Jimmy Lu of YardVPS has contacted us letting us know that he’s running his $6.36/month XEN-PV deal again. While ordering be sure to apply the coupon code YardVPS, otherwise the price goes back up to $7.95/month.
TREE1 – Xen VPS Offer
- 512MB Guaranteed RAM
- 1GB Swap
- 20GB Disk Space
- 1500GB Bandwidth
- 1 IPV4 Address
- SolusVM
$6.36/month – Coupon Code YardVPS
Test IP v4 –
Test IP v6 – 2604:6600:1019::2
Test Files – 10MB 50MB 100MB
All servers are based in Los Angeles. Originally starting in the OpenVZ market, it seems they’ve since then discontinued it in favor of KVM & XEN. Paypal, Alipay & direct credit cards are all accepted while paying. Previous reviews/comments have been hit/miss.
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Just a comment about the 199 range: seems this is like the “last of the mohichan” IP range. We just asked for some additional addresses from our colo provider, and were given a 199 range also, even though our current range is in the 60’s.
I just realized, I need to get out more :D
Yeah, I think I have at least 2 199 ones :D
What’s mohichan?
Even with the typo ¬_¬
Read through the previous comments on YardVPS. Was underwhelmed by little if any negative reviews.
Picked up the special and am running it through paces / setup now.
Some basic info:
This is a 1 CPU VPS. Intel 5620 CPU.
Network is limited by the 100Mbps port.
Network is somewhat questionable, it performs fine, but it differs from YardVPS’ website, which says:
Have yet to see these other providers in routes to this facility. What I do see almost solely is HE bandwdith.
Route from this facility to FDCServers Denver location is way mucked up:
That route is LA to Denver to Chicago to Denver. Far from the first time I’ve seen FDC routing mishaps. Common with Denver facility.
UnixBench for this machine is SLOW:
# # # # # # # ##### ###### # # #### # #
# # ## # # # # # # # ## # # # # #
# # # # # # ## ##### ##### # # # # ######
# # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # #
# # # ## # # # # # # # ## # # # #
#### # # # # # ##### ###### # # #### # #
4 1 Based on the Byte Magazine Unix Benchmark
44 11
v v 4 4 1
v v 44444 1 v4.1 revisions mostly by David C. Niemi,
v 4 o 111 – WHT.2 Reston, VA, USA
WHT Variant by Andy A. Lee
See: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=308055
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2
Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2
Execl Throughput 1
Filesystem Throughput 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1
Filesystem Throughput 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1
Filesystem Throughput 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1
Pipe Throughput 1 2
Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2
Process Creation 1
System Call Overhead 1 2
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1
join: file 2 is not in sorted order
BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 4.1-wht.2)
System — Linux ca-usa.pubcrawler.com 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 16 16:22:28 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
/dev/xvda1 20642428 6203664 13390188 32% /
Start Benchmark Run: Wed Feb 22 11:27:41 PST 2012
11:27:41 up 54 min, 2 users, load average: 0.15, 0.04, 0.01
End Benchmark Run: Wed Feb 22 11:38:55 PST 2012
11:38:55 up 1:06, 3 users, load average: 15.06, 6.19, 2.76
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 376783.7 8216341.6 218.1
Double-Precision Whetstone 83.1 1774.1 213.5
Execl Throughput 188.3 1384.1 73.5
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 2672.0 50278.0 188.2
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1077.0 13578.0 126.1
File Read 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 15382.0 496832.0 323.0
Pipe-based Context Switching 15448.6 66436.2 43.0
Pipe Throughput 111814.6 341063.1 30.5
Process Creation 569.3 2802.9 49.2
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 44.8 406.9 90.8
System Call Overhead 114433.5 396722.4 34.7
Try using Unixbench 5.1.2, 4.1 had some issues on Xen.
Disk speed is respectable to fast:
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm test
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 6.10947 s, 176 MB/s
ioping looks fast:
ioping-0.6# ./ioping . -c 10
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=1 time=0.2 ms
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=2 time=0.3 ms
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=3 time=0.3 ms
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=4 time=0.4 ms
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=5 time=0.2 ms
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=6 time=0.3 ms
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=7 time=0.3 ms
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=8 time=0.4 ms
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=9 time=0.2 ms
4096 bytes from . (ext3 /dev/xvda1): request=10 time=0.3 ms
— . (ext3 /dev/xvda1) ioping statistics —
10 requests completed in 9004.5 ms, 3473 iops, 13.6 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 0.2/0.3/0.4/0.1 ms
hparm is showing an unbelievably high number:
hdparm -T /dev/xvda1
Timing cached reads: 15036 MB in 1.99 seconds = 7568.89 MB/sec
A case of the wrong t ;)
Capital T shows OS / RAM cache performance (does not hit the disk)
hdparm -T XXX
You want this (lowercase t) which measures sequential read performance from the disk:
hdparm -t XXX
Yea, most people do hdparm -tT /dev/xxx :)
Oops :)
That was an error on my part, was in a hurry earlier and wasn’t working directly from my scripted test/install process.
