Justin from BlueVM.com sent a heads-up of their super promotion and I agree that the prices on these packages is really super. Price-drop last until stock runs out or until October 1, 2012. So hurry if you want one.
This is an exclusive promotion to LEB readers in that way that (last time I checked) bluevm.com still had the original prices on their frontpage and the only way you would know that the price is lowered is by ordering one.
1 IPv4 on all Locations and planned IPv6 in ATL and CA within the next 6 months.
Link to bluevm TOS is here, but in Justin’s word :“All allowed if it is legal.”
In short (the FAQ of terms)
1. Allow IRC = yes
2. Allow Tor = mid nodes ONLY , exit no.
3. Allow Adult? yes
If you choose California or Atlanta, your vps will be on a 1 Gbps port and 100 Mbps in Illinois or Kansas.
Test File/IP
California: http://neon.bluevm.com/100mb.test
Atlanta: http://sodium.bluevm.com/100mb.test
BlueVM.Com was registered in May 2011 as BlueVM Communications LLC in Colorado and is managed by a two-man team consisting of Justin and Arsene.
Payment methods are; Paypal and Google checkout. No refunds at all according to their policy.
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Allow VPN or Not?
VPN is allowed.
2 hours later and still pending?
Due to our billing system upgrade, automatic provisioning isn’t available. Send in a ticket and we can accept your order.
We are working to setup these VPS as quickly as possible. However if you feel that your VPS is taking abnormally long to be setup (IE: more than 4 hours) please contact our support via ticket or hop on our IRC channel: irc.obsidianirc.net #bluevm
Disk IO ~ 65MB/s, so good, but internet speed, in LA, is awesome.
I have been checking for more than a year,
buyvm < urpad << bluevm
However, keep watching your boxes since they may fail into sleep in a nice morning but bluevm does not wake them up.
not waking up is not good.
However, just three Sat mornings in 6 months is not bad, :)
I love the way my boxes reached by Singapore and Tokyo, really fast!
been with them for over 5 months
really happy with their service
speeds are really nice
just added one more package :)
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5420 @ 2.50GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 2499.999 MHz
Total amount of ram : 256 MB
Total amount of swap : 0 MB
System uptime : 43 min,
Download speed from CacheFly: 20.5MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Atlanta GA: 5.67MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Dallas, TX: 1.61MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 8.98MB/s
Download speed from Linode, London, UK: 6.90MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 7.81MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 6.68MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 37.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 14.5MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 15.0MB/s
I/O speed : 121 MB/s
Answer me this, Low End Box.
I’ve seen providers put through more interrogation than BlueVM.
BlueVM lacks:
1. About information
2. Data center / network information
3. Worst looking WHOIS I’ve ever seen from a “company” (see point 1)
I personally know of 2 VPS providers in business longer than BlueVM who were not listed, have registered business names in their respective states and have all kinds of public information compared to this company.
Anyone from LEB care to comment?
What is there to comment? That you know 2 providers in person? well, good for you.
Thanks for confirmation on this and was the response I expected.
Have either of the VPS providers you know submitted offers to LEB?
what was I supposed to comment on?
you are free to express your opinion, I wont say anything against that.
There are many providers who sent in offers that hasnt been published so its hard for me to guess who you are talking about, feel free to post the name of the providers you have in mind or mail them to me, address is on the about page.
Care to share who they are?
Sure, its actually listed on our site at: https://bluevm.com/about.php – Any other questions which aren’t answered there can be answered by myself or one of our staff on IRC.
No company registration? Or is this another “business” ran out of a residence in Hawaii with a Florida cell phone number as the WHOIS phone contact
@Hahn – I, the owner am in the Navy… it means I move around a bit. That said the company is registered in Colorado: http://www.sos.state.co.us/biz/BusinessEntityCriteriaExt.do – Type in BlueVM Communications LLC and you will find us.
BlueVM sucks, plain & simple.
1) Almost NO response to support tickets (avg response time I experienced was 8 days or more)
2) They did not know how to configure iptables within the VM; you can verify this via quick online search for others who experienced the same … try searching “bluevm iptables doesn’t work” via your favorite search engine. The result set should even include posts on LowEndBox; and I assure you I did not post all the comments
3) Based on these (and other) factors, it felt as if this was an “experiment” on their part to see if they could earn money while learning EVERYTHING about VPS hosting from scratch
Maybe they’ve learned something in the last few months.
Good luck to those who try BlueVM.
