Hey LowEndBox community! The guys over at VPSslim sent over an offer today and we’re pleased to have them back. They’ve been posted quite a few times, going all the way back to 2012, but we haven’t had anything from them since 2015. They’ve always had good reviews and support, so we’re happy to have a new offer to share.
VPSslim is a registered company in the Netherlands (52966887), their WHOIS is public, and you can find their ToS/Legal Docs here. As method of payment, you can use: iDEAL, Creditcard, PayPal, Bitcoin, alt coins (50 different coins), & Wire transfer.
In their own words:
“VPSslim has been active in the hosting business for quite a while now. In that time we have become a major player in the field of virtual private server hosting. VPSslim is a profitable, healthy and independent company. When ordering a VPS, you can count on years of experience, professional and friendly staff and advanced equipment. We put all our knowledge and experience together to bring you the best hosting experience possible. Do you have a question, problem or comment? Our helpdesk can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via email or social media.”
The offers:
– 4096MB RAM
– 4096MB Swap
– 2x vCPU
– 200GB HDD space
– 5TB transfer
– 1Gbps uplink
– 1x IPv4
– /64 IPv6
– OpenVZ/SolusVM
– $5/month
– $40/year
– 16GB RAM
– Intel Xeon E3-1230v5 CPU
– 2x 1TB hard drives
– Software RAID
– 25TB transfer
– 1Gbps uplink
– /32 IPv4
– /48 IPv6
– IPMI: yes
– $49/month
Test IPv4:
Test file: 100mb.bin
Looking glass: http://lg.serverius.net
Host Node:
– 2x Intel Xeon E5-2620 CPU
– 256GB RAM
– 8x 2TB HDDs
– Hardware RAID10
– 1Gbps uplink
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No possibility to change billing cycle to annually?
It is now, with code: LEBEXCLUSIVEYEAR
Thank you!
No offer for KVM ?
No, but we do have KVM on the website.
We do have a KVM offer on LET.
VPS OFFER have only monthly method ( and it is 20$/month)
Is it possible to have Windows Server 2008 R2 ?
Please check again. Windows Server is possible when you have a KVM VPS.
Wow getting under 0.1ms for IPv6 world wide.
Since when did we break the speed of light?
Tom beat me to the joke, but, seriously, do you have an actual IPv6 test address for us?
For sure: 2a0a:4300::10
That VPS is not slim at all! :-)
Too big for me, but if you cut it all to half, and I’ll take one!
On lowendtalk we also have an offer, maybe that fits your needs?
I hope the offer fits your needs.
I don’t see option for yearly order and the prices are in euro
Please check again, and yes it’s EURO. Code for yearly: LEBEXCLUSIVEYEAR
dedicated server in website is another offers:
2x 500 GB RAID-1 Storage
Intel Xeon E3-1220
You can ignore that. It will be 16 GB RAM
Link to the dedicated server is not correct. “LEBEXCLUSIVE” only gets a few euro’s discount (also for dedicated)
Hello Wim,
Guys when I add cPanel +15 EUR the total is still 4.20 EUR monthly? Is this for real?
That’s incorrect – fixing it. Sorry. The 4.20EUR for the VPS is correct though.
Ticket #371712 Request to reply to my ticket,thank you!
Where’s the 40/yr VPS deal?
It’s not there.
Hasty pastry people, hasty hasty pastry.
Hello, please use code: LEBEXCLUSIVEYEAR and select annually. Thank you :)
Wow had the worst experience in my life with these cowboys,data missing nodes constantly down garbage
Very sorry to hear that. Our last offer was in 2015. Please try again and check it out again. If
It turns out you don’t like it we can refund in the first month.
I tried to place order but the final price for one year is EUR 4.2 – VPS Popular
Is this right?
Thats incorrect. Please try now.
You should probably give a global ipv6 address instead of the loopback ::1.
