Matt from VooServers emailed me about their new POP and IPv6 deployment. They have established a new point of presence in Maidstone, Kent, and can now provide IPv6 connectivity. They are now running a special to attract more people to IPv6 with promo code IPV6ME, which gives you 50% off recurring discount. So…
- 128MB memory/256MB swap
- 10GB storage
- 200GB/month data transfer
- £2.25/month (Sign up link)
- 256MB memory/512MB swap
- 20GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- £4.00/month (Sign up link)
Note that the discount only applies to one server. These are Xen VPS managed by SolusVM, and each VPS comes with 1 IPv4 and 10 IPv6 addresses. VAT is payable to UK/EU customers. VooServers are one of the bigger providers on LowEndBox, and seem to be providing quite consistent service. Didn’t get enough love in our last quarterly poll, but hopefully will do better this time. It is also nice for them to push IPv6 (which is kind of necessary now due to IPv4 exhaustion).
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Thanks for the listing LEBAdmin.
Hey Matt, do you have debian 6 template?
Hi ID,
Yes, we have Debian 6.0 in both 32bit and 64bit templates.
They do, on order form atleast.
Like a lot of offers (And provider websites) there’s no mention of port speed here, is it 100mbit or gbit?
Hi Gary,
These are on 100mbit port. We are going to be making some upgrades to our website soon so I will add this to go on the list.
Nice quick reply, thanks. :)
do you have a test ip (v4 and v6)?
Hi Dirk,
For IPv4 please use and for IPv6 2a00:1c10:3:634::10.
I am using VooServers since Sep, 2010 after the RackVM episode. I never had a single downtime, nor did I see that the support is getting lame, or service disruptions etc. Matt provides a rock solid service
I highly recommend VooServers to anyone
Numbers look attractive, but when you convert it to USD and add an awesome thing called VAT that comes down to 4.15usd for 128MB, it just isn’t any better then having triple the ram on openvz host.
Hi Tom,
If you are from outside the EU you do not need to pay VAT which is removed on the order form once you select your country and press the update button.
Hi, unfortunately I’m exactly at the middle of European Union. My PayPal balance is in USD as I do 9/10 transactions with it, so for me this offer is just not attractive.
and what about being in the EU but having a VAT ID. Then you shouldn’t pay VAT either. I didn’t see a field in the order form were I had to enter my VAT number….
Hi Dirk,
If you have an EU VAT number please put the VAT number in the order notes. We will then generate an invoice with your VAT number on it as well and remove the VAT from the invoice.
How can you factor in VAT when comparing since you are subject to VAT on everything? Obviously purchases made outside the EU are not going to be collected with VAT, but are you not still responsible to pay it on your own?
At the moment most likely best LEB deal in price/quality – relation. I just tryed their fast support response.
And those guys most likely wont just vanish.
Agreed, I am with them since Sep 2010.
Upgraded to the latest offer (this one) and the VPS (IO / network wise) is awesome with the same great support
Yeah looking for a reliable and quick 512mb in europe, its between vooservers and hetzner but vooservers discount code does not apply to their 512mb plan.
Hi Matt
I have a VPS from the last offer, is it possible to switch over/get IPV6?
Hi Leu,
At the moment we are unable to offer IPv6 on the VPS’s setup prior to this offer as these are in a different data centre which runs a separate network and does not support IPv6 yet. The network in our Sittingbourne POP which is where the older VPS’s are is expected to have IPv6 rolled out by the network engineers over the next few months however at which time we will be making it available to all existing customers. If you need IPv6 straight away we can re-create your VPS in the new POP however your IPv4 address will also change. If you would like to take this option please log a support ticket and someone will be happy to help you.
the “50% off” is for the first time or i can get the same discount when renew?
It’s recurring, so the same price forever.
Hi azx,
This is a recurring discount so will apply for the life time of the VPS.
ohhh… i thought it was a “f” in voo ^_^
Is that a CSC datacenter? Never used them. How are they? Still looking for an European rack provider.
