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Was I Serious? How to Install GnuCOBOL on Debian 11

Recently someone on LowEndTalk mentioned asmbb, which is forum software written in assembler. Full stop. Written in assembler.  Forum software. Go look - it's actually pretty nice. I joked that I was inspired to write forum software in COBOL.  Was I serious?  Well...not exactly, but it would be fun. COBOL gets a bad rap - and deservedly so!  It's overly verbose to the point of being a parody of itself, and is very rigid i...

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Was I Serious?  How to Install GnuCOBOL on Debian 11

Flashback in the Mail: a Gift From 1976

Recently I purchased a copy of the hoary old tome you see pictured to the right on Amazon: "A Guide to FORTRAN IV Programming" by Daniel D. McCraken, 2nd edition, 1967. For those who have never heard...

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Flashback in the Mail: a Gift From 1976

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