Bought; Server was delivered instantly but the OS is stuck at 0kb… not installing
contacting support, time to see the response times ;P
Hello Matt. Do you have a ticket #?
been a day, still no response from support. about to go to paypal and refund
What is your ticket #?
its all been taken care of now! ty
It is not allowed to host adult content?
Hello, it is allowed as long as it’s according the law.
There is something wrong when I choose annually billing cycle the price is still 4.20 EUR. Also the offer here is in USD but in the site prices are in EUR ;)
Fixed. Thank you for notifying!
I signed up for this special on Friday. I was only provisioned 512MB of RAM. I opened a ticket, and yet have not heard back and it’s Sunday.
Hello. What is your ticket #?
Thanks for responding Vpsslim. The issue was addressed Monday morning at 3:47 a.m. After the initial response from you guys, the matter was addressed quickly and professionally. Thank you for reaching out here as well.
Thank you. No problem at all. Glad you are our client. Thanks again!
Signed up for the VPSslim $40/yr VPS. PayPal payment.
They use your PayPal email for your account login.
They send your account info by email all in PLAIN TEXT.
They have multiple addon drop downs that offer $$$$$ services for 0 Euro.
They bill you 4.20 Euro/month, not $40 USD per year.
Have sent tickets. No response.
The 4-20 thing might be telling us a lot.
When you choose annually anf use code: lebexclusiveyear then its 40/year.
I’m trying to place an order, but when I put this code in LEBEXCLUSIVEDEDI I only get a 49 EUR discount and the price at checkout stays at 159 EUR, but shouldn’t this deal be $42 US per month not 110 EUR.
Hello Mika,
Please try via this link: https://clients.hostslim.eu/cart.php?a=add&pid=1015&promocode=Lebexclusivededi
Ticket #371712 Request to reply to my ticket,thank you!I opened on weekends, but I did not get any reply for two days.
Thank you. On it!
I open 2 tickets since I ordered and payed for a year server and I still don’t have access to it.
Ticket number 299726 and 720642
I have already bought a subscription for 1 year VPS from you and with the first problem that occurred you reaction
totally changed.
Before buying your response was instantly and not it just doesn’t exists.
I have been waiting for you to reply to my ticket with #793690, but instead you closed already 2 times my ticket without actually replying it..
That’s strange. I will check right away!
Can we enable FUSE ?
Hello Leo, yes we can!
How much uptime guarantee for the vps at 40 dollars?
Hello Mike,
Also 99,9%
In VPS Popular configuration, if I add extra IP’s and extra memory, the price is still 35 EUR / year. Is it correct?
That’s incorrect and will be billed afterwards.
If we choose any addons, it’s free with your promo code. Is this correct?
I choose “10 Gbps unmetered € 32000.00 EUR” for Extra Bandwith, and it’s still 35euro/year.
This is a very good deal, if it’s true.
Hey Blue! As you probably understand that’s incorrect. Just the VPS + 1 IP and IPV6 is for the discount offer. Every addon will be billed afterwards.
Thank you!
Could you tell HDD speed on VPS ? dd
Hello Evgeny, depends on the exact VPS plan on the speed. You can always try it out yourself.
worse service we have used from 17 years to today.
7 hours down, no ticket response and no refund even after 6 days.
be away from this vendor.
some friends also had a worse experience.
Hello Reginald,
Very sorry to hear about your issue. Could you raise a ticket about your issue? Or if you already did: please post the ticket ID here so we can process your refund without any issue. I am very curious about the issue you’ve had so if you let me knwo the ticket ID I can look into it.
Pls check my tickets,
Hello YK, tickets in progress!
Thanks,after your support came checked tickets ,work very well
Could you also check the replied on #217517 (Swap Mem/Reverse DNS)
Worst service ever! SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!! Support is complete garbage. Service is always down!
Trying to get my money back from this horrible service!
Hello Eric, sorry to hear this but our monitoring says something different. Do you maybe have a ticket number? We can then help you right away. Thank you!
Please stop making excuses and blaming me when you admitted to a problem in my support ticket.
