LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

2Host - $7 512MB Xen VPS + LowEndBox Exclusive Offer

2HOST I think I better be careful what I said on this blog, as any personal opinion would turn out to be public endorsement, as seen in 2HOST.com’s latest offer on WHT.

We are nominated as the BEST Low End Box VPS HOST of 2009!

Well I did have a few reboots after making my last 2HOST comments but the outages were all pretty short, and I am still very happy with my 512MB Xen VPS in St. Louis. Now they have some new packages. For $6.99/month you can get the C-Class…

  • 512MB memory/1024MB swap
  • 14GB storage
  • 10TB/month data transfer
  • Xen/SolusVM

Servers are in Asheville FL NC. That’s some serious monthly data transfer allocation there (on GBit as well). If you prepay for a year it’s $69.99 (~$5.83/month).

Now I actually don’t mind giving out some endorsement, because 2HOST has just passed me and LowEndBox readers some exclusive offer! Use the coupon code LEB2HOST to get 10% off recurring discount.

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  1. Nice reviews about 2Host so far.

    Ordered today with your coupon code, i’m waiting for the VPS to be online.

    One weird thing: there is no business info on invoices, only a bad positioned logo …

    April 22, 2010 @ 1:29 pm | Reply
  2. a:

    they have gigabit lines on the VPS?

    April 22, 2010 @ 4:28 pm | Reply
  3. Bert White:

    I ordered a VPS with 2 IPs. They only set me up with 1 IP and Host In A Box was not setup as I requested. Their “automated” setup leaves something to be desired. And there isn’t anyone online for support. I have cancelled my account with them.

    April 22, 2010 @ 4:32 pm | Reply
  4. Amazing offer! Thanks for LEB coupon!

    April 22, 2010 @ 4:41 pm | Reply
  5. $24 per additional IP and $72 for a Directadmin license! Killer prices indeed !

    April 22, 2010 @ 5:24 pm | Reply
  6. InsDel:

    Erm, I think you mean Asheville, NC. If UBER was down here in Florida I’d definitely visit them.

    April 22, 2010 @ 9:19 pm | Reply
  7. eSupun:

    I think this is a good deal even the addons are high priced.

    Maybe i should go with them.

    April 22, 2010 @ 11:12 pm | Reply
  8. @InsDel — Sorry I have no idea. Could have checked :P Error fixed.

    I actually ordered one yesterday (for someone else, not for myself) and got the VPS activated within minutes. A lot quicker activation than last time.

    April 22, 2010 @ 11:31 pm | Reply
  9. Same issues as Bert White (ordered 2 IP’s, I got only one)
    Also, now I can’t connect to VPS Control Panel (SolusVM) :(

    My VPS is working … still :)

    April 23, 2010 @ 6:49 am | Reply
  10. Their price was absolutly good .
    but their support was not so good.
    the response was so delay.
    and the network was not very well too.
    what could say .
    please do not expect it will gave you pretty well vps.

    April 23, 2010 @ 7:05 am | Reply
  11. Still no connection on SolusVM control panel :(

    April 23, 2010 @ 8:20 am | Reply
  12. @ Bert White: Please send an email to support. I could not find any (support) emails from you.

    @ Matt: DirectAdmin is $6/m, IPs are $2/m.

    @ Netroby: We actually believe in high quality standards. If your opinion is otherwise, please let me know how can improve our services further. You can contact support and mention my name in the subject (Tom).

    @ Soring: Could you please check now?


    April 23, 2010 @ 9:13 am | Reply
  13. JoeyF:

    Hooray! Looks like they’ve cured the sluggish SolusVM logon and offline display errors.

    @Sorin – are you accepting the certificate when trying to logon on for the first time?

    April 23, 2010 @ 3:56 pm | Reply
  14. I’ve spent the past several hours researching cheap VPS servers and just about everything I was finding either had terrible customer reviews or would set me back at least $30/month, which just isn’t feasible over a cheap shared-hosting plan for personal stuff.

    I came across this site and actually found some good information and not just a company overview with no customer input. So far 2Host.com looks the most promising with http://fanaticalvps.com ranking somewhere close to it. Unfortunately it seems Fanatical is hosted in Germany, so that may be an issue.
    I didn’t have any luck finding any user reviews for them either since they are a new company. I am anxious to see what the users of 2Host.com that posted here have to say in the long run regarding their experience so when I get ready to switch, I can make sure I’m not wasting my time.

