URPad are back again with another three exclusive offers for the LowEndBox community. Unlike last time, all of these offers are available at their UK location as well.
1.5GB RAM Promo
| 2GB RAM Promo
| 1GB RAM Promo
URPad have been featured on here many times before. They were last featured here in February with three very different offers. Feedback on that thread was a mix of positive and negative feedback. URPad is owned and operated by the FTNHosting parent company, which has been in business for over 5 years. Chris says “that to better accommodate our diverse client base we are offering these locations to better serve our friends in the USA East Coast and South America with our new Florida location.” Interestingly, URPad has begun to offer Chinese language based support which is rare among non-chinese hosts.
URPad accepts PayPal, all major credit cards, Moneybookers and Liberty Reserve. According to their website, servers will be deployed instantly. They inform us that in the coming months some new features are going to be released. Just what these are is still a secret and will be revealed at a later date! Be sure to check out their Terms of Service before signing up.
Network Information:
Los Angeles, CA – QuadraNet Datacenter – Test IP:
Miami, FL – QuadraNet Datacenter – Test IP:
Maidenhead, UK – Pulsant Datacenter – Test IP:
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Thanks for re-posting our offer Zahra, not sure why it removed when it got posted earlier today. We look forward to answering questions anyone may have.
As always, we’re very appreciative of being featured on LEB and providing services to our friends on LET.
How many cores and what speed? Thank you
Hey there JCaleb, all VPSes are assigned ‘fair share’ of 4 CPU cores.
thanks boss
No problem. =D
What does “fair share” mean? Could you please be more specific?
what amke diffrent promo 1,5 and 1gb ram becouse 1gb ram more expensive than 1,5GB ram
Because the 1.5GB requires a yearly pre-payment, it can be acquired ‘cheaper’ than the 1GB plan when you break it down on a month to month basis.
Some folks prefer to pay for a year up front, some prefer to go month to month, so we’ve got a good deal for both but sweetened the pot for the yearly deal. =]
I’ll say. Monthly would usually be $5.95 (between 1 and 2gb). $5.95 x 12 = $71.40, which is over twice the $30 you’re selling the VPS for. I just got a 1gb semi-annually from BudgetVM (which I consider to have competitive prices) for $27.
i’ve VPS with urpad,, uptime is good,, some times i got slow connection from vps urpad… bad think are affiliate,,, request payment from more than 6 month but never get respond,, just respond promise will pay affiliate but never got paid..
Whats your ticket URL? We usually wait until the end of the month to process affiliate withdrawal requests. Apologies if your request has been overlooked. Hit us up and we’ll get you sorted out.
here is ticket number #947964,, i have been submit from 09/21/2012 this ticket got respond just promise will pay affiliate.. then urpad close this ticket..
Another Ticket #414802 12/30/2012 same got respond, and same as before..
and here is my last ticket #182360 04/03/2013..
Not ticket URL, ticket number*
The phone number at the top of their website is never answered. Hold music, then voicemail. Don’t count on it for any kind of real-time support.
For tech support, it’s always a good option to submit a ticket for help and before calling. The phone system is mostly used to collect feedback and have issues heard by management who has access to the system.
This is very tempting offer but I had enough with their services. I used to have a Urpad LA VPS before but was very disappointed. For me and in my own opinion and experience their tech support are arrogant and very not willing to help most of time.
Newbies make sure to always consider the refund option.
Hey there Bruno, thanks for the feedback. What was the LA node you were located on? That’s one of our most popular locations. We’ve got many nodes in that location, in the event a client is unhappy with their service we’ve always done what we can to accommodate them, either by correcting the issue or by offering a switch to a new node. I’ll admit that some of our older LA nodes have experienced issues in the past, so I’m not saying that you’re wrong. But I’d like to know what node you were on and a ticket # so that I may look into your claim to see how your complaints were addressed and what solutions we offered.
Apologies we were unable to accommodate you Bruno! Hope you’re being served well now.
It was “Easy” and this was the screenshot I had before
Anyway I moved on..
I have one 256 on EASY Node, I have no problem, What was your issue ??
1.5GB RAM Promo 500GB Bandwidth, a little less, Why not 1T Bandwidth?
If you need 1TB, we can accommodate that at an added cost. Just open a ticket with sales and we’ll (likely myself) will respond.
Thanks for your interest!
How much will cost?
Can I upgrade from “Budget VPS – Linux VPS – Limited Time Promo (EXCLUSIVE) – $12/Year” to Budget VPS – LEB Promotion – 1.5GB RAM $30/YR ?
Please open a ticket to see what we can for you.
