LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

CYBER MONDAY: HostDare has a VPS for Less Than $10/Year in Los Angeles, California!

HostDareHappy Cyber Monday from HostDare!  They’ve got some deals in Los Angeles, California for you, including a VPS starting at less than $10/year!

HostDare is a premium provider of cloud VPS, dedicated servers, and shared hosting with many years of experience in cloud services, and data center operations. We have been operating since 2016.

Why choose us?

24/7 Fast, helpful support
Instant Setup
DDoS Protection (DDoS Detection And Auto-Mitigation) – up to 3gbps
Custom Reverse DNS
VNC Console
Enterprise-class server hardware technology
Virtualizor Control Panel to manage your VPS (Boot, Reboot, Shutdown, Reinstall)
Premium bandwidth
100% Owned hardware
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
And much more!

Check out their home page, read their terms of service, and if you have questions you can ping @hostdare on LowEndTalk.

Network Info

Datacenter name: Quadranet
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Test IPv4: repos.lax-noc.com
Test IPv6: Not available
Test file: http://repos.lax-noc.com/speedtests/100mb.bin

Host Node Specs

Processor: Dual Xeon E5-2690 v4
Memory: 256GB DDR4 Registered
8 TB intel DC NVMe
1Gbps Network Uplink

Black Friday Offers

Coupon HI3I3GMSY3( 10% recurring discounts ) . Limited to first 50 customers only !

768 MB Promo

1 vCPU
15 GB SSD NVMe disk space
768 + 768 MB RAM
1000 + 1000 GB Bandwidth/month
500 Mbps port
1 IPv4
1 IPv6
Price: $9.89/year

1 GB Promo

1 vCPU
20 GB SSD NVMe disk space
1 + 1 GB RAM
2000 + 2000 GB Bandwidth/month
500 Mbps port
1 IPv4
1 IPv6
Price: $13.49/year

2 GB Promo

2 vCPUs
30 GB SSD NVMe disk space
2 + 2 GB RAM
3000 + 3000 GB Bandwidth/month
500 Mbps port
1 IPv4
1 IPv6
Price: $22.49/year

3 GB Promo

2 vCPUs
50 GB SSD NVMe disk space
3 + 3 GB RAM
4000 + 4000 GB Bandwidth/month
500 Mbps port
1 IPv4
Price: $31.49/year

4 GB Promo

3 vCPUs
70 GB SSD NVMe disk space
4 + 4 GB RAM
6000 + 6000 GB Bandwidth/month
500 Mbps port
1 IPv4
1 IPv6
Price: $40.49/year

5 GB Promo

4 vCPUs
90 GB SSD NVMe disk space
5 + 5 GB RAM
8000 + 6000 GB Bandwidth/month
500 Mbps port
2 IPv4
1 IPv6
Price: $53.99/year

Want More Offers?

Visit HostDare’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday site.


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