It’s CustDC which is a separate company. I believe the CSC one in Maidstone is primarily government and public services. It is a bit more expensive than some other data centres in the UK however the south-east in general is one of the more expensive areas to operate in for any business. If you are looking for multiple racks though the pricing is very good. If you want to shoot me an e-mail to I will be happy to pass you our account manager’s details.
Awesome deal.. one question. Are you willing to setup rdns entries for ipv6 addresses? and are you willing
to eventually support ipv4 and ipv6 rdns being set directly through SolusVM so that requests do not have to be put in via ticket?
Hi Dino,
Yes IPv6 RDNS is not a problem and we have a lot of client’s with RDNS for IPv6 addresses already up and running. We do not have any plans to add support for RDNS directly through SolusVM at the moment as the IP ranges used are also partially used for dedicated server and colocation customers so they DNS is hosted on our distributed name servers for redundancy. Tickets for RDNS are generally responded to within 10 minutes as well so it hasn’t really risen as an issue before.
All I can say is, “woah”. Signed up, and paid with paypal. Told my mail client to download my email. I actually received the email from voo with my server details BEFORE i received the confirmation from paypal that i had paid.
100Mbit speeds also :)
root@xen:~# wget -O /dev/null
100%[==========================================================>] 104,857,600 9.79M/s in 10s
(9.78 MB/s) – `/dev/null’ saved [104857600/104857600]
Very nice !
Thank you for the feedback. Good to see our new network is working well!
How many vCPU’s do we get access to?
grep ‘cpu MHz’ /proc/cpuinfo
cpu MHz : 2526.984
cpu MHz : 2526.984
cpu MHz : 2526.984
cpu MHz : 2526.984
Question for Matt:
Let’s assume the node crashes (let’s hope it never does) and you have to re-install a new node. The VPSes are all re-created. Do they all get the same IPs as before (both ipv4 and ipv6)?
Hi Dirk,
Yes, they would all receive the same IP’s. The control panel allocates the IP’s to the particular VPS and then reserves them so they cannot be used by another VPS. If the server was to crash and had to be re-installed the control panel would write the configuration files for the VPS’s again when they are first booted with the same IP’s. The control panel database which holds this information is also held on a separate server and the database is backed up every 4 hours.
nice offer. i’m from indonesia so the vat won’t applyed on my now order. is that right?
Yes that’s correct. Once you select your country and press update on the order form it will remove the VAT from the order.
Now, my 3rd month using their VPS.
Stable, good uptime, fast ticket response.
Thank you for the feedback!
can i buy two with the promo code?
Hi Phser,
The promotional code is restricted to 1 per customer at the moment.
@Matt some time ago you mentioned you would be offering HVM vps’es too. Any news on that?
Hi Dufu,
We gave Xen HVM a trial run however there wasn’t really much demand for it so we have put it on hold for now unless more demand is made for HVM. We are still looking to launch Hyper-V based VPS’s however which may offer what you need.
Nice offer for me.
Instant setup. Very, very nice.
I hope this vps will be stable in the future too. :-)
Is it possible to get some test files to download on ipv6/ipv6?
Hi Ben,
For IPv4 please use For IPv6 we don’t actually have a speed test file yet however I will see if we can get one put up.
Will the discount apply if I choose to upgrade the server later?
Hi Yang,
Yes, the discount will still apply if you upgrade your package at a later date.
How long will the coupon last?
Hi Dirk,
It will be valid until at least the end of the month.
Seem like discount coupon does not apply for bigger plan.
When will the stock be back? I see both plans are out of stock.
Hi Yang,
We are expecting a delivery from HP either today or tomorrow at which point we will be installing more nodes. I will update here once there is availability again.
