A few things about 123Systems:
- They seem to have updated their web design again. Gone is that fat penguin.
- Andrew has been quite active on this blog, and sometimes post constructive comments.
- They have pretty good VPS exclusive offers for LowEndBox readers.
So this time we have something similar to what we had a few weeks ago — 55% off recurring discount when you pay annual, and use promo code LEB55OFF. Except it would be for Chicago-based OpenVZ VPS, and by quoting “LowEndBox” in the comment box you can also get 128MB memory extra for free! Here’s the works
- 384MB guaranteed/512MB burstable
- 10GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
This is the stock-take promotion to fill all their Chicago servers, and the 55% off promo code also applies to other Chicago VPS packages, as long as paying on annual term.
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The penguin had a good run, sadly he was given the boot when we couldn’t find a place for him on the new website. (We had complaints that the old one hurt peoples eyes). No worries however, He still remains as the default email Logo :)
Lowendbox has been a fine contributor to our client database since we was first featured on here a few months back, And we have been offering promos every since then, Sometimes 3~5 a month.
We are currently in the process of ordering new nodes to put in Fremont,CA and we expect to have them online and running within a few weeks, So you can expect a promotional for that location when we get it up and running and read to sell again.
If anyone has any questions feel free to post here otherwise you can contact me with the information below:
Direct Email: andrewm@123systems.net
Sales Email: sales@123systems.net
Extra 128MB of memory – Guaranteed or burst?
Default would be Guaranteed as LEA has mentioned. However if you would like it to be burstable then add this to the comments box during checkout.
And the additional RAM will be toggled as Burstable RAM instead of Guaranteed.
(I will add that as a note for the staff right now)
If you have the ram added as guaranteed you will have the same amount for both guaranteed and burst?
If the RAM is added as Guaranteed you will have the following amount of RAM
384MB guaranteed/512MB burstable
If the RAM is added as Burstable you will have the following amount of RAM
256MB Guaranteed/640MB Burstable
Ah I see – the values in the post are with the extra RAM already added.
Good luck with this offer.
Still no ipv6?
We are in the works on Ipv6 right now. We expect to offer them very soon. Keep in touch and we’ll let you know when we offer them!
@Andrew The new design is good and your new friendly way of posting comments is Indeed a nice change.
Nice offer by the way. Keep up the good work.
@Andrew: if I would take a VPS ‘today’ and you add ipv6 ‘tomorrow’ will it then also be added to my VPS (without extra charge)? And do you have an idea when “soon” would be?
@Dirk Whats up with the vivid need of IPv6 ? :)
Are you have to test IP
@NordicVPS: working on several projects that *have* to work on both ipv4 and ipv6. For one of the project we will need a lot of different VPSes and we’re trying to get a big % of the VPSes with ipv6. By the end of the month we should be at about 50% of our VPSes (for that project) with ipv6, were our goal is by the end of the year 75% and if possible even more.
Oh look, another hosting website with pictures of dramatic-looking computers they don’t own. How original. :)
Not that penguins and dramatic-looking computers were exactly an original idea, mind you…
I should totally start up a hosting business whose website features dramatic-looking stock photos of sex toys. The copy nearly writes itself: “Do you find the Black Stallion… lacking… in size and performance? Curious whether you’re brave enough to handle the Tower of Power? 512MB of dedicated RAM, to do with as you please, *is* a lot to handle. For just $8.50 per month, though, you can put theory into practice… if you dare. Just relax, and click the order button below to begin your adventure.” I’d probably attract an interesting variety of clients… :)
Mike, you mean to tell me that they’re not actually using translucent 1u machines with 1/3 of a rack unit between each in 24u racks which seem to be floating in mid air and devoid of cable-mess?
When IPV6 is available then you may request IPV6 addresses for your Existing virtual server free of charge.
@Andrew: VPS ordered…
Could you give me an idea when you would have ipv6 too?
We might (no guarantees) be able to get you a /64 for your virtual server today/tomorrow. Log a ticket with the support department and tell them you are awaiting Ipv6 as per a Lowendbox discussion (link back here). And they will let you know if they can get you setup.
@Andrew: will create a ticket for it. 1 ipv6 IP is enough don’t need a /64 at all :-)
@Mike: That just completely derailed my hosting template idea.
@InsDel: You’re welcome. :)
Other fun themes to base hosting companies around: Sexually-transmitted diseases (“Dear valued customer; due to the increasing traffic to your blog, I strongly recommend you upgrade from chlyamidia to herpes before the end of this billing cycle…”), explosives (“Hi, I’m calling with a question about the Semtex special you’re advertising…”), and S&M relationships. (Haven’t we all secretly wished we could get paid to gently abuse customers? No? Just me? Nevermind.)
If the sex-toy hosting thing doesn’t work out, maybe I’ll make a generic-looking hosting site with Photoshopped photos of computers I really own, just for the novelty, and to see if anyone notices. I’ve an SGI Indy in the attic, along with some SparcStations, and a dual 500MHz Pentium-II in a 4U rackmount case. “Behold the majestic awesomeness of my external 50-pin SCSI DAT drive!”
@Mike Wow so great Mike you could be a father to me (I’m afraid not thought)
@Mike — I have to say that those old dramatic-looking SGI workstations actually look more like sex toys (for geeks at least). Used to have a cheap O2…
@123Systems – Andrew
What do you think about substituting 5 or 10 GB diskspace as opposed to the 128MB upgrade? For my needs, the disk space is probably more important.
Shoot an email to me after you order with your Order number and I’ll add the notes to your order.
I just ordered this vps for a year, and I mentioned “Lowendbox” in the order comment, but i still got a 256M guaranteed memory, can Andrew help about this?
Sure email me your Virtual server’s IP address and I’ll get it done for you.
@Andrew: I know you said no guarantee on the IPv6 being “today/tomorrow”, but can you give me a real estimate on when I could get it?
@Andrew: Any updates on your Aug 21st ipv6 “statement”? I have the VPS but still no ipv6 :-(
many thanks to the autho. I like the way you start and then conclude your thoughts