    Also as a side note ….., I had a somewhat difficult time finding the pricing mentioned in this post. When I went there, they all started at $39 and went up with no hints on where to find the cheaper hosting. At first I checked this article date thinking it was out-dated and perhaps they spiked their rates, but that wasn’t so. Turns out you have to go to the home page, then click on “Order Now” – “Easy & Secure” to get to the page with the lower rates.
    Then just select an ‘unmanaged’ plan, but do note that support isn’t included, so it may be very limited and lacking.

    They don’t mention anything about what software versions they offer, such as what version of PHP, MySQL, etc., so do any of you know this?
    And what do you all recommend regarding email hosting since this isn’t part of the hosting plan?

    Thanks again for the great info.

    April 23, 2010 @ 4:49 pm | Reply
  15. Mudel:

    Are these prices permanent or just a sale?

    April 23, 2010 @ 5:33 pm | Reply
  16. @Mudel — if the trend on WHT continues, it looks like some kind of permanent sale :)

    April 24, 2010 @ 1:23 am | Reply
  17. mkdigital:

    so far, i like my 2host server. setup took a little longer because they didnt send me my account infos for the vserver. but the submitted ticket was answered within few hours, and now everything works nicely.

    April 24, 2010 @ 7:23 am | Reply
  18. I just ordered a vps and it was activated instantly

    April 24, 2010 @ 11:05 am | Reply
  19. Steve:

    Nice offer! I’d order one right now, but they are lacking in disk space.

    April 25, 2010 @ 11:14 pm | Reply
  20. I wonder if you’ll be in the same data center as the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Climatic_Data_Center"National Climatic Data Center. :)

    April 26, 2010 @ 12:31 pm | Reply
  21. I’ve just ordered a VPS and used the coupon you gave. Looking forward to have a great time with 2Host VPS.
    Thank you so much for sharing the informations.

    April 26, 2010 @ 1:46 pm | Reply
  22. All problems solved.
    They rebooted the VPS in weekend, but services are running ok.
    Also, I did get my second IP.

    April 26, 2010 @ 5:35 pm | Reply
  23. Frank:

    I chose to terminate my vps at the end of the billing cycle, but they killed it immediately. FYI to anyone else who would be thinking of using that option. Still had almost three weeks on it.

    April 27, 2010 @ 4:35 am | Reply
  24. Frank:

    I put in a ticket and regarding the issue and they sent me a full refund for the mistake.

    April 27, 2010 @ 5:49 pm | Reply
  25. Jon:

    Anyone else having a problem where they keep losing the subscription payments? My account has been disabled twice now in the last year when my subscription payment occurs every month on the 27th… I have to open a ticket when my machine goes down, ask them to fix, and they credit my account with the payments and re-enable the vps.. it’s annoying to say the least.

    April 27, 2010 @ 6:29 pm | Reply
  26. innya:

    C-class price is showing 7.99/month. Is an Offer of 6.99/month expired?

    April 27, 2010 @ 8:20 pm | Reply
  27. Igor:

    Just signed up. Ubuntu 9.10 does not work, but 9.04 does. It’s twice as fast network-wise than BuildYourVPS.com (I’m in Boston), and definitely cheaper.

    April 27, 2010 @ 11:09 pm | Reply
  28. Mudel:

    Are these all Xen plans? Interesting to me that they mention “BURST” in their order form, since Xen does SWAP, not burst.

    Then again I might just be nitpicking :P

    April 28, 2010 @ 10:57 pm | Reply
    • Yes all Xen plans. Yes it is confusing. But it is just as confusing as “burst” in OpenVZ plans, which should have been “maximum sum of malloc()”, which in itself is confusing to average web hosting pundits.

      April 28, 2010 @ 11:31 pm | Reply
  29. @Jon I do not think 2HOST works with PayPal subscription.

    @innya It does look like the price has risen. LEB2HOST 10% discount is still valid though.

    April 28, 2010 @ 11:40 pm | Reply
  30. Mudel:

    @ LowEndAdmin – Just figured a company that sells Xen VPSs would at least use the term ‘SWAP’ instead of burst, considering they’re not really the same.

    April 29, 2010 @ 2:25 am | Reply
  31. @LEB, there’s nothing stopping you from using the correct wording. Gotta admit though that after years of hearing and reading “bandwidth” used as an amount of measurement instead of a speed, I’ve given up hope of folks using it correctly.

