Andrew from 123Systems got this WHT Special where you can get either 10% off monthly plans (promo code WHTSALE15), or 40% off recurring discount when you pay annually (promo code STOCK0). Their “Linux-256-SolusVM-WHT” package is supposed to start at $4/month, but when I click through the ordering link it actually shows $3/month! After changing payment term to 12 months, apply the promo code, and it comes down to $21.60/Year for the following VPS.
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 10GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Chicago servers with SingleHop. I wasn’t sure whether the initial 25% discount (from $4 to $3/month) is intentional but we will wait for Andrew to find out.
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The pricing mistake was my mistake, I had sales do the products/services under WHMCS since i was doing a few other things at the moment and they decided to draw up their own pricing and didn’t notify me of this change. So i went ahead and posted with the pricing we had originally picked out and by the time i was told the pricing had changed i could no longer edit the post :(
Hope this clears it up
Forgot to Subscribe
So which one is the right pricing? $3 or $4? Obviously we like the cheaper one but we also prefer to have your company being profitable and sustainable :)
So is the $21.60/Year price with the promo code valid, or not valid? It still shows that pricing when I try it.
Also, there’s an option to add 256MB Dedicated RAM for a one-time price. Does that increase both the Guaranteed RAM and Burstable RAM, or just the Guaranteed RAM? Thanks.
The pricing that’s on the order page is the correct pricing, I’m not going to go back and change pricing after we have already had numerous orders. The pricing is profitable for us even if it’s at 2$
So yes everyone the pricing is correct and i hope you all enjoy the offer.
Are you sure your using the annual/biennial payment terms? The promotional code functions fine
That is for guaranteed RAM it does not effect burstable RAM, However if you open up a ticket after you order you can apply it to whichever you want (Burstable or Guaranteed).
@Andrew, thanks. The promotional code was working and showing the $21.60/Year pricing, and I was wondering if it was really correct. I see it is.
I see in your TOS that bandwidth overages are $0.25/GB (that would be $250 per TB). Is it possible to setup the VPS to suspend transfer during the month if it hits the transfer limit to guarantee no bandwidth overages are charged? Thanks.
That mainly applies to Dedicated servers which i guess we should correct. All VPS’s are automatically suspended once they reach their bandwidth limit.
Thanks. I signed up for one.
Thanks for the great offer. I will get one too.
Any hope to have someday a good deal like this in Fremont DC?
We will most likely have a decent promotional in Fremont but not likely to be this cheap. Fremont is a highly demanding Location and this is why we are currently sold out in Fremont. We have a few things in the mix for Fremont when we do have stock however. If you want to be notified of Fremont stock (We have no ETA (yet) ) then send an email to and they will tell you once more fremont stock has been released.
So where is the new VPS will located at?
@Sei Kan
This VPS promotional is for Chicago.
Yay for another ridiculously good deal in Chicago, woo hoo.
On the other hand, boo for Maxmind, which flagged me as “high risk” and canceled my order…
Mike, Email me your order number and I’ll see what is going on with your order
SingleHop DC with IP 173.* has trouble with connection from China. Other than that, it is a good deal. I wonder whether I can switch IP if I found my IP is problematic.
We have no IP addresses beginning with 173.*
All of our are 184.154.*
@123Systems – Andrew
Good to know that… Do you have any test IPs and 100mb test file? My friends from China ask for that…
Why not post a test IP or a test file on a host in this datacenter.
Also, what about IPv6 support?
Oh, you were earlier by 1 minute :) Thanks
The Test file is in post #20
We are still working on IPV6 in Chicago.
average ping 283ms …. From Thailand :-) no worry! But too high for me.
Average ping 371ms from China. A little high, but not too bad.
Just tried with my new VSP with them. It was 310ms from Malaysia.
got mine, thanks for the super offer!
280ms from Singapore, which is the norm to the US
My vps was setup instantly, and support is very fast. Thanks for the good deal. Ping time for me is 250ms from the Philippines–about the same as another VPS I have in Chicago in a different data center.
