LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ The Hetzner Has Landed! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

HetznerHetzner announced Wednesday that they are adding a new location: Ashburn, Virginia, USA!

This is the companyโ€™s first foray into North America and it joins their existing German and Finnish locations.  This Hetzner site will be available for โ€œall cloud servers with AMD processors and for all cloud featuresโ€.  Notably, this does not include dedicated servers.

Current pricing is a mirror image of their European offerings.  If youโ€™re looking for a cheap VPS, $5 (4.15EUR)/month at Hetzner will get you a 2GB VM with 20TB of traffic (though only 20GB of disk), and there are comfortable price points all the way up to a 16 vcpu/32GB RAM monster.



  1. Susan:

    I have often looked at hetzner, but do not like the varying price for USD. If they would give me a USD price, would have gotten one of their dedicated auction servers long ago.

    Just like to know exactly what I am paying monthly, call me old and set in my ways (which I am).

    November 3, 2021 @ 6:40 pm | Reply
  2. Vitoria:

    I donโ€™t understand, whatโ€™s the good news?

    November 3, 2021 @ 8:28 pm | Reply
    • Jay:

      For those who are looking for Ryzen vps in USA, we now have one more choice when choosing provider. I no longer have to wait for some of the providers here to restock their ryzen vps

      November 3, 2021 @ 10:45 pm | Reply
    • Alireza:

      even i donโ€™t understand what is good news

      November 4, 2021 @ 7:52 am | Reply
  3. raj:

    their cloud is cool and all but we just want cheap dedis

    November 4, 2021 @ 10:25 pm | Reply

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