(Also, make sure you are not confusing this provider with BuyVM. I am not a BuyVM fanboy, I don’t have direct experience with them, and I am not trying to promote that provider, but I get the sense that people are confusing the two providers. One, apparently, is in high demand … and one SUCKS. I only have direct experience with the one that sucked for me — BlueVM)
When we first started out I hired a support technician who, as I later found out, really didn’t know anything about his job. He would intentionally bury or close tickets without doing the work required. He has since been fired and support has greatly improved. If you would like to retry our services simply email me (admin[at]bluevm.com) or open a ticket on your account and I will grant you a VPS for 3 months to retry our services.
Thanks …. but no thanks. With all due respect, my days of experimenting with BlueVM are over.
I find it quite interesting how you can now offer a coherent explanation (excuse?) on a public forum (for all the world to see); but while I was a paying customer, I didn’t get sh*t .. no explanation; no response to support tickets; no functioning VPS … nothing.
A suggestion: IF SUPPORT TICKET IN QUEUE > X DAYS AWAITING RESPONSE, THEN NOTIFY ANOTHER TECH (or supervisor, or owner, whatever) so that someone can followup. Is that too hard to do? Unless, of course, capturing new customers is more important than servicing existing ones.
when was your experience? tickets get answered on mine usually average 40minutes. except weekends, i hope they have support now on weekends.
@BlueVM Sucks, sorry for your bad experience with bluevm.
However, the things are always changing…
I also confirm that BlueVM sucks, the last interaction that I have with these incompetents was to get banned from the IRC chat for complaining the bad service.
Here is my story:
This is a personal experience that I had just now. I have tried the 1024MB ram machine, Blue3.
I’ve been doing Django websites for quite a while now and always hosting it on Linode or RackSpace. But I’m from Portugal and as you know there is economic turmoil here, the economy is degrading and the result is lack of money for quality services. Like a good old Portuguese I’ve search the web for cheaper alternatives, the crisis mandate that we find same services for less money and I found the holly grail of cheap web-hosting, http://www.lowendbox.com
The prices of the the VPS are amazing, $2, $4, $6 month for machines with 256MB-1CPU, 512MB-2CPU, 1024MB-3CPU, respectively. But the saying is equal everywhere, there are not free lunches. The reality of this cheap hosting for my experience is up-selling the machines, my specific experience with a very very cheap VPS company called BlueVM (http://www.lowendbox.com/blog/bluevm-2month-256mb-openvz-vps-in-san-jose-texas-chicago-kansas-buffalo-and-atlanta/) goes like this…
Django webapp + ElasticSearch + Celery
– First problem, account suspended after I imported the database, CPU abuse.
This django webapp have the geonames(http://www.geonames.org/) locations table for user registry. And this is a lot 3gb of data(300mb dump compressed), the total of my database. The result of deploy a database like this was to get the account suspended because CPU abuse. After an explanation I told the hosting company that I will do that in a time-frame that there is not much traffic on the server, and the hosting company agreed that it was a good time frame while US is a sleep. So I intended to do that in the next database deployment…
– Second problem, account suspended out of nothing, CPU abuse.
The web app has been deployed 2 weeks ago, and my due to my lack of time to do small bug corrections the app stayed online without being open to the public, and out of nothing I’ve got my second suspended account and for this time, permanent suspend! After I send a ticket the explanation was that I’ve maybe run some Minecraft scripts. The problem is that I never run any of that. End of my experience!
After this experience my personal thoughts are, UP-SELLING + incompetence = cheap prices
So the formula is lets up-sell the machines, contract some cheap systems admins and get really cheap prices. The problem with this I think is a service that is not suitable for any real world problems. For me it was time lost and two months of payment.
This text was only an expression of a guy that lost time and effort with cheap hosting, test at your risk.
There was an old LET thread (which seemed to at least resolve some questions) centering around the concern of ownership and such: http://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/1135/bluevm-warning
-mid nodes ONLY , exit no.
what does this mean ? LoL
Running an exit node is a nice way to get in touch with FBI :D
Running a non-exit relay wont get you in trouble because it has to go through more nodes
performance just good, but need new tk to open tun,ppp &iptables manually.
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5420 @ 2.50GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 1999.510 MHz
Total amount of ram : 128 MB
Total amount of swap : 0 MB
System uptime : 17 min,
Download speed from CacheFly: 95.2MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Atlanta GA: 6.21MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Dallas, TX: 11.9MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 9.49MB/s
Download speed from Linode, London, UK: 6.69MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 8.83MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 6.48MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 35.3MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 15.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 12.6MB/s
I/O speed : 114 MB/s
They allow users to run tor specifically as a middle node and explicitly NOT as an exit node.
When I got kicked from their help IRC for complaining about the BlueVM bad service and incompetence I’ve tried to login in the help IRC with TOR and it is banned.