How long will this offer be open for? How much stock do you have left/Will there be more stock if you run out?
This will be open until chicago is COMPLETELY sold out, We have 2 nodes in reserve for more stock but after that there will be no more.
From the WHT link, it stated –> Fair Share CPU On Server W/ 8 Physical CPU’s W/ HT! (16 Total)
May I know the actual physical CPU used for this sale?
@Wing Loon, I can’t say how many there’s supposed to be, but on mine that I just got earlier today there’s 2 CPU cores visible:
processor : 0
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz
processor : 1
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz
Can 8 x Q9550 installed into 1 server? Hehehe…a newbie question here, LOL
very fast activation, just a few minutes.
test for burstable ram, it’s works.
$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 512 509 2 0 0 0
-/+ buffers/cache: 509 2
Swap: 0 0 0
we’ll see in a few months, hopefully keep rocking!!
I am ordering the VPS for annually, but because Maxmind blocked my country, I can not make any payment.
I already sent a ticket to the Billing Departement, and also to your email (
But got no reply. :(
@Everyone concerning CPU
The package description specifies the number of CPU cores you get. For the 256MB is (2) CPU cores.
You should be good to go
Thank you :)
@Wing Loon
Sorry but i seemed to have missed your other post
>Can 8 x Q9550 installed into 1 server? Hehehe…a newbie question here, LOL
The Q9550’s are ‘temporary’ servers that we deployed until the E5620’s were provisioned and set to go. They are now up and running and are currently holding new orders (Recently ordered clients can verify this if they want.) But physically no Q9550’s only have (1) CPU with (4) cores. Where as the E5620s we have, Have (2) Physical CPUs with (16) CPU Cores (8 Of which being Physical, 8 of which being from Hyperthreading)
Hope that answers your question.
do you allow proxy websites
VPN/IRC/Proxy is allowed
brought one…. but I choice kloxo panel, but now where is?
sorry but I am new to vps
Panels are not automatically provisioned yet since we do not have the templates hook into SolusVM, Someone will view your order and install the kloxo panel for you and email you the panel information once the process is completed
oh nice, thanks
but I also try to install it?
If you tried to install it then your installation will be overridden with the installation that our technicians perform.
@Andrew :
I’ve subscribed to the anually :)
Thank you
Erawan Arif Nugroho
Andrew is right, the number of CPU cores is listed on the order page, “2 CPU Cores” for the 256MB plan I’ve got.
If the Q9550’s are temporary servers, does that mean the VPS I have will be moving? Thanks.
That is correct the 9550’s were not meant to stay in production they were only put out there as place-holders while the larger servers were still being provisioned.
The Q9550’s however will stay in-tact and online until all clients are moved off. This is a NO DOWNTIME migration state, Your VPS will only hiccup while it is being transferred over to the newly provisioned E5620’s. David if you want to be the first to get moved over (As i will be performing this migration personally) feel free to email me and give me your Virtual servers IP address.
I actually would not mind the Q9550 — desktop grade CPU, less RAM slots, means less VM crammed into the box…
How we proceed depends on what the customers say once we email everyone about it, We have no issues keeping the 9550’s online since they are pretty stable and reliable servers. But some clients would prefer to be moved some might be happy on the 9550’s. We won’t perform any migrations without the customer consenting to the migration however, Customer service should be sending out an email shortly about it. The 9550’s were not intended to be permanent since we knew we could no-downtime migrate customers once the larger ones are online. But the 9550’s are pretty under loaded right now and we aren’t provisioning anymore onto these servers.
<> (Fun FAQ)
I’m working right now on getting munin graphs inserted on our site so that clients can view the DISK/CPU/Memory utilization for the actual node that they are on, This would better ease client mines about OverLOADING if they could see the Real-Time graphs for their hostnode. :)
@Andrew — that’s nice to see. Transparency is usually what customers value.
At this price point, the CPU doesn’t really matter to me one way or the other. Either Q9550 or E5620 is fine.
