Tim, from 2HOST, has sent in a new special promotion that they would like to offer to exclusively to LowEndBox readers.
XEN Enterprise 128MB
Since 2009, 2HOST have been featured many times on LowEndBox. We last listed them in August when they were running a similar offer. For this particular offer, diskspace has been upgraded from 10GB to 15GB and bandwidth has been upgraded from 5TB to 10TB for free. Like last time: once 100 orders have been reached, 2HOST will select 10 orders to receive a free 2nd year. Basically there is a 10% chance that the first 100 will only have to pay $12,50 per year. I couldn’t find any recent reviews – so if you’re a current customer, please do leave one below.
Servers will be provisioned instantly but you may have to request IPv6 if it isn’t automatically assigned. Paypal seems to be the sole payment method currently accepted. 2HOST do not provide refunds. Adult content and IRC is strictly forbidden. Athough Tor and VPN/Proxies are allowed. For more information, you can read their Terms of Service and Acceptable Usage Policy here.
Network Information:
Servers are located in San Jose, California.
Test IPv4:
Test File: http://www.2host.com/100mb.test
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OMG!! they still around?
Wow, I just checked out reviews from their past offers. I think I’ll sit this one out.
I also reviewed their TOS. Absolutely no refunds. They also seem hung up on getting clients to agree to additional charges for late or non-payment and keeping their information updated so that they can send them to collections if they don’t pay. They also “reserve the right” to charge $75/hr for upgrading and downgrading your plan.
Thank you for your reply – these details are outdated and we actually never applied any of theses costs. Should be updated soon.
“Tim”? Wasn’t it discovered that they were an Egyptian operation?
Neither me or any of our staff is Egyptian :)
Why does it say “NO SUPPORT” on the order page? What does that mean exactly?
Does this just mean unmanaged or no support like DireVPS?!
It means the servers are unmanaged. In most cases we actually do help out with installations for VPN/CPanel/DirectAdmin.
Wow, 10TB of BW!
Wish they had something 256MB, 512MB, or 768MB plans.
Oops, they do have more options after clicking “Order Now” button.
how could a 128M ram vps use so much bandwidth…………..
Well, we actually do have clients that push the bandwidth on 128MB plans! :)
I tried 2host in 2011. I found their reliability lacking and support poor. Hope things have improved.
Things have improved, you are welcome to try us out again. Contact me for a special offer :)
I used 2host for a while from 2009-2011 and performance was excellent until they migrated my services from where they were offering services in St. Louis. Then one day, my server went down and never came back. I submitted a ticket, but support went AWOL and was unreachable for two days. Then out of the blue they brought the node back up and didn’t say anything about the downtime – they acted as if nothing happened. Performance went down the shitter later on and I ended up cancelling.
I’m very sorry for the experience. I would welcome you to try our improved service again. Please let me know if I can do something to earn your business.
NB so much bandwidth……
I tired them back in 2010, never got replies to tickets apart form a notice a whole year later saying they had been closed.
they offer 10TB yes…. try to use it and see what happens.
FYI: [Ticket ID: 106470] Packet Loss
John contacted your regarding this ticket number. Thank you for letting me know!
Hello LEB readers,
We have had trouble handling the massive support difficulties in the past.
As for the complications clients had in the past:
– All network issues belong to the past. Thanks to upgraded network capacity, hardware and routing.
– Software support is no longer offered/guaranteed. (even though we actually do help out in most cases)
Our location in San Jose has been great and right now we are backed with many happy customers enjoying gigabit download speeds and 10TB traffic.
If any of the above users is having trouble with the network, send in a ticket and if the issues are from our end – you will be refunded.
Thank you
John contacted your regarding this ticket number. Thank you for letting me know!
If I recalled Their declined came right after they started offering 10TB of bandwidth with their VPS’s, prior to that they were pretty much a top host!! I remember when LEB was hosted on a 512MB 2host XEN VPS, the site felt really snappy. It’s too bad what happened really..
BW is incredible. But, from the above comments, it seems that service is not so reasonable.
If interested, please contact support so we can help you try us out. Thank you!
LMAO at their test file link… Good job guys…
I used these people once, they are absolutely diabolical. I wouldn’t go back there again if they’ve paid me.
Can you help me find your account with us? I would really like to look at your case. Thank you
Hello LEB readers,
2Host has been growing rapidly and at some moments harder than others.
Together with this growth we have experienced issues in the past, which consist of
1. Network problems due to the enormous growth.
2. Unexperienced VPS users spamming our ticket system for software support.
Both problems were tackled since a long while simply by making straight decisions.
– We moved to a better Datacenter & upstream provider with excellent latency and speeds with new generation network hardware. We have none issues from any of our clients which is related to network ever since.
– We no longer offer software-related support with our plans (eventhough we still help out in almost all cases).
We have 10 gigabit of bandwidth capacity ready and all our clients are happily peaking up to 100MB/s from cachefly.
Thank you
Hi Tim, looks like your website is in trouble. No alt text for the buttons / links on WHMCS. Posted a comment here yesterday but it appears to have been held for review because of a link to clientarea.php
Hello Frank,
We are working on our commercial website which is the reason why some text/links are missing.
I just bought a 2HOST VPS, i can NOT login to my vps via SSH nor via console to main server. is there no username to access the SSH?
Hello Atrus. Please send a ticket to support for this.
Tim — Your offer looked very appealing … until I read your terms of service.
There is no way I would subject myself to the risk of the many charges and fees that might result from an inadvertent mistake on my part, with 2Host serving as the prosecutor, judge, and jury. Collection agency for fees? Most hosting providers simply keep your money and cut off your service, end of story.
No doubt your terms of service are the result of some painful experiences, but at some point you must have a little faith in your customers. Reduce your risk as much as possible, but don’t hang a Sword of Damocles over their heads, for goodness sake.
Offer is over (12 hours ago).
The offer is still available : https://www.2host.com/support/cart.php?a=add&pid=58&carttpl=cart
Some network benchmark anyone? :D
Does anyone know if 2HOST allows you to upload a ISO (or have them download one), or allow you to upload a custom HD image file (what format(s) if so)?
I’d be interested in buying, but only if I can run FreeBSD (which is not one of their template offerings).
hi tim, it’s kind a lovely to know such a friendly hosting :)
i would like to try your VPS and ready to help you fixing the past issue
this is not complement or something,
i just want to buy your vps , and please contact me for best price
Regards, hisyam