Vimal from VML Information Technology Ltd emailed me their current special, which can also be found on this WHT post. This is yearly payment only. €15/year (~USD$21.38) using this sign up link.
- 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 15GB storage
- 1TB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Servers are hosted in Netherlands. VML IT was formally known as ITExperts and is based in Mauritius since 2007. Judging from their previous features here I can sort of understand why they want to rebrand…
Payments in PayPal, Moneybookers, AlertPay or bank transfer.
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what’s the test IP and test files?
Test IP:
Test File::
Seems there is going to be quite a bit of competition for the prices in the European ultra-cheap VPS market, second 15 bucks per year European VPS offer today!
15€ != 15$ USD
15.00€ = 21.3735$ USD
I seem to recall European bandwidth being more expensive than US bandwidth. Never priced it myself so I couldn’t tell you for sure.
European peering is much more plentiful and cheap and youc an use it for basically everything
Transit on the other hand
Order link again. The one posted is redirecting.
Any Question Shoot Up.
@96MB: These are one off specials from us. We normally sell them at €20.00 /yr
Overall I recommend this hosting.
What truth are sometimes DDoS attacks and block VPS for exceeding bandwidth, but it is OK for the price!
Good speed, good bandwidth at a good price!
As a backup server for the files is perfect!
Attention TUN / TAP is not available for this offer
Take the Bronze plan (4 € / month), to enable this option
Can TUN be enabled?
Hi Bob,
Yes it can be enabled on this plan.
This is not true:
Did you take the time to go through the order links.
You will not notice that only VPS Iron Says that Tun//Tap cannot be enabled.
I can order this plan, and enable TUN / TAP.
do I install openvpn?
thank you
Bad sign up link.
Please read thread before posting.
Won’t let me click checkout on that link for some reason.
nevermind, i clicked on the WHT link up top, and clicked on the yearly special link in that post and it worked….
WHMCS seems to be screwing up or it could be our website, will check it.
Also a few thing to be noted: If you fail our Fraud Check 2 Times, do not think we will give you a third chance.
Please do not order and leave the invoice unpaid, you are killing the chance of others.
On another note. We will have around 10 to 15 Every week as from now.
I ordered this plan.
That instant that the vps is online.
I opened a ticker for tun / tap.
I have a question, is it possible to have a VPS with 2GB, the plan has a 1GB diamond.
thank you
It is possible with 2GB plan. Please contact Sales.
So do you guys think they’ll actually make it a full year? That’s kind of the only thing holding me back from ordering…
Being in Business as IT Experts Since 2007. Why would we not make it.
i’d avoid this host, their tos sucks if you read carefully and you will soon regret it sooner or later. mark my word.
Probably Because it does not Meet your needs. If you use our services for perfectly legally, why would you be afraid of our TOS
The no IRC bit will annoying some folks here. Just saying. I don’t like the no Muds clause myself.
You both allow and disallow torrenting. May need to check that. Private torrents are allowed under your Unacceptable Contents on… section and then disallowed under the Bandwidth Use… section.
I personally have a huge problem with 12.4 though:
Per that, you could say that the folks who posted up above are in violation. Or someone else can who makes a post saying that they didn’t get a ticket responded to. Or even I, if I was a customer, for pointing this out.
I believe there’s nothing in your ToS about the 3 day money back. I know some hosts include the polices on such. I point that out since that came up in the WHT thread you linked to.
12.4. Only applies if you are client of Ours. If you are not, this will not affect you (Only if you agree to a TOS that it applies). We have had to deal with a lot of nasty things in the past and therefore we had to include this. This has not really affected our business.
As for Refund, here you go.
5.7.1 During the first three days of service you are entitled to a full, no questions asked refund excluding as set forth in sections 5.7, 5.7.2, 5.7.3, 5.13, 5.14 and 12.5; as well as exclusions listed in section 2 above.
Hope that explains it. Any questions shoot up.
The layout on your website I purchased on WHT a while back now, can I ask how you got this?
I purchased the layout with WHMCS integration, Hostbill integration and WordPress integration.
I also have asked you this on your Live chat system and got no answer back from yourself, I have been waiting a 15 minutes for a reply, and still no answer, still waiting.
Please feel free to reply.