Disk I/O is the bottleneck…
Got one. Pretty pleased so far. :)
I posted Unix Bench results for this here:
It scored 840.3/1163.5. This is with 2 Q9550 CPU cores.
How do I know they will not disapper from the market as RackVM did ?
RackVM and 123Systems are two separate companies, They can not be compared. It’s not a plausible accusation, Rackvm did not have long standing relationships with their vendors, We do. RackVM did not employee enough staff members to ensure client satisfaction, We did (Current clients can attest to ticket responses times at all hours which shows our 24/7 support is real and not a sham). RackVM was ran by a guy who had a hidden identity, If your ever in georgia you can drop by the address that is on our WHOIS information and say hello. We will be there.
Nice deal, works fine for me so far. But damn, I should have taken the disk-space addon ;) can’t find it now :(.
When you are logged in to the client area go here
Make sure you are logged in!, You will find all the addons for your service(s) there. :)
PERFECT!!!!! :) Thanks a lot, service A+! I will order it this evening :)
@Andrew: any chance you can do this price with 2 IPs?
No we can not do this with 2 IP’s. You would need to order an additional IP for 1.50$/month, Or you can order one of the larger packages that come with (2) By default
Blocked my country and I can’t generate invoices anymore because of the MaxMind check.
Brazil was blocked as a whole due to HIGH HIGH levels of fraud coming from that country, They hit the rector scale with us after we lost thousands. We decided to block the country as a whole instead of allowing the madness to continue, While we do have a few good customers from brazil we are allowing them to stay.
send a ticket to abuse[at] with your IP address and they will get you setup (PS all invoices are automatically generated so you can still pay it through a proxy/vpn)
Spelling issues
Literally the best deal I have ever seen for a VPS. Everything was super fast. Support is helpful for the most part, so far quite happy.
How much longer will this deal be going on? I remember you mentioning it will be until it’s sold out. Any idea how much is left?
The promotional has ended :(
You can email me for insiders though :) ,
server down for 2 straight days, Solus does not respond.
no answer for ticket, no support.
@Andrew, what is your refund policy?
We had have maybe 3 hours of downtime total and it started TODAY, And we have no active tickets therefore it seems like you didn’t ask. Don’t boast a situation to try and make us look bad it will only make you look bad in the end.
Use our help desk not LEB
yes, 2 days, i would use ticket system if you ever answer.
Now, I received email saying the sever was down, migrate and re-migrate back.
that proves my point.
123Systems is here to before hand apologize for the recent downtime that everyone has been having in Chicago. Here’s the explanation however, Earlier this week 123Systems updated our OpenVZ kernels to the latest kernel which was .5 and this was a huge security patch for x86_64 operating systems, While we figured the issue to be resolved it was not. After running a quick Ksplice checker we found that (2) of our servers were compromised with the CVE-2010-3081 Exploit. This means that the entire server was ‘rooted’ however no one did access the main node (Which is a good thing) since no client(s) data was compromised during this time, We had to migrate everyone off of these servers immediately and reinstall the operating system, We then migrated everyone back onto the servers which is why some of you experienced multiple downtime.
We sadly had no way to fix/prevent this without downtime occuring, We done our best to get everything back online as quickly as possible and this only resulted in a few hours of downtime for clients. We apologize for the recent downtime and we hope everything is back to normal at this point.
your own website/client side, is down.
We know, It’s maintenance.
My VPS is down at now
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 10:07 PM GMT+7, hope everything will be up soon.
I recommend opening a ticket if your service is down.
TOOO many reboot. It looks like they are rebooting every 6 hours. What the hell. If I could I want my money back.
Too many reboots. It seems like they are rebooting their system every day.
To be fair I don’t think it’s everyday, but the thing I don’t like is that they do it without notification.
They are rebooting every day. From my last post, they rebooted at least twice.
After posting here now they are blocking me from accessing one of my remote server using their vps. I guess I was using too much of their bw. These guys are … !