24 hours later, Just reply this ‘您的问题我需要移交到管理组然后为您答复,稍后我将更新此工单状态。’
You may want to convert that to English for us non-chinese people as we cannot understand that…
But according to Google Translate they just escalated your ticket to management or something? I believe their first line support does that often as they escalate most queries over to higher tiered support.
Are non cpu intense gameservers allowed?
Hi there, thanks for asking. Unfortuantely we do not allow any gameservers on our nodes. The issues with allowing them aren’t nessassarily due to resource consumption, but if we make an exception for you then we’d be flooded with requests for exceptions to the rule. Best of luck for your search for a game-server friendly host though!
I did a yearly with them and I’m very pleased with their services. Keep up the great work. I’ve got one of their Chicago VPSes.
Glad to see you’re happy! Please let us know if there is ever anything we can do to make your experience with us better. Best of luck to you.
I did a yearly “VPS Package: LEB Promotion – 2K13 $12/YR” with them too, and very happy both with my VPS and their support to. Sending ticket #157119 to upgrade my VPS to “LEB 1.5GB RAM Promo $30/Yearly”.
Hi Videa, glad to see you’re happy. I updated your ticket a couple hours ago. =]
my upgrade request haven’t reply……
Just open a new Ticket #793007 for upgrade my VPS to “LEB 1.5GB RAM Promo $30/Yearly”.
Ticket submitted: 04/12/2013 21:09
My response: 04/12/2013 21:22
Good job! My VPS have been successfully upgraded from 256M to 1.5GB RAM Promo.
I bought the UK 1.5GB yesterday, I have not been able to use it yet due to downtime.
There is a 99.9% Uptime Guarantee on your website. Can you please refund me.
Ticket ID? I think I may have refunded you already.
Are the following things authorized (for personal use):
– OpenVPN
– OwnCloud
Shouldn’t be an issue, though I am not very familiar with OwnCloud. So long as it works with OpenVZ you should be good. =]
here is ticket number #947964,, i have been submit from 09/21/2012 this ticket got respond just promise will pay affiliate.. then urpad close this ticket..
Another Ticket #414802 12/30/2012 same got respond, and same as before..
and here is my last ticket #182360 04/03/2013..
Any review from someone that took the $30 deal ?
I’m thinking about moving there.
They cannot honor this offer in the UK. I tried and it can’t be provisioned in the UK. But I got a refund easily.
Good to know, it did seem a little too good to be true, at least in the UK.
Yeah, the competition is fierce in the UK and we speculate a threatened competitor was behind a DDoS attack that lasted several days.
Life goes on. Anyone who requested a refund got one. Anyone who requested being moved elsehwere was moved.
Will there be more availability for the UK on the 1.5GB RAM Promo ? ( i can order it from the shopping cart but comments say you can’t accommodate it)
We can accommodate it at this time. =]
What the extra-bandwidth cost?
That’s going to depend on how much additional bandwidth you need and in what location. Shoot us a sales ticket and let me know what exactly you need and I’ll let you know the price.
Got one of your UK vps’s. I gotta say, its bloody good. I/O was the thing I was after and I get 150-180mb/s with this which is all I need. I hope you guys stay around for a while as I bought it for a year!
I have been with Urpad since July 2012 on their Iceland nodes and the servers are stable, uptime is good and speed is ok. Can only remember one DDOS making trouble, and I was very happy with them..
But, 3 times now both my servers have been suspended for “failing to pay”.
I don’t know if it’s just my account, but for some reason when I pay, the billing software don’t update the “next due date”,
so after some days my servers are turned off. And it seems they can’t find the bug.. Anyone else had this happend?
Both Dylan and Curtis on the support have been helpful earlier, but seems that support does not answer lately, ppl have been complaining on Twitter for days now! 24/7 support is just pure bulls**t!
you’d better avoid weekend.
This is my second box with URPAD, so far I have not encounter any major issues with the first one, I hope it goes well with the second one. May be ordering more boxes soon. Thanks for the great offer!
# grep ‘model name’ /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
# cat /proc/loadavg
2.93 18.22 15.65 1/110
high load, it’s seems serious overseling ……….
That’s your VPS’s load average….
Hmm… maybe I spoke too soon… While I was install the control panel configuring the settings, my VPS got suspended for no reasons. I guess this is something that the others might be experiencing too. Not sure what is wrong with them but I think by having your VPS suspended like that is going to cause you issues along the way.
What location do you have?
I bought a miami box, but they gave me an L.A. box instead because they said they are sold out there.
In general has been good until last weeks fault where after 5 days of barely any contact with the users we just get an email saying that our server’s data is lost with no backup available….
I agree with you they are down for almost a week now, urpad.net and semoweb are the same provider. all of my vps is down, but i can;t do anything.