    April 29, 2010 @ 11:42 am | Reply
  32. Indeed. I am not defending 2HOST — they should have used swap rather than burstable, to further confuse those shopping for virtual servers. I guess my point is that the name “burstable” itself is confusing.

    Ditto for “bandwidth”

    April 29, 2010 @ 12:16 pm | Reply
  33. They’ve increased the price of this package.
    It’s now 7.99$

    May 2, 2010 @ 12:22 am | Reply
  34. From their AUP:

    “IRC – All IRC activity is prohibited. This includes running any type of IRC software including, but not limited to, IRC client software, IRC server software, web-based IRC software, IRC bots such as “eggdrop”, and IRC proxies such as “psyBNC”.

    Proxy Servers – Proxy Servers are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, SOCKS proxies, Squid proxies, Bittorrent Proxies, Tor, and any CGI or PHP proxy scripts.”

    That’s unfortunate. Was considering the “Class C” package @ an annual billing cycle until I read that gestapo bs. Some of us aren’t dependent on FaceBook for communication and prefer the privacy and security (ssl encryption, no adware tracking me/users, etc..) an IRCd can provide. Sure there’s a negative stigma attached with IRC due to botnets, but the same is true for almost any technology. E-mail, XSS, CSRF, SQL injections due to poorly written web-apps, DNS cache poisoning, the list goes on and on. If you’re going to block “ALL IRC” and “ALL PROXY”, go ahead and block “ALL HTTPD” and “ALL DNS” while you’re at it. geez.

    Oh well… There are other providers that don’t enforce unreasonable limitations on specific protocols who will gladly accept my business. What a naive policy… Also love how the SLA only applies to the Dedicated servers. Any intentions of publishing a SLA for your VPS customers?


    May 2, 2010 @ 4:27 pm | Reply
  35. Mudel:

    @ Guy – Yeah, it’s unfortunate that a lot of providers restrict IRC. Sure, huge networks like EFnet might be prone to botnets and other attacks but there’s still tons of private IRC networks with good intentions.

    May 2, 2010 @ 10:43 pm | Reply
  36. Ron:

    Hi Guys, i’ve just bought vps from 2host using LEB2HOST and its still valid, same problem with @Bert hostinabox was not setup instead support given me instructions to install it, thats ok its easy. Nameservers:IP was not included in the welcome email. How can i get them? Also i have no idea why wget fails and give me this error “failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.” Pls help.

    May 7, 2010 @ 1:24 am | Reply
  37. If the name server is not configured, just use Google’s or Level3’s.

    In /etc/resolv.conf, put

    May 7, 2010 @ 1:27 am | Reply
  38. Vlad:

    Signed up 2 months ago and it’s still running strong!

    [~] #uptime
    07:26:51 up 67 days, 21:13, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.03, 0.01

    July 7, 2010 @ 4:25 pm | Reply
  39. @ Vlad

    Nice. What distro, services/daemons are you running? Have you had to submit any support requests for anything? Did you sign up for the 512MB Xen mentioned in this post or another package?



    July 7, 2010 @ 5:52 pm | Reply
  40. Vlad:

    I am running centos 5 with nginx, transmission, and a hlds. I signed up for the 512 with 1024 burst. I haven’t tried any support requests yet, even though my control panel isn’t properly hooked up to monitor my bandwidth usage (but that doesn’t matter much if they promise 10TB). I did forget to pay for 2 days and nothing was shut down, so that was nice. Overall very happy.

    July 7, 2010 @ 10:05 pm | Reply
  41. Ryan:

    lol@David – you are exactly the kind of customer unmanaged hosts can do without.

    September 1, 2010 @ 9:07 pm | Reply
  42. Kirill:

    Bought a server 1 day ago. It’s still offline. Not booting from control panel. No response from customer support. Only silence. Hey, guys, are your there?

    November 17, 2010 @ 11:53 am | Reply
  43. Kirill:

    2Host is a fraud. Money was paid and no response for a week. Server was not working. Nothing. I ask to resund and get a refuse. Dont buy anything from this company.

    November 23, 2010 @ 9:40 am | Reply
  44. Bat:

    I have (had) a vps with 2host as a DNS server. It went down yesterday morning at around 9 am. I sent in a support request that was answered at 9:30 pm, over 12 hours later which said the problem had been resolved. It wasn’t. The server is still down now after 24 hours. I would stay away from 2host.

    June 28, 2012 @ 4:04 pm | Reply

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