Signup
KVM Level 1 Yearly

  • 256MB Dedicated Ram
  • 20GB Raid 10 Diskspace
  • 2.0ghz Single Core
  • 200GB Bandwidth
  • 100mbit Port
  • 1x IPv4 Address
  • SolusVM/KVM
  • €25/Year, Direct Signup

TORQhost has a range of VPS plans on offer both Yearly and Monthly plans that are at LEB pricing offering KVM, XEN PV and OpenVZ virtualisation. Overselling is a common practice however they advertise “Guaranteed Resources.” At time of writing there is stock of their yearly KVM and OpenVZ plans, we also stumbled on a 200GB storage plan for €5/Month. Although they advertise a “1 Hour Setup” further down in their clauses is “during business hours only,” however they do offer 24/7 ticket support.

OpenVZ Level 0 Yearly

  • 128MB Dedicated Ram
  • 256MB Dedicated Burst Ram
  • 10GB Raid 10 Diskspace
  • 2.0ghz Single Core
  • 100GB Bandwidth
  • 100mbit Port
  • 1x IPv4 Address
  • SolusVM/OpenVZ
  • €15/Year, Direct Signup
OpenVZ Level 1 Yearly

  • 256MB Dedicated Ram
  • 512MB Dedicated Burst Ram
  • 20GB Raid 10 Diskspace
  • 2.0ghz Single Core
  • 200GB Bandwidth
  • 100mbit Port
  • 1x IPv4 Address
  • SolusVM/KVM
  • €25/Year, Direct Signup
Storage Level 1 Monthly

  • 128MB Dedicated Ram
  • 200GB Raid 50 Diskspace
  • 500GB Bandwidth
  • 100mbit Port
  • 1x IPv4 Address
  • SolusVM
  • €5/Month, Direct Signup

Test Information
Link: http://torqhost.com/pages/speed_test
Test IP:
Test File: http://speed.torqhost.com/100.zip

Just on a side note thanks to Spirit my arch nemesis for drawing attention to this provider, it’s appreciated ;)


  1. William:

    No IPv6 sadly, so no ns14.ee for me :(

    July 7, 2012 @ 6:08 pm | Reply
    • Inglar:

      I think that on KVM you can easy setup IPv6 with HE Tunnel Broker.
      In Europe there are several points of connection to choose from:

      Amsterdam, NL
      Berlin, DE
      Frankfurt, DE
      London, UK
      Paris, FR
      Prague, CZ
      Stockholm, SE
      Warsaw, PL
      Zurich, CH

      So we can choose the closest destination for IPv6 routing.

      July 8, 2012 @ 10:39 am | Reply
      • William:

        No, it is not.

        HE is not compareable to native v6, HE has no routes to Cogents v6 Space – The speed is limited – UDP is extremely limited (few Kbit/s) – Space has the US country field so is unusable for geolocation.

        July 8, 2012 @ 12:19 pm | Reply
        • Inglar:

          Yes, all not so good as we want right now.

          But IPv4 satisfy all the needs of all probably.

          And since IPv6 is newer, not yet fully tested in different situations protocol.

          But all this does not prevent me to use for certain purposes tunneled IPv6 on my server in Iceland

          Transfer speed suits me :)

          July 8, 2012 @ 1:07 pm | Reply
  2. Liam:

    Looks very appealing. It’s nice seeing the west coast us type prices spread east.
    I agree with William, ipv6 is a let down though ;/

    July 7, 2012 @ 6:29 pm | Reply
  3. Spirit:

    It’s good to see here featured some less known but still decent budget vps provider from rare location. I don’t have KVM VPS here yet however both my (Xen and OpenVZ) torqhost vps performance are above my LEBs average and I haven’t noticed any quality decreasing over time.

     free -m
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:           256         67        188          0          0          0
    -/+ buffers/cache:         67        188
    Swap:            0          0          0
     dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm -rf test
    16384+0 records in
    16384+0 records out
    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 5.7142 s, 188 MB/s
     wget http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test -O /dev/null
    --2012-07-07 22:19:02--  http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
    Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net...
    Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: `/dev/null'
    100%[====================================================================================================================>] 104,857,600 38.4M/s   in 2.6s
    2012-07-07 22:19:05 (38.4 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [104857600/104857600]

    I also miss IPv6 however OpenVZ and Xen VPSs come with two IPs (second one need to be requested). I hope that they will add to their network also transit over Linx this summer as it was said few months ago.

