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What Are Your 2022 New Year's Resolutions?

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions this year?  If not, here are some you should consider as you look forward to 2022:

I will update my systems and not get caught by some ancient bug. I will learn the ways of apt and yum.

I will keep my backups, test my backups, and monitor my backups. I will not lose data.

I will read LowEndTalk, read reviews, and ask for advice and if I ignore it, I will not complain that my 16GB KVM for $1/month blew up.

I will use SSH keys instead of passwords. In fact, I will turn off password authentication entirely.

I will use a VPN when I’m logged into some hotel’s sketchy wi-fi.

I will cancel my PayPal subscriptions when I cancel service and when I forget to do so, I will not open invective-filled threads on LowEndTalk.

I will not use “monkey” as my root password. I will not even use “monkey!”.

I will check LowEndBox and LowEndTalk every day!



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