LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

What location is best for VPS Hosting?

There is no best datacenter location for VPS hosting, just the location that is best for you. In the United States, datacenters in California and New York are especially popular because of their ability to serve the United States effectively plus either Asia (CA) or Europe (NY).

If you have a large US audience and along with an Asian audience then a VPS in Los Angeles (or any other place on the US West Coast), for example, would make more sense than one in the Central or Eastern United States. LowEndBox has VPS deals available in many different cities all around the world, and you can either use the search function or select one of our most popular cities in the main selection box on our home page. Nearly any location you pick is likely to be perfectly fine for almost all use-cases, so don’t let a location decision influence your decision making process.

If you are looking for a VPS in Los Angeles consider reading our recently posted Los Angeles VPS Hosting Frequently Asked Questions article which answers a number of questions specific to hosting in Los Angeles.

Owner at LowEndBox
I'm Jon Biloh and I own LowEndBox and LowEndTalk. I've spent my nearly 20 year career in IT building companies and now I'm excited to focus on building and enhancing the LowEndBox and LowEndTalk platform.
Jon Biloh

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