Revised disk speed still look peppy:
hdparm -t /dev/xvda1
Timing buffered disk reads: 462 MB in 3.01 seconds = 153.50 MB/sec
Regardless of what UnixBench says, this VPS is darn fast.
Compiled a bunch of stuff and seemed faster than just about anything we’ve seen before.
Pretty good machine and service. Now if they could somehow be less HE dependent.
We utilize multiple peers such as nLayer and Xeex with more to come. However, HE.net just has the best preferred bath within BGP route tables. In fact we had to prepend some of the traffic so other peers may be utilized. If there is any issues with HE.net we can usually route around the issue. Just need traceroutes and source IP so we can pick the best preferred path
Thanks PhotonVPS-Jim!
Run a traceroute from your facility to:
Do that over the preferred route which is per se non-optimally HE right now.
Route cleanup for sure :)
Still doing good with our VPS. Should have it in production by Monday to see how it really does.
i have a 15$/year openvz vps with them since like 15 month havnt got much problem i’m very satisfied =)
I ordered a Xen plan nearly a year ago – it was practically unusable – 100% I/O wait and yum took an awfully long time to run. I cancelled it. Against my better judgement, i tried again several months later, and it was much the same experience, so i cancelled that as well.
On the other hand, my $15/yr OpenVZ plan has been great. Poor I/O wait again, but the plan is allocated the “lowest” I/O priority. It’s still more usuable than the Xen plan though, haha. Uptime has been great, so it makes for a good slave DNS server anyway.
I’m sorry to hear about your I/O issues on our Xen based VPS. If you would like to try us again and I can give you a free month :)
Bad offer!!!
How so? I don’t see many VPS providers offering similar performance at this price.
Because your attitude towards your customers is pathetic, in many of these offers from you people state their experiences with you, including myself who had a terrible experience with your vps, and yourself.
I wouldn’t ever choose to buy a vps from yourself again due to the terrible support and lack of service.
For anyone else that wants more info, my vps hardly ever started, and when it did it went down minutes later. Jim never tried to help apart from to tell me it works perfectly, he then refused a part refund, even though it said in the terms I was entitled to one (I had used the vps for a few hours) Jim then edited his terms and conditions there and then, to remove the part that offered me the refund, completely unprofessional and childish.
I realize you’ll probably come back at me, trying to pretend what a good host you are, but you need to learn how to treat people, if I can find my old screen shots of the terms before & after and the kind of support I got, I’ll post them later.
We do not offer refunds as stated on our TOS.
I quote:
“he then refused a part refund, even though it said in the terms I was entitled to one (I had used the vps for a few hours) Jim then edited his terms and conditions there and then, to remove the part that offered me the refund, completely unprofessional and childish.”
You removed it while I was talking to you, don’t even try and cover it up, you act like a complete child.
In reply again:
This is his TOS of when I asked for a refund: http://i.imgur.com/3jvlQ.png
I then asked for a refund and quoted those TOS, he then said he doesn’t offer refunds and continued to edit his TOS while he was talking to me over live support, he then changed them to this: http://i.imgur.com/4d7Ms.png and told me according to his new terms, he cannot offer me a refund.
Jim, you are a completely immature host, and I feel sorry for anyone who has to put up with you. I’ve been with a lot of VPS hosts over the time I’ve been running website, and you have been (easily) the worst.
Is says “If cancellation is caused by customers violation of these polices, then a refund will be pro rated for the unused days in a given month.”
If I read above correctly, you were not happy with the VPS and did not break any of the terms of service polices, so that would be null for this case.
I would have signed up but they don’t offer additional IPs on these plans? Terrible as I needed some for SSL.
That’s correct, we don’t offer any additional IPs at YardVPS.
why ,I can’t use Coupon Code “YardVPS” now.
yes,this time I get 20% off!
