Kenneth from Virpus notified me about their End of Year Sale, that gives you 40% off recurring discount if you pay annually, and free DirectAdmin on U-Enhanced package or above. When you put the two together, their U-Enhanced package comes down to $72/Year with
- 1024MB guaranteed/2048MB burstable memory
- 75GB storage
- 5Mbps unmetered or 1600GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps
- 2 IP addresses
- DirectAdmin
They are in WholesaleInternet network in Kansas City MO. Order it using this link, or use promo code EndYearSpecial2010. Virpus has been around for a while and I think most readers here know them — just check past features. This is no where near a “low end box” though — you probably spend $72 per month on a dedicated server with similar spec 4-5 years ago.
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It would be great to lose the directadmin and see a further discount. My ultimate setup would be 3IPs, 50GB storage, 1tb bandwidth and 1gig ram. Wink Wink
Warning to anyone even thinking about Virpus.
This is one of the worst hosts in existence. They suffered TWO complete data losses on November 2010 and January 2010. That is a 2 datalosses in 2 months. Expect hard drive speeds from 1-10 mb/s and support replies longer than a week.
As I am typing this, I have waited longer than a week for my refund for the complete data wipe in January.
See this link for a more detailed review
*January 2011*
Webhostingtalk is censoring the negative reviews of Virpus because Kenneth Odem is a paid “Community Member”.
They gave me infractions for posting in the Google top ranked Virpus review for saying it was outdated and the recent reviews are negative. Now they closed my thread saying it was “derailed”.
I guess being a paid member of Webhostingtalk really pays off.
Couldn’t agree with you more.
WHT Staff are highly biased to paid members, one paid member even got my thread closed that was about his company and my review, even though it was totally on topic.
What company was it? I would like to know.
Just noticed that Webhostingtalk censored another thread about Virpus.
This is the 17 page long Virpus thread in the outages section. They closed that one without any comment whatsoever. Kenneth Odem was the last person to say anything there. He probably requested to have it closed.
OMG!, well, @LEA, defend our freedom to say anything :P That behavior from WHT is unacceptable.
Oh Kenneth is an advertiser here as well :P Although I suspect the fee here is peanuts comparing to WHT.
Btw I haven’t really been tracking WHT lately (too busy with work). Feel free to post your experiences with the providers though.
Yes, the freedom of speech is a delicated issue. Let me change ‘anything’, for what you said, “the experiencies with the providers” =D
i think they support is not really good as i already sent them a support ticket to be activated my tun/tap driver but seem they dont do anything..
(more than 2 days now) :(
Have the same experience. My last experience on activate tun/tap driver takes almost a week.
But host machine and speed seems good.
Feel free to escalate your ticket, as 2 days is unacceptable. E-mail your ticket to as per the escalation procedures stated on your ticket.
Why do you have these escalation procedures? It’s like Virpus management simply don’t care and outsource everything and only respond/take action when someone escalates. How can you be completely unaware that a ticket was left unattended for almost a week?
Sh*t happens?
actually, I have some experience about virpus
1. VPS Hardware is OK, smooth. and I think the price is cheap.
2. Support team is not good, can’t give any help.
fortunately, vps work well.
I used their VPS for several months and I think the service was very BAD. I got hours downtime everyday and seems their support was bull shit. Usually they may answer your ticket after days saying they resolve the problem but when you come back to check your website you will find your website is still offline.
Overal Rate: 0/10
What was your IP address or ticket ID?
i have the same problem too, pls chek: ip address: and
permission denied
i have the same problem too, pls chek: ip address: and
cat /dev/net/tun: permission denied
I’m on the same boat, I used them in the past: downtime, BAD support..
I was with them about three months ago..
I left them and found a new host..
Rate: 0/10
You get what you pay for..right?
But i didn’t get what i paid for lol:)
vzctl stop YOUR_VEID
vzctl set YOUR_VEID –devices c:10:200:rw –save
vzctl set YOUR_VEID –capability net_admin:on –save
vzctl start YOUR_VEID
vzctl exec YOUR_VEID “mkdir -p /dev/net; mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200; chmod 600 /dev/net/tun”
# iptables support
vzctl stop YOUR_VEID
vzctl set YOUR_VEID –iptables ipt_REJECT –iptables ipt_tos –iptables ipt_TOS –iptables ipt_LOG –iptables ip_conntrack –iptables ipt_limit –iptables ipt_multiport –iptables iptable_filter –iptables iptable_mangle –iptables ipt_TCPMSS –iptables ipt_tcpmss –iptables ipt_ttl –iptables ipt_length –iptables ipt_state –iptables iptable_nat –iptables ip_nat_ftp –save
vzctl start YOUR_VEID
only run this script so why can take so long time :)
It would have been a real good deal if they offered it for their basic package.
Thought the same :)
Their support is worst. Also recently connectivity problem raised. It almost takes a days to load a site and huge i/o issues. Already shifts my vps to other provider.
I’ve been very disappointed with Virpus ‘s bad support! i’ve bought a vps with Cpanel, it’s been three days,the Cpanel still haven’t installed for me, how could it truth Virpus ‘s Service??
it’ve been four days,they still haven’t actived cpanel, i’ve been send several tickets,they just reply me that their billing department is on the holidays.
If you have ur cPanel License, install it your self.
I’m getting bad customer support from these peoples now-a-days.
Holidays aside, they arn’t responding to a sales ticket. Generally sales is usually a higher priority than technical support so I would assume that’s going to be much worse. I’ll stay with my current host.
Both VPS’s now say /dev/net/tun: file descriptor in a bad state
finnaly i got my tun/tap working after a couple of days.. :)
thanks virpus network…
My tickets have been responded to quickly. DIfferent experience for me. Have one VPS with them for 2 months, zero downtime, VERY fast performance.
I’m very disappointed with Virpus support. I’ve asked them to install a fastcgi module on my VPS. Nothing has happened after 4 weeks. They have just closed my ticket without answering it.
I don’t believe you get that type of support with their basic VPS. I think you only get it on the higher priced ones where you can get managed services,So, if you have the basic VOS, I am fairly confident they would not do that for you.
They dont even reply on any of my single ticket. I opened ticket after buying a new node at 1 January, and even now none of my support ticket even answered at all, everytime they tell me it will be answered by ken, but even not a single reply at all!
Ticket #835068
Ticket #194705
Ticket #450931
Ticket #358154
Ticket #383628
Ticket #508414
Ticket #687762
All of these ticket opened for only 2 issue, since last 9 days. None of them are answered, they provide worst support to their old customers. I have 4 server with them. I have bought a 5th one. They provided me from ovzsimon, since last 2 month ago I canceled 1 server from that nodes slowest connection (10 minutes to load cpanel icons!) Then I again ordered the 5th server for 6 months pre advance and now again they give my vps from OVZSIMON !!! Even they dont change my server while I request them more than times to times! I’m using the VPS-U-ADVANED ! Are they going to become scam at now! I never though that one time I will need to write review against virpus, but now they are just like scam with my money. They even dont reply any of my single ticket at all…! Every time same reply – “I’m forwarding this to management” then the ticket got DEAD! What kind of fun this with old customers…! I’m with virpus more than 1 year ago. And now they just fun with me…!
ovzcapricorn node slow, apt-get update did not complete 30 minutes, OS debian
Client support is very poor.