    July 7, 2012 @ 6:30 pm | Reply
  4. Yomero:

    I have a 128 Xen one. They are at the same price:

    $ uptime
     13:22:59 up 79 days, 18:05,  1 user,  load average: 0.07, 0.02, 0.00
    model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5620  @ 2.40GHz
    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 11.868 s, 90.5 MB/s
    $ ./ioping . -c10 -q
    --- . (ext3 /dev/xvda1) ioping statistics ---
    10 requests completed in 9185.4 ms, 54 iops, 0.2 mb/s
    min/avg/max/mdev = 0.2/18.4/80.9/23.2 ms
    Overall Geekbench Score (2.1): 2213
    Overall Geekbench Score (2.3 Maybe not enough RAM): 1771

    Not the most stable ioping results, but is solid like a rock.

    July 7, 2012 @ 6:36 pm | Reply
    • Spirit:

      Mexican with Estonian vps :) This must be rare too. What node you’re in? I am at XEN1 (last time I asked they had only one Xen node) however my dd test show different results (in 120 – 150 MB/s avrage):

      dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm -rf test
      16384+0 records in
      16384+0 records out
      1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 7.56252 s, 142 MB/s
      July 7, 2012 @ 6:50 pm | Reply
      • Yomero:

        Hehe, yeah, I have a lot of rare ones xD
        Yes, I am at Xen1 too
        The I/O isn’t very variable, I guess the people really uses their boxes :P

        July 7, 2012 @ 8:08 pm | Reply
  5. camarg:

    ordered a storage plan
    provision took about 5 minutes

    BTW if you prepay yearly you get a 50% discount, awesome offer

    July 7, 2012 @ 7:59 pm | Reply
    • James:

      Sorry, do you mean 50% discount over €15? How do you get that?

      July 15, 2012 @ 3:11 pm | Reply
      • Inglar:

        Of cource no, it sayed for ‘Storage Level 1’
        1 month price – €5
        12 month price – €2,50 per month if you prepay yearly…

        July 15, 2012 @ 3:29 pm | Reply
  6. snape:

    Ping doesn’t seem super bad, but the routing is pretty convoluted from North America. Level3 goes Washington DC -> Paris -> Frankfurt -> Dusseldorf -> Copenhagen -> Stockholm, and then Elisa in Finland and finally down to Estonia. From the UK things are a lot better, as Elisa peer at LINX, and continental Europe seems to depend on whether your ISP peers with DE-CIX.

    Since everything is routed through Finland, it’s really more of a scandinavian offer than one competing with anything in Germany/Austria/France/Holland, IMO.

    July 7, 2012 @ 8:53 pm | Reply
  7. camarg:

    support is top notch. quick and very helpful
    kudos to torqhost

    July 7, 2012 @ 10:20 pm | Reply
  8. john:

    90% packet lost…

    July 7, 2012 @ 11:16 pm | Reply
  9. I have been looking for a very low end box for a VPN POP in Russia.
    Does anyone know if this would resolve as a Russian IP as far as steam and the like are concerned?

    Also, do they have any smaller plans (or any other provider actually in Russia?)

    July 8, 2012 @ 1:01 am | Reply
    • meow:

      Of course it wouldn’t show a Russian IP. It’s in Estonia. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

      [root@szq ~]# host torqhost.com
      torqhost.com has address
      [root@szq ~]# whois|grep country
      country: EE

      July 8, 2012 @ 1:41 am | Reply
      • I’ll rephrase that.
        As Steam does not have an Estonian store… Would these IP default to the Russian Steam store?

        July 8, 2012 @ 5:12 am | Reply
    • Andrei:

      You should try Selectel, they have cloud server service: http://selectel.ru/services/cloud. Their pay model is quite interesting: you pay only for what you really used, i.e. MB RAM per hour, second of processor time, etc. It turns out to be very cheap, and should be like $3-4/m for the low-load setup. Also, you can turn it off completely when you don’t use it, and pay only for the storage.

      Here is my expenses table:

      Processor time	 33,530 hours	0,95	30,21
      RAM	 1286,923 GB * hour	23,23	740,08
      Disk: read operations	 10,825 million	1,62	51,51
      Disk: write operations	 9,032 million	1,35	43,03
      Disk: read data amount	 254,700 GB	0,76	24,32
      Disk: write data amount	 123,000 GB	0,39	12,3
      Disk: space	 18,360 TB * hour	2,6	82,79
      Disk: snapshots	 0,000 TB * hour	0	0
      Network: received (incoming traffic)	 68,375 GB	0,34	10,96
      Network: sent (out-coming traffic)	 16,500 GB	0,33	10,56
      Total		31,57	1 005,76

      Just asked support: their control panel is only in Russian for now. They have plans to make it in English too, though.