Yes, coupon is still active :)
How long do these take to setup? I ordered one about 20 minutes ago, got the details, but haven’t been able to SSH into it or login via SolusVM yet. Just wondering when I can expect to access the VM.
I’ll report back once I get access =]
Setup time was a few minutes wait. Certainly under 20 minutes.
When your account is readying you will get a barrage of emails about your VPS, payment, etc.
I see. Hmm, i’m still waiting. I filed a ticket, they responded and said they had re-installed the VPS and to verify if it was working. I still can’t access the VPS via the details given to me and still can’t access SolusVM. I’m just waiting for them to get it sorted. (I’m in no rush nor am I angry, just stating the facts of my experience thus far).
Ticket ID: PXG-860326 (in case a staff member wants to verify my statements)
Got a response, got access to SolusVM, but still can not access my VPS via SSH. My VPS will not stay online. SolusVM always say it’s ‘offline’. I’ll reboot it, and I will see that it is ‘online’, only to not be able to connect, go back to SolusVM and see it is ‘offline’ again. This keeps happening. =[
Am I the only one who has experienced this? I’m on the node: “snack”, if it matters.
I’ll report back once we finally get this all sorted out!
Got it sorted. It was an issue with the CentOS 6.2 image…
All of their customers should be careful, the only way is keep await if your VPS is offline, don’t tell or complain at a public forum, or all of your VPS ordered from them would be killed immediately without any backup.
Well, I tried to order, but of course, this provider needs a credit card/bank account backed Paypal account.
Note to self: make a list of providers that don’t accept generic Paypal accounts.
If you considered trying this offer and get a refund later, please be informed that YardVPS does not issue any refunds. See a screenshot below, it’s a reply from their Director of Operations Jimmy Lu: “We do not offer refunds as per our TOS.”
Screenshot: http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/6656/yardvps.jpg
Off our main page:
“Welcome to YardVPS, your one stop solution for unmanaged VPS’s. We use Xen virtualization alongside with SolusVM to provide you un-restricted access to your VPS. Our plans are completely unmanaged and we do not offer any refunds on our plans. Using the latest Intel Quadcore Processors with DDR3 RAM to give you the performance you need.”
I thought offering refunds was a legal requirement of selling services online was it not?
I think that’s only in the UK where they have laws for that stuff.
I ended up signing up anyway, been great so far took ~12 hours for support to resolve my vps not booting. Since then it’s been great, good speeds and a fast server overall. Would recommend them to other people.
How long does this deal last for?
This coupon is available until 03.01.2012
I am looking for my website hosting, spending aproximandamente 2TB / month.
That such is this company?
Is it reliable?
He has a good connection and machine uptime?
Do you support FreeBSD Xen PV ?
Not a great experience so far. Got my Windows VPS details but the VPS won’t boot, sent in a ticket, got an instant reply of what my details are for the box, then dead silence…..
So much for instant activation
Calling it quits on YardVPS.
This offer was alright back in February. Not so much so now.
Single CPU
Disk is smallish
VPS generally seems far more sluggish than back then
Uptime —> Our VPS is at 13 days of uptime. We’ve never restarted the machine, the provider has.
Most important problem, lousy throughput to Time Warner’s network. Prime example:
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 134217728 (128M) [application/zip]
Saving to: `/dev/null’
1% [ ] 2,073,242 30.8K/s eta 80m 43s
30K/s simply sucks. I can’t send traffic there since anyone with Time Warner (major provider) very likely will have the same lousy throughput. No random issue either, their own speed test file goes just as slowly.
Nothing seems wrong or troubling in routing from Time Warner to YardVPS:
11: tge1-11-0-2.clmkohpe-ccr01.mwrtn.rr.com 27.504ms
12: 35.302ms
13: ae-1-0.pr0.chi10.tbone.rr.com 29.557ms
14: ge9-4.br03.chc01.pccwbtn.net 34.689ms
15: 63-218-72-142.static.pccwglobal.net 88.732ms asymm 19
16: psychz.vlan701.br02.lax05.pccwbtn.net 86.140ms asymm 18
17: distr.r1-615.psychz.net 85.479ms asymm 19
PCCW is where I’d say the problem is. Haven’t had good experiences with them in the middle as a provider.
Don’t use YardVPS. I ordered a VPS and for 3 days they went and setup 3 templates because none of them could be logged in. I gave up and asked for a refund and I was told there TOS said no refunds. Never even got to login to the server.