Via this WHT offer. I just figured out that you can buy VPS Squad‘s premium LA VPS for $83.87/year, by using the coupon code 45OFFLIFESALE. That’s roughly $6.99/month and you get
- 256MB guaranteed/384MB burstable memory
- 10GB storage
- 200GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Being in LA means good connection to Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and they have release Ubuntu 10.04 LTS image for their OpenVZ VPS (it’s been out for 3 weeks why aren’t more VPS providers supporting it?!) A bit of information about the company can be found in my previous post. VPS Squad by itself still seems to be pretty new — probably too new for me to prepay something for a while year.
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Apparently, the coupon code works for monthly payments as well but VPS Squad doesn’t seem to be offering any control panels.
You can find our latest special here at
Current location special is New York @ $4.95 /mth
Disk Quota: 5GB + 5GB FREE (limited time)
Guaranteed Memory: 128MB
Burst Memory: 384MB
CPU: 4 Cores
Traffic (MB/month): 100GB
Management: Unmanaged
IP Address: 1
VPS Squad
I’d call that spam. Especially for hijacking another Post like that. is actually run by VPS Squad, which is this post about…
Sorry about that. We just had a spam run with our clients that almost looked exactly like that copy. Knee jerk reaction. Plus running on about 3 hours of sleep. Should have hovered over the user name to see the link as well.
Feel free to delete and sorry again.