We have also purchased this from WHT. Take it up with the buyer and get back to us.
Use for the coupon “it50” for 0.50 off any Monthly VPS plans if you need them.
We will have more stock for €15.00 Plans in the week.
I order this plan.
I installed OpenVPN, it works perfectly.
Thank You for the Feedback
Is a non-exit tor node allowed?
I’ve been with this provider for 2 months now (itexperts before).
I think they have learned a lot during their migration from itexperts to vmlit, are reliable and will stay in business.
negative points:
– tos has changed some weeks ago: now everyone who gets ddos needs to pay… why that? even a normal site like lowendbox can get a ddos attack ;-), why should i pay 50 bucks then?
– outages: has become better over the last month, but still i see 1-3 hours outage per week.
overall – depending on your service needs, i can recommend them.
Thanks for the Review, I will clear up a few things for you.
We do not charge customers for DDoS unless we see its your fault. “It is more of a DDoS Mitigation Fee”. If you are hosting with us for over 2 Weeks, you will never get charged, but if you just signup and start receiving DDoS or send our DDoS, we then apply the “DDoS Mitigation Fee”. (Although we never had applied that till now”
I agree we have had some outages due to the DDoS, (thats why that clause was included). But we picking up really good now. Issues are less and less and hope to see them die soon.
Thank You for the Recommendation. Appreciate it.
We’re normal? :D
Am I missing something Here !!
Please lookup a couple:
My Bad !!! :D
Not a biggie. Just throwing out a BS comment for humour. :)
My experience: activated in a minute, reinstalled to the OS I wanted (Ubuntu 10.04LTS) in another minute, apt-get updated one minute, fixed ssh startup through console (comment oom never in /etc/init/ssh.conf), live chat with support to enable tap barely a minute. I have the service for one hour, and so far so good. Even ntp is running on the host ;) Next step, fix the reverse.. let’s livechat again: hrm, I need to raise a ticket.
3 minutes to get the reverse dns (PTR) fixed through a ticket!
I know this is way off topic but can anyone point me to a good guide to setting up a vpn? I followed this one.
It will connect to the vps but i can’t browse the internet. I can ping the vpn server’s internal ip and if i ping google it knows the ip but can’t ping it. So it looks like traffic is getting to the VPS, but isn’t getting out of the vps onto the internet.
Also I had support enable the tun/tap driver on my vps.
And ontopic so far this has been an AWESOME provider. Everything has been instant, and support was quick to enable tun/tap for me. VPS is nice and fast as well. good job guys! =]
I think on it has been discussed a lot. Have a look over there and people will help you :)
I don’t recall discussion on the new LET but I know we discussed it on the second one:
Has anybody tried the Windows-only plans? What is latency like to US East Coast?
The node uptime is good, the network is not. Current outage is one too many, live support unavailable. A couple ‘unreachable’ per week? Thanks but no thanks.
is it still bad, or better these days?
there’s still a few minutes unreachable every few days. Last outage (over 3h) was on nov. 14th.
edit: nov. 4th, not 14.
I ordered one of their monthly VPSes to test them out, and I’m glad I did. The performance is awful, disk IO is constantly being hammered, because any operation on the disk gives you a big load spike. I didn’t expect much for the 3 pounds I was paying for a month, but that’s almost 3 times what you’d be paying for this yearly deal, so god only knows what the performance on these is like.
To top that off, I’ve now received 3 invoices, including a final reminder, demanding that I pay the outstanding amount of 0.00 or they’ll terminate my account. I already got it cancelled, and received the cancellation confirmation.
Definitely wouldn’t recommend these guys, their nodes are overloaded and their billing system is broken.
indeed, I will open a ticket for slow IO as well..
confirm, still slow disk IO :(
support is speed like torrents in your service … :), but email was speedy about … torre
Our Support Team has indentified an issue with Server401 causing I/O speed to drop down considerably. This seems to be coming from our RAID array.
We have Scheduled a server reboot to check the bios of the said RAID Card for any defects. Ths will be done at 9.00 P.M GMT Time today.
We apologise for any inconvenience, but it is for the welfare of clients and better I/O Speed.
I/O is now OK after replacing a failed disk in the array. That plus kicking out seedboxes, we should be good to go for a while!