Hi Yang,
We do now have stock again however we have a number of specials going out on different websites today so if the popularity of IPv6 stays the same I am not expecting the stock to last long. We are preparing a number of other nodes hopefully for early next week to try and keep up with demand however.
Now I still see: Out of Stock. :(
“We are preparing a number of other nodes hopefully for early next week to try and keep up with demand however. –Matt Parkinson”
So you will have another change, this week!
Yes, that’s correct. We put another node in on Friday however it had fully sold out by mid-day yesterday however we will have a couple more nodes going in this week.
I hope I catch “free slot” with this promotion. :D
Give us a heads-up when they are ready.
No problem. We have quite a bit of demand already so I will see if we can get quite a few nodes in to cater for everyone.
Grabbed one of these when first posted (128) and very happy, solid little box, benches around 1400 in latest unixbench, full 100Mbs. Thumbs up so far, staying on the keep list; a bargain.
I still waiting for new node :/
Sorry I meant to update here sooner. We are currently awaiting some new allocations from RIPE for our VPS’s as although they are IPv6 they still require at least one IPv4 address. This is taking longer than expected for a response from RIPE so we have had to hold back on deploying the new nodes until the allocations are made to us.
I hope you made new node with this very nice offer.
As long as your interest in the promotion is registered here then we will guarantee that you receive it once the new node is ready.
Thanks for very fast answer.
Good to know. Thanks.
(This post served to register my interest in this promotion here.) :)
Hi Deflo,
No problem. I am going to chase up about our application today and see if I can get a response on it.
For those people waiting we have now had confirmation that we should have some IP’s coming available on Monday which will allow us to take around 80 new orders until our allocation from RIPE comes through. I will update again here once the order form is opened up again on Monday.
It’s Monday in the UK already. When can we order?
Hi Aaron,
Nick is configuring the node next to me right now so it will be available this afternoon. I will update here as soon as he has finishing installing it and orders are opened again.
Hi Guys,
Just a quick heads up to let you know that a new VPS node has been added so we have plenty of stock now avaliable to order through the link at the top of this page.
Ordered mine. Waiting for it to be set up.
Thank you. Subject to passing fraud checks orders are activated instantly upon payment so you should receive the details within a few minutes of payment being made.
Seems like MaxMind (or equivalent) has stopped my order from going in.
Order 7936881764, Invoice #5922.
Hi Deflo,
On our systems it is showing as automatically activated and details sent to your registered address. I have re-sent the activation e-mail to you however if you don’t receive it in the next few minutes if you could create a support ticket I will pop the details in there as well for you.
Hi Deflo,
Sorry I have found the problem actually. It looks like although it’s showing as active it hasn’t created the VPS correctly. I am looking into why this is now and will re-send the details again once deployed correctly which should be in the next few minutes.
Hah! I see it in the “My emails” section of the client area, but it isn’t in my inbox. Thanks.
Hi Deflo,
I have now fixed the activation issue with your account and re-sent the e-mail again with the full details for you. If you have any further issues if you can drop in a support ticket one of us will get back to it pretty quickly for you.
Yes, I have received the activation email with the VPS IP (the last email didn’t contain an IP). FYI, the root password I had supplied during ordering didn’t work, but a password change via SolusVM fixed it. Or maybe it was a typo on my part. ;)
Thank you, Matt, for quickly resolving the activation issue. I’ll send in a support ticket later tomorrow for setting up rDNS.
Hey Matt,
Is this offer being provisioned in Manchester now? and is there native ipv6 there too?
Hi Dino,
We won’t ever be launching any of our services in Manchester as it is about 5 hours away from our offices so just wouldn’t be properly supportable. All of our new services are located in Maidstone and Sittingbourne in Kent however this particular offer is for VPS nodes in Maidstone.
Ok, I saw in your WHT post you listed an IP starting with 194. that i did a lookup on and thought it was being routed to OhTele in Manchester. Guess not!