Order on $1.99 /Mo provisioned in less than 5 minutes. Let’s see how this baby go.
Please post some review bro :)
How’s about the OS template and repo and some download speed
The control panel they are using for Centos is HyperVM,
Not bad at all :) compared to the low price.
Starbucks Coffee cost more than this. So, No complain from me.
I just hope the company can make some profit and last for a long long time.
BLUE3 (256/512 MB) (0 Available)
the BLUE3 out of stock…
Will be stock when they suspend some more accounts or up-sell the machines. The new stocks in BlueVM is made out of suspended accounts out of nothing or by up-selling the machines. Not a good service to waste money.
Hello all,
Stock will be added later today, stay tuned!
If I purchase a lower plan, can I upgrade (while keeping the discount) once you’ve got stock?
Sorry, didn’t see that.
Yes you can, send in a ticket for that.
Attention to all customers that have placed an order very recently,
We are short on IPs for the primary Atlanta server, so please send in a ticket to be moved to a new node with available IPs.
not waking up is not good
Yeah, that is why I cancelled an otherwise good service at a good price. If you want a set and forget box and dont want to bother with monitoring software/services, you may need to look elsewhere, however, for everything else BlueVM is not bad at all considering the price.
it’s also the same reason why i cancelled, otherwise price, hw, network are all good
Do you have an ETA on stock?
We will have additional stock on these plans within 24 hours.
just wait
Hello all,
Sorry for the wait with ticket replies, due to our sale you would expect hundreds of tickets, we will however get this sorted within 2 hours. All clients with IP issues should be resolved as new IPs have been issued. If you still have a problem, please submit a ticket and we will fix it for you.
Thank you for your understanding!
Got any nodes outside the U.S.?
Not at the moment, we plan to have locations such as Germany or Netherlands in the near future.
Stock is once again available. Get it while it lasts.
Lol, please explain the people that in BlueVM is not a suitable service for real the world. The service is a joke, the accounts can be suspended by the simple fact that you are deploying a database dump because deploying a database dump consumes a lot of CPU. Please don’t try this service, You will only waste money, effort and time with this incompetents and cheaters.
I wonder when bluevm will have KVM promotion. Thanks.
We currently have an offer on certain KVM plans too.
You missed it:
BlueVM is one of my favorite provider. I’ve been with them for over 6 months
I really satisfied with their service and now I have 6 VPS’s with them.
You had luck. What are you running in BlueVM? I got 2 suspensions of the account while deploying a Django website using Blue3(1Gb Ram). The first I waste my time to see what the reason to get the account suspended, the second time they suspend my account permanently again because of CPU abuse. I was only deploying the website, imagine what could happen in a production environment. Really, do not try to use BlueVM in a real world situation.
will still be bluevm3?
We’re issuing more stock today, once again.
Some more money wasted for nothing. BlueVM looks like a ponzi scheme. Eventually you will get a lot of guys like me that BlueVM made waste time and effort for nothing. And they will loose it and waste time telling people how bad is BlueVM. Do not waste your money with BlueVM, the service does not worth a cent.
I impressed with the prices, speed and the setup time. I still need few vps from BlueVM.
Hello all,
Fresh stock arriving very soon, 1-2 hours left. Don’t wait too long! :P
still no stock
There is a new one now
How current are the OS templates? i.e. can I get Ubuntu 12.04 or CentOS 6.x preinstalled?
Yes you can, its selectable during checkout.
@BlueVM – Can I host something like h[][]p:[double slash] www [dot] thornfruit [dot] com [slash] at BlueVM?
Thanks bro :)
Allow teamspeak or not?
I have one vps with debian6 64bit OS. tun/tap and iptables are not enable, anyway I already submitted a ticket but still no reply.
1) Can VPS run in BlueVM 1?
2) Is there available BiueVM 1 at California DC?
Forgot we had a VPS from BlueVM.
Now I remember why :)
We are on a California node. The network is fast enough. No complaint there.
The disk IO is hideous. Mind you we are on one of their larger 3 CPU Core + larger RAM packages, not a totally cheap no resource VPS package.