Fix the service I paid for!
Found your tickets. They were merged since you made several tickets in an
Hour time frame. They have been answered and we are handling your replies. Thank you.
Issue still persists. Had one email response in 24 hours. Whats going on? I get a better response here!
I’ve had a good experience with this VPS, any issues I’ve had, they’ve fixed. It’s not overloaded like some VPS companies where my load average spikes to 1.32 -> 3.40 -> 12.50.
I’ve had it up for over a week and stayed logged in running ‘top’ to watch the load averages, they stay at 0.00s unless I’m installing and/or updating something, which is to be expected, even then it might go to 0.03 to maybe 0.09.
I had some issues at the start, but after submitting tickets and getting them resolved, everything works great.
Thank you for the kind words Greg and for sharing your experience. We hope to have you as a long term customer :)
When i clicked VPS offer’s montly link(https://clients.hostslim.eu/cart.php?a=add&pid=1044&promocode=LEBEXCLUSIVE) the price was change.The new price be 20€ but it has to be 5$?
Hello. Please click on checkput and you will see the 5$ price.
The test IP is down? cannot ping…
Please try
Thanks. Great!
Most welcome:)
May I ask do you allow torrents for private use, not public use?
Hello Jerry,
For private usage it’s allowed.
DO NOT BUY from the specific company they are a FRAUD. (and they are doing this for a lot of time
so if you try to get your money back you will never get them.)
I was having HUGE problems sending emails to HOTMAIL as their IP Addresses
are blocked from Hotmail..
I tried contacting them numerous times through their support system, until they DELETED
the support ticket (they say engineer’s mistake that this happened someone accidentally pressed the delete button..)
After the deletion of the ticket i opened a dispute claim through PayPal hopefully to get my money back.
When they saw the PayPal’s claim they cancelled my subscriptions and they told me that that they refunded me.
The PayPal claim is now over i didn’t get any money from PayPal because they ruled in favor of them
and Of course i did NOT get any money at all from the specific company.
So, DO NOT BUY from this hosting company you will never get the services that you got promised and you will never get REFUNDED.
Well, that’s rather a blunt statement. We’re of course not trying to “steal” money from you. I have found your ticket and you opened a dispute before contacting us at first. This caused in your account being suspended, which is quite obvious of course as either it’s a fraud order or you are disputing a transaction before contacting us and help us solve the issue.
I have found the transaction and your refund ticket is on its way. Of course we solve this for you but the way you described is not really how it went. I am very sorry to hear that you feel like that though.
Thank you for trying out our services!
They are officially a SCAMMING / CHEATING / THIEF Sevices.
— To the COMPANY (or whatever you are): You can laugh that you stole the 43.05 EUROS
that i send you but you gave me a good lesson, Thank you. —–
More details:
Before i buy i send an email and opened a support ticket to ask them about their services,
their reply were instantaneous (for a hosting company it took less that 30 mins or something,
i was very happy to see that happenning).
After purchasing with the first problem that occurred (specifically the IP address of the server was blocked from the HOTMAIL provider so whatever emails i send through SMTP the Hotmail was dropping them), their attitude totally changed.
I didn’t get any replies at all after waiting for many days.
My support tickets they were “automatically” closing somehow magically, Up to the point that the whole support ticket was deleted from their support system.
The excuse of the ticket’s removal was that an Engineer of theirs pressed the Delete button by mistake, and we were born yesterday…
I paid them at 23th September until now 17th October (almost one month later) they haven’t give me my money back and i will never receive them.
How you can understand that they actually stealing?
Because instead of choosing to say that they will not give me my money back,
they told me instead and assured that they send the money through PayPal.
Of course that never happened otherwise the money it will be instantly on my account as it happens with all other REFUNDS from EBAY and other services / companies that happened in the past.
Let me clarify here also that i tried to get my money back through PayPal as i didn’t get any response from them UNTIL i made the PayPal’s claim, and after the deletion of the tickets and everything.