      July 20, 2012 @ 10:10 am | Reply
      • Andrei:

        Argh, here is more readable expenses table (Google Docs): http://j.mp/selectel-expenses

        July 20, 2012 @ 10:14 am | Reply
      • rm:

        The “cloud” bullshit only looks attactive if you don’t know the foreign LEB/dedi market well enough. Lots of those offers will beat the crap out of your “cloud”, price-to-resources wise. And Selectel isn’t even known for any sort of reliability either.

        @Thrifty Devil
        check out http://www.lowendbox.com/blog/nqhost-6-95-128mb-unmetered-xen-vps-in-russia/

        July 20, 2012 @ 1:17 pm | Reply
        • Andrei:

          Math, do you speak it? 7 > 4. For personal VPN, which is what Thrifty Devil is looking for, Selectel’s “cloud bullshit” will be cheaper. And since you are from Russia and pretend to know the market well enough, you should know that Selectel is pretty stable and low-cost (quite rare combo) compared to other hosters in Russia. The expenses table above gives you the general idea: I’m using it for almost 9 months (mostly 24×7), and have paid $32 in total – not that bad even for low-load box, is it? With nqhost I would pay twice as much (ironically, I have moved to selectel from nqhost ~7 months ago). Oh, and I’d had twice less memory (I have set 256 MB as an upper limit on Selectel). Why? Of course, on some more heavy load or with other requirements, Selectel’s cloud might be not the best idea. But that’s not the case: Thrifty Devil looks for a very low end box for a VPN POP in Russia.

          July 20, 2012 @ 3:31 pm | Reply
        • rm:

          Soooo, do you also “turn it off when you don’t need it” with Selectel? Without that info your expense table means nothing. That alone, is a masturbatory excercise in futility, not to mention needing to think “zomg they meter my every single disk access and charge for it”.

          > Their pay model is quite interesting: you pay only for what you really used

          And nope, that pay model is not “quite interesting”, at least if you aren’t brainwashed by the “CLOUD” hype. It’s the completely usual and greedy pay model that every single “cloud” offer out there uses, and when you do any sort of usage of your “CLOUD SERVER” it quickly overshoots conventional VPS offers by a large margin.

          July 20, 2012 @ 4:16 pm | Reply
        • Andrei:

          Soooo, do you also “turn it off when you don’t need it” with Selectel?

          Oh, again. Please, read not only what you write. I wrote: mostly 24×7. That really means “mostly 24×7”. And “mostly” stands for “sometimes I mess things up” or “omg, I forgot to pay in time” kind of things.

          I’m saying that this particular tool is efficient for this particular task, you say that I’m brainwashed. Nice. I’m giving you numbers showing that it is cheaper than VPS you suggested (and, I’m pretty sure, any other provider in Russia) for this particular kind of use, you talk about greedy pay model. Not-sure-if-troll-or-just-stupid.jpg

          Good luck.

          July 20, 2012 @ 6:15 pm | Reply
  10. Joe:

    Another provider without IPv6? Why?

    July 8, 2012 @ 5:14 am | Reply
    • William:

      Their Provider (Wavecom / AS34702) has no IPv6.

      July 8, 2012 @ 10:57 am | Reply
    • William:

      Many providers block it because it was able to use it to shutdown the WHMCS of providers after the recent WHMCS hacks.

      No need to be worried about it, license is genuine according to WHMCS checking tool.

      July 8, 2012 @ 6:54 pm | Reply
  11. mina:

    Well, this is interesting offer for Finnish resident like me.

    3ms ping from home, and I was about to stop buying LEBs without purpose. Oh well, needless to say – already purchased.

    July 9, 2012 @ 1:22 am | Reply
  12. ynzheng:

    if so ,great deal,grab one

    July 9, 2012 @ 1:36 am | Reply
  13. Bobby:

    Top host, 100% stable and no downtime noticed since i bought my first in april. Got 2gb and 128mb xen plus 200gb ovz storage plan. Support has been ~instant and superb. My personal favourite. IPv6 would be a nice addition, though.

    July 9, 2012 @ 4:20 pm | Reply
  14. dark:

    more RAM :(

    July 12, 2012 @ 4:27 am | Reply
    • There are servers with higher RAM. They are just out of LEB price range (512MB – 7 eur, 1GB – 10 eur).

      July 12, 2012 @ 12:34 pm | Reply
  15. Budric:

    Can anyone who bought this confirm if they can access a particular Russian TV stream – http://stream.1tv.ru/live
    In particular “wget http://stream.1tv.ru/p/7f40e642f85545e5e7e071fb68a7f5a1/p_1tvch_.02.6d33dff10ea595967f263fcc7ea76d5f.xml?e=1343429887” should not return XML with a link to sorry.mp4.


