urgentVPS just had some big changes. They had deployed a new cleaner looking website with a new logo and a new billing system. They have also migrated from their old Virtuozzo platform to Xen VPS with OnApp. Some changes in pricing too. Yes you do get less moving from Virtuozzo to Xen. Still at the same €4.49/month (~USD$6.48) or $39.95/year for their most basic plan. “UV-PLAN0” is not visible on their home page and here is a direct link to make purchase.
- 256MB memory
- 10GB storage
- 250GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps
- 3x IPv4 addresses
- Xen/OnApp
Servers with Interwerk in Germany (test IP: Do note that these are not standalone Xen boxes but OnApp with SAN-backed storage with SAS drives. urgentVPS is an UK company that has been around since early 2009. It wasn’t their first migration though, and previous incidents didn’t go all that well (just search here or WHT for it). They seem to still have quite a few pending issues from their previous offer.
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I sure hope they don’t have to go through another datacenter move, at upwards of 3x IP’s per VM, that’ll be a mess. They’ve already done a few, some of them were a complete mess to boot.
I’m kinda confused about the Brett guy. He claims he isn’t involved on WHT yet I just saw him post a sales thread on WHT just the other day for them??
Well he said the same thing about LowEndBox…
on the notes on commenting shoudln’t it say “Use <pre>…</pre> to quote the output from your terminal/”’console”’, or consider using a pastebin service.”
Console instead of comsole?
Thanks for taking the time to review our offer. You are correct in saying that we’ve done two data-center moves within a 2.5 year period simply because they weren’t able to provide the top-notch infrastructure our customers require.
We’ve finally moved to Interwerk on a long-term contract, which happens to be able to provide us with high-density racks (20KW/h) to power our juicy hyper-visors and being a carrier neutral facility with direct links to Interxion, we have enough bandwidth to keep any sort of customer happy :-)
I understand you’ve been skeptical in the past and been proven wrong so if you do have any questions – its best that you ask us directly rather then post assumptions which will probably be viewed as an attempt at trolling by others ;-)
Bret is a full-time employee of urgentVPS Limited, a privately owned Limited company which has been in business for 2+ years with filed accounts @ Companies House with not a single penny of debt. He made a choice to come back on board after one of our new shareholders made him the right offer. He’s been working hard on clearing off most of the previous issues and I could easily say that 99% of them have now been resolved.
Do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any other queries.
Kind regards,
That’s a *cough* very interesting thread you’ve linked to.
May not want to do that again.
Nice pics though. We can’t take them in our datacenter. :(
What was the problem? Did buying second hand cut you off from the technical support vital to the success of their ‘black box’ solution?
What a nice post! :-)
I wish you good luck
Here come’s the competitors :D
Sorry but I’m not a competitor. Just someone with an interest.
it’s €39.95 EUR approximately ~$58USD yearly
Why you include 2 IPs that most of people don’t even need? Why not just drop a price by 1€ and let people order them additionally if they have the need.
Because in Germany you can get IPv4 quite easily.
Hey Tom,
We have a large number of clients that run web hosting servers or want to run their own DNS on multiple IP addresses as well as having an IP for SSL for their own sites / billing areas. Seeing as we have the ability to provide this number of IP addresses per VM, we feel that it is worthwhile doing so for customers benefit.
And what benefit do you see for customers who don’t need it and overpay due to it?
Hey Tom,
It’s a package deal, the amount of clients that need the extra IPs far outnumbers the number that don’t (our particular clients, anyway!) therefore we see no need to alter it. It’s how we’ve done it from the start and we won’t change it now.
I congrat them for adding more than 1 IPv4. I always end up ordering at least another IPv4. So this package is quite good. And especially in Germany IPv4 are relatively cheap, so you would’t save so much.
‘Run their own dns on multiple IPs’ shouldn’t be valid in any way
Yeah, multiple ip on the same node == same ip…
would be better to give them the opportunity to set up a secondary on another node / somewhere else…
As I often say… those “concerned” (heh… yeah, right!) crybabies regarding few IPs make me laugh. It makes no difference between rest 10000000000000000000000… LEB vps hosts which give me additional IP as long as I pay this one dollar for it and this one which include some extra IP in package. It’s all just a bussines – part of a DEAL (yes, it’s jsut about deal, offer, etc..) If you don’t accept this… move further. I am pretty sure that you can get one dollar cheaper deal with IP less with some other host.
And most of hosts here… which complain regarding same IP issues are ordinary hypocrites because most of you are prepared to give me additional IPs for random nonsense reason as long as I am prepared to pay for this IP. So what difference does it make?
(side note. I don’t defend this host – I saw too many bad things in past regarding them)
For anyone who is looking into their VPS service, here is the 96MB review for them:
Unfortunately their VPS does not really show great performance as I would expect it to be :(
Hi there,
As mentioned in the e-mail to you, our lower plans are I/O restricted to maintain performance for everyone. We’ve had issues in the past with clients abusing the disks so we’ve had to bring this in to place. Although saying that, 60MB/s is still a very nice number for a €4.49 VPS with the rest of the features / bonuses that you’re receiving :-)
Hi Bret;
I do not understand that LowEndBox is advertising your new offer from the one back in February 2011 with all the problem that were reported.
Still today, I lost my VPS that I ordered in Feb. ’11 for one year … no response to tickets, cannot call since your telephone contact is incorrect on your website (telephone number not connected). I found also quite damaging that lowendbox filtered my previous post on this subject, and therefore covering your dubbious sales activities … promising a lot, delivering poor support -well no support at all in my case-.
Very sad indeed.