Here’s the disk IO problems I am referring to:
ioping.sh 0.9.8 – http://vbtechsupport.com
by George Liu (eva2000)
ioping.sh 0.9.8 MENU
1. Install ioping
2. Re-install ioping
3. Run ioping default tests
4. Run ioping custom tests
5. Exit
Enter option [ 1 – 5 ] 4
Virtuzzo OR OpenVZ Virtualisation detected
Run custom request size 4 32 64 256 (KB) test ? [y/n]: y
ioping disk I/O test
(custom 4 32 64 256 (KB) request size)
[/] ioping disk I/O test: 4K test
— / ( ) ioping statistics —
5 requests completed in 4188.3 ms, 27 iops, 0.1 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 0.2/36.8/94.2/38.4 ms
[/] ioping disk I/O test: 32K test
— / ( ) ioping statistics —
5 requests completed in 4498.1 ms, 10 iops, 0.3 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 27.7/98.7/198.5/61.8 ms
[/] ioping disk I/O test: 64K test
— / ( ) ioping statistics —
5 requests completed in 5107.4 ms, 5 iops, 0.3 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 19.6/220.4/501.1/187.5 ms
[/] ioping disk I/O test: 256K test
— / ( ) ioping statistics —
5 requests completed in 8325.9 ms, 1 iops, 0.3 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 541.9/864.1/1296.0/260.7 ms
ioping seek rate test
(custom 4 32 64 256 (KB) request size)
[/] ioping seek rate test: 4K test
— / ( ) ioping statistics —
31 requests completed in 3026.2 ms, 10 iops, 0.0 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 1.6/96.5/357.7/88.1 ms
[/] ioping seek rate test: 32K test
— / ( ) ioping statistics —
29 requests completed in 3144.1 ms, 9 iops, 0.3 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 2.0/107.3/367.9/100.1 ms
[/] ioping seek rate test: 64K test
— / ( ) ioping statistics —
13 requests completed in 3009.5 ms, 4 iops, 0.3 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 124.5/230.2/350.7/70.9 ms
[/] ioping seek rate test: 256K test
— / ( ) ioping statistics —
17 requests completed in 3021.9 ms, 6 iops, 1.4 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 24.2/176.6/480.5/110.8 ms
Everything out of stock, damn it.
Need storage and bandwith real quick. I’m searching for days now.
unable to login to their control panel http://manage.bluevm.com:8888/ to submit ticket due to my vps is not running @ California >_<
network outage?
That URL for the control panel works for me.
My VPS with them in California appears to be working. SSH’d into it now.
That URL is also working for me, the problem is tun/tap and iptables are not yet enable with my vps.
It’s allowed to install and running opendc hub and listen connections on 110 port?
My California VPS continues have disk IO slowness that is basically useless for production.
Anyone else experiencing the same?
root@hlsmijns:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=8k conv=fdatasync
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 14.0899 s, 38.1 MB/s
root@hlsmijns:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=8k conv=fdatasync
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 20.909 s, 25.7 MB/s
root@hlsmijns:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=8k conv=fdatasync
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 29.0674 s, 18.5 MB/s
root@hlsmijns:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=8k conv=fdatasync
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 28.3046 s, 19.0 MB/s
root@hlsmijns:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=8k conv=fdatasync
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 25.4314 s, 21.1 MB/s
tried the same, always better than 30MB/s, though not much:
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=8k conv=fdatasync
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 15.7994 s, 34.0 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=8k conv=fdatasync
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 16.2502 s, 33.0 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=8k conv=fdatasync
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 14.5155 s, 37.0 MB/s
I have 2 VMs with them – they claim one is in Atlanta and the other in LA. They are both in LA and have identical specs, including the ping delay time from my location. They offered a crappy setup in Kansas City and claimed it was in Illinois. That’s 500 miles off.
BlueVM please answer ticket #352881
same problem here with my California VPS
I’m experiencing the same problem as pembajak. My VPS is down, and I’m unable to access the customer support site to submit a ticket.
Turns out “The node server is down.” After ~6 hours it was back up and has been since.
Their service is crap, trust me. You go with them, you are likely to cancel your plan just as quickly has you ordered them. Network is always down and mind you, there is no refund policy. So, when you cancel, they are happy.. and they move on – Another free server to be sold.
Avoid BlueVM at all cost… they have huge downtimes and they won’t refund you a penny. Scammers! They are plently sites offering just the same without felling robbed.
Didn’t see I post almost the same as Mark.. well, i agree totally with that.
I just canceled our VPS.
Reasons: Unused and when we went to use it found very slow disk IO. Highest disk speeds I’ve seen with them are 35 MB/s. Many tests returned numbers under 20 MB/s. Those numbers are down there with an old worn out 2.5 PATA that is in the process of breaking.
Their VPS performance from an updates install (post file download), some small compiles and disk IO testing was one of the worst (SLOWEST) I’ve seen.
Surprisingly, and to their credit, the server instance was sitting at 95 days of uptime.
Personal seedbox allowed?
I can’t get into control panel. Passwords are not valid. VPS is not running. Money was not returned! The bad company…