admin at VPS Deploy wrote in to announce their new OpenVZ VPS with solid state drives. “VPS SSD Server Level 0” actually fits under the listing criteria here. For $4.99/month you can the following VPS:
- 384MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 5GB storage on SSD
- 100GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Use promo code LET50SSD you also get 50% off first month. Servers with Hetzner in Germany. They also posted some pretty impressive disk write benchmark figures. I am just worried about the failure rate of those solid state drives (after reading this on Coding Horror). Especially when quite a few other people are also doing dd
writing like crazy.
VPS Deploy is a Spanish company. Domain registered in March 2010.
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The failure rates on codinghorror are really bad. Now i can’t trust my own sdd any more (I had already made the experience with some lags and outages)
if you’re a windows user, put page file in another mechanical hdd
if you’re a linux user, put swap partition in another mechanical hdd
that will expand your ssd life
If your a Windows user, format your drive and install Ubuntu.
That will expand the life also, and no annoying fragmentation errors every week.
Sorry Daniel, but can you stop blaming Windows all the time?
Absolutly my mind.
About windows, I hate that, too ;)
Linux, linux, linux – yeah :)
Ubuntu for someone who want a mac, and all other for nerds :P
He’s a mac user, they all hate windows..
Ill happily let you both know that I have a OS mix in my life, just no Windows.
Well, with the memory amount that the machines have these days, about 4-8 GB swap is almost unused.
But I guess LEStock is referring to other issue.
Setting noatime (linux) or disablelastaccess (windows, defaults to off on newer versions) also helps. Use of RAM disks can also cut down on writes.
But it all seems like too much for me, I’d rather wait on SSDs to get a bit better, that codinghorror article has been dampening my spirits about them ever since I read it.
@Yomero: SSDs have a limited number of write/erase cycles in their lifetime, so you want to cut down on writes, and moving/disabling the swap file is usually the easiest/first target for doing that. Though as the codinghorror article LEA links shows, lots of people experience them failing a lot sooner than they should.
Yes, what I am trying to say, is that swap is almost unused, just that. Then, the real impact is very low. Also, I guess, if someone has money to get SSDs, has money to get lots of RAM.
But yes, the easy way is disabling it.
Is there a RAID on the ssd?
No, we dont have RAID… we are looking for a RAID-0 (only SSD, not SATA) for the future.
We do a dayly remote rsync and weekly vzdump both with bwlimit factor to prevent IO delays, and you have 2 remote snaps in your Solus panel.
No RAID? That is insane.
You do make regular backups, right?
We do a dayly remote rsync and weekly vzdump both with bwlimit factor to prevent IO delays, and you have 2 remote snaps in your Solus panel.
LOL at this
I can get sometimes like 1GB/s with normal disks and a lot of caching (no fdatasync)
got one
activated 20min after payment
i wasn’t asked about what os to be installed, the vps i got had ubuntu
cat /etc/debian_version
solus has a pretty impressive list of distributions
centos5 32/64
arch2010.5 32/64
debian5 32/64
debian6 32/64
eyeos 1.9
fedora14 32/64
gentoo 64
openwall 32/64
Scientific Linux 6 32
Slackware 13.1 32
Suse 11.4 32/64
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32/64
also 5 more with directadmin, gnome, virtualmin preinstalled
the correct amount of ram is 384MB guaranted / 512MB burst
i’ve opened a ticket to verify it’s not a mistake
Hi, is not a mistake.
But swap is disabled in our hosts.
[code][root@cluster002 html]# free | grep Swap
Swap: 0 0 0
Even if you don’t oversell its usually a good idea to have swap, just for emergencies.
Thats my opinion, others opinion will differ.
Yeah! and we respect it.
But we prefer monitore it and not use swap. Sure in SATA servers… in this SSD host it’s possible i will change it for the future…
PD- We have specified this info in our site.
German (Hetzner) servers.
But you’re a spanish company, right?
Isn’t this kinda gay?
LOL! Are you being sarcastic/funny? Or this is racial….
What does nationality have to do with sexual identity and orientation?
Yes. Being a spanish company is completely homosexual.
(What’s wrong with you?)
1) fast, automatic deployment, received vps details just few minutes after the order
2) blazing fast IO, as it was to be expected
3) GeekBench
4) PI thingy:
Good to hear that, as I just ordered a vps at their website.
We should make a review on WHT if we ran the servers for over 2 weeks.
with this server we dont have tun -> OpenVPN impossible
Just open a ticket and request they enable tun. Most providers have only enable it on request.
Hello, I just wanted to post that I just signed up, and the Servers are not at Hetzner in Germany, they’re in Roubaix, France, (OVH?). Perhaps they have servers at Hetzner too, but I got France.
Their German node is full, so they only host at France now. (got one vps at france, and one at germany).