I didn’t get any money back from PayPal because as PayPal stated to me the specific’s Hosting Company description of the product that they sold me has minor differences with the one that they provided me,
so it doesn’t matter that they IP of the VPS is / was blocked from HOTMAIL as long they sold me a VPS and not a Donkey..
DO NOT EXPECT to get your money back IF YOU PAY THEM because their excuses / descriptions are well put so people can NOT get their money back.
IF YOU DOT NOT BELIEVE ME, rest assured with the first problem that you will have you will remember me…
Finally all of this bullshit is only happening just for 43.05 EUROS (50.72$) that a normal hosting company and not a scamming / thieving one it should easy send back.
Hello Georgius,
I am very sorry to hear that you feel this way. Unfortunately you opened a paypal dispute a few days after your order and escalated this. This way PayPal will take some time to decide on the dispute, that’s probably the reason why the funds have not cleared yes. That has nothing to do with theft or anything like that.
If an IP address is blocked after you use it then we expect you to explain what happened on your VPS, if it was blocked prior to you using it then of course we will replace the IP address for you.
Please reply to your ticket to the finance department and we will solve your issue for sure.
One month and 6 days later and still NO money back at all.
THIEFS they stole the money and they just left..
suppose to get and you will neither get a refund.
Hi, your vps support for what? auto generate content and for running the bot, ready?
You can host what’s allowed by law. Auto generate content is not illegal right? As long as it’s not spam.
I have a doubt, while proceeding through the checkout and adding cPanel as control panel it looks like the discount is being added to the cPanel cost aswell, is this correct? I am asking as the price of VPS with cPanel is way to low.. and I just need to plan my budget correctly.
Also, do you guys also offer Softaculous license, or I should acquire that from elsewhere?
HEllo Astrit, on the checkout there’s a remark that addons are not included in the discount offer. We have no softaculous licenses. You can order that somewhere else yes.
Thank you.
is can you help for change Reverse DNS
Pls check my tickets,
For sure! On it.
look http://prntscr.com/gy806y
Reverse DNS not set
Can i trial for 1 month and then if all good, i sign up for 1 year with the discount?
Hi, you could signup for a month and then ask for the 1 year discount offer.
This provider is one big disappointment for me. They are not able to configure PTR record for more than 3 weeks and try to excuse with RIPE.
I have a ticket in thicket system on where is absolutely silence from 1 week. They just stops to responding in the ticket system when I ask for refund.
please check your ip at: https://www.spamhaus.org/lookup/
Hi Petko,
This has been resolved for you in October. Thanks!
Not sure why everyone seems to be having issues I purchased via PP got instant confirmation emails and setup with no issues. Checked spamhaus and sure enough there’s no record of my IP. Instant setup and stability so far. Thanks HostSlim!
Thank you Jason for your kind words! Glad to have you as a client!
LEBEXCLUSIVE promocode expired. Couldnot take your monthly popular vps asking for $20
Please try again now.
Ordered a VPS on dec 7th, 2017. Performance was not OK, asked for cancellation. That was granted, with refund.
On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 10:44 AM, HostSlim wrote: “The refund has been returned via the payment method you originally paid with”.
Unfortunately, i still haven’t received this refund despite numerous promises. Will open a dispute @paypal this afternoon.
@VPSSLIM: It concerns the return of the amount as stated in invoice #2038246
Hello Ronald, sorry to hear this and thank you for your feedback. We’ll solve this today for you.
Unfortunately, that is not the case.
It’s march 28 now. Still no refund, despite numerous emails from my side and promises on your side. This reeks like a scam organisation.
Could you please return my money?
Hello Ronald,
I see in the ticket history that you opened a dispute with PayPal, which delays the refund of course. Should be solved soon I assume. It has nothing to do with scam. We will contact PayPal as well to close the dispute for you.
Sorry for the confusion/trouble.
I have not opened a dispute at paypal.
Please, can you just send the refund to my paypal account. I have not opened a dispute, but will do that next week.