    July 26, 2012 @ 9:47 pm | Reply
  16. letsseehow:

    How much for extra bandwidth & extra diskspace?

    Bandwidth seems to be less on Storage Level 1.
    For 200GB space for backup – only 500GB of Bandwidth.

    August 8, 2012 @ 8:52 am | Reply
    • To get more bandwidth or storage you would need to go to the second level package.

      The reason it is 200GB storage and 500GB bandwidth is because it is intended for incremental backups. It will not work if you delete all files and upload them again every time.

      August 8, 2012 @ 12:41 pm | Reply
      • letsseehow:

        still i’d say Bandwidth is on lower side.

        Need to keep aside 200 GB for emergency Restore.
        So left with 200 GB for full backup + 100 GB incremental..

        Same low Ratio is with Second level package also – 500 GB space, 1 TB bandwidth.
        Either people will find Bandwidth exhausted when need emergency Restore Or they wont be able to use full diskspace.

        August 10, 2012 @ 3:27 pm | Reply
        • rm:

          I’d say a full restore is an emergency case, most often you will need just a file or two from the backup, because you deleted/lost them locally.

          I am sure you can negotiate with their sales for additional bandwidth if you suddenly need it.

          August 10, 2012 @ 3:42 pm | Reply
  17. Worth Noting he refused to accept my registration due to my “Paypal account not being verified” however i explained i cannot verify it because i do not trust paypal with my bank details. < Extremely Unhappy. I offered to send him proof & Pieces of ID he still refused


    August 9, 2012 @ 3:42 pm | Reply
    • Spirit:

      In my eyes perfectly legitimate business decision to refuse someone. I am not saying that you personally have bad attempts however you’re complaning against something what’s business standard. You never experienced something like that with lets say ebay?

      August 9, 2012 @ 4:41 pm | Reply
      • Ofcourse But what am saying was i offered the guy id as proof.

        August 9, 2012 @ 4:51 pm | Reply
    • We do not hide the fact that a verified account is required. If I am not mistaken this was mentioned even on LET forums. Giving a 0/10 rating while not having tested the service seems unprofessional.

      Providing ID proof is possible only for local users in Estonia. It is not possible to verify reliably whether an ID corresponds to the actual user registered with us.

      August 9, 2012 @ 5:29 pm | Reply
      • Sorry i admit i was bad with the rating. Let me correct it.

        0/10 for the service received (didnt get it)
        9/10 For the customer sservice.

        August 9, 2012 @ 5:33 pm | Reply
  18. letsseehow:

    still i’d say Bandwidth is on lower side.

    Need to keep aside 200 GB for emergency Restore.
    So left with 200 GB for full backup + 100 GB incremental..

    Same low Ratio is with Second level package also – 500 GB space, 1 TB bandwidth.
    Either people will find Bandwidth exhausted when need emergency Restore Or they wont be able to use full diskspace.

    August 10, 2012 @ 3:33 pm | Reply
  19. George:


    Looks like you increased the price for Storage Level 1 Monthly. Its now €8/Month instead of €5/Month.

    Any chance for some discount on the storage plans?

    September 5, 2012 @ 10:38 pm | Reply
    • @George

      Sure, we have some discounts planned in the future via coupons. These coupons are published on our twitter / facebook. You could periodically review them to get the coupon codes.

      September 6, 2012 @ 8:13 am | Reply
  20. Bob:

    Arrg, I was so interested by your 25EUR/year storage deal for my backups… too bad it doesn’t exist anymore.

    Any hope to see a similar deal in the future?

    Thanks :)

    September 11, 2012 @ 4:18 pm | Reply
  21. Shantanu:


    Can I get Storage-1 still at the previous rates, and may upgrade to annual after a month. :)

    October 27, 2012 @ 6:43 am | Reply
  22. I am sorry, but there are no coupons for these right now for monthly billings. If you wish to get a discount, you would need to get it yearly right away.

    October 27, 2012 @ 8:52 am | Reply
  23. I grabbed one of these using this offer since latency is <= 30ms from Norway. That's even better than to some places in Sweden!

    Server seems solid for my needs, support was very responsive, and good first impressions in general. Looking forward to see how it performs over time.

    Hope they put out another LowEndBox deal in the future :)

    May 3, 2013 @ 1:21 pm | Reply
  24. perennate:

    Have two VM’s with them, the location is nice with low latency to Russia and western Europe. The network is also pretty reliable. Sometimes, especially recently, the physical node seems to get overloaded CPU.

    December 18, 2013 @ 12:36 am | Reply
  25. I was able to find good advice frtom your articles.

    June 4, 2016 @ 12:53 pm | Reply

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