Hi Dino,
No problem. That IP should be one of the ranges from our Sittingbourne POP. We like to make sure we have staff no more than 15 minutes from the data centres we use which is why Manchester wouldn’t work for us as we are all southerners and especially myself heading up an operation in Manchester would mean a long time away from home to train staff and put an office in etc.
if today I would sign-up for a 128mb VPS, is it then later on possible to upgrade it to an 256/512/1024mb VPS? And will the discount then also apply on those upgrades?
Hi Dirk,
Using this promotion you could upgrade to the 256MB VPS and keep the discount at a later date however the 512MB and 768MB VPS’s are not part of this promotion so we could not offer the same discount on those. If the need did arise for you to upgrade to a 512MB or 768MB VPS however I am sure we could try and work something out that is similar to this promotion and fits your budget.
OK thanks for the info.
Are the VPSes back in stock?
No problem. Yes, we add some new nodes on Monday so there is plenty of space at the moment.
Sorry that was meant to be “added”
Question: can I pay via Paypal AND did you set “creditcard” as prefered on paypal? (seems that even if you have money in your paypal account that paypal forces CC if the merchants prefers CC :-( )
Yes, you can pay via PayPal, Credit Card or Bank Transfer. We take credit cards separately to PayPal so we don’t have any kind of forced credit card preference from within PayPal as far as I am aware.
Order placed….
As we have a VAT number (and provided it), I’ll await the changed “invoice” before actualy paying….
Thank you. You should received a 2nd invoice creation notice within a couple of minutes as I have applied your EU VAT number and resent the invoice.
Indeed I did get that … paid it and it did go off my balance (and not off my CC)….
Not sure if I’m on the new nodes or not (signed up monday night) but I’m very pleased with the overall performance. Sales queries were handled super quick too. However I did notice that my VPS in NL gets noticeably better global ping times than all my UK based VPS(s). Maybe the peering in UK isn’t as good as NL?
Matt, care to share the specs for the host nodes?
Hi M,
If you signed up Monday night you should have gone on to one of the new nodes as we started deploying VPS’s on them around 4PM on Monday. Good to hear that thing’s are going well for you! The node specs are as follows:
Intel Xeon X3440
12GB DDR3 ECC Memory
4 x 500GB Disks in RAID10
100mbit uplink with capability of 1Gbit if required.
Thanks for the info :) Good to know the hardware is well balanced, unlike most budget providers who stuff their servers with huge amounts of RAM and then oversell on disk I/O.
Is this offer still available? I see the banner add here on LEB still for 2.25 but the coupon
doesn’t seem to take any money off the purchase and says “this coupon has already been entered”
when I try to apply it. (and still wants the 4.50/mth for the 128MB plan)
Hi Dino,
Yes, we still have this offer open at the moment so it should work. It may be worth clearing your basket on our website and then trying again. If that fails just put the other through as is but when you get to the payment page just close the page and I will then adjust it for you manually.
Sorry that was meant to say just put the order through.
Hi Dino,
The promotional code should now be fixed as it was not just related to you.
I have 2 VPSes with them, both based on the above offer and I can only say one thing about them: they are GREAT. No downtime, fast responses to support requests, realy top!!
Hi Dirk,
Thank you for the feedback. It’s great too hear back from our client’s.
I also had the problem with the code, it doesn’t work. I added a note to my order, if you could please readjust the total I will pay the invoice directly.
Hi Will,
I will check out the promotional code in a second and see what’s going on with it as it was previously functional. I have adjusted your order and sent you a new invoice notification. Once paid the VPS should automatically activate.
Just in case anyone else looks here. The promotional code should now work.
bought a 256mb yesterday. it’s lightning fast.
I hope it stays that way, fingers crossed
Purchased a VPS from these guys last night. (128MB RAM deal.) Am impressed so far – Matt has been very helpful via support ticket – rDNS request was dealt with very quickly.
Impressed so far :)
I’m also very happy with these guys. My vps is good and fast, as is the support.